Attachment 2- Table 1: Connecticut Endangered, Threatened, & Special Concern Plant Species (August 2016 legal list), Flora Conservanda 2012 species, and Uncommon species of Traprock Habitats USACE Wetland Conservation Status Scientific name Common name Preferred habitat Indicator Status Ferns Usually upland, shaded, high pH cliffs, tree NI UC Asplenium rhyzophyllum Walking Fern bases T Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall-rue spleenwort Moist ledges NI UPL E Cheilanthes lanosa Hairy lipfern Dry ledges Cliffs, balds, or ledges, ridges or ledges, FACW UC Cystopteris bulbifera Bulbil fragile fern talus and rocky slopes FACW E Diplazium pycnocarpon Narrow-leaved glade fern Rich moist soil, shade, toe of slope FAC SC Drypteris goldiana Goldie's Fern Rich, moist soils Cliffs, balds, or ledges, forests, talus and FACU UC Gymnocarpium dryopteris Northern Oak Fern rocky slopes Forests, forest edges and swamp margins, FACW SC Lygodium palmatum Climbing Fern mainly on peaty, acidic, sandy soils UC Pellaea atropurpurea Purple cliff-brake Rock crevices on high-pH cliffs UPL Cliffs, balds, ridges or ledges, talus and UPL UC Woodsia ilvensis Rusty cliff fern rocky slopes Cliffs and rocky slopes, predominantly on UPL UC Woodsia obtusa blunt-lobed cliff fern high-pH substrate Orchids NI SC(H) Aplectrum hyemale Putty root Moist to wet deciduous forests, often rocky Mesic to wet-mesic deciduous and evergreen-deciduous forests, fens, swamps, FAC E Coeloglossum viride Long bracted frog orchid meadows NI UC Corallorhiza odontorhiza Fall coral-root Moist upland forests, usu. open understory FAC SC Cypripedium parvifloum Yellow lady's Slipper Wooded swamps, moist decid. woods E Cypripedium reginae Showy lady's slipper Wooded swamps FACW Moist deciduous forest, high pH, leafmold, NI UC Galearis spectabilis Showy orchid wetland or upland E Liparis lilifolia Lily-leaved tway-blade Rich, moist to dry soils FACU Table 1: Rare and Uncommon Vascular Plant Species of Traprock Habitats Woodlands with Pinus and Quercus, dry sandy fields, and among heaths in well- NI SC(H) Malaxis bayardii Bayard's White Adder's Mouth drained soils E Malaxis unifolia Green addersmouth Rich, moist deciduous woods and wetlands FAC SC Plantanthera hookeri Hooker's orchid Rich moist or dry woods FAC Sedges Mesic to dry-mesic, often sandy, fields, FAC SC Carex bushii Bush's Sedge meadows, and open, human-disturbed areas Open, xeric to hydric soils, often in human- FACW SC(H) Carex crawfordii Crawford's Sedge disturbed areas such as fields and roadsides. Woodlands, cliffs, sandy fields, and open, UPL SC Carex foenea Bronze-head oval Sedge disturbed soil Div. 2 Flora Cons. 2012 Carex glaucodea Blue Sedge Dry woods, FAC Div. 2 Flora Cons. 2012 Carex gracillescens Slender loose-flowered Sedge Edges of wetlands & forests NI Slightly to very moist soil, sometimes in NI (SC 98) Carex hirsutella Hirsute Sedge wetlands Rich, very moist to slightly moist, NI SC Carex hitchcockiana Hitchcock's Sedge deciduous woods, often in wetlands OBL (SC 2005) Carex lupuliformis False Hop Sedge Wooded swamps, non-acidic SC Carex molesta Troublesome Sedge FAC Rich decid. Woodlands, slightly to very NI, SC Carex oligocarpa Few-fruited Sedge moist, rocky, sub-acidic, occ. in wetlands UC Carex sparganioides Bur-reed Sedge FACU Moist to slightly moist, subacidic, rocky, NI E Carex reznicekii Reznicek's Sedge uplands Dry, well-drained, often coarse soils of UPL UC Carex siccata Dry lspike sedge fields, balds, and oak-pine woodlands OBL (SC 98) Carex squarrosa Squarrose Sedge Open wetlands with non-acidic soils Wet meadows & decid. 'woods, SC Carex typhina Cattail Sedge bottomlands OBL E Carex wildenowii Wildenow's Sedge Dry deciduous woods UPL NI UC Trichophorum planifolium Bashful Bulrush Dry to moist woodlands, usually under oak Grasses NI E Bouteloua curtipendula Side-oats grama-grass Glades, open dry soil Dry-mesic, deciduous forests, usually occurring on hills ridges, including trap NI rock, in shallow soils associated Div. 2 Flora Cons. 2012 Elymus glabriflorus Southeastern Wild-rye with Quercus and/or Carya Connecticut Botanical Society, William Moorhead Sigrun Gadwa April 2017 2 Table 1: Rare and Uncommon Vascular Plant Species of Traprock Habitats FACU UC Elymus trachycaulus Slender wheat grass Thin, dry, rocky woods Mesic, deciduous forests, often at mid- elevations and frequently associated with FACU E Milium effusum Millet Grass circumneutral or basic bedrock Rocky forests and woodlands where it FACU E Muhlenbergia capillaris Hair-awn Muhly occurs on ridges and trap rock Deciduous or mixed evergreen- deciduous woodlands and barrens, dry- UPL E Piptatherum pungens Short-awned mountain rice-grass mesic to xeric openings Div. 2 Flora Cons. 2012 Poa saltuensis ssp. languida Weak spear grass Slightly moist to wet, cliff bases NI FACU SC Schyzachne purpurascens