pax technica YY6658.indb6658.indb i 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1811:15:18 AAMM YY6658.indb6658.indb iiii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1811:15:18 AAMM philip n. howard pax technica how the internet of things may set us free or lock us up new haven & london YY6658.indb6658.indb iiiiii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1811:15:18 AAMM Published with assistance from the Mary Cady Tew Memorial Fund. Copyright © 2015 by Philip N. Howard. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. An online version of the work is made available under a Creative Commons license for use that is noncommercial and not derivative. The terms of the license are set forth at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. For more information about a digital copy of the work, please see the author’s website: http://philhoward.org/. Yale University Press books may be purchased in quantity for educational, business, or promotional use. For information, please e-mail sales.press@yale .edu (U.S. offi ce) or [email protected] (U.K. offi ce). Set in Joanna type by Newgen North America, Austin, Texas. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN 978-0-300-19947-5 (cloth : alk. paper) Catalogue records for this book are available from the Library of Congress and the British Library. This paper meets the requirements of ansi/niso z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 YY6658.indb6658.indb iivv 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM For Gina Neff, who makes things possible and worthwhile. YY6658.indb6658.indb v 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM This page intentionally left blank contents Preface xi Introduction xix 1. Empire of Connected Things 1 Carna Surveils the Realm, 2 What’s in a Pax? 4 The Demographics of Diffusion, 8 Information Technology and the New World Order, 11 Pax Romana, Britannica, Americana, 14 The Balaceras of Monterrey, 17 The Internet Is Also a Surveillance State, 22 The Wars Only Bots Will Fight, 27 The Political Empire of Connected Things, 33 2. Internet Interregnum 37 Discovering the UglyGorilla, 38 Devices of Hope, 42 The Demographics of Diffusion, 44 The Zapatistas Reboot History, 47 From Gold to Bits, 53 States Don’t Own It, Though They Fight Hard to Control It, 56 vii YY6658.indb6658.indb vviiii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM contents A New Kind of New Order, 59 But It’s Not a Westphalian— or Feudal—World, 62 3. New Maps for the New World 67 Mapping Hispaniola, 68 Dictators and Dirty Networks, 71 Mubarak’s Choice, 73 We Are All Laila, 75 Governments, Bad and Fake, 79 The Dictator’s Digital Dilemma, 84 Finding Kibera, 88 Dirty Networks, Collapsing, 91 The Democracy of Devices, 99 4. Five Premises for the Pax Technica 107 Learning from the Internet Interregnum, 108 First Premise: The Internet of Things Is Being Weaponized, 112 Second Premise: People Use Devices to Govern, 119 Third Premise: Digital Networks Weaken Ideologies, 123 Fourth Premise: Social Media Solve Collective Action Problems, 136 Fifth Premise: Big Data Backs Human Security, 139 Defi ning the Pax Technica, 145 5. Five Consequences of the Pax Technica 148 Empire of Bits—A Scenario, 149 First Consequence: Networked Devices and the Stability of Cyberdeterrence, 153 Second Consequence: Governance Through the Internet of Things, 157 Third Consequence: From a Clash of Civilizations to a Competition Between Device Networks, 162 viii YY6658.indb6658.indb vviiiiii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM contents Fourth Consequence: Connective Action and Crypto Clans, 168 Fifth Consequence: Connective Security and Quality of Life, 175 The Downside of Connective Security, 179 6. Network Competition and the Challenges Ahead 183 My Girlfriend Went Shopping . in China, 184 Authoritarian, but Social, 196 Bots and Simulations, 202 DRM for the Material World? 211 Other Challenges (That Are Lesser Challenges), 214 The Downside of Up, 218 Rival Devices on Competing Networks, 220 7. Building a Democracy of Our Own Devices 224 Your Coffee Betrays You, 225 Internet Succession: Computers, Mobiles, Things, 229 The World Ahead, 232 The Hope and Instability of Hackers and Whistle Blowers, 235 Firing the Social Scientists—and Training New Ones, 240 Putting the Civic into the Internet of Things, Domestically, 242 Device Networks and Foreign Affairs, 249 How Can You Thrive in the Pax Technica? 254 The Promise of the Pax, 255 Notes 259 Glossary 295 Acknowledgments 299 Index 303 ix YY6658.indb6658.indb iixx 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM This page intentionally left blank preface In the next few years we will be immersed in a world of con- nected devices. This book is about the political impact of hav- ing everyone and everything connected through digital net- works. The “internet of things” consists of human-made objects with small power supplies, embedded sensors, and addresses on the internet. Most of these networked devices are everyday items that are sending and receiving data about their conditions and our behavior. Unlike mobile phones and computers, devices on these networks are not designed for deliberate social inter- action, content creation, or cultural consumption. The bulk of these networked devices simply communicate with other de- vices: coffeemakers, car parts, clothes, and a plethora of other products. This will not be an internet you experience through a browser. Indeed, as the technology develops, many of us will be barely aware that so many objects around us have power, are sensing, and are sending and receiving data. One industry analyst estimates that the internet of things will have an installed base of twenty-six billion devices by 2020, only a billion of which will be personal computers, tablets, and smartphones. An industry consulting fi rm estimates thirty billion connected devices. One of the main manufacturers of xi YY6658.indb6658.indb xxii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM preface networking equipment estimates fi fty billion devices and ob- jects. In the next fi ve years more than a thousand networked “nanosats”—relatively small satellites that operate in formation and have low transition power—will be launched into space. Drone production, whether for the military or hobbyists, is dif- fi cult to track. But government security services have them, and activists and humanitarian organizations have them, too. A re- port from the OECD on the internet of things estimates that a family of four will go from having an average of ten devices con- nected to the internet now to twenty-fi ve in 2017 and fi fty by 2022. Every one of those will have sensors and a radio that can broadcast information about the time, the device’s location, its status, and how it has been used.1 Industry estimates like this are often bullish. But it is safe to say that by 2020 there will be around eight billion people on the planet, and three or four times as many connected devices. En- gineers expect so many of these connected devices that they have reconfi gured the addressing system to allow for 2 to the 128th power addresses–enough for each atom on the face of the earth to have 100 internet addresses.2 The internet of things is devel- oping now because we’ve fi gured out how to give everything we produce an address, we have enough bandwidth to allow device- to-device communications, and we have the capacity to store all the data those exchanges create. But why write a book, now, about the politics of the next internet? Many of us are not happy with the internet we have now and are eager to fi nd more ways of protecting individual privacy, sharing data, and bringing access to everyone. The internet of things, with embedded sensors and extensive device networks, xii YY6658.indb6658.indb xxiiii 22/2/15/2/15 11:15:1911:15:19 AAMM preface will solve some problems but exacerbate others. Many of the de- sign choices for this next internet are being made now, and our experience over the past twenty-fi ve years is that it is almost im- possible to use public policy to guide technology development after the technology has rolled out to consumers. And there are clues—there is evidence—about how the political internet has de- veloped that can help us anticipate the problems and think pro- actively about how to steer the massive engineering project that is the internet of things. For example, the latest smartphones, watches, and wearable technologies reveal how immersive and pervasive the internet of things will be. Cell phones have the ability to take one location point per second, but don’t do so because their power supply is limited. If you give an application on your phone permission to use location information, it will send information to a server at the rate the developer chooses. If you use a crowd-sourcing ap- plication for traffi c data, your phone is sending data about your commute. If you use an application to keep track of your jog- ging, your phone is generating geotagged data about your move- ments relative to other people. Every time you take a picture, check in with your favorite social networking application, or track your health, data is sent from your phone to a cell phone tower or router and over a vast network of digital switches.
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