DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1987-88 VOL—IV X. EDUCATION, SPORTS AND CULTURE XI. HEALTH ; XII. WATER SUPPLY, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT XIII. INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY XV. LABOUR AND LABOUR WELFARE (Labour, Factory, Craftsmen and Apprenticeship • Training, Employment Services) XVIIL GENERAL SERVICES (Public Works, Printing & Stationery) GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA No. 0734 DRAFT AIIMJAl VLi.'S (1987- 88) VOL.- I? I S D E X Oontents WJCATIQN. SPORTS MW CULTURE General Education (School) GENEDN 1 General Education (Higher) GEInIEDN 35 (HICHEE) General Education (Adult) -Adult 65 Technical Education TECH 79 (Higher) Art and Culture ART 93 (Higher) Sports and Youth Services SPORTS ■ 107 (School) (SCHOOL) Sports and Youth Services YOUTH 117 (Higher) (Higher) XI. MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEAM^H He 1th HEALTH 125 111. WATER SUPPLY, HQUSIHG AND urban development Sewerage and Water Supply (PWD) SW(PWD) 139 Se- 3rage and Water Sup. ly SEV.JRiiGE(AD4) 153 Rural 'Water Supply (RD) RWS(RD) 157 Housing Rental: Housing f HOUSING(PWD) 163 Police Housing (Residential) I.Y.S.H. Housing Board Subsidised Industrial Housing HOUSING(IND) 169 Model Housing Colony HOUSING(ilM) 171 House Building Advance HOUSING(PIN) 173 Housing Statistical Cell HOUSING(LSG) 175 Rural Housing - (Low Income Group Housing, RD (HOUSING) 177 Economically WeaJcer Section He sing. Rural Housesites cum Construction Assistance) NIEPA DC P.T.D. - D03396 ( ii ) Cont ent s Pa,^es U..jan Development ; Financial Assistance to Agartala Municipality u r b a i^Cm ) 101 Notified Areas UD(H) 193 Town and Regional Planning TCP 195 X III. IIJP01^.0!IQI?T AND PUBLICITY 197 XV. UiBOJR AM MBQUR WSU^iUE labour Directorate lAB 209 Factory and Boiler Organisation PACTORY 215 Craftsmen Training LABIIND) 219 Apprenticeship Training Bmployment Services MP 221 S V III. OEllFiUL SERVICES Public Works Construction PUBLIC 227 WORKS Print ing and St at ionery Printing 231 ' f 3 GQ.lALvSE-Rl/ICEa. EOUC;\TION2SPORTa,ART & CLJlt.URt:. Gp^EB ^ EDUCATION (S CHOOL EDUCATIOM.). ' ^ ^ c t lo n > The objectiv/e and startegy af tbe Sev/enth Fiue Yeai P la n are i.n a nut~shGEel as follous i — i) T.q; prov/ide schooling fa c ilitie s i^n unseryed areas* ii) To prov/ide primary schoolinj fa c ilitie s ciaser to: tl^ia home,, of the c h ild re iii» iii.) TiQ.ansure 100^ enrolment of : 11 children of 6-11’ age— groiip . iU) To., sh ift the emphasis form morti Gncolment to retahtion af children after enrolment part..Qulanly in elementary c ■ . • • - .stGa:j,e I;) To. improwe the physical fa cilitie s in schools,. V i) To t r y o u t the id e a s a f NoHp.ormal e d u c a tia n a t the elementary stages. \iii) To p.lace more emphasis on the education of giuLs, specially for Sch-Tribes & Sch*castes. lL.ii) Tc raise the enrolmen ratio at the rr 'ddle stage significantly and thus to come closer to the 0bjecti\ye af uniuersal enrolment at this stage. iX) lo-tEy-out the ideas of vocationalisation of . Sacondary Educati^on. )<) lo debwslop an integrated planning-Statistics-Plonitoring- eA/aluation machinery at BlaaK,D istrict and State leuels*. Xi.) ¥o improve the teaching standards in the schools., Xii) To strengthen the administrative and supervisory machinery,. X iii) To meet the demands for Secondary Education.. ELErCNTARY EDUCATION,. P-roviding elementary educati-on for the children; of the £ge-gro,up 5 to 14 yaars-uithin a lim ited period of time has been and s till remains a, constitutional, oblig^ion-^ttem pt has ueen made for achieving this objective but ur'ui lim ited rasults--.. The e n ro lm e n t of c h ild r e n o f the age-group (6 —14) in 1984-85 and target for 1989-90 are given belous- Contd GENEDiM-2»- Class Elnrol-fiient during Target of enrolment 19B4-"S during 1989-90 PRIMARY CLLa s s G.S I U 6-11 ) Co\/erojB in pexcentage in. the bE.aQk®t.* i) 3oys:- 1.96,07 207.18 (134.9 %) (1 3 6 .9 ^ ) ii) girls:- 154*52 162.82 (1Q4.3 '%) (103.9^) i i i ) lotals- 350.59 370.00 (110.4 •%) ( 1 2 0 .1 ^ ) mODLE: raasscs UI-UIII (A-e-group 11-14) r.Qverage in p-srcentage .in the bzLackat :,) Coyss^ 47.72 69.72 (58.1^) (79.7^) ii) Girlss- 33.72 51 .72 (36.6%) (51.9%) iii) Totals- 01 .44 121 .44 (46.7^) (64.9%; Contd Vi for 19G7-30: At the element-'.ry st't^o it is proposed to start 00 new prin.iry schools and 40 n-^n-fcrm-il educr. ,icn Centres (20 at i^'rlmary stnge and 20 o.t the middlO; strije) nnd to up—gr-de 70 prinv?