-1940- League Race ,,-:1 . Fair, Warmer l'anka, . Indians' Split, DewoU Whip' BoeJon 10WA-Palr aDII warmer today ms r aM to.orrow. See Storlee on Pare 4 lpleted .. ~ With gy. In jUnior Id ell_ 1e de. In of f apt!_ Dr all t have lprlate ,. Ap. e mUst birth. , they r 53rd **'fc . *** *** ***' *** *** *** *** he reo Imina. !, may il JlOst --= British . ~ avy Hits Nazi Concentration • • -t • * * * * * • * * * for CREDIT CANADIAN SHIP WITH SINKING SIX SUBS ege Engli~h Lash 60-Day Delay i.m. Pr~dict }lfighty New Back, Fiercelv01 Provision Cut lOt Iy, At Germanv OfJ-ensive on London .' From Measure .---------------------------------------------- London Suffers Fifth Men 21 to 35 Years Consecutive Night Immediately Liable Ir of f loor. Nazis to Dump House Passes Legislation Designed' Of Intensive Raids To Call for Training To Help Rout 'Fifth Columnists' 10,000 Loads LONDON. Sept, 12 (Thursday) WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (AP) (AP)- Great Britain lashed -A joint senate and hOUle com­ WASHINGTON, Sept, 11 (AP) ters that its enactment might back fiercely at Germany by land - and sea last night and early to­ mittee approved tonl,ht a com" Of Explosives - Urged by President Roosevelt serve to curb certain fifth col­ promise version of a peacetime - umn activities." day, her navy repeatedly hitting to act with "as little delay as conscription bill making approxi­ The measures, in the words ot nazi preparations to invade Eng­ possible," the house passed with Rep, Rees (R-Kan) "drastically land and her anti-aircraft forces mately 16,500,000 men from 21 to Unparalleled Assault 35 years old, Inclusive, Immedi­ a chorus of "ayes" today legisla- tightens" provisions regarding throwing up a tremendous bar­ Forecast for Today; rage which dulled the edge of ately liable to call for a year'. tion designed to help rout "fifth eligibility for naturalization, Ex­ -Centul Puss Plloneplloto military trJllning. columnists" and pre v e n t alien plaining the bill to the house, he the fifth successive nazi massed Parliament a Target The revised measure, to be pol­ communists, nazis and fascists also said that it would withdraw aerial a,ssault on London, The Brltllh admiralty has credited the Canadian man submarlnll8. Shown above IJI the destroyer On its fifth successive night of dtstroyer Restlgouche with the slnking ot sbc Ger- Fraser. & elater 8hlp of the Restlgouche. ished up by the commlttee to­ BERLIN, $ept. 12 (Thurs- from becoming United States cit- I citizenship from "thousands" of izens. "nominal" citizens who have not intensive raids, London was un­ ----------------------------------- morrow, goes first to the senate. ' day) (AP)-BrlUsh DJrh& fliers The measure, a proposed new been in this country in years. der an alarm of exactly nine with action predicted there FrI,. In a 92-mlnu&e air raid early nationality code, now goes to the It also would take' away the hours which ended at 5:36 a.m. day. The house then is expected (10:36 p.m. Wednesday, CST). to give final legislative approval ~day dropped Dumerens lneen­ senate. Not one word of opposi- citizenship of Americans who F.R. for Labor Support Firing began at dusk in both before the end 01 the week. Both dlal7 bombs on Berlin an 4 tion was voiced in house debate, serve in the armed forces of an- Chairman Sabath (D-Ill) of the other country, or vote in a for­ theaters of action-on the coast ------~--------------------------------------. houses previousl,y had palRd the caused one faotory fire. rules committee placed in the rec- eign election. and over London. Official se­ bill in different forms. Authorities stated the fire ord a letter from Mr. Roosevelt New bars against naturaliza- crecy cloaked the navy's success • • • but in London it became appar­ Willkie Calls Third Term One Gives Major Strlklnr out a hoUie provlaloa whleh started In a north !dde which said: tion would be set up against those ent as dawn neared that the Brit­ ~ delay tbe drart tor et 1Ia,. fador), was extlntulshed with . "I am informed that the opin- who advocate or promote the Campaign 'falk ion is entertained in some quar- overthrow of the government. ish change of aerial defense had Of Campaign's Greatest Issues whlle at&empll were mac1e to tlII comparatively little less. confined the German air raid to A t Convention the army'l lIuota of t ..,'" Other bombs fell in the scattered bombings and appar­ trainees by vow_,", eJllIatmentl, ently little damage. the joLnt committee voted to Ib: flmed Tlerrar&en park In mid· Joins Frank Gannet Canadian-American Defense Only about 20 bomb explosions rFrench Ships WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (AP) the &l'e IImU. 01 thOle .abJect Berlin. ' were counted in the city in the To Flay