Village of La Grange VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MONDAY, JAI\UARY 22, 2007 7:30 p.m. Village Hall Auditorium 53 S. La Grange Road La Grange,lL 60525 Elizabeth M. Asperger Village President Robert N. Milne Village Clerk 53 South La Grange Road P.O. Box 668 La Grange, Illinois 60525 008) 579-2313 Fax (708) 579-0980 VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Village Hall Auditorium 53 South La Grange Road La Grange,lL60525 AGENDA Monday, January 22,2007 - 7:30 p.m. 1 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Pres ident Elizabeth Asperger Trustee Richard Cremieux Trustee Mike Horvath Trustee Mark Langan Trustee Tom Livingston Trustee Nicholas Pønn Trustee Barb Wolf 2 PRESIDENT'S REPORT This is an opportunity for the Village President to reporl on matters of interest or concern to the Village. A. Oath of Office - Firefighter / Paramedic Frank Radek 3 PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS This is the opportunityþr members of the audience to speak about matters thøt are included on this Agenda. 4 OMNIBUS AGENDA AND VOTE Matters on the Omnibus Agenda will be considered by a single motion and vote because they already have been consideredfully by the Board at a previous meeting or have been determined to be of a routine nature. Any member of the Board of Trustees may request that an item be movedfrom the Omnibus Agenda to Current Business þr separate consideration. A. Ordinance - Creating an Additional Class G Liquor License - Palmer Ventures, Inc., 56 S. La Grange Road B. Ordinance - Creating an Additional Class A Liquor License - V/hite Hen Pantry, Inc. 201 V/. Hillgrove Avenue c. Resolution - Accepting Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds - Justice Assistance Grant Program D. Resolution - Application For Grant Funds / Emergency Services and Disaster Planning - Community Notification System Village Board Agenda - January 22,2007 - Page 2 E. Intergovemmental Agreement - Consortium Testing For Firefighter / Paramedic Applicants Through The College of DuPage F. Ordinance - Amendment to Village Code / Auxiliary Police Officers G. Consolidated Voucher 061226 H. Consolidated Voucher 0701 08 I. Consolidated Voucher 07 0122 J, Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, December 11,2006 5 CURRENT BUSINESS This agenda item includes consideration of matters being presented to the Board of Trusteesfor action. A. Ordinance - Variation - Number of Signs Per Lot / Sprint Nextel, 115 N. La Grange Road: Referced to Trustee Langan 6 MANAGER'S REPORT This is an opportunityfor the Village Manager to report on behalf of the Village Staff about matters of interest to the Village. 7 PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA This is an opportunityfor members of the audienee to speøk about Village related matters that are not listed on this Agenda. 8 EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board of Trustees may decide, by a roll call vote, to convene in executive session íf there are matters to discuss confidentially, in accordance with the Open Meetings AcL A. Closed Session - Purchase, Sale, or Lease of Real Property 9 TRUSTEE COMMENTS The Board of Trustees may wish to comment on any matters. 10. ADJOURNMENT The Village of La Grange is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions, regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village's facilities, should contact the Village's ADA Coordinator at (708) 579-2315 promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. PRESIDENT'S REPORT VILLAGE OF LA GRA}IGE Fire Department BOARD REPORT TO Village President, Village Clerk, and Board of Trustees and Village Attorney FROM: Robert J. Pilipiszyn, Village Manager and David IV. Fleege, Fire Chief DATE: January 22,2007 RE OATH OF OFFICE - FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC FRANK RADEK With the creation of a new firefighterþaramedic floater position within the fire department, it is necessary to fill this position. The La Grange Board of Fire and Police Commissioners have appointed Mr. Frank Radek to the position of Firefighter/Paramedic effective January 16,2007. Frank is a licensed paramedic and is a certified Firefighter II. He has 3 years of fire service experience, most recently as a part-time firefighterþaramedic with the Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District and the Westmont Fire Department. Frank is single and resides in V/oodridge, Illinois. Vy'e are pleased to present Frank Radek to the Village Board and we invite him to step forward so that Village Clerk Robert Milne can administer the oath of office. + r OMNIBUS VOTE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE Administrative Offices BOARD REPORT TO Village President, Village Clerk, Village Board of Trustees and Village Attorney FROM: Robert J. Pilipiszyn, Village Manager Andrianna Peterson, Assistant Village Manager DATE: January 22,20A7 RE ORDINANCE - CREATING AN ADDITIONAL CLASS G LIOUOR LICENSE _ PALMER VENTURES. INC.. 56 S. LA GRANGE