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(dcrB(o) r:r u'rrlloJ oilomrmoroilcnc(oil reo6mc(ooojl "l'rDctil Grdco6Dff\Do '"0' rorqdl eoorrccroolo'i moEailcol olc])ctil6ua 6gos oilcloesBuA ()dl orDc oe)(a) 3o5m cnd. po cojlr6E G-"rd(omilol6rcrro. pcrLcoiloE crgco.Gl4 60 aralro oqos olcrco cro(oorBl 4 .lr?r)ojlouA o{lo(o)som 6ru cnD enil' icrg coi c dd tirrdt @1 6 crro. aOSO6fDffoo ct{61ot oS6lGOc; 6sBUa Gocro "' o8 .Jr2l)(di6ua orgo.releccmoilcri cc1]6rclqg g (C3ooe ms.Jslloud oilojlo "el5oroilelc em" 6riill (clolo) orc])ojl6crE corlo c mrocolo ,1d oroilcorca::crnojlcn cojl 6T'il) rl^) sors'l6uA ffull6col eil 3c61te3: q. ms.'-rs1 m;llao1 4 crto:crro. r.l .-,tl gr)(oil6)(t Gs(')o JCol djccoc m)l) .rrc!(otocolqo ocii4e€ q" tt;roorcorcscn cco3trl5gBUa (a)ro3Clu0l(oJo colo:cmoilcoo ppoccoll 6ucrrl>oes Qre.daCos @ord(orom" aco5asaoocol jl co. ms;s1 "6coc -jleocmojl .rull6col6rcoc? }.rye offua,sara cc"rilmld IWA\ a,v o"vtravb ao,filrlm.orcIob "*'fu-t'b' "g'"'*"d udZ LTSTOF sANcrroNED FoR Tr{E FINANCIAi w4,n zorcrz c zorz-ra SI AS Amount No. Nendbf Proiect :\ t Maintenance rnd additional work at Poomala dqm and garden 36.88 Srppty ana installation of [60KVA DG set and oonnccted electrical set 2 at Peechi Dam 29.81 Maitrtenance of Tourist faciliation centre at Kavanattinkara, 3.52 3 Kumarakom 39 4 Maintanence and development *orks ojlqnjjgPg3!1gq- P.p"t"l f* imenity centre at Nellarachal Wayanad- Revised ""y.side AS - 47.07 Lakhs (earlier l7 Lakhs) 47.07 n"p"i, a Uuintrnence to the structurcs ofButt road bcach and Calicut za 6 beach 7 Addition of ncw products and Destination !ept9""g9lE!-Iheng3!L 47 8 Construction of Aerobic composting unq 3!4$grng t t.85 . 9 Construction of Access road to Jadayupara Na!ulg!!4- 404.5 t0 Development of Adichanaloorchira in kollam 8.9 il Thumboormuzhi Aerobic Composting Unit, Thrissur 41.E4 l't Mainunence and additional works of Vazhani Dam 48 IJ '1 t00 t4 Maintenance and additional works at Mgnakkal beach, Thrissur 20 t5 Maintanence and additional worla at Peechi Dam and garden 47.68 l6 Improving basic facilities at Mundroe thuruthu 38 t7 Clean Destination campaign 20 t6:t 7 389.25 IE DTPC at Aruvikkara 8. t6 Electritication works at Varkala Beach-Temple Road and ' t9 Balamandiram, Varkala HeliPad 29.04 20 Reformulation ofTourism Project at Veli Tourist Village r4.3 Additional lighting of southern side of sharighumugham beach in Trivandrum 20 22 Electrification works at Akkulam Children's Park 28.22 Renovation of old Toitet block and Construction ofSeptic Tank and 23 other works in Nishagandhi Auditorium : _ t8.92 24 Kovalarn Tourism zo.nc wa:ite Management Programme 2016- l7 40.s3 25. Renovation work ofexisting pond at Veli Toufist Vi[lge 61.19 26 Beautification wdrks & Electrification works of Kovalam'Beach 24.2t036 AS Amount Nar:re of fioject (in laktu) Construgtion of',Bathioom, Maintainance works of Toilgs and laying cobble stone balance srea ofexisting toile! near liSht house-dt K0valam 27 Beach 3.86792 . Restoration of Stone pillar area, pathway extension, maintainance of ' Goose cage and filling up ofsand in existing Children's play area at z8 Veli Tourist