-ry schools to middle schools- 3,410 additional children ato the prim?Lry st^^e and 0/060 "t the middle sta.gG will be enrolled. The coverage will be ll9.97% at the prirrcry stage and 55.09% at the middle stage. Incdntivos like attendance scho- lirship and supply of dresses to ST/SC girl students,payment of opportunity cost compensation/free boc]:s/books-grants at the primary and book-bank facilities at the middle are proposed to be given. Quality text books will be printed/reprinted. The existing and new sthools w ill be provided witli staff/ furniture/ equipments/ black boards, pl'-y materials and toyS/ games -nd sports goods, staff -quarters etc. Durab:ie school building will be constmcted. Sanitary and water supply facilities will be provided. A sum of Rs. 1/416.59 lakhs'is proposed to be spent to Qchievc the above targets. S ECLHDARY EDUCATICN With the increase in nrolment at th^, elementary stage/ the 'demand for Secondary Education has become considerable- The popul' tion of unserved habitations''at the Secondary stage i; is also considerable- Enrolment attthe High Stage in 1984-05 was 36,910 (boys 22,260 and girls 14/650) convoring 33.50% childrenCboys 43.22% and girls 25.09%) of the age-group 14-16 years. The targets of the seventh Plan is to enrol 14,000 addl.children convering 44*05% childrcn(boys 55.47% and girls 33.76%) of the age-grpup.14-10 years. At the higher secondary C+2) stage the establishment o^ more schools has b.eoti folt es ^ential during the Seventh Plan period. Enrolment in 1904—05 at the +2 stage was 15160 (boys 10,050 and girls 5110) covering 14.60% children (boys 20,47% and girls 9.43%) of the age-group,16-10 years. The target of the Seventh Five year plan is to enrol 0,400 addl.children convcring 19.30% jjcsdrem ( children(boys 25.5^and girls 13.^7%) of the age-group 16-10 years. Secondary School buildings are propoised to be constru- ct^d/ro-constructed/repaired add physical facilities in the sch-qols ,arc proposed to be improved. -QhNE'DN~3>- A.ch:evement during 1985-^86 At the end Qf 1985-85 the number of primary schools and middle schools in the btate uere 1898 and 392 nespectiyely. THg enrolment position uias 3,54,590 covering 120.01^ at the pxinary stage and 88,440 couering 47»82^ ait the middle, atage, 4,OK 580 quality text jooKs ucrc printed and distributed -to s-c.udants at the primary stage* Inc'r.ntiuGs liK e free, dresses to IT/SC g irls students jt attendance scholarships to ST g irls, boots-grants to the s tu d e n ts uc3rG giv/en,. F u r n it u r e ^equipm ents ^ spo;ts goods etc uere supplied to. schools and booK banK at the middle schools uere O-pened and strengtiiGncdElementaE.y schools bui-dlngi uere constructed/reparied/ra-'L-anstructed and some play fields uere also deweloped^ ThJ 3T/3Q -oarr^ers uiere given ffie.e. coaching fa c ilitie s in ELnqlisn and Mathematics* The axistajing Teacher Traning 6ollggGS ug -c: jtiongthened uith equipnents, f urniture , booKs and. jcurnas otc^ A sum of Rs, 585.98 laKhs uas spant during 1985-86 to aoh:evd the above targets* Anticipated, achievement during 1 9 5 6’-G7 TThe tanget af the., "ear at thjEs st' ge is to stair.t 80 neu primary schcols, 40 non-fcrmal education centres and to upgrade 70 axistiung primary stage schools to middle sahools. Additional enrolment target at the Glementary stage is 11,500, A ll the t.argeted schools are liKely to be started/ upgraded during the/\ e.xe^cpt non—f ormal education CantEes* A.d-diti.onal. a n ro lm e n t a t the- e le m e n ta ry stage i s l i K e l y to. tc '1,500» Besides, various incentrives liKe attendance achclarships and dresses to Sl/SC girlsjBooKsgrants/free booKs at ihe primary stage, payments opporturnity cost compensation: at the midLdle stage etc. u ill be given. Fur niture,equipment, k building, stajtf u ill be provided to achcols^ Furniture, ecuipnents etc.^ taill. also be supplied to the existing Basi^i. Training aolleges* A sum af 1024,18 laKhs u ill be spent during the year to year ta achieve the above targets^i. Can td. GENEm-5s Achievement during 1985-86. During the year 1985-86^ ,42 middle schools were upgraded to High Schools* At the end of the year there were 2 39 High Schools and 92 plus two stage schoole.
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