• • Volume V Number 7 E C B 8 7 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending December 7, 1935 For Story of the Cover Portrait, See Page 19 Tibbett's Private Life' Joison's Revelations In Next Week's Issue: ONCE in a yellow moon (yes, it's usually blue but let's gi\c some other color a chance) \Ne run ilcross a title for a story that tickles us frum the top of our head nAnt down to our pinkies. In thi'j j""ue. for in· stance, \\ c get warm all OHr at the mcrc I hought of HIzHblllg BTldef 5mg Best-page 6. Don't :'\,k us why. ;'\l'xt wcek \\e\"e Aot another. It's ClfDld I~ a pooch. Silly isn·t it? II's been s1l1gmg 111 our heaJ sin..:e \\e fir~t ,aw it. 1 he pooch in the ca ...e is really l\\O pooches, one a cottic named Cbt·e't'le. and the other a Spaniel nameJ Pdey. Bet\\l'(-'n them they bu-.te..i up onc radio romance and st.arted another which nO\\ gets Its mali ,IS Mr. and l\lrs. Conrad Thib:JUIt. If tht.:re·s a solitary fli..:ker of romance in you, you'll Conrad rush right out with your o\\n pooch­ ADIES and gentlemen, if I sound KATE SMITH gave me an idea the Thibault and then see what happens. like a radio announcer for the other day. She was in the office and we SI:"CE the amazing day Lawrence Tibbett flung Ma- next few minutes, please forgive were talking about Christmas Holidays. dame\lda on her umpah (Ihe story·s on D::lges 4-5). L he hasn', taken a backv,:ard step from man, w()man. or me. Like those often abused "Where are you going to spend Christ­ in rant. An earnest young m:tn, he nc\-er has permilled gentlemen, I have a story which must mas this year?" I asked. She said, anyone to trifle wilh him. If one did trifle.. What! It mu~t haH hcen fale or something that cast fiery. be told. I hope (as they hope-though "With Mother." heautlful .Icritla, buxom idol of grand often in vain) that you'll listen to Mind you, she didn't name a city opera. oppmitc him when ')hc \\a, at her tnfling-c... t lx· ... t. The result was a rough­ all I say. or a place. Her mind flashed immedi­ hou ... c ..,:candaI that still has some of our The broadcastmg business is riding ately to a person. And that started me be,t tongucs wagging. Tibbell's c\'cr­ ready fists swung and-but. dear, dear. high these days. So are the stars of to thinking. Most of us, when we get Ihat would be spoilinj:l; the high spot of radio. A nd so, to come to the point, is out in the world. leave Mother behind. Instalment Two of 'I hirty·Eight Years of Rebellion. Read it next week. and if RADIO GUIDE. With this issue, we pass Most of us hitch our wagons to the it doesn·t make you W<lnt to he a rebel. Maria what the historians call a milestone. stars of big business or raising a family too. we'll wear bangs the rest of our life. Jeritza Personally, I've never Seen a milestone, and are guilty of the unlovely crime of MA YBE you've already noticed the newsiness of all nor met anyone who ever had seen a neglect. Curiously, I began to ask our news columns this week. Here's whr. We've' just acquired a half-dolen fine sets of in~portfl key-hole milestone, so I wouldn't know if that other stars their Christmas plans. Many spectacles. transom periscopes, and ear-to-the-ground· is what we're passing. The fact is, gave me Kate's own answer. phones. Each lllemner of our staff who leaves Our he::ld­ quarters to discover tidhilty go..... ip is ne\\ly equipped though. we've just put the final pat­ Then I began to wonder about the \\ith these in,truments, a pup tent, and cnough h:lHt-tack and·curlique on a set of plans for readers of RADIO GUIDE. How many and chocolatc to last a fortnight. Ilcncdorth, you may expcct tht, decpc'lt doin's of radio to be laid bare hefore RADtO GUIDE that make my mouth of them were planning to spend Christ­ you regularly, completely, entertainingly, So there! water. mas with Mother? I can't ask you pet­ Those plans are fat a bigger and son-to-person, but I would like to Week Ending December 7. 