<rongrcssional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 89th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Governor of Virginia, with an enclosure, SENATE will call the roll. which the clerk will read. The legislative clerk read as follows: MoNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1966 The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, The lOth day of January being the day their names: GoVERNOR's OFFICE, prescribed by Public Law 89-340, 89th Richmond, Nooember 12, 1965. Congress, 1st session, for the meeting of [No. 1 Leg.] Hon. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, the 2d session of the 89th Congress, the Aiken Hayden Murphy Vice President of the United States, AHott Hickenlooper Muskie Washington, D.C. Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Anderson Hill Nelson Capitol. Bartlett Holland Pastore SIR: The Honorable Harry F. Byrd sub­ Bass Hruska Pe~on mitted his resignation as a Member of the The VICE PRESIDENT called the Bayh Inouye Pehl U.S. Senate as of 10 p.m. Wednesday, Novem­ Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. Bennett Jordan. N.C . Prouty ber 10, 1965. It was accepted as of that date Bishop w. Earl Ledden, of the Wesley Bible Jordan, Idaho Proxmire and recorded in the Executive Journal No­ Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C., Boggs Kennedy, Mass. Randolph vember 11, 1965. Brewster Kennedy, N.Y. Robertson offered the following prayer: Burdick Kuchel Russell, S.C. A copy of Senator Byrd's letter of resigna­ Byrd, W.Va.. Lausche Russell, Ga. tion is enclosed. Almighty and Eternal God, before C81Ilnon Long, Mo. Salltonstall Sincerely yours, whom nations rise and fall, grant us now C&.rlson Long, La. Scott A. S. HARRISON, Jr. the grace to be still and to know that Case Mansfield Simpso.n Thou art God. Thou art the God of Church McCarthy Smith Clark McClellan Sparkman u.s. SENATE, Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. Thou Cooper McGee Stennis COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, art, too, the God of Washington, of Lin­ Curtis McGovern Symington Dirksen Mcintyre Talmadge November 6, 1965. coln, and of the Unknown Soldier. Be Dodd McNamara. Thurmond His Excellency ALBERTIS S. HARRISON, Jr., now the God of these chosen and trusted Ellender Me·tca.lf Tower Gooernor of Virginia, leaders of the people who, in this new Fannin Miller Tydings Richmond, Va. year, are again assembled in the Nation's Fulbright Monda.le WUliams, Del. MY DEAR GOVERNOR HARRisON: It WaS 50 Gore Monroney Yarborough years ago this month that I first was elected service. Gruening Montoya Young, N. De.k. Morse Young, Ohio to the Senate of Virginia. Since then We recognize Thy guiding hand in the Ha.rris through the partiality and generosity of the high achievements wrought in this his­ Hart Moss Ha.rtke Mundt people of Virginia. I have served as Governor toric Chamber in the year that is gone. of our Commonwealth and for nearly 33 years May this new year record new and even Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I announce I have served in the U.S. Senate. greater strides toward the shining goal of that the Senator f,rom Alaska [Mr. BART­ The people of Virginia have been so very freedom and the common good that is LETT], the junior Senator from Washing­ good to me and I have overwhelming grati­ the American dream. ton [Mr. JACKSON] and the senior Sen­ tude for the confidence they have shown in me through so many years. I have sought to For such continuing achievement in­ ator from Washington [Mr. MAGNUSON] merit this confidence by dedicating myself spire and equip Thy servants in this new are absent on official business. to those programs and policies which, in my session. Grant them strength equal to I also announce that the Senator from judgment, were in the best interests of all their task, integrity equal to all test­ Illinois [Mr. DouGLAS], the Senator from the people of our State and Nation. I am ings, wisdom sufficient to light the way Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND], the Senator fully conscious, of course, that I have made ahead, devotion to match each day's from North Carolina [Mr. ERVIN], the errors of judgment, but I have sought, as best demands. Senator from Oregon [Mrs. NEUBERGER], I could, to conscientiously discharge my We pray that i:Q these days of mortal the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. RIBI­ responsibilities to the best of my ability. coFF], the Senator from Florida [Mr. Always have I tried to be frank with the peril America may be privileged to lift a people of Virginia. During this past session brave, clear voice in the council of the SMATHERS], and the Senator from New of Congress, which was a long and difficult nations in defiance of terror and all tyr­ Jersey [Mr. WILLIAMS] are necessarily one, I found that