village 20 (mprovement ofsecond approach road from Ch:0/000 to 0/800 Km 29 balance work for footpath 3E.8 Renovation works ofexisitng shop with Toitei block ofDTPC at JU Ponmudi t 1.6 Construction of Toitet Btock, Renovation workspf existiag restaurant and landscaping works at existing restaurant including yard tight at Jl. Aruvikkara 23.79 32 Construction otTiritet Blocks near Neyyar Dam 8 JJ Electrihcation works at Kappit Beach and Bg![ glgb !!ygka!3 30 34 Various works at Varkata 32.08 i) vi[lage 7.0004E Renovation work of existing pay and use comhrt station and'rqp4iring works ofexisting concrete road and providing cover slab for side dain 36 at Varkala sJ733 pane.l Renovation works of police aid post taying UG cable from main r't"' 37 board ofsulabh to Police Aid Post at Veti Tourist village 3.52137 Social Tourism Projoct at Sri Sathya Sai Orphanage Trusl t9 t. t6 3E Thiruvananthapuram 39 Reformation of boatjetty at Alappuzha t7 tr{oaift"otion of the existing Toilet Comptexes two at padmanapapuram i 23.7 palace and one krishnapuram palace 'i: 4t Panchalimedu Tou.is* Projects, [dukki 396.8s @nd spinkler irrigationsysiem at parade ground, Fort kochi, Emaktilam 176.15 ^"t Maintenance of Muziris Heritage Project 2016-t7 3t4 33. t5 44 Maintanence and udditioqol *ork ut V.ltiyt' 3.52 45 Thumboormuzhi modat Aerobic Qomposting t{nit at Kanjirapuzhl9aln r r^dr'.leri.!n end maintenancd of.Garden House in Malampuzha 150 -pgradation ofbasic facilities and infrastructure development at 43 47 D.;.1 i.i aralrlrarq Reqch Uigent Maintainance and repairs works at the eKtstlng I [u at utslrlcr 9.9 48 r\Ffi^a Mqlqnnrrrtm 1 49 Lackoffacilitiesin@ SI AS Amount No. Narne of /roiect )U Green Carpet-Additional work at Kanthanpara water falls, Wayanad 2r.5 5t Creen Carpet- Additional works at Priyadarshini tea environs 50 52 Basic Amenities at Karlad Lake, Wayanad 102 53 Renovation of Munayitheru, Kozhikode 364.5 54 Backwater Tourism at Payyanuur (Phase- t ) 100 Proposed Handrail and Footpath at Paithalmala, pottan plave and 55 Ezharakundu Kannur Dist t00 56 Renovation ofPark at Padannakkara, Pinarayi, Kannur 43.6 .mplementation of rope way connecting Muzhupilangad-Dharmadom 7 sland-Preparation of DPR l0 8 Renovation of over burrys fotly park at Thalassery 49.8E 59 Renovation ofSea View park at Thalassery 49.8 Making retaining wall with covering slab of existing canal from 60 Avaduthuira Devi Temple to near Green Villa House at Kovalam 90.94 6t 6.22438 oz Electriftcation of Kovalam Beach sorroundings t?4.63 O.) Kovalam, Samudra Beach Destinition Develooment 300.0s69s Pilgrim Heritage Ciqcuit at Kulangara, Kazhakkottam, 64 Th iruvananthaouram 495 Proposa[ [or Development of rock park at lraninpuram Nelryatinkara" b) Thiruvananthapuram 266.19369 Proposal for the implementation of [p based surveillance security 66 system in Kanakakunnu Palace and premises in Thiruvananthapuram 135.543 89 Annual Maintenance contract for the Repair and Maintenance Works at 67 Govt.Guest House, Trivandrum 165 Upgradation, Annual Contract and Upkeeping the premises of Govt. Cuest House, Kovalam 68 134.5 Proposal lor restoration of