Buy'. .Only Prow .; Responsible:. Mer' The Business of (he Times JobPrlnt chants. Courait Urnes Advertising Ing Department is to Please Columns For 3torea 'òf'^Pròvéd Each Customer. Test Us. I— Integrity. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1939 POU R CENTS MOODY CHOIR ON RADIO Experience and $65,000 FIRE IN' BELMAR FIRE AND BUILDINC P.T.À. Group to Drs. Jones, Homrighousen To Be Heard Over WFIL Sunday ORDINANCES PASSED New Columbia Hotel in Ruins Af-' Afternoon Have Busy Year Ability Tested ' ter Sunday Blaze. The new fire code and build-- 1940 Camp Preachers Singing familiar hynfns, the 90- The New Columbia hotel, Ocean ing ordinances for Neptune HARRY A. TITCOMB IS NOVEM­ CANDIDATES FOR FREEHOLD­ voicc Auditorium Choir of Moody avenue, Belmar, lay . in ruins this township, .outside of Ocean Bible Institute will be heard ntt BER SPEAKER ER QUALIFIED . week after having been swept by Grove, was passed by the com­ 7.30 p. m;, Sunday, October 29,over mittee Tuesday night. The or-, a $66,000 blaze early Sunday morn­ Famous Evangelist and Princeton Association Plans Year’« Program. Hon. Edgar O. Morphy and Dorman ing. The only remaining section of station WFIL on the “Let’s Go dinances are comprehensive in Back to thc Bible” program. Founders' Day Meeting On Feb­ McFaddin In Running For the'hoBtclry was a new brick wing, Seminary Professor Announced covering all phases of building This program, which features ruary 15; "Safety” Ik Topic For. ' Caunty Office. Experience In built in 1929, although this also construction and the climina- , Dr Will H. Houghton, president of November Meeting. Mrs. Griffith was a total loss,, being gutted for 1940 Season. - United Breth­ tion of fire hazards, modeled ■ Public Positions Noted the noted Chicago Bible school, Is President of Group. throughout. along lines approved by the ren Convention Here on June 9. presents a'plea that.the nation turn National Board of Fire Un- Experience plus ability is a good A busy year is planned for. the Fire-Chief Harry Pflug, on ar­ to the Bible for the solution of derwi-ters. It is expected that test to apply to an, candidate for Ocean Grove-Neptune Parent rival at the scene Sunday, sound­ Dr. E. Stanley Jones and Dr. E. G. Homrighousen will its present problems. The program their operation will effect some public office. Teacher Association, according—to— ed a general alarm summoning fire be the preachers at the Seventy-First AnnuarGamp Meet- is now in its second season. 'reduction in fire insurance__ Honorable Edgar O. Murphy thc annual program distributed to companies! from South Belmar, ing services starting-Eriday-Lavening,-AugugU23i-and-con- Dr Houghton's—imeasafies-lastr fates. Thc ordinances provide who is running for reflection and West Belmar. Spring Lake-Mana-- year were incorporated in a book members last week. Dorman-McFadd]rrwhons~thepre- tinuirig until Monday, September 2." {. for the appointment of a fire squnn, Avon, Neptune City, Nep­ bearing the title of the broadcast, inspector nnd a building in­ The Father’s night celebration sent under-shariff bf .'Monmouth tune and Bradley 'Beach. Firemen The announcement that the fa- 1939 camp meeting came at tho “Let's Go Back To the Bible.” The held last week went over with suc­ County are thc Republican candi­ spector or. a combination of were forced to combine their ef­ mous evangelist, missionary and regular quarterly, meeting of thc work was acclaimed by public lead­ - both. cess, and the program of the club dates. forts to the wetting down of near­ author would Join V ith Dr. Horn- Ocean Grove CamiJ; Meeting asso-' ers in all parts of the'country, uimwwtnmmnwmiim'uummKilitMianuiHiMinnJunra'iMmMM next calls for a “Safety" theme Mr. Murphy has been Mayor of by threatened rooming bouses and righousen of Princcton • Seminary ciation held in Association hall, i Assisting Dr. Houghton are Tal- T+ for the November meeting, to be his home town of Farmingdale for hotels in the beachfront section, as and one of the preachers at the Friday.. mage-JJ Bittikofer, choir director; Mothers’ Circle Luncheon held in the high school auditorium 23 years and his taxing district has an easterly breeze carried showers I the Moody Men’s Octette; Beverly The Mothers Circle, will hold a on the twenty-first of the month. the unique distinción of being the of sparks to these places. Shea, bass-baritone soloist; Her­ hostess luncheon Thursday at 12.45 Harry A. Titcomb, principal of thc only municipality in the State of in St. Paul’s church. Hostesses Four firemen received slight in­ man Voss, pianist; J. Harry John­ high school will be the principal New Jersey where there is no mu­ son, organist, and Wendell P. Love­ for the event will be the Mcsdames speaker and will illustrate his re-' Juries in the