NEWSLETTER of the MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Vol. 14 No.2 MAY 1969 1969 MEMBERSHIP LIST • CONSTITUTION • BY-LAWS CONTENTS 1969 Membership List. 3 List of Members by State and Country 24 Constitution of the Michigan Entomological Society 29 By-Laws 6f the Michigan Entomological Society 33 Two membership applic ation blanks bound into the c enter of this NEWSLETTER may be removed and used without altering the pagination. THE MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1968-1969 OFFICERS President T. Wayne Porter President-Elect Louis F. Wilson Executive Secretary M. C. Nielsen The Michigan Entomological Society traces its origins to the old Detroit Ento­ mological Society and was organized on 4 November 1954 to " . .. promote the science of entomology in all its branches and by all feasible means, and to. ad­ vance cooperation and good fellowship among persons interested in entomology ." The Society attempts to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information in both amateur and professional circles, and encourages the study of insects by youth. Membership in the Society, which serves the North Central States and adjacent Canada, is open to all persons interested in entomology. There are three paying classes of membership: • Student (including those currently enrolled in college or graduate programs)-­ annual dues $1.00 • Active--annual dues $2.00 • Sustaining--annual contribution $25.00 or more Dues are paid on a calendar year basis (Jan. I-Dec. 31). Memberships accepted before July 1 shall begin on the preceding January 1; memberships accepted at a later date shall begin the following January 1 unless the earlier date is requested and the required dues are paid. All members in good standing receive the Newsleller of the Society, published quarterly. All Active and Sustaining Members may vote in Society affairs. All dues and contributions to the Society are deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Inquiries about back numbers, subscriptions and Society business should be directed to the Executive Secretary, Michigan Entomological Society, Depart­ ment of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA. Copyright © 1969 by The Michigan Entomolo gical Society. All rights reserved. This list of members may not be reproduced in any form without the written consentof the Executive Secretary. The use of names from this list for direct-mail advertising is expressly forbidden. The list of members may be rente d for approved purposes upon application to the E x ecutive Secretary. MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1969 LIST OF MEMBERS The list is arranged alphabetically, giving the full naITle and ad­ dress of all classes of ITleITlbers and a brief note of their specialties, if known. In all cases, the ITleITlbers have a general, wide interest in the study and application of entoITlology including the following: Apiculture Evolution Physiology Behavior Insect Photography TaxonoITlY Biology & Ecology Medical EntoITlology Toxicology Collecting Pest Control Space does not perITlit a cOITlplete listing of the above general in­ terests for each ITleITlber. MeITlber specialties shown are based on in­ forITlation indicated on ITleITlbership applications or upon notification froITl the ITleITlber. All active and sustaining ITleITlbers are listed in capital letters. A ITleITlber' s naITle preceded by (*) indicates Sustain­ ing MeITlbership. Student ITleITlbers' naITles are in italics. To encourage ITlore cOIYlITlunication between ITleITlbers residing in a given area, we have also arranged the ITleITlbers according to states and countries following the alphabetical list of ITleITlbers. As of 3 March 1969 the Society had a total of 584 ITleITlbers in good standing. Of the four classes of ITleITlbership, the totals break down as follows: Active 539 Canada 49 Student 45 England 1 Sustaining 7 Greece Honorary 0 U.S.A. 533 584 584 Any corrections or OITlissions in this list should be sent to the Executive Secretary. B e certain to list your correct ZIP code; ITleITl­ bers are requested NOT to send in teITlporary address changes unless absolutely necessary. Freque nt changes result in lost publications or untiITlely delays in receiving Society ITlail. AcknowledgITlent. The Society is grateful to EITlITla Lee West for h e r assistance in the preparation of this list. 3 A ABRAHAMSON, LAWRENCE P., Forest Service, U.S.D.A., Southern Hardwoods Laboratory, Stonevi lie, Miss. 38n6. Insect-Fungus Relationships, COLEOPTERA: Scolytidae. ACKER, THOMAS, University of Detroit, Dept. of Biology, Detroit, Mich. 48221. NEUROPTERA. ADAMSKI, GLORIA B. French Junior High School, 1900 S. Cedar, Lansing, Mich. 48910. Adan16lU, V., Howe Military School, Company A, Howe, Indiana 46746. AGURKIS, RONALD, A 415 Bryan Hal I, Michigan State University, Ejst Lansing, Mich. 48823. ALEXANDER, CHARLES L., 4225 B West Main, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007. ALEXANDER, RICHARD D., 5530 