Pond, Mandapam and Construction of 69 Heritage shops at Shanghumugham beach t2r 70 Proposal for Akkulam Tourist village 2nd Phase development 493 7l Construction ofnew Guesr Houle ar Ponmudi (phase - II) 401 11 Development of destination facitities at Manvila, Thiruvananthapuram 30 Pilgrim Heritage Circuit at Kola]hukara, Th iruvananthapuram 239 74 29E Special repair and improvement works at Covemment Guest House 75 building 8-Block at Ponmudi >J 'l t I sl Amount No. Namdiif Project Electrification to the newly constructed buildng for Govt. Guest House, /o Ponmudi Replacing ofold central A/C plant in Govt. Guest House, Kovalam 67 78 Upgradation and Renovation of HoteI Chaithram, Thampanoor 4 r0-38 79 Renovation of l5 cottagos of KTDC, Ponmudi 320 80 Development of Thanni Beach in Mayyanadu Panchayath, Kollam 68.4 Proposal for Modernization of Walkway and Other Beautification works at Asramam Maidanam near the banks of Ashtamudi Lake in 8t Kollam t50 82 lmrproving Basic facitities at Kotlam Beach 50 6J lmprovements of lacilities at Palaruvi 2.67 Providing road safety measures and drainage facilities to the access ro 84 !adayupara Nature Park 2s6.95 85 Development Sound and Light show at Thenmala 285 Development of Panmana vattakayaI cruise circuit- providing Boat 86 landing lacitity at Panmana (Padickal kadavu) 40 Development works for the Betterment of Meenmutty Water falls in 87 Chadayamangalam l0 Devetopment of flacilities at Punalur - providing Boat landing facilitiesj Walkway, Bathing Ohats etc on the banks of the Kallada river near, 88 Suspension Bridge at Punaloor Proposal for Providing ABC line from Ayoor substation to Jadayupara 89 Nature Park 175. I 1457 90 Proposal for Development of Malamel Para, kollam 300 9t Creation of Additional facilities at Adventurepark 43.46779 lntroducing Jungle Safari Eco Tourism Bus service throush 92 Angamoozhy Cavi road 1l /l lmprovement of Facilities of Perunthenaruvi Waterfalls. 3.t5 Proposal for the Construction of Dormitory cum Amenity Centre at 94 Perunthenaruvi in Pathanamthitta District t22.52574 v) Thekkady Destination Development 264.t6677 96 Destination Development ql! Munnar in tdukki District 100 Development of Aruvikkuzhi Tourism (Chakkupallarn Touirsm Circuit 97 Phase - t), Idukki 97.28922 98 Development of Tourism [nfrastructure at Munnar t41.42837 99 Develgpment of Ramakkalmedu Tourism, tdukki 20 r00 Renovation of Prakrithi Cramam at Ezhattumukham 9.99 t0t Fort Kochi Oestination Devetopment - Providing of two cruise boar i00 st AS Amount No. Name ofdroject (in lakhs) Renovation works of existing palace of Sree Narasimhaswami Temple, t02 Muriyamangalam, Thiruvankullm in Emakulam distlict 62 constructaon of walkway and infrastructural facilities to Kaltidumbil r0l Aattutheeram in Piravom Muncioaliw 150 Providing Polycarbonate Sheet Roofing over the atrium, Leak proofing and General improvements works at Covemment Guest House- 104 Ernakulam t>-t u pgradatron ot the main block ofcuest House, Aluva and 105 Comprehensive years maintanance for J 200 106 Tourist Facilitation at Kurishumudi Malayattoor.
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