cilwoman Iola Williams, the proposition would limit and anti-brown," not anti-busing. She urged the public 13" measure, which would limit spending by state and the number of situations in which busing could be to vote against the measure. local governments to spend only slightly more than in required. Williams, the only black council member, said that the previous fiscal year. Assemblyman Alister McAlister, 1)-Santa Clara, only a small portion of busing is being done for the Such governments could only increase their Proposition 1 supports the measure, because he believes busing has purpose of achieving racial balance. spending annually by the changes in the cost of living, not solved any problems. If busing were really the issue, it would have been population or other specified factors. According to the legislative analyst who writes for stopped, she said. Some types of appropriations would not be subject the California voter's pamphlet, the measure would The discretion for different areas to deal with their to the appropriations limit, however, such as projects called 'racist' mean that California could only be required to use individual problems is necessary, she said, adding Los funded by the state and transfer payments such as desegregation measures, such as busing, insofar as it Angeles is the area the proposition is aimed at. retirement and disability insurance. complies with the equal protection clause of the However, McAlister said ins press statement, "I The legislation would supposedly return any Fourteenth Amendment. support Proposition I. Forced busing is a proven savings to the taxpayer. by city official The U.S. Supreme Court interprets the Con- failure. It neither promotes academic performance nor However, Assembly Bill 8, passed earlier this stitution to say public desegregation shall be im- improves human relations. year, also asked local governments to pass on their plemented only when the segregation occurred by "It encourages the middle class of all races to flee savings to the school districts. by Jan Flanery-Taylor government action. from busing areas, greatly hampers extra-curricular Proponents of the measure say it will eliminate Proposition 1, the "anti-busing measure" has However, the California Supreme Court interprets activities and parental participation in school affairs government waste, return people's taxes and keep taken the lead over three other state ballot measures in the state Constitution to say segregation shall be and is a dismal waste of money," he said. governments from forcing programs in local govern- arousing controversy in tomorrow's election. prevented regardless of how it happened. In the end, money will play a dominant role in the ments. Deemed a "racist measure" by San Jose Coun- Williams said the measure is really "anti-black elections, as in the case of Proposition 4, "The Spirit of -continued on back page Spartan Daily Volume 73, Number 44 Serving San Jose State University since 1934 Monday, November 5, 1979 Appraiser critical of ring trade-in by Morgan Hampton He said Josten's trade-in offer A local gold appraiser warns appears to be fair and legitimate. students that a trade-in offer for a Although he said "Lustrium is college class ring advertised last good for nothing it has no precious Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday metal value," he added $73.95 is a in the Spartan Daily may be a "sales "fair price for the ring because of gimmick." the craftrnanship that goes into its However, at least two local making." jewelers disagree, saying the offer Gemologist Chad Pasalay of appears fair and legitimate. Davidson and Licht Jewelry Co. in Josten's, a Minnesota-based San Jose, said "Lustrium" is a trade company, offered a $59 credit for name for jewelry made of highly gold high school class rings traded in polished pewter, mixed with on "Lustrium" college class rings palladium, a metal alloy. last week. The company plans a Pasalay said Josten's price for similar offer on campus Feb. 4-6. its "Lustrium" ring is "com- Josten's "Lustrium" ring is petitive," and the $59 trade-in price priced at $73.95, but with a trade-in for a gold high school class ring was gold ring, students would pay a "about right." balance of $14.95 for the "Lustrium" ring. Jenkel agreed that the trade-in Carol Bardin, Josten's value was fair, because he said "it is representative at the Spartan doubtful" that a gold buyer would Bookstore, said the Josten's arrived pay more than $59 for a single gold at the $59 trade-in price by ring. estimating the gold weight of an Jenkel said, however, that if a average high school class ring. company collected a large number "When students come in asking of gold rings, it might get more than if it's a good price, I tell them they $59 per ring because the extraction should check it out themselves," of gold, bulk rate, is more photo by Diana Vallario Bardin said. economical than one at a time. Bystanders survey the scene after a tree fell on two motorcycles their motorcycles for possible damage in photo below. Hugo Forster, of Hugo F. But Forster said he has seen near the SJSU Library. Chien Dihn (left) and Forster and Co. Gold Appraisers, Garrett Joseph check many companies over the years said the trade-in price is fair, but offer to buy back rings at a set price, despite that, Josten's offer is not a and he warns the seller to be wary. good deal. Ron Duval, Spartan Bookstore Elm tree falls, Forster, who has been in the manager, said he thinks Josten's business of buying gold, silver and trade-in promotion is "a good deal, 4'414.z. platinum for 46 years, said that as long as it's understood that the although the scrap value of a high 'Lustrium' ring doesn't have any knocks out power school ring is between $40 and $60, a gold value." "Lustrium" ring is not a fair trade Duval said the two major by Mark Marymee scene to reroute traffic from the for a gold ring. college products companies who sell A 60-foot elm tree fell to the area, extending down San Fernando "With the ring they are trading through the bookstore Josten's and pavement near the Speech and Street from Fourth to Seventh for your gold ring, they are probably Art Carved switched from gold Drama Building Friday, knocking streets. doubling their money," he said. class rings to various metal alloy 4.11. out power and bowling over two Navarrette estimated the fallen Forster said some companies rings in 1976, because gold prices motorcycles parked on San Fer- lines shut off power to adjacent take trade-in gold rings and turn were prohibitive to most college nando Street. buildings for several blocks. around and sell them on the market students. The clock in Peanuts at 275 E. Chien Dinh, 18, an owner of one for $75 to $100. Forster said students can San Fernando St. stopped at 10:36 of the motorcycles hit by the tree, Bardin said, however, that determine the value of their gold a.m. indicating the time of the fall. was unable to check out the damage resale is not the aim of Josten's ring rings themselves with an accurate Pacific Gas and Electric Co. done to his 1974 Honda until the trade-in offer. postal scale. crews moved in to shut off power in electricity could be shut off and the She said Josten's is taking trade- two "live" power lines, pulled down tree could be cleared away. in rings "as a service to students," Weigh the ring, Forster said, by the tree. The lines each carried If SJSU is responsible for so they can afford to buy a college then multiply its weight by .911, to an estimated 4,000 watts, ac- damage from the fallen tree, class ring. find out what fraction of a Troy cording to PG and E Field Super- complaints for damages will have to "We'll take rings in any con- ounce the ring is. visor Dan Navarrette. be made by filing a claim against the dition runover, 'hot' or smashed," Then discount that number by 5 "We have a lot of this," State of California, according to a Bardin said. percent, to account for stones and Navarrette said as he scanned the spokesperson for SJSU Plant Ted Jenkel of Jenkel Jewelers in elaboration. After you have six lines which draped across - e Operations. San Jose, said Josten's is a "well- determined the "gold weight" check photo by Ernest Redding several cars parked on the street. Dennis Suit, 29, a SJSU grounds known and reputable" company that the current gold rate which is based "If it isn't a tree knocking lines worker, thought termites might workers ran periodic checks on trees see if it's going to fall? It's difficult has sold rings, gowns and college- on the Troy ounce to get a close down it's usually a car." have caused the tree to fall. located around the campus, Suit to find termites four feet under related merchandise in the area for approximation of the trade-in value San Jose Police were also on the When asked if the grounds replied "How can you check a tree to ground. many years. of your gold ring. Rowdy Muthas romp by Scott Mace From his vantage point atop a wastebasket and chair A group of SJSU freshmen and sophomores calling at the edge of the fountain, Dilallo could see where themselves Rowdy Muthas dove into the fountain Friday members had cordoned off part of the water with string morning with bathing suits, lawn chairs and an inflatible and plastic bottles.
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