PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Planning and Economic Development Committee held within the Council Offices, Clydebank on Wednesday, 21st August 1996 Present: Provost Patrick O’Neill (LAB)*, Councillors Mary Campbell (LAB), John Syme (LAB), Anthony Devine (LAB), Alistair Macdonald (LAB), James Doherty (LAB), James Flynn (LAB), William Mackechnie (SNP), Craig McLaughlin (SNP), Ronald McColl (SNP) and James Chirrey (SNP). Attending: Ian Fernie, Director of Planning and Economic Development, Stephen Brown, Manager - Legal and Administrative Services, Alasdair Gregor, Planning Services Manager, Irving Hodgson, Economic Development Manager, Phil Gaunt, Area Planning Officer (West) and Kevin Neeson, Area Planning Officer (East). Apology for An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Councillor Geoffrey Absence: Calvert (LAB). * Attended later in meeting Councillor James Doherty in the Chair MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The Minutes of Meetings of the Planning and Economic Development Committee held on 5th and 26th June 1996 were submitted and approved on the motion of Councillor Doherty, seconded by Councillor Campbell. NOTE OF PLANNING VISITATION - 24TH JUNE 1996 There was submitted a Note of Planning Visitation carried out on 24th June 1996 in respect of the undernoted planning application (Appendix 1 hereto):- Proposed change of use of premises from store to garage/workshop (Retrospective) at Albert Street, Alexandria (Ref. No. VL.4735). Following discussion, it was agreed that the report be noted. PLANNING ADVICE NOTE 49: LOCAL PLANNING There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development summarising the contents of the recently published Scottish Office Development Department Planning Advice Note 49 on Local Planning which sets out revised guidance on the content of local plans. Page 1 of 27 The Committee agreed to note the report. NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY GUIDELINE (NPPG11) - SPORT, PHYSICAL RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development summarising the content of the final version of the Scottish Office Development Department National Planning Policy Guideline (NPPG 11) on Sport, Physical Recreation and Open Space which (a) describes the role of the planning system in making provision for sports and physical recreation activities and protecting and enhancing open space, and (b) defines the factors the Secretary of State will take into account in his consideration of development plans, planning appeals and other cases, together with setting out the action required of local authorities in that regard. The Committee agreed to note the report. DRAFT NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY GUIDELINES - TRANSPORT AND PLANNING There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development intimating that the Scottish Office Development Department had invited comments on draft National Planning Policy Guidelines on Transportation and Planning which address the relationship between land use planning and transport with due regard to sustainable development. In view of the deadline set by the Scottish Office for submission of responses an Officer response, which also incorporated comments by the Director of Roads and Technical Services on the matter, had been made as undernoted:- (1) The Draft NPPG was welcomed in general terms for providing closer integration between development plans and transportation planning and implementation. (2) Clarification was sought on the meaning of the phrase "capable of being well served by good public transport" in relation to consideration of the expansion of settlements. (3) As well as peak traffic growth there should be some indication of the Government's policy towards the justification of road construction/widening, particularly at the point which traffic growth between urban areas would not be provided for. (4) Whilst rail transport was mentioned, it would be beneficial if there was more guidance on the pro-active development of the railway system. (5) Statements regarding the `benefits' of bus deregulation should be backed-up by supporting evidence. Page 2 of 27 (6) Clarification was sought as to how local authorities could work `in partnership' with rail and bus operators. (7) There was emphasis on locating new development near public transport provision, however the government appeared to be relying on market mechanisms to provide public transport. Given the free workings of the market (except for subsidised services) public transport provision was difficult to predict in the future. Further consideration should be given to the implementation of policies related to public transport due to this market variability. Clarification was sought as to how developers could contribute, through agreements with local authorities, towards the provision of noncommercial public transport services, particularly given the ongoing revenue costs. (8) There was great weight put on development plans, particularly local plans, providing detailed guidance and analysis of transport issues. Whereas other guidance suggested that local plans be more concise, the added detailed consideration of transportation matters, particularly traffic management issues, would increase the complexity of local plans, the number of issues likely to be subject to objection and the level of resources required for the analysis of transportation. Whilst welcoming the integration of planning and transportation, concern remained that too much detail was being required of local plans particularly where they covered large areas. It was considered that such details be included in corporately prepared Transport Strategy Documents which could be clearly related to local plans. Following discussion, the Committee agreed that the action taken by the Director be homologated and that the comments contained in the Director's report be adopted as the Council's formal response to the draft document. PLANNING ADVICE NOTE 48: PLANNING APPLICATION FORMS There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development summarising the advice contained in the recently published Planning Advice Note on Planning Application Forms whose purpose was to advise local authorities on the content and layout of planning applications whilst providing good practice models in relation thereto. The Committee agreed to note the report. Provost O'Neill entered the meeting at this stage of proceedings. NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY GUIDELINE (NPPG) 3: LAND FOR HOUSING AND PLANNING ADVICE NOTE (PAN) 38: STRUCTURE PLANS HOUSING LAND REQUIREMENTS There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development regarding changes which had been made recently in policy guidance and advice in relation to the issue of land for housing, arising from the issue by the Scottish Office Development Department of two draft revised publications, National Planning Policy Guideline (NPPG) 3: Page 3 of 27 Land for Housing and Planning Advice Note (PAN) 38: Structure Plans Housing Land Requirements. Following discussion, the Committee (a) Noted the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Guideline 3: Land for Housing and the Planning Advice Note 38: Structure Plans - Housing Land Requirements, (b) Approved the Director's report as the Council's formal response to the Scottish Office with the condition that in the event of any significant alterations being made to the draft before it is finalised, these changes be subject to further consultation, and (c) Agreed that the report be sent to the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan Committee, in order to highlight the necessity of ensuring that joint agreement was reached on the level and location of additional housing land to meet requirements in the future. REVIEW OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (USE CLASSES) (SCOTLAND) ORDER 1989 - SCOTTISH OFFICE CONSULTATION PAPER There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development regarding a Consultation Paper issued by the Scottish Office concerning the proposed changes to the "Use Classes Order" whereby planning permission is required for material changes in the use of land and buildings but is not required for a change of use where both the existing and proposed uses fall within the same "Use Classes Order". It was agreed that the Director of Planning and Economic Development respond on behalf of the Council to the Scottish Office on the Consultation Paper as undernoted:- (1) The deletion of the Special Industrial Classes was acceptable as recent legislation appeared to cover most of the processes within these classes. (2) The proposed amendment to the House class to permit limited bed and breakfast/guest house use would be difficult to enforce and there is a preference for the Dumbarton District Council approach based on numbers of rooms used. (3) The proposal to amend the amenity test for Class 4 Business use is welcomed in that the impact on the environment is the determining factor. (4) Of the options proposed for hot food take-away shops there is a preference for making them "sui generis" (not in a class). (5) The proposed change to limit the size of car showrooms that could be changed to retail was welcomed and should help prevent loss of control over retail outlets. Page 4 of 27 THE TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING (GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT) (SCOTLAND) AMENDMENT ORDER 1996: CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) CAMERAS There was submitted a report by the Director of Planning and Economic Development
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