See “ BAKER” i The Su n flo w e r Page 8 VOL. LXXni NO. 34 *'ICIIITA STATE UNIVERSITY Select-a-LectureSet For 'Egghead’ Week “ Select-a-Lecture, ” featuring a.m. Tuesday in the CAC Ball­ six WSU professors, and a speech room. The breakfast w ill honor by a Cleveland, Ohio urban leader, those students who have earned a will highlight WSU's 1969 E^head 3.75 grade point average. One Week. The annual week, sponsered sophomore girl will be awarded by Mortar Board, Senior Women's $175.00 for earning the highest Honor Society, is scheduled to be­ grades during her freshman year gin Monday and will continue George Worden, director of the^ through Monday, March 10, Office of Information Services Egghead Week, which began in will be the featured speaker for 1959, is designed to “ sUmulate the Mortar Board breakfast. Wor­ oten- the intellectuallsm and curiosity den will speak on “ What Makes of the students,” Mrs. Josephine Johnny Run?” FXigate, dean of women, said. Daily film showings at 12:30 Attending a lecture or film gives p.m. in the -CAC TTieater are the student an opportunity to gain scheduled for Egghead Week. These more knowledge about a field of Include, Monday, “ The Nose.” study which he may know little ‘ Clay,” and “ The Adventures of about, Mrs. Fugate added. Asterlck.” Classes scheduled for 10 a.m. “ Casals Conducts,” showing McMiday will be dismissed for the l^blo Cassals in a concert per­ “ Select-a-Lecture” program. formance of Bach's “ Orchestral “ Music Is My Bag - Piano Is ^ite in C Major,” will be shown My Ax, is the title for the lee- Tuesday. ture by Dr. Robert Steinbauer. Wednesday, “ The First Udy of chairman of the School of Music — ..^laiiwj Dj iviivring.” the American Dance,” isscheduled Keyboard department. Steinbauer for presentation. This show fea­ will speak in Rm, C-107 DFAC. tures Ruth St. Denis In a discus­ Dr. Lowell D. Holmes, chair­ sion of her philosophy of modem man of the anthropology depart­ dance. Saturday Demonstration Planned ment, will speak on “ Pygmies “ The Language of Dance,” fea­ and P rogress,” in Rm. 109 Neff Hall. turing Jose Limon and his com- l»n y , with “ Ethnic Dance: Round “ Hey, Ma, Look What I'hey’ re Trip to Trinidad,” a discussion To Protest Harassment Claims Doing Right Up on the Stage,” is Dw BBime eaftiMaiw A of the meaning of ethnic dance will By BRUCE SANKEY people had recently been sum­ scheduled for presentation by Dr. be presented Thursday. ' and deprtved of their liberty.” Richard Welshacher, director of Staff Reporter marily apprehended « i charges of Friday the films Include “ A Remarked Lawing, “ they were ar­ University Theatre. The Wels- ^ ^ c y by loitering in downtown Time Out of War,” award winner rested for wearing things that cer­ bacher lecture will be in Rm A quiet and peaceful demon­ Wichita. “ CSR,” said Holmes, set during the American Civil War stration In downtown Wichita Sat­ tain narrow-minded people object 201 MorrlsOT Hall. thinks something shtjuld be to. ” and “ Malaise, Catharsis, The urday was discussed and planned done,” “ The Role of Ecstasy In the Point of Noon and Black U c e , ” Commenting on thevagrancyor- Study of iteligion,” is the topie by approximately 100 persons, “ We want to bring this incident four experimental color films dinance under which his clients for a lecture by Dr. Howard A. mostly WSU students and profes­ into focus and precipitate action which work with the visual in an had been arrested, Lawing stated, Mickel, assistant professor, de­ sors, who jammed the Committee attempt to capture certain moods by the city commission,” stated “ these laws will never be up­ partment of philosophy. OT Student Rights meeting Wednes­ Dr. /elma (Mrs. Clayborne) Holmes. “ If you have long hair held as constitutional in a court Dr. Marvin A. Harder, professor day n i^ t at The Pendulum. George, executive director of the or dress different,” he continued, erf last resort.” Continued U w ing, of political science, will deliver CSR charges of harassment, and Clevland Job tiorps Center for ‘ they don't want you downtown.” “ As a citizen I have an interest, a iw ture titled “ Some Thought illegal apprehension of young Women. w ilj be the featured people by city policemen In the Jim L. Lawing, Wichita attorney as an advocate I want to win these on Civil D isorders,” In Rm. 207 for the three that were convicted, cases, all of them. My inten­ McKinley Hall. “ Egghead” JH)eaker vMonday. downtown Wichita area lead to the Dr. George will speak on “ No Wednesday night meeting. also addressed the meeting. Ex­ tion is to take them as high (in “ Are the Overdeveloped Nations the courts ) as it takes.” Eonger/Not Vet.” a re-evaluation Ron Holmes, C$R chairman, lead plaining events leading