Warren Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105. ORTHOPTERA, Cicadas. ALFORD, MRS. RUTH B., 570 Lindsay Dr., Plymouth, Mich. 48170. ALL[N, DOUGLAS C., State Univ. Col I. of Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210. COLEOPTERA: Cerambycidae and forest insect pests in general. ALLE R, HAROLD E., Rohm & Haas Co., Research Laboratories, Springhouse, Pennsylvania 19477. AMMERMANN, FRANK E., 1827 Chandler, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105. Rhynchophora, Evolution of higher categories of insects. AND[RSON, DORIS M., 5837-41 West Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60651. ANDERSON, MARILYN P., R. D. #1, Kennedy, New York 14747. ANDERSEN, WILLIAM A., 1927 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. ARNOLD, RICHARD, 735 McKinley Lane, Hinsdale, I II. 60521. LEPIDOPTERA: esp. Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Speyeria, Boloria. ARNSMAN, JOHN C., Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. SIPHONAPTERA, EPHEMEROPTERA. ARTHUR, ALFRED P., II Golfdale Road, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. HYMEi~OPTERA and DIPTERA. ATHELSTAN, J. A., 4417 Ellsworth Drive, Minneapol is, Minn . 55435. AUGER, DONALD, III Soutn Main St., Di Iworth, Minnesota 56529~ LEPIDOPT~RA, COLEOPTERA. B SAIN, JOH~, 816 Arch St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. Wood-boring COLEOPTERA. BAKER, BRUCE H., Div. of Timber Mgt., U.S. Forest Service, 324 25th St., Ogden, Utah 84401. COLEOPTERA, LEPIDOPTERA. BA KER, NORMAN T., Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. DIPTERA. BA KER, H. RAYMOND, Chevron Chemical Co., 7524-42 Hickman Rd., Des Moines, Iowa 50314. Diabrotica spp. & DIPTERA. BANCROFT, MRS. CARL, Route #1, Freeport, Mich . 49325. 4-H Leader. BARR, WILLIAM F., Department of Entomology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843. COLEOPTERA: Buprestidae & Cleridae. BARRY, PATRICK J., P.O. Box 5895, Ashevi lie, North Carolina 28803. BARTON, LARRY C. , 4400 Okemos Rd., Apt. 211H, Okemos, Micn. 48864. BAUER, EDWARD, 11808 Honeydale, Cleveland, Ohio 44120. Parasites of Sa tu rn i i dae. BAUMGRAS, CARL P., rlox 454, Baldwin, Mich. 49304. BAYER, LUTZ J., Russell Labs, Dept. of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 'Iisc . 53706. LEPIDOPTERA: Nymphal idae, Larvae & Adults of Midwest, esp. Wisconsin. 4 BELL, HENRY, Nat. Water Quality Lab, 6201 Congdon Blvd., Duluth, Minn. 55804. Aquatic Insects of Northeastern Minn. & Northwestern Wisc. BELL, MRS. THELMA, 27 Taunton Road, Toronto 7, Ontario, Canada. Butterflies. Ben9~~ o n, L~, 5159 Worman Rd., St. Joseph, Mich. 49085. BENSON, EDMUND J., 14261 Kingston Ave., Oak Park, Mich. 48237. Biological control of pests. BERNARD, ERNEST C., 19510 Biltmore, Detroit, Mich. 48235. COLLEMBOLA; LEPIDOPTERA-Noctuidae, Geometridae; HYMENOPTERA, COLEOPTERA. BEYER, A. H., 5145 N. Okemos Rd .. East Lansing, Mich. 48823. BICK, GEORGE H., Biology Dept., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. ODONATA. BIXLER, DAVID E., 312 Brookside, Redlands, Cal ifornia 92373. ARchnids, nearctic scorpions and spiders. BLACK, MARVIN A., JR., 6960 North Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001. BLACKWELDER, MRS. RUTH M., R. F. D., #1, Makanda, Ill. 62958. 4-H Leader; COLEOPTERA: Staphylinidae, Scarabaeidae (Aphodius). BLAND, ROGER G., Department of Biology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 48858. BLOOMER, ARTHUR W., 13905 Forest Hil I Rd., Route #3, Grand Ledge, Mich. 48837. Communicable diseases. BOOE, WILLIAM, Bertha, Minn. 56437. B099~, Go4don L., University of Cal ifornia, Davis, Calif. 95616. California HYMENOPTERA and aquatics. BOLDT, PAUL, 19 Clinton Dr •• Columbia, Mo. 65201. SOOTH, HOWARD D., 292~ Washtenaw Ave. 18, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197. BORGMAN, CLAYTON H., 915 N. Dewitt, Bay City, 48706. BOUGHNER, JACKSON L., /10 East Keni Iworth Kd., Palatine, III. 60067. LEP IDOPTERA. BRACHER, RAY W., 17145 Cherokee Dr., Granger. Ind. 46530. LEPIDOPTERA. BRACHMAN, RUSSELL C., Dept. of Entomology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blackburg, Virginia 24061 BRADSHAW, WILLIAM E., Dept. of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. Termination of Diapause in Cbaoborus (Culic idae). BRADY, JOHN G., Plant Health Products, The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 4900 I. I nsec tic ide Deve lopment. BRAND, CHRISTOPHER, 158 E. Shaw Hal I, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. LEPI.DOPTERA and Coccinellidae. BRANKEL, L. SAMUEL, 3915 Benjamin Ave., Apt. A-6, Royal Oak, Mich. 48073. BRATT, AL . , Dept. of Biology, Calvin Coil., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506. Acalyptrate DIPTERA: Sciomyzidae, esp. Pherbell ia. BRICE, JAMES R. • 205 N. Normal, Yps.i1anti, Mich. 48197 . BRINK, W. D., Shell Chemical Co., 814 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. BRISTOL, MAURICE L., 511 May St., Elgin, Ill.
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