six hoiir. battle with nicipal tax. - •; "V i less, announcer. E. W. Davis, Charles Weaver', marks with a motion picture film MrJ Murphy has had a vast ex­ the flames, and One was saved ■ The. choir will . sing “In The Augustus Knight, May McRell; on the subJect.... perience in both public and private from possible serious inJury when a Cross of Christ I Glory,” "The GoS- oseph Sanford, George Patterson, The December meeting will take business. \ ' ~ " fellow fireman shoved him to safe­ ! pel Ship,” nnd “Jesus, I Come.” Louis Samuelson, Joseph Porter, the form of a Christmas ten and In addition to being Mayor, of his William Kirkpatrick, Charles ty as a wall toppled over, scarcely JV — ----+---- reccp’tion to; new members., It will home town, he- w as. President of I Son Born To Hoffmcirs . Bihns, Homer Kresge, H. W.: Allen, be held in the sewing room of the two feet from where he had been tífe‘Tïi-Countÿ ' Municipal Associa­ i Mr. and Mrs? Allen Hoffmeir, 31 Charles ’ Jackson, Allen Bryan,, school.- The gathering is sched­ tion and has been active in various standing. The fireman, Raymond Main avenue, are the parents of a ohn Syms, MarJorie MaeWhinney, uled for the sixth of the month, a t ■civic movements in his locality. ;,. Hoagland, escaped without inJury. J son born Tuesday in Fitkin hos- Wallace Reed, William Perkins, three in the afternoon. ;' ;MJr. Murphy is Cashier of the Thc , others inJured • Received cuts I pital, Neptune.-: Mrs. Hoffmeir is Elmer Smith, Henry Erbacher, Charles Cowan, principal of the First National Bank of Farming- Henry Smith, and Miss Olive Riley. from flying.debris. I the former Helen Ervien. Oceaii Grove school will be the dale-and is Secretary of the Far­ speaker at the /January meeting, mingdale Building and Loan Asso­ held the eighteenth in the sewing ciation. \ Grove Girl Is Whitesville Bus, room. The topic of the talk by Ho has served as resident of the Planning Trips Mr. Cowan will be “Enrichment of Monmouth County- Bankers’ Asso­ Saturday Bride Route Restored the Elementary School Curriculum ciation and President, of the Mon­ Is His Hobby f Through Supplementary Activi­ mouth and Ocean County Building SERVICE HAD BEEN DISCON­ ties.” The meeting will start a t and Loan LCngue and is also a "DOC” KORBONITS ENJOYS. MISS CHAMBERLAIN M|ARRIES TINUED BY b o a r d ; V eight in the evening. A Found­ member of the Executve Committee OTHERS TRAVELS E. G. DAVENPORT ers’, Day program will be the fea­ of the New Jersey Building and DR. E. STANLEY JONES Drastic Rerouting of Buses Would ture of the February meeting, with Loan League. Wedding Performed By Rev. Car­ Head of |Asbury Park Travel Serv­ Preacher at thc 1910 Camp Meeting Be Necessary If Service Was Dis­ Mrs. Joseph Porter as. chairman Like hiB running mate, Sheriff lisle Hubbard At Belmar Satur­ ice Started in with Booking Pas­ continued. Board Refuses Help of the event. Eight in the evening Dorman McFaddin has had wide sages as Hobby Over Two Years day Evening. Couple At Home of ,the fifteenth is thc scheduled Dr. Robert C. Wells, chairman of time being pastor of Centcnnry- In Company G: Campaign experience in both public and pri­ Ago . After November .1 -. , time foii the meeting. the devotional and program, re­ Tabernaclc in Camden. Since that vate affairs; "Should the School be the Com­ ported to thc association members, date he has become pastor of the The Neptune township board of He served as Mayor of Long A man who enJoys other people’s Miss Gertrude A. Chamberlain, munity , Center?” is the subJect listing the preachers at the var­ Ocean Grove church. education, mcetint? Wedhcsyay Branch, the largest municipality in daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert for the. panel discussion to be travels as much as the travelers ious Sunday dates during the 1940 Monmouth County for four years, J.. Chagiberlain, ¿34 Lake avenue, evening, announced the restora­ held during the March meeting of themselves is William J. Korbon- season, and the twoi camp preach­ Dr. Croslcy Morgan, prominent from 1932 to 1636 nnd did not séek was married Saturday evening to tion o f, school bus service to the- the; association. State Senator its, head of the Asbury Park ers. Dr. Jones was a prcacher at Bible Conference worker, will be re-election. ' Ernest' G. Davenport, son of Mr. Haydn Proctor will be the chair­ a cainpmeeting previously, having’ the preachcr on July -28, heading Whitesville section of the township. Was Mayor of Long Branch Travel Service, 700 Mattison ave- and Mrs. L. H. Davenport, Belmar. man of the meeting that evening; been here for the 1933 season. The Rev.. Carlisle .Hubbardi. pastoi; The service had been discontinued Mr. McFaddlng was; Mayor of ■nue, Asbury Park.
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