1446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 25, inventions and improvements made by him in bell-boats, buoy-boats, rington, and of 280 citizens of Springfield, Massachusetts, for the and spar-buoys, used by the United States-to the Committee on repeal of the tax on bank deposits ana the two-cent stamp on banlt Commerce. checks and drafts-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By lli. DEUSTER: The petition of 320 citizens of Milwaukee, Wis­ By Mr. RUSSELL: The petition of 200 citizens of Lawrence, and consin, for the repeal of the tax on bank deposits and the two-cent of 360 citizens of Lowell, Massachusetts, for the repeal of the tax on . stamp on bank checks and di·afts-to the Committee on Ways and bank deposits and the two-cent stamp on bank checks and drafts­ Means. to the same committee. By Mr. DUNN: Papers relating to the claim of Philip R. Jones By Mr. SHALLENBERGER: The resolutions of the Philadelphi~ and of James R. Lafferry-severally to the Committee on War Claims. Conference of Baptist Ministe~, against the passage of Honse bill No. By Mr. ELLIS : Papers relating to the claim of John Mahoney-to 2677, providing for the distribution of unclaimed bounty due colored the same committee. soldiers-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. GEDD"ES: The petition of 0. H. Booth, E. W. Smith, and Also, the petition of L. E. Christman and others, honorably dis­ 790 others, citizens of Richland County, Ohio, for legislation for the char§ed soldiers of Washington, Pennsylvania, in behalf of a sol­ suppression of}'olygamy-to the Committee on the Judiciary. diers home at Erie, Pennsylvania-to the same committee. By :Mr. GUENTHER: T4e petition of citizens of Green Bay and By Mr. 0. R. SINGLETON: Pape1·s relating to the claim of Will­ Fort Howard, Wisconsin, for legislation to abolish polygamy-to the iam L. Clearman-to the Committee on War Claims. same committee. By Mr. SPAULDING: The petitions of80 citizens of Lansing, of By Mr. B. W. HARRIS: The petition of 40citizensofTaunton, and 22 citizens of Flint, and of 40 citizens of Corunna, ·Michigan, for the of 80 citizens of Brockton, Massachusetts, for repeal of the tax on bank repeal of the tax on bank deposits and the two-cent stamp on bank deposits, and the two-cent stamp on bank checks and drafts-to the checks and drafts-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Ways and Means. By 1\Ir. STONE : The petition of 300 citizens of Salem, Massachu­ By Mr. HASKELL: Memorial of the Indian Treaty-Keeping and setts, for the repeal of the tax on bank deposits and the two-cent Protective Association, relative to the treatment of Indians-to the stamp on bank checks and drafts-to the same committee. Committee on Indian Affairs. Also, the petition of Harwich, Scituate, Camden, and other towns By .M:r. G. \V. HEWITT: Papers relating to the claiin of George of Massachusetts, for the abrogation ofthe thirty-third article of the c. -Arrington-to the Committee on War Claims. treaty of Washington-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. HOUR: Papers relating to the claim of Theodore T. Cof­ Byl\Ir. J. T. UPDEGRAFF: The petition of JosephPetersonand89 fin-to the same committee. others, citizens of Carroll, Jefferson, and Columbiana Counties, Ohio, By Mr. HUBBELL: Papers relating to the claim of the heirs of for legislation regulating railway transportation-to the Committee William A . .Burt-to the Committee on Claims. on Commerce. By 1\!r. JADWIN: The-petition of A. A. Clearwater and 22 others, By Mr. VANCE: The report of Colonel T. S. Abertt...Department of honorably dischar!?ed soldiers ; of 44 members of Spalding Post of Engineers, in relation to work on the French Broad .tdver, in North the Grand Army of the Republic, and of A.M. Snow and 14 others, Carolina.-to the same committee. honorably discharged soldiers, of Pennsylvania, forthepassageofthe Also, papers relating to the claim of Austin G. Day-to the Com­ bill (H. R. No. 1440) for the establishment ofasoldiers' home at Erie, mittee on Patents. Pennsylvania-severally to the Committee on Military Affairs. By 1rlr. WEST: The petition of citizens of Schuylerville, Amster­ By 1\Ir. KLOTZ: The petition of soldiers of Carbon County who dam, Saratoga Springs, Johnstown, Ballston Fonda, and ·schenec­ served in Pennsylvania regiments in the war of the rebellion, in tady, ill the State of New York, for the repe;J of the tax on bank de­ favor of the establishment of a soldiers' home at Erie, Pennsylvania­ posits and the two-cent stamp on bank checks and drafts-to the to the same committee. Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. MANNING: Papers relating to the claims of Emmet J. By 1\Ir. YOUNG : Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce and Mer­ Parham, of George W. Wiffieton, of Andrew Cathey, of Robert S. chants' Exchange of the city of Cincinnati, praying for legislatiou. McDonald, aud of' 1\Irs. Lucy A. Jameson-severally to the Commit- to deepen the channel and improve the harbor of the city of llalti­ tee on War Claims. · more in the interest of cheap transportation of freights from Cincin­ By Mr. McCLURE: The petition of John A. Clark and otherR, nati to the nearest point on the seaboard-to the Committee on Com­ citizens of Wadsworth, Medina County, Ohio, for le~islationfor t!le merce. suppression of polygamy-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. McCOOK: The petition of citizens of New York City, pray­ ing for the passage of a bill.creating a permanently wide and deep channel through Sandy Hook Bar-to the Committee on Commerce. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. McKgNziE : Papers relating to the claim of Charles Hale­ to the Committee on War Claims. SATURDAY, February 25, 1882. By Mr. MOORE: The petition of citizens of Tennessee, praying that a pension be granted !\Irs. James K. Polk, widow of the late The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. President Polk-to the Committee on Pensions. 1:<'. D. POWER. Also, papers .relating to the claim of the c~ty of Memphis, Tennes­ The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. see; of Wiley T. Cargill, executor of estate of Wiley Cargill, de­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE . ceased; of Clara E. Bryan; of Mary Geary; of Charles C. Burke, A message from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of their clerks, administrator of Mrs. Emer Abbott; of Julia C. Bailey, administra­ announced that the Senate ha-d passed a bill ( S. No. 138) for the relief trix; and of Indiana E. Hughes-severally to the Committee on War of James Burke; and also that the Senate had passed with amend­ Claims. ments the bill (H. R. No. 4221) to provide for certain ofthemosturgent By Mr. MULDROW: Papers relating to the claim of J. W. Cau- deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the Government sey, of Corinth, Mississippi-to the same committee. · for the fiscal year ending June 30, 18821 and for other purposes; in .By Mr. NORCROSS: The petition of 120 citizens of Holyoke, Mas­ which bill and amendments the concurrence of the House of Repre­ sachusetts, for the repeal of the tax on bank deposits and the two­ sentatives was requested. cent stamp on bank checks and drafts-to the Committee on Ways and Means. PROTECTION OF Al\IERICAN CITIZE~S ABROAD. By 1\lr. O'NEILL: Memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, l\lr. FLOWER. 1\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent at this time giving reasoUB why the Senate bill No. 630, kno·wn as the Sherman for leave to introduc-e the resolutions which I send to the dei<k, and bill, to facilitate the decisions in controvertedquestionsin customs­ request that the same be printed in the RECORD and referred to the revenue cases, should not become a law-to the same committee. Committee on Forei~ Afl'airs. Also, the petition of 600 citizens of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, These resolutions embody the sentiments of 8,000 of the working­ for the repeal of the tax on bank deposits and the two-cent stamp on men of the city of New York-men who at their country's call are bank checks and drafts-to the same committee. always the first in the ranks of battle, and who ask that this Congress Also, memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, m·ging the pas­ shall extend relief toward their friends confined in foreign prisons. sage of an act giving jurisdiction to United States courts over claims The SPEAKER. Without objection the resolutions will be printed upon theundividedportio.n of the Geneva award, before which court in the RECORD and referred to ·the Committee on Foreign Affairs. every claimant can be heard-to the Committee on the Judiciary. There was no objection. The resolutions are as follows: Also, memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, urging the ap­ .A.t a. meeting of the delegates of the vario115 divisions of the Laborers' Union Pro­ pointment of a commission to report to Congress upon the subject tective Society, representing 8, 000 men, held at Central Hall, 229 East Forty-seventh street, on February 22, 1882, the following resolutions were unanimonsly adopted : of interstate comme-rce-to the Committee on Commerce. Resolved, That. in view of the despotic incarceration of such native or auvpltJJ. By Mr. PETTIB( '1\TE: Papers relating to the pension claim of citizens of the United States as are known to be or may hereafter be im~risonetl by Mary Catharine Trt:..t!aler-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.
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