Brill’s Companions to the A Companion to Meister Eckhart Christian Tradition Edited by A series of handbooks and reference works Jeremiah M. Hackett on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1800 Edit0r—in—C/lief Christopher M. Bellitto (Kean University) VOLUME 36 LEIDEN 0 BOSTON The titles in this series are published listed at brilicom/bcct 2013 CONTENTS Contributors Xi ' ?mface xxi PART ONE tzxttroduction Part A to One: Companion to Meister Eckhart ......... .. 3 Bernard M cGinn i;:',é’ieisterEckhart’s Life, Training, Career, and Trial 7 Walter Sermer OP Eckharfs Latin Works 85 Alessandra Beccarisi Eekhart as Preacher, Administrator, and Master of the Sentences. From Erfurt to Paris and Back: 1294--1313. The Origins of the Opus tripartitum 125 Loris Sturlese Eckharfs German Works 1 37 Dagmar Gottschall ‘The Theory of the Transcendentals in Meister Eckhart ................... .. 185 Tamar Tsopuras/zvili From to on Aquinas Eckhart Creation, Creature, and Analogy ..... .. 2o 5 jeremiah Hac/cett and jerzrufer Hart Weed Eekharfs Anthropology 237 Udo Kern £el Islamic£el and Jewish Sources: Avicenna, Avicebron, and Averroes 253 Atessandro Palazzo Elisa Rublrzo Eckhart Legends n Q n t o o O I Q I O O n o u n o c o p an Dagmar Gottsc/zall PART TWO Meister Eckhart’s Influence on Nicholas of Cusa: A Survey of the Literature Introduction to Part Two: Meister Eckhart as Preacher and 553 Elizabeth Brient Theologian 313 Paul A. Dietrich 031 a Dangerous Trail: Henry Suso and the Condemnations of Meister Eckhart’s Latin Biblical Meister Eckhart 587 Exegesis 321 Donald F. Duclow Fiorella Retucci Meister Ecl EclVernacular ?’i€lSt€I' Eckhart and Valentin Weigel (307 Preaching 337 Bruce Milem Andrew Weeks Meister Ecl of Easckhart Reception in the 19th Century -- 629 EclUnderstanding God 359 Markus Enders Cyril O’Regarz- Meister Eckhart in . Meister Eckhart and Moses Maimonides: From Judaeo—Arabic 2oth—CenturyPhilosophy 669 Rationalism to Dermot Moran Christian Mysticism 389 YossefSchwartz Epilogue: Meister Eckhart-—Between Mysticism and Philosophy 699 Karl Albertl Eckhart and the World of Women’s Spirituality in the Context of the “Free and Spirit" Marguerite Porete 415 Lydia Wegener siirfppendixzDominican Education "/L11 Walter Sermer OP The Mirror Souls: The of Simple Ethics of Margaret Porette ............ .. 445 jack C. Marler fiibliography 725 Iiadex of Scripture References 759 iridex of Subjects 760 PART THREE Introduction to Part Three 473 jeremia/z Hackett The of Meister Eckhart in Reception 14th-Century Germany ......... .. 481 Nadia Bray MEISTER.ECKHART IN 20TH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY Dermot Moran The manner in which Meister Eckhart has been viewed by scholars has changed over the centuries} considerably Nevertheless, the bull In agro clominico of 27 March 1329 already points towards the future directions that Eckhart research would subsequently take. There Eckhart is described in threefold manner as “from Germany, a doctor of sacred theology (as it is said) and a professorof the Order of Preachers.” These characterizations of Eckhart——his connection with the German philosophical and mystical tradition, his status as a of University Paris master and scriptural exegete, and his role as a theologian and vernacular preacher for the Dominican order-—continue to frame the debate. The revival of Eckhart the during 19th century uncovered many more Eckharts. Indeed, the basis for Eckhart’s growing popularity in the zoth was laid the century during 19th century when Eckhart was rediscovered the romantics and by by the idealists. Eckhart was initially revived by the eclectic engineer, Catholic romantic, Franz Von Baader (1765-1841), a friend of Schelling, who discovered Eckhart through his reading of Boehme. Baader to refer to inspired Hegel Eckhart in his Lectures on the Eckhart’s Philosophyof Religion, quoting saying that the eye with which we see God is also the eye with which God sees us.3 The 19th-century revival broadly represented Eckhart as a speculative, dialectical thinker. He was seen (with Albertus Magnus) as one of the first German philoso- phers, a forerunner to the Protestant Reformers, “the father of German 1 See Studien zum Wandel Ingeborg Degenhardt, cles Ec/c/zartbilales,(Studien zur Prob- der antiken und lemgeschichte mittelalterlichen Philosophie) 3 (Leiden: 1967). 2 See “In agro dominico,”edited by Marie H. Laurent in his “Autour du proces de Maitre Eckhart. Les documents des Archives Vaticanes,” Divus T/zomas Ser. III, 13 (1936),435-47; translation in Edmund Colledge and Bernard McGinn, Meister Eckhart: The Essential Ser- mons, Treatises and Commentaries, Defense (New York: 1981),see esp. 77. 3 See G.W.F. Hegel, Vorlesungeniiber die Pfzilosophieder Religion,ed. G. Lasson (Ham- See also burg: 1966), 257. Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Hegel et l’ide’alisme allemande (Paris: and Ernst 1999), esp. 62-63, Benz, Les sources mystiques de la p/zilosop/iieromantique alle- mande (Paris: 1987). 070 DERMOT MORAN MEISTER ECKHART IN 20TH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY 671 German speculation”4(i.e. idealism). more a Perhaps, important (as Josiah tury renewed interest in Eckhart’s conception of the dialectical relation because it was more Royce confirmed), influential, was Arthur between human and Schopen- divine intellect.9 During the 20th century, however, hauer’s (1788-1860)account of Eckhart’s of the will quietist overcoming interest in Eckhart broadened and diversified: Eckhart has been discussed that compared him with the Indian Buddhist in his World as Sakyamuni as the Thomistgscholastic; Neoplatonic negative theologian?”Rheinish Will and Representation.5 mystic;“freethinkerflzaccused heretic, and even feminist, Marxist;13 ecol- In the 20th-century, philosophical interest in Eckhart continued to ogist who respects God in nature;14 the apostle of freedom and “letting expand on his influence and as the discoverer originality pre—Cartesian be;”15postmodern transgressive dec0nstructionist;15 of postmetaphysical subjectivity and infinity,5harbinger of modernity, mystic preacher7 of loss of self, “detachment” (Abgeschiedenheit),going out from oneself, “innerness” or intimacy (Innerlich/ceit),and living “without the why”(ohne themes that continue to Eckhart 9 See, for Warum), bring into comparison with instance, Josef Bach, Meister Eckhart der Vater der Deutschen Spekulation. Eastern Ein Beitrag zu einer Geschichte der deutschen und philosophy. Eckhart is presented as having anticipated Descartes Theologie Philosophie der mittleren Zeit (1864);Gottfried Fischer, Geschichte der der deutschen with his turn to and Entdec/rung Mystiker, Ec/chart, Tauler subjectivity, with his of the divine u. Seuse im conception being 19. jahrhundert (1931);and Emanuel Hirsch Die idealistische Philosophie und as His own das Christentum H.S. Harris’s generated by self—understanding,which Richard Woods refers (1926). intellectual biography of Hegel, Hegel’sDevelopment contains asides to as Eckhart’s “Cartesian revolution.”8 One also finds (1972/1983), regarding Hegel’s relationship to Eckhart, Boehme, Baader, during the 20th cen- and alchemy. Recently, Cyril O’Reganhas published a massive and groundbreaking study of the roots of of mystical Hegel’sphilosophy religion, The Heterodox Hegel (1994).For a recent see Theo study Kobusch, Burkhard Mojsisch, and Orrin F. Summerell (eds.), Selbst, Subje/vom 4 Singularitiit, Subje/ Neoplatonismus zum deutschen Idealismus See, for Meister (Amsterdam: example, Josef Bach, Eckhart der Vater der Deutschen Spe/culation. 2002) Ein zu einer Beitrag Geschichte der deutschen T und der mittleren Zeit 10 See heologie Philosophie for instance E. Zum Brunn and A. de Libera, Maitre Eckhart. du and, somewhat Noack’s Métaphysique (Vienna: 1864) earlier, Ludwig chapter on Eckhart in his two- Verbe et théologienégative Die Christlich (Paris: 1984). volume, Mystik nach ihrem geschichtlichen im Mittelalter 11 See Entwic/clungsgange Jeanne Ancelet—Hustache,Master Eckhart and the Rhineland York und in der neueren Zeit Mystics (New dargestellt, vol. 1 280-96, which Eckhart as a and London: (1853), presents mystic 1957).See also James M. Clark, The German and Suso influenced the Mystics: Eckhart, Tauler, by Dionysius Areopagite. (Oxford: 1949). 5 See Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and vol. 2, trans. 12 Norman Representation, E.F.J. Cohn in the Pursuit the Millennium connects Eckhart with York: of (London: 1957) Payne (New 1969), 614-16, and Andrew and Salvation: The the Brethren King, “Philosophy Apo- of the Free Spirit. See also Robert Lerner, The the Free in the in Heresy of Spirit phatic the of Arthur Modern 2 Thought Schopenhauer,” Theology21, (2005), 253-74. Later Middle and Walter Wakefield and 5 Ages (Berkeley:1972) Austin Evans, Heresies of the See, for instance, Eckhard Wulf, Das neuzeitlicher im Ver- Aufkommen Subje/ctivitiit High Middle Ages (New York: The basis of the connection is that Pfeiffer “ 1991). included Eckharts Burkhard nunftbegrifi"Meister (Tiibingen: 1972); ‘Dieses Ich.’ Meister in his edition the text as Mojsisch, known “Schwester Katrei” which had a wide Eckharts Ein (“SisterCatherine”) Ich—Konzeption. Beitrag zur ‘Aufldarung’im Mittelalter’,” in Das Licht der Ver- circulation in the Middle Ages and was associated with the Brethren of the Free Spirit. nunft. Die Anflingeder/iuflcltirungim Mittelalter, ed. Kurt Flasch and Udo R. The Jeck (Munich: disputed text “Schwester Katrei” can be found in F ranz—Josef Der Freiheits— and Elizabeth Schweitzer, 1997), 100-09; Brient, The Immanence the Infinite:Hans and deutschen of Blumenberg
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