LAS VEGAS WEATHER DATA I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE By CHARLES P. SQUIRES TO THE FLAG OF THE UNI- Cooperative Observer TED STATES OF AMERICA, Jane 20 -.,....- 80 AND TO THE REPUBLIC June 21 ......... 108 FOR WHICH IT STANDS, Jaae 22 —*.„. 104 10 ONE NATIO^lNDIVlS- June 23 tififfiffift ** ''June 24 —TUfe; 91 IBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND June 25 „_^__„^ JUSTICE FOR ALL. June 26 *j*MiilHa- Eternal Triangle^ Off ices Selected For VON R1BBBITR0P READS ANTI-SOVIET DECLARATION STME PROMISES COOPERATION OBSERVATIONS JBy CHARLES Jf SQUIRES Made Quadrangle Issuance of Licenses IN LAKE MEAD WATER PROJEClMl m Dead Body of Galon Gilmore Following is a list of ttie placet, Found Near Little Used Des­ ttaiie of operation, dates of visit, Los Vegas Group Returns From Corson City In In these days of cheap electric­ ert Road North of Vegas. etc., of the representatives of the Optimistic Frame of Mind Concerning Plans ity and air Driver's License Division repre­ "|B r/ndl7t''i - * Las Vegas stiff ered a gory week­ end beginning Friday morning sentatives to Clark* cotinty. 7—' To Bring Water Into Las Vegas Valley. oning devices, _ Reports of the Las Vegas dele-o-- hot weather last, brought 0»y apparently Personnel 1s being trained at through the insanely jealous im­ Canon City headquarters and will, gation which attended the meet­ in Vegas af­ ing of tte Colorado River Com­ fects us but pulses of Wayne L, Tyler, for­ be ready to proceed to ttieir sta­ District Attorney merly a brakeman on the-Union tions and be*Teady for receiving mission Wednesday at Carson little, al­ City, indicate that Governor Car­ though we do Pacific. S||l||||p license applications, both oper­ There were three dead of gun­ ators and chauffeurs, beginning vUle, Attorney General Gray a n jo y' "the July first, . WgT> Mashburn and others, will give Denies Compromise pr i v ileg e shot wounds when the Age last active and constructive coopera­ Of lolling a- .went to press. On Saturday after­ Las Vegas — „War Memorial Rape Charge Against Lao A. Building, Tuesday, July 1, until tion and assistance to the proposal bout in the noon a fourth body was discover­ of Las-Vegas people that water Young Will Ba Pushed To sun without ed purely by accident tm the des­ further notice. Hours 10 %.m. to The Limit of Tho Law. 6:30 p.m. be taken from Lake Mead to pro­ being blister­ ert near a little used road off the vide for industrial development District Attorney .Roland Wy- ed. -Tip'". highway northeast of Las Vegas, Boulder City — Legion HalL ley today declared without reser­ Tuesday July first until July 12.. and at the same time conserve ttte The reason that of-Galen Gilmore, railroad j waters of tte artesian water belt vation that he has never at any I am mention­ callboy. July 12th will be to noon only! time attempted or (tatted te Nelson -— Grammar School. for domestic use. ing this matter of weather again In chronological order, the inci­ ,V bring about any compromise or dents- accompany ing the killings, Monday, July 14th bniyf 310 a.m. I'--w_ecommission met to the cap­ reduction in ohitfjra against Leo .— ss* to 6:30 p.m/ itol building, those from Las Ve-.. „ „ _^-____^„J~—„„ and each other how wonderfully oner Jack TLanSy, ,and other in­ Searchlight — Hall -adjoining " Lake Mead has changed, the. whole City Cafe. Tuesday', July iStti River Commissioners Ed Clark jail as the attacker of two Uttie vestigating officers, were about and Charlie DeArmond, Mayor laydut Of Vegas weather, bring­ as follows: _E»l_i^l_lB only. 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. girls. '..^__s____^ MWk%liiL ing us "cool, mdist breezes from Goodsprings—Grammar SchooL Howell Garrison and Commission­ "I believe any sex crime, par­ Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Galen er Pat Clark representing tito the water behind the dam, to Gilmore, in the latter'^ car, visit­ Wednesday, July. 16th only. 10 BERLIN, GERMANY — Photo *ho*t the German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop reading ticularly one involving children ' change our climate which, ulti­ a.m. to 6:30 p,m. city of Las Vegas; Frank De­ as this does, is most serious of ed a night spot off the Boulder Hitler's declaration of war against Russia, here, Sunday. June 22. when he said that Russia had Vinney representing the eounty mately, they intimate, will come Highway at what ence was known Sloan — Recreation Hall adjoin­ any crime known. And I want to ing postofflee. Thursday, July 17, betrayed ttie trust that the Reich had placed in her. This photo was a radio transmission. officials, and Senator Archie make. m^ clear, notwithstanding to resemble that of San Francesco as Four Mile. After spending a Grant, representing tte County of •—at least that of Santa Monica. * short time there and taking a few only. 10 a.m. to 6:30 pjn. aay "reports to ttie contrary, that It is, perhaps, natural that peo­ Moapa — Postofflee, Friday, Clark this office has never had any de­ drinks, they*left the place, got P*-T. A. Asking Discussion of the matter by tte ple should jump to"the conclusion in the car, driven by Gilmore, and July 18. only. 