ROOM 318-320 ROOM 321-323 ROOM 324-326 ROOM 314 ROOM 315 ROOM 316 ROOM 317 ROOM 336 CLEO JOINT C LEO QELS 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. CThA • Fundamentals of CThB • Novel JThA • Attosecond CThC • χ2/Cascaded χ2 CThD • Optical Polymers CThE • Spectral Control of QThA • Novel Dynamic QThB • Plasmonics I Femtosecond Laser/ Semiconductor Laser Dynamics Devices Warren N. Herman; Lab Solid-State Lasers Measurements in Metals Mikhail Noginov; Norfolk Material Interactions Cavities Presider to Be Announced Robert Fisher; R. A. Fisher for Physical Sciences, Hajime Nishioka; Inst. for Michael Woerner; Max- State Univ., USA, Presider Donald Harter; IMRA Richard Jones; Intel Corp., Associates, USA, Presider Univ. of Maryland, USA, Laser Science, Japan, Born-Inst., Germany, America Inc, USA, USA, Presider Presider Presider Presider Presider Tutorial Invited Invited Tutorial Invited CThA1 • 8:00 a.m. CThB1 • 8:00 a.m. JThA1 • 8:00 a.m. CThC1 • 8:00 a.m. CThD1 • 8:00 a.m. CThE1 • 8:00 a.m. QThA1 • 8:00 a.m. QThB1 • 8:00 a.m. Ultrafast Micro and Nanomachining, Nanoscale Semiconductor Plasmon La- Probing Proton Dynamics in Molecules Parametric Generation in AlGaAs/AlOx Biomimetic Optical Polymers, James Widely Tunable Yb:KYW Laser Locked Ultrafast Spectroscopy on Photonic Nano-Particle Ions and Atoms, Nabil Gerard Mourou; Ecole Polytechnique de sers, Farhan Rana1, Christina Manolatou1, on an Attosecond Time Scale, Sarah Waveguides: Performances and Perspec- Shirk1, Guy Beadie1, Richard S. Lepkowicz1, by a Volume Bragg Grating, Björn Metamaterials, Martin Wegener1, Stefan Lawandy1,2; 1Solaris Nanosciences, USA, Paris, France. Abstract not available. Steven G. Johnson2; 1Cornell Univ., USA, Baker1, Joseph S. Robinson1, Manfred Lein2, tives, Marco Ravaro, Jean-Pierre Likforman, Y. Jin2, E. Baer2, A. Hiltner2; 1NRL, USA, 2Dept. Jacobsson, Jonas E. Hellström, Valdas Linden1, Costas Soukoulis2; 1Karlsruhe Univ., 2Div. of Engineering and Dept. of Physics, 2MIT, USA. We present several designs for Ciprian C. Chirila2, Heidi C. Bandulet3, Sara Ducci, Vincent Berger, Giuseppe Leo; of Macromolecular Science and Engineer- Pasiskevicius, Fredrik Laurell; Laser Physics, Germany, 2Ames Lab and Dept. of Physics Brown Univ., USA. Charged particles at- surface-plasmon confined electrically Daniel Comtois3, David Villeneuve4, Jean- Lab Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, ing, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA. A new KTH, Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden. We and Astronomy, Iowa State Univ., USA. We tracted to metallic nano-particles via radial pumped nanoscale semiconductor lasers. We Claude Kieffer3, John WG Tisch1, Jonathan UMR, Univ. Paris 7-Denis Diderot, France. class of nanostructured polymer optical demonstrate a technique for laser tuning review recent progress in the emerging field potentials exhibit hydrogenic quantum show that low-loss laser nanocavities with P. Marangos1; 1Imperial College, UK, 2Univ. Highly efficient frequency up- and down- materials can mimic biological optical ma- based on a volume Bragg grating. A peak of photonic metamaterials, emphasizing two states. Two-particle electronic states exist subwavelength cavity sizes in all three di- of Kassel, Germany, 3Advanced Laser Light conversion are