International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705 Water Quality Analysis in Rural Area Sheena K N#, Bithaparveen N K*, Safalya P R* # Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, *Student M TECH (Environmental Engineering), M DIT Ulliyeri, India Abstract- Potable water reduction is a growing problem in the III. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF WATER world. Pollution of the surface water bodies may lead to SAMPLES increased impact on ground water aquifers. The present work is done to analyze river water and the surrounding open wells by For the analysis of water, samples were collected from the using physical chemical and biological analysis. The analysis was three points of river and three well water samples from the done by taking 9samples, out of this 3 samples were taken from right side and three from left side of the river in plastic bottle the river and 6 samples from the surrounding wells. previously rinsed with distilled water. The water samples were Hardness, alkalinity, DO, Chloride, Turbidity, pH, Total solids, analyzed for various physic-chemical and biological BOD, and MPN were analyzed. After the analysis we concluded parameters i.e. pH, DO, BOD, TH, Chloride, alkalinity that surface water in the Poonoor River does not affect turbidity, TDS and MPN. surrounding aquifer heavily. The river has high contents of dissolved solids and the contents of almost all chemical IV. METHODOLOGY compounds decreases with increasing distance from the river. From the bacteriological analysis ground water is affected by the A. Water sampling Poonoor River and almost all the wells were contaminated with coliforms. To determine the present water quality a total of 6 wells investigated, among which ground water sample collected in Keywords- potable water, hardness, alkalinity, DO, chloride, pH, field from existing wells. The surface water samples are total solids, BOD, MPN. collected in along three different points in the river. I. INTRODUCTION River Water Details:- ivers are the one of the main water resources for 1) Point 1 Thattancheri R industrial, domestic and irrigational purposes and which This area is not heavily populated; the main source of contains municipal sewage, industrial waste water and pollution is domestic sewage. Water is light gray in colour seasonal runoff from agricultural, which causes nutrient enrichment of river water as compared to other environment. 2) Point 2 Pazhayapaalam Physico-chemical parameter of river water affects the This area is highly populated, as well as 3 major hospitals are biological characteristics and which indicate the status of there in this location. The water in this section is highly saline, water quality. turbid, and smelly and problem gets worse during pre- monsoon time. Major sources of wastes are from hospitals, Poonoor river is the one of the longest river in the Kozhikode slaughter houses, hotels markets and sewage disposal from district and assessment of water quality of poonoor river surrounding residential area. becoming utmost importance because of various reasons like rapid urbanization, agricultural and industrial waste, sewage 3) Point 3 Thottumukku water comprises of domestic, medical and other wastes due to Main sources of pollution in this area from timber industry,the anthropogenic activities. houses near the shore discharge domestic waste in to the river and also there are field that drain to river. Water in this section II. MATERIALS AND METHODS is yellow in colour and has pungent smell. Study site- poonoor is the small, but developed village in unnikulam panchayath of Kozhikode district. Situated on Thamarassery – Quilandi state highway 4.5 km west to Thamarassery town and 8.5 km east to Balussery town. This river originate from the hillock called Arikkankunnu of western ghats. Location of study area-poonoor river is geographically located at altitude 11º18'0" and longitude at 11º18'0". Climate of study are -33ºC wind velocity 21 km/h 63% humidity. Fig 1.Thattancheri www.rsisinternational.org Page 174 International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705 B. Analysis TABLE 2 RESULTS OF WELL WATER SAMPLES Physical chemical and biological analysis are done WELL V. RESUTS AND DISCUSSIONS SOURCE W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 (R) (L) (L) (R) (R) (L) The test result given in the table for drinking water the BOD pH 5.8 5.5 7.9 6.6 6.1 6.3 should be less than 5ppm, but majority of samples BOD value Turbidity 12 20 3.5 5.8 2.4 2.1 higher than this limit. And this high value is due to microbial (NTU) Total 193. 132.0 activities. 325 126.1 90 78.23 solids(mg/L) 5 1 Dissolved oxygen(mg/L 2.4 3.2 8.5 6.3 7.7 9.4 ) Alkalinity(m 210 150 75 85 125 55 g/L) Hardness(mg 230 165 50 30 100 75 /L) Chloride(mg/ 127 112 19.9 14.99 25 12.5 L) 10.1 BOD 20.1 1.5 4.1 1.2 1.7 9 Total 400 210 4 11 3 7 coliform Fig 2.Pazhaya paalam The clarity of sample can indicate degree of contamination. The river water is highly turbid because of the discharges from hospitals, industries, domestic sewage etc. the recommended value of turbidity is 5 NTU. Only three well samples are within range The dissolved oxygen in potable water should not less than 6 mg/L. In the tested sample only 4 samples are having dissolved oxygen higher than this limit. As per IS 10500: 1991 the desirable limit of hardness in potable water is 200 mg/L, many of samples are beyond the Fig 3.Thottumukku recommended limit. TABLE 1 RESULTS OF RIVER SAMPLE As per IS 10500:1991 the recommended limit of hardness is 300mg/L and it can be as potable all the well samples are RIVER within the limit. SOURCE Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 As per IS 10500:1991 the desirable limit of chloride in pH 7.24 5.9 6.8 drinking water is 250 mg/L and permissible limit is 1000 Turbidity (NTU) 34 90 74 mg/L and two river samples are higher than this limit. Total solids (mg/l) 320.4 445.3 393.2 TABLE 3 RESULTS OF PIPE WATER SAMPLE Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 5.4 2.5 4 Source Pipe water Alkalinity (mg/l) 200 180 190 pH 6.7 Hardness (mg/l) 205 400 315 turbidity(NTU) 2.5 Chloride (mg/l) 167.4 342.39 292.4 total solids(mg/L) 65.4 BOD 100 280 190 dissolved oxygen(mg/L) 7.7 Total coliform 150 4800 2400 alkalinity(mg/L) 25 hardness(mg/L) 25 pH value of almost all the samples are not in the permissible limit. For potable water pH value should between6.5- chloride(mg/L) 2.49 8.5(water quality standards). pH can alter fixtures or a BOD 1.6 metallic taste. Total coliform 12 www.rsisinternational.org Page 175 International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705 VI. COCLUSIONS quality of river ganga for drinking purpose in haridwar district, Chemistry department, HNBG university, Srinagar, Garhwal The results from the data analysis show that, the water from ,India. the river is certainly unfit for drinking purposes without any [4] Dr. Mike Daniels.(2006). Agriculture and Natural Resources .He is a professor • water quality and nutrient management with the form of treatment, but for various other surface water usage University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture in Little Rock purposes. The river was found to be highly turbid in the [5] Kamal D., Khan A.N., Rahaman M.A. and Ahamed F. (2007). monsoon season. 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