paranoia by the anti-Fascist left - sink i.nto their deserved obscurity before the reality of two Woodford non-political, non-intellectual deaths. -J. J; -Jo anarchist fortnightly ‘P ‘P ‘P VOL.37 NO.11 29 MAY 1976 TWE LVE PENCE It is a thankless task to cloud with facts minds that are clear-cut with prejudicial theories, but for the record it must be done. The shortage of hous- ing and jobs which it is feared will come should restrictions on immigra- tion (even to the homecoming of British passport-holders) be relaxed has al- ways been the lot of workers under the capitalist (or state-capitalist) system. The arrival of immigrant workers, in COLOURED WORKERS at Bradford those who acted on the bloody instructi- any quantity or colour, is always ar- recently demonstrating (under their on so kindly handed out in the platitude. ranged when they are needed for speci- own steam) against the National Front Seeking for the approval of their elders, alist or sordid tasks. mocked (vide New Society) the Front's Paki-bashing, queer-bashing and drunk- cries of ‘Blacks Go Home‘ by chanting: rolling are only the words of ta conform- It was indeed Mr. Enoch Powell, he " ist and prejudiced society made into who is preserving us from the racialist LET'S GO BACK bruised and slashed flesh. ‘rivers of blood‘, who instituted the im-» --Who'll drive the buses ? portation of West Indians for necessary LET'S GO BACK These deaths at Woodford were the hospital tasks. All honour to him for --Who'll sweep the streets 2 product of hatred, not only racial hat- that -- it was necessary. But it is in- LET'S GO BACK red, but student-hatred (which is an ig- gratitude to say we have no obligation --Who'll empty the dustbins ‘? norant admixture of intellect-hatred - to welcome ex-colonial peoples - even and class-hatred). Given the fuelling if they work for a living - or that those It is an interesting question. of this hate by Fleet Street and fear it here should go back or that those here is not to be wondered at. should be unable to establish their fam- =:= ilies here. The crazily logical posturings of Prejudice against coloured people has Enoch Powell and his ilk and the clown- The practical advantages of having been activated in recent weeks by the ish adolescent posturings of the Nation- such ancmary workers are Obv1ous_ campaign against British subjects from a1 Front - aided and abetted in their ' [L ant on /9 2 Malawi (see FREEDOM 15 May "To Each According"). The probable in- crease in the number of Malawi refug- ees has been hesitatingly endorsed by the Home Office with suitable noises off Illlll ENII Ill Ill! stage by racial reactionaries of all par- TI-IE GOVERNMENT has lifted its 20- Tory party when Clay Cross councillors ties -- Mr. Mellish of the Labour party months‘ ban on the selling of houses to refused to implement the law by increa- being most dire in his warnings. tenants in the New Towns, This will al- sing rents under the Tories‘ so-called low the local authorities of places like "Fair Rents" Act. But then, as we all The crooked shadow of the socio-eco- Corby, Milton Keynes, Peterborough know, home ownership is one of the nomic warning,.the scientifically det- and Stevenage to sell to the occupiers cornerstones of ‘our democracy‘. The achtdl look at 'thi.ngs as they are‘ and after they have been tenants for an ex- only trouble with that is that most of the the frank admission ‘Some of my best pected five years. time the home is never yours, but is friends are coloured but in our present, the property of those who advanced the economic state we can't be expected to This change in policy is because, say mortgage. With their interest rates, take in any more‘ turned i.nto the expli- the government, the waiting time for a family is forced to keep its nose not cit act, in the brutal knifing of two ‘col- New Town houses has dropped. Of only clean but also to the grindstone. oured' students in Woodford by a street course this decision has been seized up- corner gang who made real what their on by the Tories as a softening of policy On the other hand, renting from the elders and supposed betters only utter- and a vote catcher. council means that a family will never ed discreetly and politely. That same own their home, but such housing does racialist establishment will deplore But people have short memories, provide a stock of homes for people. since this was the policy of Labour's The trouble’ at the moment is the coun- central government that allowed local cils don't provide enough homes and authorities to sell off housing stock in don't administer those