the burdens of office bore anny, and in defense of the things that absent. more heavily on my shoulders than at any make for peace. Grant that this voice, Mr. DIRKSEN. I announce that the time in the past. I found that I tired more so widely heard, may find ready and Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. CoT­ easily, particularly during the long commit­ friendly response throughout the earth. TON], the Senator from Colorado [Mr. tee sessions. In looking toward the forth­ May our own deeds make it manifest DoMINICK], the Senator from Hawaii coming session, which starts in Januar·y, [Mr. FoNGJ, and the Senator from Ken­ and after consultations with my physicians to all mankind that our sincere desire is concerning the pain I have been suffering as for the rejection of war as the brutal, tucky [Mr. MoRTON] are necessarily ab­ a result of arthri·tis, I have reluctantly senseless arbiter among the nations, and sent. reached the conclusion that I must give up for the establishment of the rule of rea­ The Senator from New York [Mr. the heavy responsibilities entrusted to me by son and justice in good will among men. JAVITS] is absent on official business. the people of Virginia. I have concluded So may the peoples and rac·es of all The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum that the time has come for someone younger is present. to bear these burdens and shoulder these re­ mankind have reason to rejoice with us sponsib1lities. that Thou hast made and preserved us I hereby submit my resignation as a Mem­ a nation. In the !lame of Christ. Amen. ber of the U.S. Senate, to become effective SENATOR FROM VIRGINIA-CRE- upon receipt of this letter. DENTIALS-RESIGNATION AND While this letter is addressed to you, CALL OF THE ROLL APPOINTMENT Albertis, as the chief executive of our Com­ monwealth, I would be pleaseP, for you to M'r. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair make it available to the people of Virginia, suggest the absence of a quorum. lays before the Senate a letter from the for whom, in my heart, I have enduring CXII--1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 10, 1966 gratitude. While I shall no longer be in pub­ Arizona.-Carl Hayden and Paul J. Texas.-Ralph w. Yarborough and lic office I shall continue to take a keen in­ Fannin. John G. Tower. terest in Virginia and in her people. Arkansas.-John L. McClellan and To you, personally, I send my warm re­ Utah.-Wallace F. Bennett and Frank gards. J. W. Fulbright. E. Moss. Faithfully, California.-Thomas H. Kuchel and Vermont.-George D. Aiken and Win­ HARRY F. BYRD. George Murphy. ston L. Prouty. Received and accepted this date, Novem­ Colorado.-Gordon Allott and Peter H. Virginia.-A. Willis Robertson and ber 10, 1965, and recorded November 11, Dominick. Harry Flood Byrd, Jr. 1965. Conne.cticut.-Thomas J. Dodd and Washington.-Warren G. Magnuson A. S. HARRISON, Jr., Abraham A. Ribico:ff. and Henry M. Jackson. Governor. Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. West Virginia.-Jennings Randolph The VICE PRESIDENT. The letter Caleb Boggs. and Robert C. Byrd. of resignation will be placed on file with Florida.-Spessard L. Holland and Wisconsin.-William Proxmire and the Secretary of the Senate. George A. Smathers. Gaylord Nelson. Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, I Georgia.-Richard B. Russell and Wyoming.-Gale W. McGee and Mil­ present the certificate of appointment of Herman E. Talmadge. ward L. Simpson. Hon. HARRY F. BYRD, JR., as a Senator H awaii.-Hiram L. Fong and Daniel from the State of Virginia. K.Inouye. The VICE PRESIDENT. The certifi­ Idaho.-Frank Church and Len B. RESIGNATION OF FELTON M. JOHN­ cate of appointment will be read. Jordan. STON AS SECRETARY OF THE Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett The legislative clerk read as follows: SENATE AND JOSEPH C. DUKE McKinley Dirksen. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, AS SERGEANT AT ARMS GoVERNOR'S OFFICE, Indiana.-Vance Hartke. and Birch E. Richmond, November 12, 1965. Bayh. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Hon. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, Iowa.-Bourke B. Hickenlooper and lays before the Senate sundry communi- Vice Presi dent of the Uni ted States, Jack Miller. cations to the Senate. The communica- Washington, D.C. Kansas.-Frank Carlson and James B. tions will be printed in the RECORD at SIR: I enclose certificate appointing the Pearson. this point. Honorable HARRY F. BYRD, JR., of Winchester, Va., to fill the vacancy in the office of U.S. Kentucky.-John S. Cooper and Thrus- The communications are as follows: Senator from Virginia. ton B. Morton. u.s. SENATE, Respectfully yours, Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender and OFFicE oF THE SEcRETARY, A. S. HARRISON, Jr.
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