Concentration P St 't - Flatly approving the conscrip­ &0 the dran a' from Z1 ~ SII, ill­ first eight hours of the raid, Those ass ral s tion of non-cooperative industries cluJve. Board Plans Unified Action Of Power by F. D. R. BERLIN, Sept. 11 (AP)-Ger­ fell singly or in pairs, instead of Of Gib I for national defense purpose, • • • the groups which marked the pre­ -- ra tar many intends to dump 19.000 . ~----------------~--- RUSHVILLE, Ind.. Sept. 11 President Roosevelt delivered a The house had adopted a 21 to vious attacks. age bracket attel' the senate (AP)-Wendell L. Wlllkie a ert- 44, plane-loads of bombs daily upo~ Will PQol Forces Refugee'lu• . I~tead ot waiting' to spot \he CEUTA,Morocco, Sef)l 11 (AP) major addre or his 1940 cam­ had lIxed the ares from U to SO, the London area In a mighty new lin Case of Attack attacking bombers with search­ ed today President Roosevelt and -Three cruisers escoried by paign tOnieht aod made 01 It an inclusive. offensive to belin at once, a nazi B F • P From Steamer; lights, the anti-aircralt defenses his a3sociates have concentrated three destroyers, all !lylng the appeal for the support of organ­ The conferees approved a modl­ of London opened at full cry when source vowed today. y orelgn owers in Washington "a line of force thai ized labor, fled version of the "draft indus­ the first night raiders appeared French flag, were reported head­ This attack-one without re- ' Sought Safety should be broken" through rpjec­ He spoke betore a convention try" amendment previously voted mote parallel in all the world's WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (AP) and kept gOing at an uneprece­ ing for the Atlantic through the tion of a third term, of (he Tea.msters union, which by the house. Le&iJlaton ..141 dented rate. Straits of Gibraltar today-unmo· history-would be carried out by -Mayor Fiorello H, LaGuardia NORFOLK, Va., Sept. 11 (AP) The republican presidential nom­ earlier in the day had endorsed the charges were designed to .ur­ One nazi bomber was brought lested by Britl h batteries at Gib· round government seizure ot in. 2,500 airplanes assigned to four of New York said today the Ca- -A German refugee, one of 83 down in London itself and its inee joined Frank E, Gannett, him for a third term. He re­ trips a day to London, he said, nadian-American joint defense Rochester, N, y " publisher, in tell­ raltar, dustrial property with safeguards pers.ons of various nationalities (See LONDON, Page 6) ciied the gains for labor which and would be loosed no later than baard had planned for "the pool­ ing reporters the third term ques­ (This raises the possibility that he contended were the result of so that such drastic action would aboard tomorrow, perhaps even tonight. the Portuguese steamel' tion "is one of the greatest issues some of the French tlcet units new deal legislation, and, empha\.­ be prevented except 1n case of The informant, whose connec- ing of defense forces in the event Quanza, was captured today by Ch hill S of the campaign," refuged at Toulon have escaped ically, he asserted that national imminent national danger. tlons with Relchsmar.shal Her- of attack," an army guard at Fort Monroe urc ees "It is not alone the continua­ from that Riviera naval base and defense needs require no relaxa- They struck from the meuure mann Wilhelm Goering are very Speaking for the entire board after he dived overboard from tion in office ot Franklin D. Roose­ al'e joining the Brltlsh,) tion of these retorms. ' a senate amendment placing a close, thus threatened an apoca- upon conclusion of its second set the ship in Hampton Roads and Invasion Near velt," WilIkle said, "but of a "1 am convinced," he said, "that ceillne on proUts on guna, mu· lypse of horror while official Ger- of sessions here today, LaGuardia swam ashore. group in whcxse hands there has a breakdown of existing labor and nJtlons and other supplies slmilal' many stirred in cold fury at the said also that plans had been con­ Immigration authorities inter- been concentrated an enormous Borden Harriman social legislation would weaken to the profit limitation now In most spectacular British raid yet sidered for the best "utilization" amount of power." et!ect on airplanes. viewed him at the reservation U N S d in From rather than increase our efforts made upon Berlin, 01. such miHtary, naval and aIr guardhouse and then placed hlm rges ation to tan Such concentration, ' he addeo, Dies Fall for defense, Continuance of them Ll Col. Lew'. Hel'lhe, of &be "I wouldn't give one farthing bases as each country might es- back aboard the 'ship whose pas-I' Firm as Most Critical "is a dj!structive thing to demo­ Y. M. C.
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