they've got in an 1968. Then, the Tory boroughs grab- efficient manner. bed the opportunity to boot out tenants from terraced houses in areas like Ful- If the government gives in to the ham, to place them i.n newly built con- pressure to allow for general selling crete barracks they call council estates. of council homes to tenants then those The 'gentified' dwellings are now mak- on the waiting lists will find themselves ing a fat profit for the owners. in an even worse plight. Many local authorities will jump at the chance to i F’-. We are" told that this change ir1 policy rid themselves of housing and the main- will not affect those on the waiting list. tenance that goes" with it. They will be But it could be the thin end of the wedge only too pleased to duck out of their L.\. — allowing all local authorities to sell current responsibility, which they do U dwellings to tenants. There is no doubt anyway, of providing homes for resid- Q0.-nu.4(L ("\OY5E__ that this would be popular. Knowing ents in their boroughs. "BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THE this, Mrs. Thatcher, the Tory party MANAGEMENT IN CO-OPERA- leader, has urged "all Conservative People's need for homes is exploited TION WITH YOUR -UNION HAS councils to go ahead with the policies on in the present society. Housing, like DECIDED TO HONOUR THIS which they were elected by actively pro- any other commodity, is considered 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE moting the sale of council houses. If fair game to make a profit on. Some 1926 GENERAL STRIKE BY the Government then prevents them it people live i.n big white mansions and GIVING YOU ALL A 10 PER will be clear where the odium lies". others in little shacks and yet people's CENT PAY cur." [Cont an P.2.T This contrasts with fthe horror of the I A WORLD I NEVER MADE [gs-ng,1'-’-12¢ 7? I] Even in times of job shortage the lowly- paid necessary tasks will find their Ti willing Pakistani, driven by a home-. SUDDENLY WITH a great flood, cert- will a person be released. iWho"wou'Id reared poverty for which we have some ain people are being released from pri- have thought that, considering all the guilt but little conception. If work is son who have been convicted on evid- direct action tactics invblved in bring- difficult to get it is commonsense that ence resting basically on identification. ing publicity to the case of George ‘guest-workers‘ will go home voluntar- Davis, that he would be released at a ily and by that same commonsense emi- First there was the acquittal of Peter time when the publicity was at its low- grants will cease (even if permitted) to Hain, the release of both George Davis est. Comrades, we should know the come to strange countries and hostile and Patrick Meehan, and i.n what seems authorities better than that; they have climates - and peoples - for a state of only a matter of time the release of to appear in control all the time, don't worklessness. Many, in fact, travel George Ince and various other people. they? On a point that will be expanded under work contracts with a usurious It would appear that only when the pub- upon later, it is interesting to note that fare-loan. licity has died down surrounding a ease the actions of the supporters of G. Davis in going outside the framework of the The pegple from Malawi and Kenya law, resulting in the imprisonmentof are a slightly different proposition. In who volunteered to fight for Rhodesia Peter Chappell and others in the cam- the majority they, like many s tudent and who considers the Race Relations paign, have been more successful in visitors, are hourgeois in origin and of Board to be ‘white renegades hell-bent the immediate short term (1. e. the re- ‘independent means‘. This, in fact, is on turning over the country to the black lease of G. Davis) than have the Suppor- one of the reasons for their expulsion man‘, find no echo in our hearts or ters of Albert Warrington who played it from ex-colonial territories. The heads, but the palpable stupidity of "by the book". Perhaps it is also I newly-rising black middle class of the creating martyrs by the mediaeval worth noting that in an area like the African states resent the dominant fin- judges‘ privilege of ‘contempt of East End the sheer physical deprivation ancial Powers of the Indian immigrants. court‘ and what could, theoretically, of the area coupled with a sickening The situation is similar to that of Ger- be a life sentence offends and insults violence, that the response has been in many in the thirties.
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