Neighborhood Map ¯ 83 A 141-10 82 Drive 141-99 150-99 83-01 v 139-99 137-19 en Maple Grove ue 83-01 D 139-14 82-15 a Hoover Avenue n 82-99 Park L 83-40 i a e 83-20 83-59 158-09 n l s d 83-39 83-19 84-10 S 143-99 159 Street Manton e 149-99 t r r Smedley Street Playground S e e 82-99 t r 147-01 150-01 160 Street t e 159-09 e 141 Street Van Wyck Expressway t 143-01 82-99 139 Street t 160-15 83-19 e e 153-14 Grand Central Parkway Queens Boulevard tr S Coolidge Avenue 83-01 161 St in 83-12 Q20A a 84-33 83-54 Q60 Q20B M 141-71 83-40 t 84 Avenue Q44 1 83-39 59 e SBS -12 83-63 150 Street 150-99 83-01 e 149-99 84 Ro 143-99 Parsons Blvd r 84-99 ad t Q60 141-38 84-17 150-01 S 160-08 147-01 n 83-01 o t Q20A n 83-99 Q20B a Q44 SBS M 143-01 Hoover Avenue 84-40 83-38 Archbishop Molloy 84-14 83-66 83-65 High School 83-13 141-99 84 Road 84-37 150-99 143-99 Smedley Street nt 143-22 84-15 Q44SBS sce 148-99 150-01 152-99 re 84-99 83-99 159-09 C ing 83-99 160-15 sh P 84 Avenue 161-01 Hoover er e 84 Avenue P r 142-09 147-01 Playground s t 8 h Parsons 3 i e 84 Avenue - n 159-1 9 e 2 g r Boulevard 9 t 16 C 0-12 S r 84-16 e s s l c ie 84-09 e n 84-08 84-10 84-09 n a 84-01 84-25 t t D en 84-01 resc 84 Road 159 Street C 147-99 150-01 151-99 152-01 152-99 158-15 84-01 en 160 Street rd 159 u Briarwood -11 161 Street B Main StreetBriarwood 84 Road 160-11 Library 84 Road 161-01 1 4 150-16 151-10 158-14 0 84 Road - 159-10 9 9 St. Demetrios 160-10 Q44SBS 141-99 142-11 142-34 2 Greek Orthodox 143-98 3 - 4 Church 84-29 8 139-01 84-33 84-36 84-34 84-39 Main Street 8 84-34 4 151 Street 151 150 Street 150 D Street 152 riv ive 84 Drive e 158-09 85-15 Dr 148-99 150-11 151-09 4 Briarwood 8 159-07 84-53 Q 84 Drive 160-15 158-10 u 84 Drive 161-09 e 150-12 151-06 152-14 84-47 e 137-73 n 159-04 84 Drive s 139-01 140-01 84-43 160-12 B 0 161-16 3 6 8-1 141-01 84-47 Maple Grove - o 13 4 84-31 84-69 84-45 84-60 84-72 84-44 8 u 84 Drive 84-59 84-66 le Cemetery v 139-01 139-18 a M r 147-99 148-01 149-99 150-11 151-11 152-11 a 8 8 d 138-44 1 5 A Parsons Boulevard 138-01 n - ven t 4 ue o 8 Jamaica Hills n 85 Avenue S Joyce Keld Briarwood t 85-01 84-99 re School, PS 117 150-12 151-10 152-10 158-09 e t 85 Road 85-01 85-01 Q44SBS 84-99 159-09 141-99 Robert A. Van Wyck 158-12 85 Avenue 84-99 160-09 School, JHS 217 Briarwood 85-01 85-15 159-10 84-99 Playground 85-18 85-01 161-15 148 Street 160-10 85 Avenue t 85-01 e e 148-01 r 144 Street 149-99 t 161-16 85-01 S 85-30 9 85 Drive 85 Road 3 1 151 Street P 85-33 143 Street 152 Street 1 139-99 149-06 a 3 r 8 s - 85-27 4 o 85-47 9 138-39 143-09 Q25 n s Q25 84-99 139-01 Q34 B Q34 o 138-09 u 149 Street 159 Street Q25 l e 138-51 150 Street 143-10 Q25 161 Street 138-40 LTD v a LTD 86 Avenue 85-49 85-49 r d 160 Street 161-17 86-01 138-10 