FORUM: SLUH continues to respond I FEATURE: ASC volunteer Kavanaugh SPORTS: Fitzsimmons pours iri 29 · to Harrington editorial. see pages 2-3. talks to the Prep News, see page 5. as Cagers edge Lindbergh, see page 7. _rrp NrmE "If nothing else, value the truth" TilE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF ST. LOUIS U. HIGH Volume LX Friday, December 8, 1995 Number 13 Winter'. Concert to Showcase SLUH Fine Arts by Luke Voytas ~ of the Prep News Staff LUH FINE ARTS STUDENTS S will ring in the Christmas season with spirited band, dance, chorus, and drama expositions in this Sunday's an­ nual Winter Concert At the All-School Assembly yesterday, the SLUH Concert Band (above), along with This free concert showcases the the Chorus and Jazz Band, entertained students and faculty alike. work and talents of fine arts students to Photo by Mr. Charles Merriott family, friends, and the SLUH commu­ nity. As chorus director Dr. Joseph Owens Returns to Become New Koestner explained, "The performance will really reflect an entire semester's worth of work." Director of Corporate Giving The event will begin at 2:00p.m, by Patrick Powers with an exposition of SLUH musical and add to SLUR's capital finances. Co-Editor talent in the gym, provided by members "There has to be a match between need of the Fundamentals of Band class, Jazz NORDER TO KEEP UP with the and a foundation that will supply the need." Band III, and Concert Band. The wide I pace of the outside world, StLouis stated SLUH President Fr. Robert variety of songs, which include Christ­ University High School must consistently Costello, SJ. mas, classical, and modem numbers, raise money in order to fulfill all of its And with all of the current expansion promises to keep the attention of the needs. The appearance of SLUH is con­ around the campus, there certainly is a audience. Examples are "Hot, Hot, Hot" stantly growing, and, in turn, so are its need. The theater is under construction and "Georgia on My Mind," performed needs for a new "stream of income." And and will soon be completed. Outside by Jazz Band III, and "A Christmas this is where former principal Mr. Paul funds will be needed to furnish the new Festival" performed by the Concert Band. Owens fits into the picture. facility before any performances can be ~ After the substantial showcase of As the new Director of Corporate held. These donations will come from the SLUH Music Department draws to a ·Giving, Owens will be in charge of re­ grants made by local foundations or cor­ close, those in attendance will be invited searching and contacting foundations and porations who wish to contribute to SLUH. to move to the auditorium to see the corporations which would best be willing Along with donations for the theater, see HOT, HOT, HOT, page 6 to outfit SLUH with the latest equipment see OWENS, page 6 10 News Speech bills STUCO Christmas Food Drive Perform Well Continues in Homerooms by Jeff Bollier ligious Affairs Commissioner and chair­ Prep News Reporter at CISL Meet man of the food drive committee. "Right by Mike Mueth and Greg Today marks the halfway point in the now the success of the food drive varies Leuchtmann annual STUCO Christmas Food Drive, from homeroom to homeroom," said Prep News Reporters but this year's drive is slightly different Chik. "Some are having a tough time." from previous years. Homeroom reps are, in general, up­ "All in all, it was a good meet," In past years, homerooms donated beat about their homerooms' contribu­ commented speech team coach Mr. Tom canned food and money. This year, tions. "Everybody's bringing things in; Chmelir on the SLUH speech team's re­ however, each homeroom is sponsoring a if they don't, we ask them for a dollar or cent CISL meet at Villa Duchesne High needy family by providing clothing and two," said sophomore rep Ryan Barry. School on Sunday afternoon. other personal items as well as food and Gregg Hellwig, a senior advisor to Competing in eight categories against money. homeroom 103 said, "We've done quite 16 teams, the 14 Speechbills acquired ten In addition to providing for the less­ well; we've got food; we'vegotclothing, ribbons. Leading the team was senior fortunate, STUCO changed the food drive and we've got some monetary funds." Francis Shen, earning blue ribbons in both format, in part, to raise students' aware­ Chik added that later in the school the Extemporary and Prose categories. ness of the needy in the St.Louis commu­ year, possibly sometime in February, there Remarkably, Shen was able to prepare his nity. will be a canned food drive