VOLUME 3 | DECEMBER 2013 KAS INTERNATIONAL NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION TABLE OF CONTENTS In 2013 the KAS is working under the n Page 2 motto "Perspec- Editorial tives for Young n Page 3 People," reflecting Focus the fact that we n Page 4 are addressing EUROPE: RULE OF LAW: DEMOCRACY AND Economic and issues of values, Six months before The president of the DEVELOPMENT: Social Governance governance and European Parliament German Office for At a KAS conference in n Page 6 the future that elections, European the Protection of the Naypyidaw, the capital European Policy affect young peo- Commission President Constitution, Dr. Hans- of Myanmar, Nobel n Page 8 ple. In this edition José Manuel Barroso Georg Maassen, dis- Peace laureate Aung Political Dialogue the series logo made the case in cussed cyber security San Suu Kyi called for n Page 12 highlights reports Berlin for a more vig- challenges at the 10th women to hold more KAS Panorama on events focussed orous defence of the International Civil Law positions of political n Page 14 on this target European Union. conference in Bonn. leadership. Environment, Climate and group. Energy Policy n Page 16 Media n Page 18 Rule of Law THE STATE MUST BE n Page 20 A STRONG AND CREDIBLE REFEREE Democracy and Development n Page 22 Dialogue on Values and Nearly 25 years after the Velvet Revolu- Religion tion, Czech politicians are for the first n Page 23 time paying attention to the social market The latest from the economy as an economic model. Department of European and International Cooperation Until now the country’s economic policies n Page 24 tended towards the extremes – either the Newly Published centralised planned economy during Commu- nist rule or a liberalised market economy system introduced after the fall of the Iron The former state Curtain, which relies solely on the market’s premier of Saxony, Dr. Georg Milbradt, ability to self-regulate. Their negative conse- idea of ordoliberalism, a term that combines details the principles quences are clearly visible. the words "order" and "liberalism." of ordoliberalism. The civic education institute of the Christian The main message was that the state was Democratic party (KDU-ČSL), the European called upon to act as a credible referee by Democratic Academy, held a conference on setting the correct guidelines, and not as a October 16 in Prague in cooperation with the player who constantly intervenes on the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on the Christian- playing field. That approach needs a state Democratic economic model, an event that operating under the rule of law and an effec- largely centred on the social market econo- tive administration. In this regard, a number my. The keynote speaker was the former of challenges and difficult decisions lie ahead state premier of Saxony, Dr. Georg Milbradt. for the Czech Republic. Participants seemed particularly taken by the 2 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2013 n EDITORIAL DEAR READER, Economic development and democracy go together. On the one hand, IMPRESSUM a lack of economic prospects can endanger the stability of democrat- ic structures. On the other hand, an uncertain political situation and Edited and published by the absence of rule of law can truly inhibit stable economic conditions, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Department of European and investment and economic growth. International Cooperation Klingelhöferstraße 23 The Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) uses 10907 Berlin Germany a variety of economic policy tools to contribute to more sustainable economic development. To help development cooperation profit from Editor-in-chief the collective expertise of the German economy, the previous centre-right government stepped Dr. Gerhard Wahlers up its cooperation with the private sector. In addition to a number of structural reforms, includ- Editorial team ing merging a variety of state organisations working on the ground and increasing support for n Dr. Stefan Friedrich political foundations, the role of the private sector was strengthened to more efficiently use (Overall coordination) development policy tools, knowledge and financial resources. n Silke David n Matthias Bauer Improved cooperation with the private sector is also in the interest of our partners because (Economic and Social Policy) Germany can contribute its economic expertise and successful models to international devel- n Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro (European Policy) opment cooperation. This knowledge helps spur sustainable economic development in the n Dr. Stefan Friedrich partner countries. That it may also benefit German companies does not in any way undermine (Dialogue on Values and the success of this approach. Cooperation with the private sector lies in the interest of Ger- Religion) man economic policy, not