86 Avenue Van Wyck Expressway 85-60 9 86-09 9 5- Queens Boulevard 85-49 Normal Road 139-99 8 148-09 161-16 85 Drive 85-69 Q44 138-39 85-69 SBS 139-01 160-11 85-69 Q20A 85-69 85-69 149-09 Q20B 138-40 85-99 Q60 150-09 151-09 152-09 86-10 160-14 139 Street 86 Road 85-79 Q44 85 Drive SBS 86-35 85-80 86 Road 139-99 85-75 148 Street 86-01 134-08 Q20A 150 Street 144 Street Q20B 85-91 135 Street Q60 85-90 161-45 86 Avenue 138-39 5 minutes 85-89 85-90 134 Street 86-36 139-01 159-25 86-99 86-37 86-36 138-25 86-17 86 Avenue 87-01 159-26 138-40 161-30 87 Avenue 86-40 148-01 148-99 150-01 150-99 136-11 87 Avenue Normal Road 86-99 87-01 135-09 138-26 143 Street 131-29 139-99 86 Avenue 134-13 87 Avenue 161-18 87-09 86-43 87-01 143-01 6 minutes 86-01 86 Crescent 87 Avenue 87-01 135-10 134-20 86-14 PS 86 143-02 86-10 86-09 86-10 139-01 87-01 86-05 Hillcrest High School Our Lady 87-10 of Cenacle Church 87 Road 86-99 144-45 148-01 148-99 150-01 150-99 139-99 K e 87 Avenue 87 Avenue w High School G P a for Language Queens 87-39 a r r d and Communication Boulevard s 131-17 en 136 Street Victoria o s 1 n R Development Congregational 5 s o 5 B a d Church S o e t u u 131-99 87-10 r 87-25 87-09 l n 87-09 e e 87-99 139-01 e Young Women’s Leadership e v v 87-30 a t Hillside Avenue 87-10 A School of Queens r d d 87 Drive an 135-11 144-01 144-99 148-01 150-01 l 87-99 139-99 gh Hi N 87-47 87 Road ort 87 Road 136-17 h 6 minutes Highland 87-59 Church Kew Gardens1 Road 35- 87-99 24 139 Street 87-48 88-01 Hillside Avenue 87-45 87-40 87-29 87-60 87-39 13 138-09 5- 143 Street 9 87-99 Hillside Hillside 148 Street 148 Hillside 144 Street 9 Street 150 Avenue Avenue Avenue Q43 Q43 139-99 LTD LTD 138-59 87-99 144-01 147-99 Q44 Q20A 148-01 148-99 150-01 Q43 153-99 159-01 Q43 SBS Q83 Q65 Metropolitan Avenue Q20B Q83 LTD Q65 LTD 88-99 88-01 Hillside Avenue Hillside Avenue Hillside Avenue 138-06 Hillside Avenue 1 88-01 3 140-01 Q20A Q43 Q43 Q43 Q43 6 Q44 - 138-60 LTD LTD 0 SBS Q20B Q65 5 Q65 Sutphin Blvd Parsons Blvd LTD 87-90 Q44SBS 87-80 87-79 Queens Boulevard 87-89 Q40 Street 160 Q54 87-70 Q44SBS Blvd Sutphin 87-80 Jamaica 87-79 Q56 132-99 139-99 87-69 Avenue Street 148 Jamaica Avenue 138 Street 88 Avenue Street 146 87-01 134-99 144-01 Q54 147-01 161 Street Q56 Q60 150-01 87-01 Q60 152-99 88 Avenue 153-01 153-99 159-01 Jamaica 139 Street 88 Avenue 144-06 Van Wyck 88-01 145-10 146-10 88 Avenue 88-02 88-01 88-01 88-01 Q110 88-67 Hammond Jamaica Avenue School, PS 82 Parsons Boulevard 144 Street 88-69 139-01 Jamaica 88 Road Wheel of Justice Avenue Sculpture Queens County 88-19 2 0 140-99 88-20 - Supreme Court 88-19 8 88-19 88-20 8 88-25 Jamaica Hospital 137-40 88-29 150 Street 150 153 Street 153 Medical Center 88-69 138-59 88-30 Presentation of 139-01 139-39 Blessed