The Montebello Voice an independent gazette get fresh air October 5, 2017 London, September 2017 Photo by Dian McDonald voices on the 37 Restoring our woodlands By Chuck Amorosino mittee and its subcommittees are an deer browsing� Educational signage, energetic group with varied expertise properly displayed throughout the Five short months ago, I could have and life experiences� We are very fortu- woodlands, would explain the ecolog- written a concerned essay more criti- nate to have General Manager George ical systems being supported by dead cal, but not as well-written as the arti- Gardner with his knowledge and com- wood and snags (which I no longer cle with photos by Michael Hora in the mitment, who is now just 10 months on refer to as “graveyard” and dead tree September 7, 2017, issue of The Mon- the job� “totem poles”)� tebello Voice, entitled “Stop the Destruc- I know the board, management, The 2022 photo could also show tion of Montebello’s Woodlands�” consultants, and the full Grounds Com- a comfortable bench facing into the My Building 5 bedroom sits on the mittee welcome community attendance depth of the restored woodlands with edge of the woodlands� I have looked and conversation at the several “show an increased number of birds chirping� out and lamented many times over and tell’ activities to be scheduled in the Sitting on the bench, taking it all in, what I have called the “graveyard” with coming months� The Woodlands Sub- would be Michael and Chuck! M the fallen trees, cut wood left where committee members, besides myself, it had been sawed, and the dead tree are Heather Click, Bonnie Daniel, Bill “totem poles” – plus the erosion prob- Bryant, and Paul Zeisset� We welcome lem, perhaps intensified in places by the inquiries and dialogue with our neigh- The Montebello gradual elimination in recent years of bors� More members are needed on the Voice wants to the invasive English ivy without timely Grounds Committee and its subcom- replanting of native ground cover� mittees� hear from you About a year ago, I heard of the board’s interest yet again to address Status of the Montebello wood- the Montebello landscape� I wondered lands what had happened to the related stud- “Restoration” is the buzz word! The ntebel Voice ies and proposals of the past 10 plus Erosion and invasive non native trees, o l years� Then came the spring 2017 shrubs and plants are the primary en- M o board retreat from which was issued emies� Pre 5-Year Strategic Plan ac- an independent gazette the May 24, 2017 retreat consensus en- tivities have begun with erosion con- Alexandria, Virginia titled, “Restoring Montebello’s Green trol work anticipated next month and Spaces – Visions, Issues, Strategic Ac- continuing into early spring� Consul- This publication accepts no funding or over- tions and Governance�” The Grounds tants are assisting in the drafting of the sight from advertisers, residents, or the Monte- Committee also was created� 5-year plan and are currently conduct- bello Condominium Unit Owners Association. There was a Grounds Committee ing site analysis to assess the woodlands All opinions are encouraged and reflect the di- organizational meeting in July; soon at and the surrounding landscapes� The versity of views in the community. All articles another meeting Virginia Hodgkinson removal of invasive trees and plants and photographs come from Montebello resi- was voted committee chair� Virginia continues� Invasive trees remain in our dents. To receive or contribute to this email-only woodlands, such as Norway Maples then appointed subcommittee chairs� gazette, contact montebellovoice@cox. and Trees of Heaven, that must come I was appointed chair of the Wood- net or visit on the web at www.monte- lands Subcommittee, mostly I believe, down and totally removed to prepare bellovoice.com. because I had lamented too frequently for replanting of native trees, shrubs, and loudly about the state of the wood- and ground cover� Editor & Designer �������������Mikhailina Karina lands� Three months into the committee What could be in 2022 Contributors ����������������������Churck Amo- work with many meetings and lots of I plan to be 79 years old in 2022 rosino, Carole Appel, Karen & Donald research reading, I have been pumped when the first 5-Year Strategic Plan is Barnes, Cerie Kimball, Rebecca Hayden, up by the board’s commitment, by the successfully completed! The photos at- Virginia Hodgkinson, Ralph Johnson, Carla anticipated approval of the 2018 pro- tached to Michael Hora’s article could Batka-Jones, Azita Mashayekhi, Dian Mc- posed budget which provides funding then be replaced with a 2022 photo of Donald, Sarah Newcomb, Leslie Rodriguez, to