Churchill Winston Churchill was one of the famous politicians to have held high office in the administrations of two different parties. The text of this article was first delivered as a toast to the University Club of Toronto and a remembrance of the ‘Other Club’ in 1995 by Liberal Senator Jerry S Grafstein QCQC. WinstonWinston ChurchillChurchill asas aa LiberalLiberal y topic for the toast to the club is Churchill: sive dreadnoughts. Military strategists in England re- MWinston Churchill as a Liberal. A strange spond that Britain’s control of the seas should be ac- topic for a club toast as some might suggest Church- celerated by enlarging her already awesome fleet to ill himself was considered by some as not exactly safeguard the Empire in all her majesty and maintain ‘clubbable,’ though he was a member of a number of the balance of power in Europe. clubs. Since we, in the Senate, particularly these days, Meanwhile, on the domestic front, a number of get the feeling that we are not exactly ‘clubbable’ young sparkling political stars are emerging. Winston ourselves, Churchill as the classic irreverent outsider Spencer Churchill, first elected to Parliament as a seems rather a kindred spirit. To ry in the election for the constituency of In Churchill jointly founded, together with Oldham, is bent on following in the illustrious, if ill- the great F. E. Smith QC, later Lord Birkenhead, one fated, steps of his late father, Lord Randolph of the finest speakers of his day, yet another kind of Churchill, who was a leading member of the Tory club. They established a dining club for politicians of establishment. Lord Randolph was a friend of the all stripes and outstanding non-politicians interested Prince of Wales and inheritor, so young Churchill in ideas, served up with superb cuisine, laced with believed, of the great social policies of Benjamin fine wine and shrouded by mellow smoke of aged Disraeli, called by all ‘Tory Democracy.’ cigars. One purpose of the club was to cut across Unfortunately, Lord Randolph Churchill’s mete- party lines and create friendships to minimise politi- oric career, aimed right at the Prime Minister’s of- cal differences and partisanship. This they grandly fice, was cut down by a serious disease, upsetting his named ‘The Other Club,’ and Churchill rarely rationality, causing him slowly to slide into a tor- missed its regular fortnightly dinners. ‘Great tact will mented and deranged death. be necessary in the avoiding of bad moments,’ After his father’s unhappy demise, young Church- Churchill wrote to Bonar Law about ‘The Other ill, already a soldier, became a notorious columnist Club’s’ organising idea. Churchill always believed and respected author, whose sensational escape from that personal friendship and civility were more im- a Boer gaol in South Africa was widely publicised in portant in public life than personalised political par- all the London papers. He has returned to England tisanship. to pursue his fame and fortune in print and politics. I intend to give you a taste of one embattled England finds herself embroiled in a divisive na- Senator’s revisionist view of history, rather than cur- tional debate, splitting the coalition government led rent politics. Any semblance in my remarks between by the Conservative Party and its alliance with Lib- today’s politics and yesterday’s history is therefore erals and others who call themselves Unionists. Sud- purely coincidental. denly, the Tory prime minister, Arthur Balfour, re- The year is . The place is England. England verses fifty years of traditional Tory Free Trade policy stands at the very height of her imperial power. Ger- and supports higher tariffs for the first time. Church- many plots to outstrip England’s superior sea-power ill, an unabashed Free Trader, uncomfortable with by secretly laying plans for the construction of mas- this sudden departure from the traditional policies of Journal of Liberal Democrat History 25: Winter 1999–2000 15 So it is in spring ing his Liberal colours, and in June of that , at the Cobden Club, held within Churchill rises to the auspices of the Midland Club in speak in Parliament Manchester (the home of Free Trade) after Lloyd George he launches a scathing attack on his in yet another tur- former Conservative colleagues. bulent debate on ‘We know perfectly well what to ex- Free Trade. pect … [the Tory Party] has become Churchill, a Tory the party of great vested interest; cor- still, is insulted ruption at home, aggression to cover it when the Tory up abroad; trickery of tariff juggles, tyr- front bench and al- anny of party machine; sentiment by most all the back the bucketful, patronage by the pint; bench (except a open hand at the public exchequer; few hecklers) im- open door at the public house; dear mediately leave the food for the millions … and … cheap House and repair to labour by the millions …’ the smoking rooms In , a new Liberal government while he is speaking forms, led by Sir Henry Campbell- — a deliberate Bannerman. It is confirmed in office snub. Weeks later, the following year in a landslide elec- Churchill rises in tion victory for the Liberal Party. the House of Com- Winston Churchill becomes a youthful mons, loses his train member of the outer Cabinet as Under of thought in mid- Secretary of the Colonies under Lord speech and retires Elgin, who sits in the Lords. It was at Winston Churchill with David Lloyd George, when both were embarrassed. Mem- this time that Eddie Marsh, soon to be- cabinet members. bers murmur that come Churchill’s lifelong assistant, re- he may be suffering luctantly agreed to join Churchill as his the Tory Party, seeks new friends and al- from the same defect that doomed his private secretary. He was told by Lady liances to maintain his principled phi- father decades before. Lytton, to assuage his fears about the losophy. At the same time, Churchill is Shortly thereafter, on May st, mercurial Churchill, that ‘the first time also becoming increasingly disen- Winston Churchill, revived, re-enters you meet Winston you see all of his chanted with the elitism of Tory social the House of Commons, pauses, bows faults and the rest of your life you spend policies that protected the prerogatives to the Speaker and crosses the floor to discovering his virtues.’ of the upper classes at the numbing dis- sit beside Lloyd George in the same seat My admiration for Churchill deep- advantage of the poor. Churchill meets occupied by his revered father when in ened even further after I happened and quickly becomes enamoured with opposition. The Parliamentary report in across a speech he gave in his successful another rising political star, David the Manchester Guardian of June , by-election in at Dundee. Asquith Lloyd George, destined to become the recorded how Churchill actually had brought him into the Cabinet as greatest Liberal of his age. They seem to crossed the floor to the Liberal benches President of the Board of Trade. At that share more things in common than set a number of times on the night of the time, Ministers on appointment were them apart. Lloyd George, a Welsh law- May, just to make sure no-one required by law to resign their seats and yer rising from humble origins by his missed the significance of the occasion. fight a by-election. Churchill sought lyrical gift of tongue, is a mesmerising Churchill realised he must make the re-election in Northwest Manchester and charming personality. Churchill is move, even though his association de- but lost. He then found a new constitu- duly mesmerised and charmed. ferred taking further punitive action ency in Dundee. The Dundee speech Churchill writes and speaks in favour of against him. As a newly minted Liberal, was made during Churchill’s most en- Free Trade in the run-up to the coming he assays opportunities and chooses a lightened period, when he ran flat out election, antagonising Tory loyalists on Liberal constituency, a seat in North under Liberal colours. The speech also all sides, including Prime Minister West Manchester, the home of Cobden clarified for me my youthful confusion Balfour and Churchill’s own Tory Asso- and Bright, the bastion of Free Trade. when I was first attracted to the siren ciation in Oldham. Conspiring with When asked why he left the Con- song of Socialism. Churchill, with pow- the Tory whips in London, in his ab- servative Party, he retorts that he did not erful clarity, boldly contrasted Liberal- sence, his association passes a resolution leave the Conservative Party or his prin- ism and Socialism with these words suggesting Churchill seek another con- ciples. Rather, the Conservative Party which have echoed down through the stituency, since he so disagrees with deserted its principles and left him. decades, with even greater resonance. party trade policy. Churchill warms to the task, carry- 16 Journal of Liberal Democrat History 25: Winter 1999–2000 Liberalism is not Socialism, and never times of unemployment (public jobs in ment. This sudden reversal in Liberal will be. There is a great gulf fixed. It is reforestation and road building). He policy turned out to be a key to the fall not a gulf of method, it is a gulf of prin- promoted legislation restricting eight- of Lloyd George and the Liberal Party. ciple … Socialism seeks to pull down wealth, Liberalism seeks to raise up hour work days for coal miners and re- The Irish Treaty was fatal to them, as it poverty. Socialism would destroy pri- strictions on child labour. He repeat- led not to peace but continuing civil vate interests; Liberalism would pre- edly advocated a ‘safety net’ to protect unrest.
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