Purple oat grass Dry rocky woods Dry-mesic to mesic forests and woodlands, often on hillsides and rocky slopes, sometimes associated with cliff bases and UPL Div. 2(a) Flora Cons. 2012 Sphenopholis nitida Shiny wedge=scale outcrops On ledge and thin soils of ridges and rocky slopes, usually on trap rock, but also UPL E Sporobolus clandestinus Sand dropseed occurring on limestone NI ( 98 SC) Sporobolus compositus Dropseed dry roadsides, ledges, thin subacidic soil E Sporobolus heterolepis Northern dropseed dry open soil FACU Ledges, river shore outcrops, dry sandy soil of roadsides and fields, often in regions of FACU E Sporobolus neglectus Small dropseed high-pH bedrock and/or till River shore outcrops, ledges, often in FAC E Trisetum spicatum Narrow false oat regions of high-pH bedrock Other herbaceous plants Forest borders and fragments, shaded FACU E Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant Hyssop roadsides, rocky banks Forests, frequently dry-mesic, rocky types, forest fragments, roadsides, river banks, NI E Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple Giant Hyssop riparian forests Rocky woodlands, open glades, balds, cliff UPL UC Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed bases SC(H) Blephilia hirsuta Hairy woodmint Glades, dry woods FACU Rocky woodlands and forests, cliffs, and talus slopes in regions of moderate to high- FACU UC Boechera stricta Canada Rockcress pH bedrock Rocky woodlands and forests, cliffs, and NI UC Boechera laevigata Smooth Rockcress talus in regions of high-pH bedrock Rocky woodlands and forests, cliffs, and balds in regions of moderate - to high-pH NI Div. 2(a) Flora Cons. 2012 Boechera missouriensis Green Rockcress bedrock SC(H) Calystegia spithamea Upright false bindweed Upland fields, roadsides NI Connecticut Botanical Society, William Moorhead Sigrun Gadwa April 2017 3 Table 1: Rare and Uncommon Vascular Plant Species of Traprock Habitats FACU UC Cardamine concatenata Cut-leaved Toothwort Rich, mesic, upland and riparian forests. Wet-mesic to hydric meadows, often on FAC E Castilleja coccinea Indian Paintbrush higher pH substrates Rocky woodlands and forests, outcrops and FACU Div. 2 Flora Cons. 2012 Cerastium nutans Nodding Chickweed talus slopes Dry-mesic to mesic soils of fields, forest openings, and deciduous and evergreen- FACU deciduous woodlands and forests on trap E Chamaelirium luteum Fairy wand rock, limestone, and other bedrock types NI UC Clematis occidentalis Purple virgin's bower Rich moist slopes, sometimes wetlands NI UC Conopholis americana American squaw root Forested moist slopes, sometimes wetlands T Corydalis flavula Yellow corydalis Rocky woods FACU Deciduous and mixed evergreen- deciduous forests, sometimes associated NI with disturbances such as trails and old SC(H) Cynoglossum virginianum Wild Comfrey logging roads UC Desmodium canescens Hoary tick trefoil Mostly upland fields, edges NI Dry to moist forested rocky slopes, NI E Desmodium cuspidatum Large-bracted tick trefoil sometimes wetlands Woodlands, roadsides, open powerline NI SC Desmodium glabellum Smooth Tick-trefoil rights-of-way Rich woods, moist forested rocky slopes, N I SC Dicentra canadensis Squirrel corn sometimes wetlands N I SC Draba reptans Whitlow Grass Sandy and rocky fields, ledges, balds FACU SC Drymocallis arguta Tall cinquefoil Rocky slopes, glades, dry fields Dry, rich, rocky, deciduous or mixed- UPL SC Endodeca serpentaria Virginia Snakeroot deciduous forests Dry-mesic, often sandy, woodlands, fields, NI UC Eupatorium pubescens Hairy Thoroughwort and clearings UC Eupatorium sessilifolium Upland thoroughwort Rocky forests, usually wetlands NI UC Eutrochium purpureum Sweet-swented thoroughwort Woodlands, forests, fields, pastures. FAC Wooded hillsides, often subacidic, NI UC Helianthus divaricatus Woodland sunflower sometimes wetlands Glades, river & lake shores, often in T Houstonia longifolia Long-leaf bluet wetlands NI Rich, deciduous forests and woodlands, FACU SC(H) Hybanthus concolor Eastern green violet rocky slopes Rich, mesic, often rocky forests, usually NI E Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal associated with limestone and trap bedrock Rich, moist soil, rocky subacidic hillsides, SC Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf usually wetlands FAC Connecticut Botanical Society, William Moorhead Sigrun Gadwa April 2017 4 Table 1: Rare and Uncommon Vascular Plant Species of Traprock Habitats NI SC Lespedeza repens Creeping bush-clover Dry glades, open upland areas NI SC Liatris novae-angliae Shinners open upland areas NI E Linnaea borealis ssp. americana American twin-flower Wetlands, forests- usually evergreen cliffs, talus, and thin soil over ledges and balds, usually associated with serpentine FACU bedrock, but infrequently on limestone
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