K - 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Kain Michael Well Lane, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Kavanagh Catherine Glennahaglish Ballylanders Ballylanders Kavanagh Edmond Williamstown Fedamore Fedamore Kavanagh James Cloghadoolarty North Fedamore Fedamore Kavanagh John Coolygorman Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Kavanagh Mary Main Street, Croom Croom Croom Kavanagh Nicholas Grange Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane Kavanagh William Glennameade Kildimo Kildimo Keane Bridget Boherbee Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West Keane Catherine Ballyteige Upper Bruree Rockhill Keane Daniel Boughilbo Kilcolman Kilcolman, Coolcappa Keane Daniel Coolattin Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Daniel Rootiagh Ballinard Hospital Keane Daniel Rylanes Rathkeale Rathkeale Keane David Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Keane David Castletown Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Keane Denis Cullane South Ballylanders Ballylanders Keane Denis Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Keane Denis Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Keane Edmond Ballynagranagh Ballinlough Hospital Keane Edmond Kilballyowen Knockainy Knockainy Keane Edmond Moanoola, Oola Town Oola Oola and Solohead Keane Edmond Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Keane Edward Cahercorney Cahercorney Hospital Keane Hanora Ballyine Ardagh Ardagh Keane Hanora Gardenhill Stradbally Castleconnell Keane James Bulgaden Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Keane James Cappanafaraha Bruree Rockhill Keane James Castlemungret Mungret Mungret and Crecora Keane James Clynabroga Templebredon Pallasgreen 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 1 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Keane James Doon North Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Keane James Foxhall West Colmanswell Ballyagran Keane James Lackendarragh Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Jeremiah Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Keane Johanna Clovers Kilflyn Glenroe Keane Johanna Keeloges Galbally Galbally Keane John Ahawilk Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Keane John Ballynacourty Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Keane John Carnane Fedamore Fedamore Keane John Cullane South Ballylanders Ballylanders Keane John Emmet Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Keane John Fort East Colmanswell Ballyagran Keane John Gortnaskagh Kilcullane Hospital Keane John Grange Upper Tullybracky Bruff Keane John Kilmallock Hill St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Keane John Lacka Stradbally Castleconnell Keane John Moanahila Oola Oola and Solohead Keane John Moig Kilmoylan Shanagolden Keane John Raheen Cahervally Donaghmore Keane John Sheares Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Keane John Stradbally North Stradbally Castleconnell Keane John L. Ballyagran Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Keane Laurence Cloon and Commons Stradbally Castleconnell Keane Luke Kilkinlea Lower Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Keane Margaret Bridewell Lane, Croom Croom Croom Keane Margaret Doon South Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Keane Margaret Knockanea Caherconlish Caherconlish Keane Maria Knocklong East Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane Keane Mary Bruree Town Bruree Rockhill Keane Mary Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Keane Mary Cappanhane Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Keane Mary Duntryleague Galbally Galbally Keane Mary Mongfune Abington Murroe & Boher 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 2 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Keane Mary Orr Street, Kilmallock St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Keane Mary A. Mortgage Fedamore Fedamore Keane Maurice Abbeyfeale East Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Keane Michael Ballyroe Lower Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Keane Michael Kilglass Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Michael Kilmeedy Town Kilmeedy Feenagh Keane Michael Lackendarragh Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Michael Lisduane Ballingarry Ballingarry Keane Michael J. Main Street, Stradbally Castleconnell Castleconnell Keane Patrick Baggotstown East Knockainy Knockainy Keane Patrick Ballycahill Hospital Hospital Keane Patrick Boolavoord Fedamore Fedamore Keane Patrick Bottomstown Knockainy Knockainy Keane Patrick Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Keane Patrick Clooncooravane North Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Keane Patrick Dromcluher Tuogh Cappamore Keane Patrick Hospital Town Hospital Hospital Keane Patrick Scrowmore Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Richard Doon Town Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Keane Roger Baunteen Galbally Galbally Keane Stephen Lackendarragh Kilbeheny Kilbehenny, Michelstown Keane Thomas Ballinscoola Kilcullane Hospital Keane Thomas Callow Nantinan Cappagh, Stonehall Keane Thomas Hospital Town Hospital Hospital Keane Thomas New Pallas Town Grean Pallasgreen Keane Thomas Rathmore North Monasteranenagh Manister Keane Timothy Flemingstown Ballingaddy Kilmallock Keane William