1935 Volume V. Issue 7 better weekly. More newsy, intimate know your answer. You who have pictures, brighter stories, a greater num­ mothers, who haven't been with Her In This Issue: ber of radio programs ... more ... recently during the year's most precious SPECIAL ARTICLES: Page more-but now I am sounding like an day, how many of you ate going back rhlrty·Elght Years of Rebellion-a study of announcer. But how else can you say to the old home to be with her? I won­ the revolutIonary Lawrence Tibbett By Ila,,; Steele 4 these things? How else can you be in­ der if RADtO GUIDE'S readers can boast What's Wrong with Radio By A 101son 7 formed that we're scouring the land as good a record as do the radio stars PERSONAllTlES: for the best photographs of kilocycle themselves. Countess Albani-Blushing Brides Sing royalty you've ever laid eyes As a reader for years-the Best By Cbester Alallbews 6 The Debunker-lie Still Plays with "l1);UI5 on, for the most stirring sto- fact that I'm also an editor is By Artbur Kellt 13 ries of behind-the-door and incidental-here is my answer, Helen Stevens Fisher-I'm a Lion-Hunter By Peter Peters 3 in - the - studio shennanigans now: I am going to spend Don l\1c~eill-Your Announcer 29 you've ever read, and for au­ Christmas with Mother. James Mcllon-The Cover Portrait 19 thoritative articles that answer NEWS AN 0 COMMENT: every question about Radio's Naturally •we want to I nSlde Stuff By Alart11l LewIS 9 MUSIC in the Air By Carletoll Smith 10 jumbo programs? know what you think of our Plums and Prunes By Evalls Plummer 8 How else can I say that publication. We want to be R.evie\\ing R.aJio By Marthl ,. Porter 8 anyone who doesn't rush right sure that the improvements DEPARTMENTS: out and leave his order with we make please you. That's Broadcasting Stations of U. S. and Canada 28 Kate Smith: Calling All Cars t 1 the nearest newsdealer for C h riatmas my job, by the way ... pleas­ Coming Events .. 10 every copy of RADIO GUIDE with mother ing you. So won't you write Sports Broadcasts . i5 Voice of the Listener 31 straight through 1936 is and tell me? X-Word Puzzle 29 cheating himself of the life, liberty and PROGRAMS: pursuit of happiness the Constitution Only onc thing•mort remains to be Sunday, December I. 14 guarantees him? There is no other said, and that is this: As we approach Monday, Dccemher 2 16 Tuesday, December 3 18 way, so I submit to whatever names the New Year with its promise of Wednesday, December 4 20 you want to call me. As a matter of plenty, we plan to leave no stone un 4 Thursday, December 5 22 Friday, December 6 , 24 fact, back in 1925 I was a radio an­ turned that will make RADIO GUIDE Saturday, December 7 26 nouncet. For two days. Yep, they a finer, brighter and more useful weekly. R~OIo t:I~llIK, \-lIIUlBe \.. ;:';"ml)t'r 7. Week End'n~ nt't~mbt'r 7. IllJ~. Jired me. That's a promise! Entered IS second cla.d malter at Ihe POll (lnl«, C11l~'aIlO, JIllnoli. Februar)- H, 19:12. unlle•.",et of :llarrh ~, 11179. C"'u)rllrhl l!1~~ by RWIO GrroK. loe..",11 ril:ht~ reserved. ~:Itrutl.-e, Eilitorlal, (·hrula· tlull anoJ Buslo..u onku. 731 I'I)mO\lIh Coort. CIl],;aIlO. JIl. ,\11"..,llolnll: oflicu. Xaliooal :l1 ••lIa. Ine.• 6(1 Ean ~2n<l Strtet.•~c. YOlk. 1\t'IO \orll; n~t Lake \"iI'''' ......enut, Chkaxo. Illlno". :\I. I~ Ann('nb"rg j'lt<ld.."1 a"el rubli_htr: Hf'rberl K.all'·t'r, hI \". P. Ind G.. n. AI;._: ('unb :\ltleheU. \". P and Editllrlal Di.edor. :-0011«: ('hanu 111 aelelres. should lueh Ihls office h'lI IOt'~k~ in ,,1I"an« nf tht hOot tllr which that 'It'''' addrell5 llffOme~ etr~the, lIeporl an)· "hange ut aoJ<lrn. dirttt Ul R"oIO GUOI':, nGl 10 lhtc pu't-omee. Ht 'u.e 10 include lorme. add'e". ~'he CellU per rr.py In l:oHed Sl1Ile'. Sull·e.lptlon rales In U. S•. III monllu. S1 ~5: one fear. 12.••. Sub·...iplllln nln of Amr.lran ftlillo... In Callaela' "iI mOlllhs, $2.80; one )-n•• U.tO: .!'obSl'rlpllon tal" 10 Forelcn C'OUlltrieil: ,1-.; month, $~SO; on.. )'tar. S4,tt. Rrmll b1 floO'lal mone)' orUel. eJ.prt'" money 0.<1.... or ch«1[ d....n III olUer of RaDIO l:rlDL Cun.."r,) '~nt al ~ub.,.,.il~r·, risk. 2 Helen Stevens Fisher is Her Name-and Her • Job Is to Bag More Lions Than You Would "I'm a Dream Are at Large in Civilized America Lion-H unter!" By Peter Peters • N THE twentieth floor of NBC's famous Chicago studios you can find one of the world's greatest lIOn-hunters.
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