ROAI) The Village recently received an application for a Class G liquor license from Palmer Ventures, Inc. a family restaurant, located at 56 S. La Grange Road. Ruth Palmer is the President, Steve Palmer the Vice President and Phil Palmer the Secretary, Treasurer. Palmer Place Restaurant has been operating in La Grange at this location for many years and currently holds a Class B Liquor License. They are seeking a Class G liquor license to facilitate the sale and service of alcohol for special events which they sponsor or are affiliated with, but are conducted off-premises. This license was applied for at the encouragement of Village staff because of the increased frequency of such events. A Class G liquor license authorizes the licensee to serve alcoholic beverages as part of a catering business which maintains a business facility within the Village and for which a business license has been issued. A "caterer" is any properly licensed individual who performs as a business, the service of providing food, or food and alcoholic beverages, to any location within or outside of the Village, and which is to be consumed on the premises within 36 hours of delivery. In the case of Palmer Place, the Class G license is incidental to their principal Class B liquor license. On Monday, December 11,2006, the Liquor Commission met to review the application submitted by Palmer Ventures, lnc. It was the recommendation of the Liquor Commission that an additional Class G liquor license be created conditioned upon Ruth Palmer's fingerprint clearance from the State. (A copy of the minutes from that meeting is attached for your reference.) Since the Liquor Commission meeting in December, Chief Holub advises that the background investigation, which includes results from the fingerprint check, did not produce any information which would preclude the issuance of a liquor license. Village staff has prepared the necessary ordinance which will facilitate the issuance of the liquor license. If the ordinance is approved, the Liquor Commissioner will issue a Class G liquor license to Palmer Ventures, lnc. We recommend that the ordinance be approved. H :\eelder\ellie\Brdþt\LiquorClass C Palmer.doc þ ù MINUTES LIQUOR COMMISSION OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE 53 South La Grange Road First Floor Conference Room La Grange, IL 60525 Monday, December 11,2006 - 6:45 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Roll Call A meeting of the Liquor Commission of the Village of La Grange was held on Monday, December 11,2006 in the first floor conference room of the Village Hall, and was convened at 6:45 p.m. by Liquor Commissioner Elizabeth Asperger. Commissioner Asperger noted that the Liquor Commission would be considering two separate applications individually this evening. Present and constituting a quorum were: Present Commissioners Mark Langan with Liquor Commissioner Elizabeth Asperger presiding. Absent: Commissioner Cremieux Also Present: Assistant Village Manager Andrianna Peterson, Village Attorney Mark Burkland, Steve Palmer representing Palmer Ventures, Inc., Anthony Abbattista and Gerald Burke representing White HenPantry, Inc. 2. Approval of the Minutes from the Liquor Commission Hearing on September I 1,2006 was moved by Commissioner Langan and seconded by Commissioner Asperger. Motion unanimously canied. 3. Palmer Ventures, Inc. - Class G Liquor License Application Commissioner Asperger indicated that Palmer Place is applying for a Class G liquor license which allows alcoholic beverages to be served as a part of a catering business. Mr. Steve Palmer has supplied all pertinent information for consideration of such a license; however the Village is awaiting background clearance for Mrs. Ruth Palmer, President of the Corporation. Mr. Palmer indicated that having a Class G liquor license will enable his business to conduct special events such as the Goombay Bash, St. Patrick's Day, etc. There is no intention by the owners to make catering their primary business. ) 'l ,þ Minutes of the Liquor Commission December I l, 2006 - Page 2 It was suggested to Mr. Palmer that he consult his legal counsel on whether or not their Articles of Incorporation should be amended to also include catering. Mr. Palmer indicated he would research the question and inform the Village of the answer. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Langan, seconded by Commissioner Asperger that the Liquor Commission recommend to the Village Board of Trustees that a Class G Liquor License be created and such license be issued to Palmer Ventures, Inc., 53 S. La Grange Road, and that such license be contingent upon background clearance for Mrs. Ruth Palmer. Voice vote unanimously canied. 4. White Hen Pantry, Inc. - Class A Liquor License Application Commissioner Asperger indicated that White Hen Pantry, Inc. is applying for a Class A liquor license which allows for the sale of beer and wine not for consumption on the premises where sold.
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