Ballynacourty Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Keane William Boherbee Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West Keane William Bulgaden Eady Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Keane William Hospital Town Hospital Hospital Keane William Keal Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Keane William Killonan Kilmurry Parteen, St. Patrick's 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 3 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Kearins Patrick Farnane Abington Murroe and Boher Kearney Anne Ahnagurra Ballingarry Ballingarry Kearney Daniel Rathwood Abington Murroe & Boher Kearney Edmond Ballinrea Dromin Dromin and Athlacca Kearney James Teermore Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Kearney John Gortavalla East Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Kearney John Teermore Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Kearney Kate Ballynagallagh Knockainy Knockainy Kearney Kate Glenbevan Croom Croom Kearney Margaret Grouselodge Kilcolman Kilcolman, Coolcappa Kearney Michael Bawnagh Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Kearney Patrick Ballycoshown Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Kearney Patrick Ballynahinch Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane Kearney Patrick Caherconlish Town Caherconlish Caherconlish Kearney Patrick Dark Island Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Kearney Patrick Darranstown Emlygrennan Ballinvana Kearney Patrick Mitchelstowndown Knocklong Knocklong and East Glenbrohane Kearney Patrick Skagh Croom Croom Kearney Thomas Ballymacshaneboy Kilquane Kilmallock Kearney Thomas Coolreiry Stradbally Castleconnell Kearney Thomas Garrynderk North Effin Effin Kearney Thomas Tobernea East Effin Effin Kearney William Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Kearney William Garrynderk North Effin Effin Kearney William Loughgur Knockainy Knockainy Kearns Francis Monavaha Shanagolden Shanagolden & Foynes Keating Daniel Ballycluvane Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Keating Daniel Faranatlaba Ardagh Ardagh Keating David Church Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Keating Eugene Grange Monasteranenagh Manister Keating Frank KIltenan South Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Keating Hugh Ballybane Tullybracky Bruff Keating James Bruff Town Bruff Bruff 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 4 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Keating James Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Keating James Newtown Bruff Bruff Keating James J. Garrane Monasteranenagh Manister Keating Johanna Knocknagranshy Monasteranenagh Manister Keating John Ballycoshown Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Keating John Banemore Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Keating John Borheen, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating John Bruff Bruff Bruff Keating John Dromlara Grean Pallasgreen Keating John Kilcolman West Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating John Rathnaseer Nantinan Cappagh, Stonehall Keating Kate Kilcolman West Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating Margaret Ballyroe East Ballingarry Ballingarry Keating Margaret Knockaderry Clonelty Knockderry Keating Mary Ballinard Ballinard Hospital Keating Mary Ballingarry Ballingarry Ballingarry Keating Mary Ballywinterrourke Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating Mary Caherelly West Caherelly Ballybricken Keating Maurice Ballylanders Ballylanders Ballylanders Keating Michael Amogan Beg Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Keating Michael Ballyroe West Ballingarry Ballingarry Keating Michael Ballywinterrourkewood Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating Michael Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Keating Michael Kilcolman West Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating Michael Main Street, Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Keating Michael Mountplummer Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Keating Norah Corcamore Kilkeedy Patrickswell Keating Patrick Ballywinterrourke Rathkeale Rathkeale Keating Patrick Cullane Middle Ballylanders Ballylanders Keating Patrick Gleno Knocklatteragh Abington Murroe and Boher Keating Patrick Glensharrold Kilcolman Kilcolman, Coolcappa Keating Patrick Killeedy North Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Keating Patrick Minister's Land Ardagh Ardagh 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 5 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Keating Patrick Oldabbey Robertstown Shanagolden Keating Patrick Thomastown Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Keating Timothy Glengort South Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Keating William Boherbee, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Keaty Mary Knockballyfookeen Oola Oola and Solohead Keaty Michael Brackyle Oola Oola and Solohead Keays George Dromkeen South Dromkeen Kilteely, Pallasgreen Keays John Abington Abington Murroe and Boher Keays John Dromeliagh Abington Murroe & Boher Keays Margaret Brittas Cahirconlish Cahirconlish Keeffe Catherine Ballymacshaneboy Kilquane Kilmallock Keeffe Daniel Kilkinlea Lower Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Keeffe Elizabeth Boherbee Street, Monagay
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