up to the Ready for Democracy?” is the arrest and the arrest Itself, Law­ of ethical and moral concepts, off the discussion by explaining question asked in the lecture by ing stated, “ they more or less Expressing doubt that a protest standards and va’lues, at 9:30 a.m. to the audience that four ydui^ Dr. F. William Nelson, professor in Wllner Auditorium, were intimidated by the oollce demonstration was “the best of English. Nelson will speak in thing” right now, Lawing said, the CAC Ballroom. A sociologist, educator, author­ ity on Negro music, and actress- SEE PROTEST PAGE 2 Mortar Board isalsosponsoring singer, Dr. George has held her a scholarship breakfast at 7:30 present position since August 1966. Teaching Emphasis important Says Schooi Board Candidate Rw B flll luwi ...I _________I _i. ..... ... By RON WYLIE advanced alternatives to school efficient.” Such a system, he told Editor planning problems. the CJA group, does not create Commenting on his theme of Individuals w h o ca n deal with ‘The emphasis In education “ Goals of Education,” Oliver, LA multiple problems. ^ I d be on twching, not admin- Sr. and local political activist, con­ The industrial social system ” School Board can- tended that for too long “ w e’ve of education Is satisbetory during mdate Keith Oliver said Wednes­ used education as a panacea for our period of structured society, day night. life. We’ ve seen It as the solu­ O liver stated, but we are moving Oliver explained that, as the edu­ tion to all the world’s problems.” “ toward a completely non-stnic- cational structure now exists the He suggested that In most cases tured society, which, If we are to re w rd s in the field of education; education means to people “ you continue t o grow, w ill have both status oriented and financial need to think like I do.” O liver to create a basic idea of Indi­ are lil-balanced in tovor of the said that the old concept of edu­ vidual creativity in the young.” administrator. This, according cation was one which believed He explained that children are to Oliver, tends to force the crea­ that a planet of well-schooled citi­ our best, basic raw material in tive personnel in education to zens would be a world of peace the modern world. But current gravitate toward supervisimal and harmony. attitudes toward education, when employment rather than staying “ We’ve become a little more coupled with the advancing non- wito and developing their fields of structured society, would produce instruction. realistic in our outlook at what ^ c a t io n w ill do,” he continued. a trqgic cootmdicton. Spiking before a n organiza­ ' but we’ ve still retained the old *nrhe re su lt'o f such a continu­ tional meeting of “ Citizens for style of procedure In education ” ation," Oliver said, “will be a ORverpromised. Oliver called for a type of ed­ retreat Into fiintasy and destruc­ U«t If elected to the Board of tiveness.” ucation which “ enables us to deal Education, he will press for a re- with the diversity of the age.” O liver told the audience he hopes emphasls of educational incentives He said the current school system to be instrumental in creating an “"**TIVin FOR DiyeRSltY^7I!in!l«niI*MMi OJA toward teachine. Oliver also sugl is based on the “ industrial age” educational system wh Ic h would meeting on ttio **Ooalt of Educotion/* as part of hit campaign gested th at'“ gaming sessions.” concept of “ well-run machinery— create a “ society without busy- for the Board of Education. computer simulated test dper- everything in its proper time and work.” The abolishment ofstruc- ^Uions, could be employed to find Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and Universityplace—everything Archives well-oiled and ■ A * X. I Corbin Video Taping Equipment, Care, Use, Financing Examined Science Teachers Association Sil­ By OLIFF BIEBERLY He does repair work on the ver Symposium,’ ” he added. Staff Wrlttr machines, supervises their uses Dr. Phyllifi Burgess , professor and trains a staff of graduate and Nearly $30,000 worth of video of education, stateo, “ Many of the undergraduate students to assist taping equipment has its home in students consider it an invaluable him. aid. One student even said that Rm. 165 of the Corbin Education In r ^ r d to financing of the Center. seeing himself one time was worth equipment. Dean Chaffee said the In the room from time to time an entire semester in a speech class.” basic machinery was purchased on are three of the department’s tele­ a captital equipment grant from vision cameras purchased at a cost Dr. Leonard Chaffee, dean of the President’ s office two years $2,000 each, three video tape the College of Education, feels ago.
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