similar to the extemporary speech with only two days "We wanted to make it more per­ ones in past years, with a new twist. It preparation, and he was still able to win sonal, to help people to see that they're will be a competition between SLUH and two first-place ribbons. Also receiving helping real people," said Tim Chik, Re- DeSmet to see, as Chik puts it, "which blue ribbons were sophomore Greg Etling school has the most generosity." in Radio and senior Tom Stenson in Po­ etry. Other Speechbills were also able to gether, the Speechbills came away with over, Chmelir encourages anyone inter­ ribbon at the red level. SeniorsJoeLaramie four blue ribbons and six red ribbons. ested in joining to talk to him. With and Jeff Loyd combined to win a red The SLUH speech team consists of only one meet left until finals, speakers ribbon in the Duet Acting category. mostly upperclassmen, but freshman are needed in order to assure having a Laramie said of the pair's preparation, Brian Finlay filled in on short notice to full team for each meet. "We just tried to do the best we could and contribute his talents in the Prose cat­ TheSpeechbillswillcompeteagain let our natural talent shine through." In egory; he came within one point of a red on Sunday, February 4 at Duchesne addition to Laramie and Loy.d, the sopho­ ribbon. High School in St. Charles. more pair of Kevin Doll and George Job Chmelir said that the team's strong earned a red ribbon in the Duet category. point is individual performance, but that Adding to the team's success by gaining they need to work better together as a red ribbons were freshman Dave Breslin team. Also, he acknowledged that he in Original Oratory, sophomore Nick would rather field an inexperienced but Moramarco in Storytelling, junior Jeff full team of people who want to compete Abernathy in Poetry, and sophomore John at every meet, rather than winning the Hagen in Interpretation. league with experienced people who en­ "Ba-boop ... Ba-boop... Ba-boop... " "We improved, but unfortunately, so ter more than one category. did the other teams," commented "I think it is a real important skill to -Mr. Tim O'Keefe explaining Abernathy on the team's performance on be able to get up in front of people and the process of peristalsis in Sunday. Though all of the teams did well talk," said Chmelir of reasons for doing the human digestive system in the meet, the Speechbills dominated by speech. to his Anatomy/Physiology class. winning ribbons in every category. Alto- Although the team's season is nearly 2 For.um !LEITERS TO THE EDiliORS: Harrington Editorial Continues to Raise Discussion To the Editors: Harrington did indeed love God with his parables as a guide. Jesus talks about two Over the past two weeks, I have read heart, soul, and mind. I make this claim ' sons: one who tells his father he will work, with great interest commentary about the by first recognizing that as humans we · and tl)en doesn't, and a second who tells q u~·stion of whether or not ihe late Michael communicate what is in our hearts, soul, his father he won't work, and then does. Harrington should be honored with the and mind in a myriad of ways. Words and One message from this parable is clear: in Backer Award. Those wt\o believe Mr. actions are two of these ways. They some cases, actions may mean more than Harrington should not be considered for should not be viewed separately, but as our words. the Backer A ward argue that Mr. two factors in a unified effort to commu­ Finally,don't rule out Mr. Harrington Harrington's rejection of God disquali­ nicate. In Mr. Harrington's case, it's as a good role model for SLUR students. fies him. While I agree with this logic, I narrow-minded to assume that his mes­ In Michael Harrington, students can find would like to call.into question the as- . sage about God can be derived solely more than a- man who has helped the sumption that is being made: . Michael'. from what he has said and what he has advancement ofsocial justice in this coun­ Harrington rejected the existence o'f God. written. try. Students can see the great power of In discussing this issue, I have heard Looking at Mr. Harrington's com- God--for even when we try to shut God many people quote the Greatest Com­ -plete message poses a dilemma, for his out, to deny his very existence, God still mandment: "You shall love the Lord, your actions and words communicate different finds a way tp reach us. If we are to be a God, with all your heart, with all your messages about a love for God.
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