support a Grounds 5-Year Strategic intermingled young native trees and Sammy Simon, Mary Tjeerdsma, Paul Plan (2018-2022)� The Grounds Com- plants with protective support against Zeisset The Montebello Voice 2 October 5, 2017 voices on the 37 Volunteer weeds and weed volunteers By Carole Appel Every time I walk along the paths of Montebello from my building to the Community Center or to a friend’s building and bend over to pull out a stray clump of crabgrass from the neatly mowed grass bordering most of our paved walkways, four thoughts Saying good-bye to Mary cross my mind� First, a memory of the houses I owned over the 50 years I lived Woods in small-town America before moving By Steve Woods here and how my husband and I tried to keep our lawns looking good� Sec- Each of you has kindly asked for in- ond, that any weed-pulling I do here is formation about the plans to honor my voluntary� Third, that bending is good mother, Mary Woods� for me, and bending with a tangible re- We will gather Thursday, Oct� 12, at sult is even better� And fourth: that if 1 p�m� sharp at the Old Post Chapel, everyone walking along the paths of Fort Myer� We’re told attendees should Montebello pulled one weed once in a come at least 30 minutes early to allow while, we’d really be weed-free� In fact, for check-in at the gate (see note below)� if just a dozen or so people a day pulled Following the service, we will drive in a weed, their efforts would be useful. procession to Arlington National Cem- A fifth unpleasant memory intrudes etery, where Mom’s ashes will be com- sometimes� A month or so after my mitted to the columbarium� husband’s death in April 2013, a friend From 2:30 to 4:30, please join us for (who is now a former friend) was walk- a reception at the Portofino Restaurant, ing up my driveway to help me bring 526 23rd Street S., Arlington, just off a desk down from my attic to the liv- Jeff Davis Hwy in Crystal City (phone ing room� I mentioned that Ken would 703-979-8200)� There’s free parking have loved seeing how weed-free our behind the restaurant� Written direc- grass was� Three days later, on Face- tions will be provided after the service� Photos by Azita Mashayekhi book, she bragged about the weeds Friends are invited to attend the ser- growing in her lawn, posted a photo of vice, the reception, or both� We don’t some of them, and how grand it was have a complete list of friends my Theater recommendation to have a variety of flora growing in mother would invite to a memorial� If By Sammy Simon her mowed grass� Maybe that’s okay to you know of others that you feel might have low-growing weeds in grass, but like to attend, feel free to contact them Alan and I just saw this show and boasting about it so soon after I’d men- and relay this notice� I would also ask recommend it to theater-lovers, history tioned the care my husband took with a favor, and that is if you feel there is a buffs, and any others seeking substan- our grass was nasty� The most ironic chance they will attend please forward tial entertainment totally unconnected thing about our perfect lawn in those their names to help us greet them� with NFL, Donald Trump, hurricane New Hampshire days is that my hus- We’re very much looking forward to damage, etc� band hated pulling weeds when his fa- welcoming you� The Judicial Murder of Mrs. Surratt ther made him do it when they lived in Aldersgate Church Community Theater suburban Queens, NY� He vowed never Note: In theory, Ft� Myer security Wesley Hall Theater to force any of our kids to pull weeds, requires every attendee present a val- 1301 Collingwood Road and he didn’t� But he maintained a neat id driver’s license� Be sure to identify Alexandria, Virginia lawn when we had houses of our own, yourself as attending Mary’s service� Oct 6, 7, 13, 14 at 8 p�m� because he felt that it was what good The gate is aware of scheduled func- Oct 1, 8, 15 at 2 p�m� neighbors did� And I agreed� M tions� M https://acctonline�org/ The Montebello Voice 3 October 5, 2017 Upcoming Music Club events voices on the 37 By Carla Batka-Jones Sunday, October 15, a resident of Montebello, Ernesto Bravo, will present Andian Folkloric Music at the Commu- nity Center at 3 p�m� October 29 at 3 p�m�, the daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter of Pat- ty Pulju, director and pianist for the Montebello Music Club, will perform as the Strings Attached trio: Elizabeth Pulju-Owen, on viola; Drew Owen on cello, and Cecilia Owen on violin� November has three events: Sunday, Our first ride at Montebello was on a construction elevator at the November 3, at 3 p�m�, the Music Club south end of Building 1.
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