![Representatives of the Geni of Aquila and Haliaeetus in the Nesting](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2018, Suppl. 1 71 Representatives of the Geni of Aquila and Haliaeetus in the Nesting Fauna of the Central Black Earth Region: Current Status and Prospects for Existence ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛИ РОДОВ AQUILA И HALIAEETUS В ГНЕЗДОВОЙ ФАУНЕ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОГО ЧЕРНОЗЕМЬЯ: СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ СУЩЕСТВОВАНИЯ Sokolov A.Yu. (Belogorye Nature Reserve, Belgorod region, Russia) Sarychev V.S. (Galichya Gora Nature Reserve, Lipetsk region, Russia) Vlasov A.A. (Central Black Earth Nature Reserve named after professor V.V. Alekhin, Kursk region, Russia) Соколов А.Ю. (Заповедник «Белогорье», Белгородская обл., Россия) Сарычев В.С. (Заповедник «Галичья Гора», Липецкая обл., Россия) Власов А.А. (Центрально-Черноземный заповедник им. проф. В.В. Алехина, Курская обл., Россия) Контакт: Бîëьшîé пîäîðëèê (Aquila clanga). Âû- The Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga). Александр Соколов ражåннîå ñнèжåнèå ÷èñлåннîñòè эòîгî The marked decrease in the number of this [email protected] îрла â òрадèцèîннûõ мåñòаõ îбèòанèя на eagle in traditional habitats in the region Владимир Сарычев òåррèòîрèè рåгèîна наблюдалîñь â êîнцå was observed at the end of the ХХ centu- [email protected] ХХ â., õîòя дî ñåрåдèнû 1980-õ гг. ñèòу- ry, although until the mid-1980s the situa- ацèя ñ åгî раñïрîñòранåнèåм îñòаâалаñь tion with its distribution remained relatively Андрей Власов [email protected] ñраâнèòåльнî ñòабèльнîé.  Âîрîнåжñêîé stable. In the Voronezh region, where the îблаñòè, гдå гнåçдîâая ÷èñлåннîñòь бûла breeding population was the highest, from наèбîлåå âûñîêîé, ñ 1988 ïî 2008 гг. îна 1988 to 2008 it declined by 1.5–1.7 times; Contact: ñнèçèлаñь â 1,5–1,7 раç; åùё бîльшå маñ- and it has declined more by now (Sokolov, Alexander Sokolov [email protected] шòабû эòîгî ñнèжåнèя уâåлè÷èлèñь ê на- 1999, 2014). In the Tambov and Lipetsk re- ñòîяùåму âрåмåнè (Ñîêîлîâ, 1999, 2014). gions, the greater spotted eagle was met Vladimir Sarychev  Тамбîâñêîé è Лèïåцêîé îблаñòяõ бîль- quite rare in nesting both recently and over [email protected] шîé ïîдîрлèê на гнåçдîâанèè бûл дîâîль- the last years; the breeding population in Andrey Vlasov нî рåдîê êаê â îбîçрèмîм ïрîшлîм, òаê è each of the regions was estimated at 3–5 [email protected] â ïîñлåднèå гîдû; гнåçдîâая ÷èñлåннîñòь pairs (Lada, Sokolov, 2013a; Sarychev, для êаждîé èç нèõ îцåнèâалаñь â 3–5 ïар 2014a). At present no more than 2–3 pairs (Лада, Ñîêîлîâ, 2013а; Ñарû÷åâ, 2014а). are nesting in the Lipetsk region, and about  Лèïåцêîé îблаñòè â наñòîяùåå âрåмя 5–7 pairs – in the Voronezh region; there is гнåçдяòñя нå бîлåå 2–3 ïар, â Âîрîнåж- no current information on the Tambov re- ñêîé – ïîрядêа 5–7 ïар; ïî Тамбîâñêîé gion. For at least last 30 years there is no ñîâрåмåннûå ñâåдåнèя îòñуòñòâуюò. На data on nesting in the territory of the Kursk òåррèòîрèè Курñêîé è Бåлгîрîдñêîé îб- and Belgorod regions. лаñòåé гнåçдîâûå наõîдêè êаê мèнèмум â It is obvious that one of the most im- ïîñлåднèå 30 лåò нåèçâåñòнû. portant reasons for the decline in breeding О÷åâèднî, îднîé èç наèбîлåå âажнûõ population is the almost total degradation ïрè÷èн ñнèжåнèя гнåçдîâîé ÷èñлåннîñòè, of hunting biotopes of this eagle: with the яâляåòñя ïî÷òè òîòальная дåградацèя îõîò- beginning of the crisis in grazing since the нè÷ьèõ бèîòîïîâ эòîгî îрла: ñ на÷алîм 1990s, the overwhelming part of the flood- êрèçèñа â ïаñòбèùнîм жèâîòнîâîдñòâå ñ plain meadows was overgrown with rough 1990-õ гг. ïîдаâляюùая ÷аñòь ïîéмåннûõ vegetation. Moreover, in some cases, the лугîâ çарîñла грубîñòåбåльнîé раñòèòåль- pressure of the actively settled white-tailed нîñòью. Крîмå òîгî, â îòдåльнûõ ñлу÷аяõ eagle since the mid-1990s and, apparent- ñêаçалèñь ïрåññ ñî ñòîрîнû аêòèâнî раñ- ly, partial clearance of old-aged floodplain ñåляâшåгîñя ñ ñåрåдèнû 1990-õ гг. îрла- forests took a toll on this (Sarychev, 2005; на-бåлîõâîñòа è, ïî-âèдèмîму, ÷аñòè÷нûå Sokolov, 2008, 2014). âûрубêè ñòарîâîçраñòнûõ ïîéмåннûõ лå- At present, there are no confirmed posi- ñîâ (Ñарû÷åâ, 2005; Ñîêîлîâ, 2008, 2014). tive trends in the population restoration in 72 Ïåðíàòûå õèùíèêè è èõ îõðàíà 2018, Спåцвûп. 1 Материалû конфåðåíцèй  наñòîяùåå âрåмя нè â îднîé èç îбла- any of the Central Black Earth regions and ñòåé Цåнòральнîгî Чåрнîçåмья ïîлîжè- they are hardly possible. Works being per- òåльнûå òåндåнцèè âîññòанîâлåнèя ÷èñ- formed for several years since 2010 on the лåннîñòè нåèçâåñòнû è âряд лè âîçмîжнû. territory of the Khrenovsky Pinewood (the Ïрîâîдèâшèåñя â òå÷åнèå нåñêîльêèõ Voronezh region) in order to attract the лåò ñ 2010 г. на òåррèòîрèè Хрåнîâñêîгî greater spotted eagle for nesting by con- бîра (Âîрîнåжñêая îбл.) рабîòû ïî ïрè- structing artificial nest platforms have not âлå÷åнèю бîльшîгî ïîдîрлèêа на гнåçдî- yielded any positive results so far. âанèå ïуòåм îбîрудîâанèя èñêуññòâåннûõ The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila poma- гнåçдîâûõ ïлаòфîрм нå ïрèнåñлè ïîêа rina). The first references to single meetings абñîлюòнî нèêаêèõ ïîлîжèòåльнûõ рå- of representatives of this species within the çульòаòîâ. boundaries of the Central Black Earth Region Мàëûé пîäîðëèê (Aquila pomarina). date to the 30–50s of the XX century (Izmai- Ïåрâûå уêаçанèя на åдèнè÷нûå âñòрå÷è lov, 1940; Schegolev, 1968), but it is not ïрåдñòаâèòåлåé даннîгî âèда â гранèцаõ possible to confirm or deny their reliabili- Цåнòральнîгî Чåрнîçåмья îòнîñяòñя ê ty to date. Recently, most meetings (with 30–50-м гг. ХХ ñòîлåòèя (Иçмаéлîâ, 1940; the exception of registration in 1990 in the Щåгîлåâ, 1968), îднаêî ïîдòâåрдèòь èлè Kursk region, Vlasov, Mironov, 2008) took îïрîâåргнуòь èõ дîñòîâåрнîñòь на ñåгîд- place from the beginning of the ХХI centu- няшнèé дåнь нå ïрåдñòаâляåòñя âîçмîж- ry. The first and so far the only one known нûм.  îбîçрèмîм ïрîшлîм бîльшèнñòâî case of nesting in the region was recorded âñòрå÷ (çа èñêлю÷åнèåм рåгèñòрацèè â on the territory of the Voronezh Nature Re- 1990 г. â Курñêîé îблаñòè, Âлаñîâ, Мèрî- serve in 2006 (Arkhipov, Sapelnikov, 2007). нîâ, 2008) èмåлè мåñòî ñ на÷ала ХХI â. На In the past few years, summer flights to the òåррèòîрèè Âîрîнåжñêîгî çаïîâåднèêа â territory of the Kursk region have become 2006 г. îòмå÷åн ïåрâûé è ïîêа åдèнñòâåн- more frequent (Sapelnikov, Vlasov, 2010). нûé дîñòîâåрнî èçâåñòнûé ñлу÷аé гнåçдî- Since 2012 they are regularly registered in âанèя для рåгèîна (Àрõèïîâ, Ñаïåльнèêîâ, the Lipetsk region (Sarychev, 2014b), while 2007).  ïîñлåднèå нåñêîльêî лåò у÷аñòè- the recent years observations already allow лèñь лåòнèå çалåòû на òåррèòîрèю Кур- assuming the nesting of individual pairs. In ñêîé îблаñòè (Ñаïåльнèêîâ, Âлаñîâ, 2010). the Voronezh region, the flights, as a rule, Ñ 2012 г. îнè рåгулярнî рåгèñòрèруюòñя â are single and irregular. Лèïåцêîé îблаñòè (Ñарû÷åâ, 2014б), ïрè Taking into account the considerable phe- эòîм наблюдåнèя ïîñлåднèõ лåò ужå ïî- notypic similarity with the greater spotted çâîляюò ïрåдïîлагаòь гнåçдîâанèå îòдåль- eagle, as well as the apparent lack of reg- нûõ ïар.  