Virgin Mary 138-20 88-99 143-09 J 88-99 145-01 160-99 88-99 88-71 am 146-09 Roman Catholic Church a 148-01 148-99 ic 150-01 150 a A 89 Avenue -99 153-01 153-99 ve 89 Avenue n 139-01 89 Avenue 87-99 138-60 u 89-01 e 145-02 89 Avenue 133 Street 133 Jamaica 146-10 Q44 134-17 89-01 SBS Avenue 89-01 Q83 89 Avenue Q20A LTD 89-01 8 89-01 Q20A Q113 89-09 Q83 9 139-99 Q40 LTD - 2 89-01 139-10 144 Street Q43 Q114 0 89-15 148 Street 148 LTD 89-14 138 Street 138 Q83 George Eagle Carr LTD 138 Place 138 Q43 Q24 89-20 Queens Community Garden Q54 LTD Q83 139 Street 139 Jamaica Avenue Q56 Civil Court Q110 Q60 Street 145 SutphinBoulevard Q111 Q112 Jamaica 148-01 148-99 Q114 All Nations 89-01 YMCA 160-99 Rufus King 153-01 Apostolic Tabernacle Q54 Q44 Q56 Street 146 90 Avenue 143 Street 143 SBS Q60 144-99 147-28 90 Avenue Jamaica Hospital 89-99 89-99 89-99 137-33 138-09 138-29 89-99 139-09 149-02 90 Avenue Park 90-01 160-10 135 Street135 Q20A 134 Street 134 Medical Center Q20B 90-01 155-10 90 Avenue 90 Avenue America 90-01 159-02 Q40 90-01 89-99 Q43 Sevashram Sangha Van Wyck Expressway Wyck Van 137-34 138-10 138-30 139-10 Jamaica 90-01 Temple P 90-01 90-01 90-09 90-01 90-01 Avenue 90-10 Q43 Street 153 a Grace Court Grace LTD r 148Street 149 Street 149 s 145-10 Q44SBS o 148-01 148-99 Garden of n 89-99 the Month s 89-99 Lowe Court Grace B Cemetery o Jamaica Avenue u Jamaica Q44SBS l e Health Center 90-39 Q43 Jamaica v LTD a Avenue King Manor Museum r Samantha Smith 153-09 d 89-99 Jamaica 89-99 Jamaica 90-39 School, PS 182 Q30 90 Road Market 134-09 Q31 90-40 Q43 90-01 148-01 Grace Episcopal 146 Street 90-99 90-99 90-99 90-99 90-99 90-99 91 Avenue 137-31 138-09 90-99 138-29 139-09 143-09 144-09 90-49 Church 147-10 90-50 146-01 90-49 Jamaica 90-99 160-09 135-06 91 Avenue 91 Avenue J 148-99 146-99 am Avenue 159-19 aica 90-99 137-40 138-30 139-10 143-10 Av 155-99 91 Avenue 147-34 enue 91-01 91-01 91-01 91-01 92-01 Q24 Howard Von Dohlen Jamaica Avenue Jamaica Avenue 92-01 Playground 92-01 Sutphin Blvd-Archer Av 147 Place 91-15 JFK Airport 160 Street Sutphin Boulevard 148 Street 144 Place 138 Street 138 Place 138 139 Street 139 143 Street 92-09 92-02 92-10 146-01 146-99 92-09 90-89 147-09 Queens Jamaica Performing 92-19 149 Street 91-10 92-99 147-25 150Street Q44SBS 92-99 149-01 149-99 Family Court Arts Center 144-99 Q44 Q20A 150-01 91-99 91-99 91-99 137-31 138-29 91-99 139-09 143-09 144-01 SBS Q20B Social Security Administration Q44SBS Archer Avenue Q44SBS Archer Avenue Archer Avenue 159-01 Archer Avenue 92-99 159-99 Morris Park Facility Q20A Q24 LIRR and AirTrain Q44 SBS Q20B Q44SBS Q24 Archer Avenue Q30 Q31 Jamaica Center Parsons/Archer Jamaica Station Long Island Rail Road AirTrain to John F.
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