? . IOC'/ 3-6 Part 10 MEETING IN MANCHESTER 0N NOVEMBER 4, 1936. A t the Joint Meeting of the Institute and the Manchester Metallurgical Society referred to on p. 509, Mr. D. G. Sopw ith will read the Paper by Dr. H . J . Gough, M.B.E., F.R.S., and himself on “ The Resistance of Bronzes to Fatigue and Corrosion-Fatigue,” which is printed in this issue. All members of the Institute are invited to attend the Joint Meeting. G. Shaw Scott, Secretary and Editor. Oct. is, m o . (POLITECHMi the Study of Alloys. By W. Hume-Rothery and P. W . Reynolds 541 752. The Solubility of Silver and Gold in Solid Magnesium By W . Hume-Rothery and E. Butchers 551 753. Alloys of Magnesium. Part IV.—The Constitution of the Magnesium-Rich Alloys of Magnesium and Silver. By R. J. M. Payne and J. L. Haughton 557 Metallurgical Abstracts 385-438 OCTOBER 1936 Copyright Entered at Stationers* Halt From our wide range we are able to supply refractory mat­ erials of high quality suitable for most industrial purposes. In our various works, which are modern in design and equipment, care is taken in every stage o f m anufacture to ensure that our products are maintained at a uniformly high standard. For fuller particulars, ask for our Pamphlet, No. 1. u DT'T i- E! This is an actual photo­ graph of an extruded aluminium section. Samples for inspection w ill be gladlv sent on request, i ^ BRITISH A L U M IN IU M ^ HEAD OFFICE: ADELAIDE HOUSE.KING WILLIAM STREET.LONDON.E.C.4. f c M w i i *«*> " o u tr 5561 C $ 0 7 4 - OtYOUU. BllGAJi. LOUDON. LONDON WAREHOUSE : IIRMtNOHAM.A' MANCHESTER.}: LEEDS. 3 : M U R O M ’ NEWCASTLE ON T Y M , I« GUSGOW ,C2= iS 29 PdfKfjs Bo4<J XW I lawtey Street 274 Dea«vg*te 60 KrktteN Ro*<J Ro m St. Temp*« Mubum Houtr II) Wm St Bright Annealing Copper Wire BIRLEC Water-Sealed Furnaces of the type illustrated have been adopted by leading manufacturers of Copper Wire both in England and abroad. The material is treated in coils with a power consump­ tion of only about 80 units of electricity per ton of work annealed, and with a PERFECTLY BRIGHT FINISH BIRLEC Furnaces for DRY Bright Annealing of fine copper wire also have been installed in several large works. BIRMINGHAM ELECTRIC FURNACES LIMITED. ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM STRONG DURALUMIN (REG. TRADE MARK) D 1 ALLOY ELEKTRON,etc. (R E G. T R A D E M A R K ) IN T U B E S , 9or all purposes ROLLED METALS, where strength E X TR U D ED with lightness BARS, WIRE, Etc. is essential. JAM ES BOOTH £ COMPANY (ibi*) LIM ITED . ARCYLE STREET WORKS, BIRM INGHAM ,7 . telephone: EAST 1221 (Pte.Bch. Ex). Je/egramsi'Booth, Birm inghorrf. Codes:A.B.C.5th£ 6th. Ed Haber's 5 Letter. B entleys Second Phrase W es ta rn Union ALLOYS For the economical production of tubes with absolutely uniform wall thickness we supply TUBE EXTRUSION PRESSES of vertical or horizontal type, also the required power water plants consisting of pressure pumps and accumulators, the latter of the electrically controlled, com­ pressed-air loaded typewlthoutanyplstons or floats, for which the HYDRAULIK .Co. owns patents In all countries of the world. Erltlsh Agents: Aabacas Engineering Co., Ltd., 10Canning Place, Liverpool, I SHEETS, CIRCLES, MATTING IN 9 8 -9 9 °/o PURE METAL ROLLED MANGANESE AND SILICON ALLOYS ALUMINIUM CORPORATION LTD. WELLINGTON HOUSE, BUCKINGHAM GATE, LONDON, S.W.1, Telephone; Whitehall 7665 & 7666 Telegrams: Fluxode, Sowesf, London MADE IN ENGLAND These are typical exam ples of the many G.E.C. furnaces now used in various branches of industry. The number of installations is in­ creasing rapidly. Users find that G.E.C. Furnaces prove highly profit­ able, ensuring low working costs as well as being com­ pletely dependable, precise in operation and simple to control. Top view shows the pouring of a charge Ifrom the £-ton. ¡capacity steel melt­ ing furnace at the’ works of Jonas & Colver (Novo) Ltd., Sheffield. Middle view, three furnaces for general heat treatment at the works of John Lang & Sons, Ltd., Johnstone, Clasgow. Lower view, G.E.C. installation for bright annealing by the Grünewald ' process at the works of J. J. Habershon & Sons. Ltd., Holmes,. Rotherham. Manufacturers THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office: Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 Branches throughout Great Britain and in all principal markets of the World. viii LEITZ OPTICAL DILATOMETERS Unrivalled for their ACCURACY-RELIABILITY-CONVENIENCE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM FROM VIBRATION U D D A : universal model for differential as well as absolute expansion curves, thermo-electric investigations, coefficients of expansion, electric resistance v. temperature curves, etc. H T V : specially designed for soft metals, for recording trans­ formations at high temperatures, experiments with different quenching media, invaluable for investigating properties of all new alloys. BOTH MODELS ARE AVAILABLE FOR EXPERIMENTS IN A VACUUM OR IN A REDUCING OR OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE Write for farther particulars to E. LEITZ (LONDON) 20, MORTIMER ST., W.t VITREOSIL PURE HEAT FUSED AND QUARTZ ACID AND PROOF SILICA LABORATORY WARE THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. Head Office and Works: WALLSEND-ON-TYNE London Depot: Thermal House, 12-14 Old Pye St., Westminster. S.W.l STERLING METALS LTD SAND & DIE CASTINGS Oit CASTING ton AIK BRAKE CYLINDER AS NORMAL AND HEAT TREATED' SUPfUlD TO THE CLAYTON OÍWANORE CO. LTD. TELEPHONE 7 TELEGRAMS: COVENTRY 803S STERMET PHONE (3 LINES) COVENTRY COVENTRY X % SIEMENS ELECTRIC FURNACES with FORCED AIR CIRCULATION The powerful circulation of heated air over the charge ensures a high degree of tem­ perature uniformity and entirely prevents local overheating. The Siemens-Betz fan used in this furnace has an efficiency of over 10% and can circulate the air in either direction. Advt. of Messrs. Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain) Ltd., Offices and W o rk s: G reat W est Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Tel.: Ealing 1171. Branch Offices and Agents: Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham. • Bring your reference library up to date • • • A copy of our new Catalogue with details of Britain’s finest Precision Balances and Weights gladly sent free on request to any industrial or educational laboratory. Please state whether interested in Chemical Balances, Assay Balances, or both. Founded In London, 1849. L. OERTLING Ltd., 65 HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C.1 TAS/Or. 123 loose copies of Institute papers Members who find it inconvenient to bring to the General Meetings copies of the Monthly Journal containing the papers to be discussed, may now purchase one loose copy of each paper. Orders, which must be for one whole year in advance, should be sent to the Secretary without delay. The service commenced with the Paris Autumn Meeting 1936 papers. Annual charge 5s., post free. xii xiii INDEX TO ADVERTISERS OCTOBER, 1936 PAGE pa g e Aluminium Corporation, Ltd. vii International Tin Research Council Aluminium Union, Ltd. Johnson, Matthey & Co., Ltd. XVI Avery, Ltd., W. & T. Leitz, E. (London) . ix Barrett, Tagant & Gotts, Ltd. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Ltd. McKechnie Bros., Ltd. Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd. IV Martin, W. E. & Co., Ltd. Booth & Co. (1915), Ltd., James V Mills, Wm., Ltd. British Aluminium Co., Ltd., The iii National Alloys, Ltd. British Commercial Gas Assoc., Tho XV Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd. British Metal Corporation, Ltd., Tho xix Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd. British Oxygon Co., Ltd.. The . Oortling, Ltd., L. Xll Carborundum Co., Ltd., Tho Priestman, Ltd., T. J. xviii Consolidated Tin Smelters, Ltd. Ratcliff (Metals) Ltd., J. F. xiv Demag A.G...................................... Siemens-Schuckert (Gt. Britain) Ltd. xi Electric Besistance Furnace Co., Ltd Stein & Co., Ltd., John G. ii Foundry Services, Ltd. Sterling Metals, Ltd. X General Electric Co.. Ltd. vm Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. High-Duty Alloys, Ltd. xiii Thermal Syndicate, Ltd. Hilger, Ltd., Adam University of Sheffield Hydraulik G.m.b.H. VI Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltc I.C.I. Metals, Ltd. XX Zeiss (London), Ltd., Carl Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd. Quality is a matter of comparison and it matters very much, when you are buying rolled metal, what standard you use to make your comparison. If you have seen LUSTER Metal produced : followed the process from start to finish, watched the patient testing of raw materials, admired the modern electric an­ nealing process, noted the almost meticulous care taken in each stage of manufacture, you will be con­ vinced that here Is your standard for Rolled Metal . LUSTER. The photograph shows some finished rolls and strips waiting delivery Instructions. J. F. RATCLIFF (METALS) LTD., NEW SUMMER STREET, BIRMINGHAM Telephone: Aston Cross 3576/7. Telegrams: “Rodent, Birmingham." HEAT-TREATMENT’S PLACE IN MASS PRODUCTION Continuous Gas-Fired Furnaces at the Ford Works. (From "The Hcal-Treatment of Slecl.") It has not been so easy to apply and automatic. How has this been continuous automatic processes to made possible ? The first essential, the heat-treatment of steel parts as of course, was a form of heat that it has to most other operations in the could be easily and accurately modem mass-production factory. But controlled and that could auto­ it has been done. With the help of matically be kept constant. It also an easily and accurately controlled had to allow of tho obtaining and source of heat and a little ingenuity maintaining of tho desired furnace a number of continuous heat-treat­ atmosphere. ment furnaces have been produced, Without critical control of tempera­ and are now in operation in this ture, atmosphere, and speed of transit country.
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