163 SILVESTRO LAZZARI(1) AND RAFFAELE MIGLIORI(2) Risks and protection of (1) Geologist - Cedat Europa, via Ancona 37/G 85100 Potenza a Murgian area of great [email protected] (2) Environmental Civil Engineer, via Lucana 259 environmental importance 75100 Matera KEY-WORDS LANDSLIDE RISK, POLLUTION, SASSI MATERA, MATERA’S MURGIA, RUPESTRIAN CHURCHES, SIMONA SYSTEM his study examines the vast area of Matera’s Murgia and specifically a part of the ravine belonging to Matera, an Tarea protected by numerous national and regional laws. This area is characterized not only by human settlements dating back to the early Paleolithic, but also by a very particular and intense landscape the area is marked by Matera’s Sassi, an ancient ru- pestrian town protected by UNESCO, and the Regional Park of Matera’s Murgia as well, a public Institution aiming to the development of tourism as well as for the preservation of the territory and the environment. Natural events combined with the action of man have caused some environmental de- gradation phenomena and also slopes insta- bility. These phenomena have been analysed by the authors using advanced technologies, such as the Environmental Monitoring Sy- stem called “SIMONA” (Lazzari, 2011). The studied area is located between the Fossa Bradanica and the edge of the Apulian Murgia, called Murgia Materana, consisting of plateaux characterized by a tabular struc- ture, delimited by clayey hills and interrupted by valleys and deep erosional gullies whose sides are usually very steep, as the canyon of ravine (Fig. 1). Geologically, the area is characterized Fig. 1 Map of the high basin of Gravina Torrent - (A) Ravine; (B) Jesce; (C) Canyon; (D) landslides in rock; (E) Erosion in by a dolomitic-calcareous basement (Alta- the area; (F) overflowing areas; (G) hypogeums in Matera’s Sassi; (H) rupestrian churches. mura’s Limestone), dating back to the Cre- taceous period. It is affected by widespread karst phenomena such as dolines, and lime- In the valleys and on the reliefs, the most The main factors of environmental ha- stone pavements covered in transgression recent soils are composed of both alluvional zard and risk identified by the prospections by lower Pleistocene calcarenitic deposits and detritic deposits as well as of terra rossa. in the field and from remote sensing are: (Calcareniti di Gravina formation). The examined area occupies the upper basin a. Pollution phenomena of watercourses In these rocks the characteristic system of Gravina torrent in Matera, from the bor- and aquifers; of hypogeums of the area of Matera’s Sassi der with Apulia up to Montescaglioso. It is b. Floodings and overflowings in the high develops. Upward, the stratigraphical serie characterized by many elements of danger basin; continues with blue-gray marls and clays, both natural and induced by human inter- c. Superficial and deep landslides; sands, sandstones and finally with conglo- vention as it happens with Matera and its d. Instability of natural and anthropical merates, (subappennine Clays, Monte Mara- commercial, industrial and agricultural area hypogeums system no’s and Staturo’s Sands and Irsina’s conglo- located on the borders with the municipality merates) (Boenzi et Al, 1971). of Altamura. These factors determine a widespread environmental degradation, the loss of cul- Geologia dell’Ambiente • Supplemento al n. 3/2012 164 tural properties of great value and a high risk for urban areas. In order to follow a proper risk asses- sment, the various elements were not consi- dered separated from each other but as part of a single system of environmental instabi- lity, which has to be monitored and restored. The surface and underground water sy- stem is quite simple in its various physical components, with branches above all in the high basin at the border with Puglia region. The climate is typically Mediterranean with dry summers and rainy winters cha- racterized by extreme rainfall events which are rare but ruinous. The water system, made up of the Gravina torrent (tributary of Brada- no) and its secondary branches (Jesce tor- rent), is influenced, in its hydraulic system, by the degree of permeability of soil, that is somewhat variable, and by the relation between areas composed of permeable and impermeable lithotypes, as well as by the rainfall. (Fig. 2) Fig. 2 Rainfall and rainy days in Matera So, in autumn and in winter torrential run-offs are appreciable, whereas during the sing allowed to identify two different types dry summer water-flows are quite low and of failures. sometimes absent (Caloiero, 1993). The first one appears on loose soils and Water-flows are generally quite low even lies mainly within the high basin of the for the slight water absorption due to calca- Gravina and Jesce torrents where rapid ero- reous formations. sion phenomena (erosional gullies and flows) In this context, the Murgia plateau drai- occur together with deeper landslides repre- nage network, which is sparsely branched, sented by clayey flows or by mixed landslides and often developed on permeable soils, does due to rockfall and subsequent flow. not show an active circulation of water and Further downstream, in the area of only during particularly intense or prolonged Matera’s Murgia, where more resistant but rainfalls may collect valuable water volumes. Fig. 3 Pollution into Jesce torrent jointed rocks prevail, the mass movements The sudden floods of the main river are activated. They are mainly related to the courses induce phenomena of unexpected movements of filtration. In rural areas it collapse and rolling of single rocky elements inundations as it occurred in winter 2011 is subjected to drainings through surface or to landslides due to collapse, especially when some people died because of flood. wells. It is rarely present in the urban area along the edge of the ravine in the Sassi area It is, therefore, necessary to organize a of Matera, but highly dangerous when deter- and in those parts where there are artificial better control of torrential channels, by re- mining the plastic deformation of clays in voids overlapped and weakened by weathe- ducing the influx of debris in them, through urban areas. The deep aquifer develops into ring (Fig. 4). vegetation covers and an adequate system of the Mesozoic dolomitic-calcareous basement drainage for leaching waters. which is permeable through jointing and kar- A significant element is that the main stification, giving to the aquifer a significant watercourse is the final step of all purifica- hydrogeological anisotropy. tion plants of civil refluents of Matera and In fact, sometimes the aquifer circula- Altamura. It is also the final step of the ef- tes freely, at a considerable depth from the fluent treatment plants serving the industrial ground level, while in other cases it is in pres- areas and certain purification plants of pri- sure below impermeable horizons. vate industrial and civil refluents. It follows Coming from the highest Murgia’s are- that run-offs, flowing down into the Gravina as, the karst stratum flows down to the sea, torrent, are for long periods of the year fed by which is the first level of the subterranean the waste of private purification and drai- water flow, bringing with it the polluting sub- Fig. 4 Landslides in the ravine of Matera - (A) Fractures; (B) ning plants, consequently causing pollution. stances absorbed in the high basin. Collapses (Fig. 3) It is,therefore, necessary to solve the pol- The surface aquifer flows predominantly lution phenomena with suitable public and These phenomena cause damage both to in sands and is supported by fine muddy- private purification plants, while exerting at the most important hypogeums, such as the clayey deposits (Subappennine clays), which the same time an efficient control as well as rupestrian churches, and to some districts are basically impermeable. an efficient prevention. of Matera’s Sassi, where the weakening of In autumn and in winter it is fed by With regard to stability and evolution of the subsoil affects the safety and stability rainwaters which enter the ground with slow slopes, mappings in the field and remote sen- of houses. Geologia dell’Ambiente • Supplemento al n. 3/2012 165 BOENZI F., PALMETOLA G. e VALDUGA A. (1976). Ca- In order to protect the system of hypo- pp.Torino ratteri geomorfologici dell’area del F°201 “Ma- RADINA B., (1973). 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