least because of German interests in raw materials and the need to n Sebastian Barnet Fuchs (Democracy and Development) establish globally recognised environmental and social standards. Against the background n Peter Girke of the recent coalition negotiations, one has to ask about the future direction of the BMZ. One (Rule of Law) thing is clear: when the state establishes intelligent social and market economy standards n Dr. Christian Hübner (Environment, Climate and then entrepreneurship in our partner countries is and will remain a successful motor for eco- Energy Policy) nomic development and democratic participation. n Dr. Patrick Keller (Political Dialogue) n Martina Kaiser The KAS supports economic cooperation in a variety of ways through its involvement on the (Media) global stage. Teaching the essential principles of the social market economy means that politi- cal decision-makers in partner countries are paying more attention to our successful economic Contact us by Email: [email protected] system. Our projects bring together politicians, the business community and civil society so that political debates in the partner countries adequately address, for example, the problem of Translation high youth unemployment – and that solutions are developed jointly. You can find out more Thomas Marzahl about a few projects on the following pages. I wish you inspiring reading. Gestaltung SWITSCH Berlin, December 2013 KommunikationsDesign, Cologne © 2013 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Dr. Gerhard Wahlers Deputy Secretary-General of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Print compensated Id-No. 1334135 www.bvdm-online.de KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2013 | 3 Cooperation between civil society and the private sector increases both effectiveness and efficiency of international development cooperation. POLICY IDEAS FOCUS: ECONOMIC COOPERATION n BEFORE THE HONDURAS ELECTIONS On August 10, elected offi- SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY: cials and candidates of the National and Christian Dem- AN OPTION FOR BOLIVIA ocratic parties in Honduras met at a seminar on eco- At the beginning of October, Ignacio Román nomic and social policy. The Morales, professor of economics at the seminar was organised in Jesuit University ITESO in Guadalajara, cooperation with the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung. With a Mexico, paid a visit to the Bolivian cities view towards general elec- of Santa Cruz and La Paz. At a series of tions in late November and events he discussed the principles of the the country’s future political social market economy with corporate direction, participants were leaders and politicians, and how they can keen to discuss economic be applied in a Latin American context. and social policy concepts. Prof. Hans Jürgen Rösner In recent decades, Bolivian governments from the University of of various stripes have alternated between Economics professor Ignacio Román Morales explains Cologne and KAS alumni ultraliberal and state-controlled economic why the social market economy is a successful model. and former president of the models. But urgent problems such as pov- Guatemalan Central Bank, erty and unemployment remain unsolved. Dr. Lizardo Sosa, were the speakers from abroad. The social market economy provides poten- they were prepared to act in a socially responsi- tial solutions, spurring a great deal of inter- ble manner and cooperate with the various social est from Bolivian entrepreneurs. They said partners in developing the Bolivian economy. INVEST IN SFAX: KAS SUPPORTS 2ND REGIONAL ECONOMIC FORUM With the slogan "Think global - Act local" the sec- The objective of the two-day conference of experts was ond SFAX regional economic forum took place in to draw up a long-term and inclusive strategy for the October 2013 in close cooperation with the Konrad- future of the Tunisian economic capital, as well as the Adenauer-Stiftung in Tunis, the EU as well as the rural areas and the southern part of the country. Com- European Investment Bank. petitiveness and decentralisation were frequently men- tioned as international experts exchanged views in dis- Experts discussed cussions and workshops, and debated best practice new types of eco- examples before including them in specific recommen- nomic cooperation between the capi- dations for action in Tunisia. One main focus was the tal Tunis and other field of biotechnology. "Sfax can play a decisive role in cities located the decentralisation of Tunisia and serve as an engine nearby. for the national economy," said Tunisian Finance Minister Elyes Fakhfakh in his keynote address. The EU’s ambas- sador in Tunisia, Laura Baeza, underscored how impor- tant sustainable decentralisation and good governance is for economic development in the smallest of the North African
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