Âîрîнåжñêîé îблаñòè çалåòû, ular field studies in the territory of specific êаê ïраâèлî, нîñяò нåрåгулярнûé åдèнè÷- regions and the Central Black Earth Region нûé õараêòåр. as a whole, it can be assumed that the pres- Ñ у÷åòîм çна÷èòåльнîгî фåнîòèïè÷å- ence of the lesser spotted eagle in the re- ñêîгî ñõîдñòâа ñ бîльшèм ïîдîрлèêîм, а gion is more frequent than it is possible to òаêжå яâнîé нåдîñòаòî÷нîñòè маñшòабîâ record it by specialists. рåгулярнûõ ïîлåâûõ èññлåдîâанèé на òåр- The Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). Un- рèòîрèè îòдåльнî âçяòûõ îблаñòåé è Цåн- til the end of the ХХ century, against the òральнîгî Чåрнîçåмья â цåлîм, мîжнî background of general population decline, ïрåдïîлîжèòь, ÷òî ïîяâлåнèå малîгî ïî- regularly breeding pairs of the imperial дîрлèêа â рåгèîнå èмååò бîлåå ÷аñòûé õа- eagle were recorded in the Voronezh and раêòåр, нåжåлè эòî удаåòñя фèêñèрîâаòь Lipetsk regions, where their nesting habi- ñèламè ñïåцèалèñòîâ. tats were confined almost exclusively to Оðёë-ìîãèëьíèê (Aquila heliaca). Äî the large island plain forest areas of the Us- êîнца ХХ â., на фîнå îбùåгî ñîêраùåнèя mansky and Khrenovsky pinewoods. More- ÷èñлåннîñòè, рåгулярнî раçмнîжаюùèåñя over, one of the northernmost points of ïарû мîгèльнèêîâ бûлè èçâåñòнû â Âî- the breeding area of the species appeared рîнåжñêîé è Лèïåцêîé îблаñòяõ, гдå èõ to be located in the Lipetsk region (within гнåçдîâûå мåñòîîбèòанèя бûлè ïрèурî÷å- the boundaries of the Voronezh Nature Re- нû ïраêòè÷åñêè èñêлю÷èòåльнî ê êруïнûм serve). From the beginning of this century, îñòрîâнûм раâнèннûм лåñнûм маññèâам – the breeding population of this eagle has Уñманñêîму è Хрåнîâñêîму бîрам. Ïрè- undergone an even greater reduction, and ÷åм, â Лèïåцêîé îблаñòè (â гранèцаõ Âî- since 2010–2012 there are no any known рîнåжñêîгî çаïîâåднèêа), ïî-âèдèмîму, breeding pairs in these regions (Sokolov, Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2018, Suppl. 1 73 наõîдèлаñь îдна èç ñамûõ ñåâåрнûõ òî÷åê 2014, 2016). Over the last 20–30 years, in гнåçдîâîгî арåала âèда. Ñ на÷ала нûнåшнå- the Kursk, Belgorod and Tambov regions гî âåêа гнåçдîâая ÷èñлåннîñòь эòîгî îрла the imperial eagle was either recorded as ïрåòåрïåâала åùå бîльшåå ñîêраùåнèå, an extremely rare flying past or migratory а ïîñлå 2010–2012 гг. раçмнîжаюùèåñя species (Korolkov, Mironov, 2001), or was ïарû â уêаçаннûõ рåгèîнаõ дîñòîâåрнî нå not observed at all (Vakulenko, 2005; Lada, бûлè èçâåñòнû (Ñîêîлîâ, 2014, 2016).  Sokolov, 2013b). Курñêîé, Бåлгîрîдñêîé è Тамбîâñêîé îб- Obviously, the root cause of the depres- лаñòяõ мîгèльнèê â ïîñлåднèå 20–30 лåò sion in the imperial eagle population in the лèбî рåгèñòрèрîâалñя êаê êраéнå рåдêèé Central Black Earth Region was a drastic de- ïрîлåòнûé èлè çалåòнûé âèд (Кîрîльêîâ, struction of the food resources, caused by a Мèрîнîâ, 2001), лèбî нå îòмå÷алñя âîâñå multiple decrease in the number of the rook (Âаêулåнêî, 2005; Лада, Ñîêîлîâ, 2013б). (Corvus frugilegus) and the almost total dis- О÷åâèднî, îñнîâнîé ïрè÷èнîé дåïрåñ- appearance of the spotted souslik (Spermo- ñèè ïîïуляцèè мîгèльнèêа â Цåнòральнîм philus suslicus), the most important mass Чåрнîçåмьå ñòал êîрåннîé ïîдрûâ êîрмî- food objects in the region.
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