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. sire to compromise this case, nor that Lake Mead really gave* us a Overton -— High School. Satur­ New Empire Started Bryan Bunker New Clark county delegation was gen­ to see any less than tte extreme #ent through Las Vegas and out Budget Allowances eral and tte needs of this com­ rainy season last winter and a the Salt Lake highway about three day, July 19, from 10 ara. to 3 /tite Parent-Teacher's Associa­ penalty under the law imposed p.m., and July 21, from 10 to 6:30 munity were clearly stated. «i this defendant." cool pleasant spring and summer. miles to a point where the big tion is starting its drive for funds After assurances by Governor However, ;«j_ folks would just wash crosses ttie highway. There pjn. |||1 . TO By Modern Pioneers for tte coming years Work of pro­ Rotary President "I want to 'Say -also, that Dr, Logandale — Grammar SchooL Carville, Attorney General Gray Hardy declares he was misquoted, look around them a bit and exer­ for»some unknown reason Gil­ viding hot lunches, dental work, Mashburn and otter state offi­ cise their powers of observation more, if he were still alive, or Tuesday, July 22 only. 10 a.m. to Sorrow oi Packing and Un­ Retiring President Otto Un­ tmd ttat he did not say that any 6:30 pan. packing. —- Proof Reader clothing, etc., to those children derbill Turns Gavel of Au­ cials, ttiat they would assist in officer told him to keep hit and deduction, they would quick­ one of the others, drove ttie car needing same." Actual collection -tte movement to every way pos­ ly become aware that Lake Mead off the highway following a road BunkerviUe — High SchooL Slips. — Winter Lingers. thority Over to Now Pta*. mouth shut* " JS^*J^JIM (By Florence S. Boyer) Of money is not being made now, At yesterday's meeting of LaS sible, the question was laid in ttte "The whole conduct of this cue has aot yet, nor. ever will have the to the east. There Saturday, Gil- Saturday, July 23, only. 10 am. to hands of Attorney General Mash­ slightest effect on. the climate of more's body was discovered by 6:30 pjn. It« has always seafood to me Says Mrs. Jean Botts who is f in- Vegas Rotary Club, President Otto has been based strictly upon the ttat unpacking suit cases after re­ *mce chairman but those organ­ Underfill relinquished the egavel j burn^ who promised to commun­ law and tha evidence presented. Clark county .fiie Mr. and Mra. Bob Hall and Mr. Mesquite'^- Grammar School. t icate at spmce with the Depart­ True enough the lake is more and JKw*4^mingT who" «®e]?*S?-)' JF«15r 2« onljff^ *». turning home from a trip is a most izations which are now making of his off ice to bis successor. Bry­ first filed tte charge against. l depressing job. I have found, how­ an Bunker, whose official tenure ment of the Interior to ascertain Young of 'lewd and lascivious than 100 miles long and there are horseback riding. Gilmore was to 6:30 p.m. up tteir budgets tot ttie 1941-42 their attitude in the matter. It was some rather large and broad ex­ shot through the temple from the ever, ttat if*"* is much more de­ club year are asked to' make pro­ of Office begins witt tte meeting conduct' because ttere had been pressing to unpack suit cases wham stated that the Attorney General no evidence up te that time ttat panses of open water. But in com­ right side, indicating that he was vision for P.T.A. funds.. msm had received one letter from Sec­ driving when the shot was'fired, you haven't gone on a trip.J&|i to his valedictory, President tte crime of rape had beam com­ parison with the vastness of ttte Later on individuals will be retary Ickes ia whkh he denied mitted.. In this I was guided by rugged mountain raid desert coun­ Mr. and- Mrs. Tyler for some Wildcat Motor Bis Whan the better half found he Otto feelingly expressed his ap­ tte right of Nevada to take water was going to have to be in Las contacted and funds actually col­ preciation of the privilege of serv­ tte statements of investigators try about it, it is but a little, in­ strange reason, returned to ttie from tte River, notwithstanding presumed to know.
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