performed in low-loss bire- terials. Application to gradient refractive in- power of 4.7 W, a bandwidth <0.1 nm and highlights connected with femtosecond with different correlations energies and tun- mensions are feasible. Source, Canada, 4Natl. Res. Council of fringent AlGaAs waveguides, obtained by dex (GRIN) lenses with an unprecedented a 1000-1050 nm tuning range is achieved in pulses: time-of-flight experiments on nega- ing of plasmon resonance to the electronic Canada, Canada. A technique for probing AlAs selective wet oxidation. The perspec- variety of index gradients and a nonlinear an Yb:KYW laser. tive-index metamaterials and harmonic gen- transitions results in large radiative effects. ultrafast (attosecond) structural rearrange- tive of a semiconductor integrated paramet- 1-D photonic crystal are described. eration on magnetic metamaterials. ment in molecules following laser ioniza- ric oscillator is quantitatively discussed. tion is discussed. The temporal window accessible has recently been extended be- yond that previously reported by employ- ing a driving field in the mid-IR. CThB2 • 8:15 a.m. CThC2 • 8:15 a.m. CThE2 • 8:15 a.m. Polarization Controlled 0.85 µm VCSELs Gain Enhancement Due to Transverse Monolithic Bragg-Locked Nd-Laser, Ida with Plasmonic Nanorods, Babu Dayal Effects in Chirped Quasi-Phase-Matched Häggström, Björn Jacobsson, Fredrik Laurell; Padullaparthi, Koyama Fumio; Tokyo Inst. Optical Parametric Amplifiers, Mathieu Laser Physics, KTH, Royal Inst. of Technol- of Technology, Japan. We demonstrate the Charbonneau-Lefort1, Bedros Afeyan2, Mar- ogy, Sweden. We demonstrate a monolithic 1 1 polarization control of single transverse tin M. Fejer ; Stanford Univ., USA, Nd:GdVO4 laser, operating in a single lon- mode 0.85 µm VCSELs using plasmonic gold 2Polymath Res. Inc., USA. We investigate gitudinal mode by wavelength restriction nanorods fabricated on the top surface. The transverse effects in chirped QPM gratings from a volume Bragg grating. With tempera- large anisotropy of gold nanorods enables such as cascaded phase shifts and non-col- ture, the laser could be tuned continuously stable polarization control with suppressing linear interactions. We find enhanced growth over 80 GHz. metal absorption. over a wide bandwidth with gains much larger than in the 1-D limit. Thursday, May 10 Thursday, CThB3 • 8:30 a.m. JThA2 • 8:30 a.m. CThC3 • 8:30 a.m. CThD2 • 8:30 a.m. CThE3 • 8:30 a.m. QThB2 • 8:30 a.m. χ(3) Ultraviolet Lasing Characteristics of a Attosecond Two-Slit Interference Con- Pulsed Picosecond UV Source by Fre- Processible Polyacetylene-Based Lasing Action of Nd:GdVO4 at 1070 nm Surface Plasmon Assisted Laser Cooling GaN Photonic Crystal Defect Emitter, trolled by Carrier-Envelope Phase, quency Quadrupling, Onur Kuzucu1, Materials for Photonic Applications, by Volumetric Bragg Grating, Chien-Jung of Solids, Jacob B. Khurgin; Johns Hopkins Chun-Feng Lai1, Peichen Yu1, Te-Chung Mahendra M. Shakya, Steve M. Gilbertson, Franco N.C. Wong1, David E. Zelmon2, San-Hui Chi1, Joel M. Hales1, Jian-Yang Cho1, Liao1, Yu-Hung Lien1, Te-yuan Chung2, Univ., USA. Threshold and efficiency of la- Wang1, Hao-Chung Kuo1, Tien-Chang Lu1, Hiroki Mashiko, Christopher M. Nakamura, Shrikrishna M. Hegde2, Tony D. Roberts3, Susan Odom1, Qing Zhang1, Richard R. Sidney S. Yang1, Jow-Tsong Shy1; 1Natl. Tsin ser cooling can be significantly improved Shing-Chung Wang1, Chao-Kuei Lee2; 1Dept. Chengquan Li, Eric Moon, Zuoliang Duan, Philip Battle3; 1MIT, USA, 2AFRL, USA, 3AdvR, Schrock2, Seth R. Marder1, Joseph W. Perry1; Hua Univ., Taiwan, 2Natl. Central Univ., due to rapid energy transfer from semicon- of Photonics and Inst. of Electro-Optical Jason Tackett, Zenghu Chang; Kansas State Inc., USA. We report efficient picosecond UV 1Georgia Tech, USA, 2MIT, USA. A number Taiwan. The 1070 nm lasing action of ductor to metal heat sink via excitation of Engineering, Natl. Chiao-Tung Univ., Tai- Univ., USA. High harmonics generation was generation by means of frequency quadru- of processing variations were carried out to Nd:GdVO4 is demonstrated for the first time surface plasmon polaritons and their subse- wan, 2Natl. Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Taiwan. The polarization gated with few-cycle laser pling of an amplified picosecond fiber la- optimize the morphology, third-order to our knowledge. Using a volumetric Bragg quent decay in the metal. fabricated GaN photonic crystal defect emit- pulses to produce two attosecond pulses ser. This narrowband 390-nm source with nonlinearity, and processability of substi- grating, the 1063 nm lasing action is sup- ter demonstrated multimode lasing with a with 104 XUV photons.The spectrum inter- 250 mW is suitable for a number of quan- tuted polyacetylene polymers. This allowed pressed and the 1070 nm lasing is gener- low optical pumping threshold of pulse ference of the two pulses is affected by the tum information processing tasks. for spin coating of optical quality films with ated. engergy~0.15µJ. The device exhibited high carrier-envelope phase like in Young’s ex- large nonlinearities. spectral purity and enhanced spontaneous periments. emission factor, β~0.045. www.cleoconference.org • www.phastconference.org NOTES ROOM 337 ROOM 338 ROOM 339 ROOM 340 ROOM 341 QELS CLEO 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. QThC • Laser Cooling of CThF • Nonlinear Optical CThG • Photonic Crystals CThH • Continuum CThI • Terahertz Generation Mechanical Systems and Processing for David Erickson; Cornell Generation and SBS in and Detection Molecules Communications Univ., USA, Presider Fibers Yun-Shik Lee; Oregon John L. Harris; Univ. of Michael Vasilyev; Univ. of Karl Koch; Corning, Inc., State Univ., USA, Presider Glasgow, UK, Presider Texas at Arlington, USA, USA, Presider Presider CThF1 • 8:00 a.m. CThG1 • 8:00 a.m. CThH1 • 8:00 a.m. CThI1 • 8:00 a.m. QThC1 • 8:00 a.m. Invited 320 Gbit/s DQPSK All-Optical Wave- Development of an Analog-to-Digital All-Fiber-Integrated Mid-Infrared Detection of Pulsed Terahertz Waves Cooling of a Micro-Mechanical Oscilla- length Conversion Using Periodically Converter Using Photonic Crystals, Supercontinuum System with 0.7 Watts Using Ambient Air as the Sensor, tor Using Radiation-Pressure Induced Poled LiNbO , Bernd Huettl1, Alexandre Ahmed Sharkawy1, Caihua Chen2, Binglin Time-Averaged Power, Chenan Xia1, Jianming Dai, Xu Xie, X.-C. Zhang; Dynamical Backaction, Albert Schliesser1, 3 Gual i Coca1, Hubertus Suche2, Reinhold Miao2, Shouyuan Shi2, Dennis Prather2; 1EM Malay Kumar1, Mohammed N.
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