
FEDERAL REGISTER X . 1934 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 156 U n i t e d * Washington, Saturday, August 7, 1943 Regulations issued March 26, 1943, as amended by CONTENTS Executive Order No. 9334, issued April REGULATIONS AND NOTICES 19, 1943, the following determination is TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE hereby issued: F ederal P u b lic H o u s in g A u t h o r ­ § 802.11 Determination of sugar com­ i t y ; Page Chapter V III—War Food Administration mercially recoverable from sugar beets. War housing projects; delega­ tion of powers to regional P art 802— S ugar D eterminations The amount of sugar, raw value, com­ mercially recoverable from sugar beets officials_____________________ 11000 SUGAR COMMERCIALLY RECOVERABLE FROM marketed under that type of agreement F ederal T rade C o m m is s io n : SUGARCANE IN HAWAII commonly known as “ individual test con­ Cease and desist orders: Amogen Co------------------------ 10973 Determination of sugar commercially tract” shall be deemed to be 95 percent Todd, J. E., Inc_,___________ - 10972 recoverable from sugarcane in the Ter­ of the total sugar in the sugar beets, G eneral L and O f f ic e : ritory of Hawaii, pursuant to the Sugar net weight, at the time of delivery to a processor; and the amount of sugar, Alaska, land withdrawn for use Act of 1937 (Revised). of War Department--------- 10995 Pursuant to the provisions of section raw value, commercially recoverable from sugar beets marketed under any Wyoming, air navigation site 302 (a) of the Sugar Act of 1937, as withdrawal_______________ 10995 amended, and Executive Order No. 9322, other type of agreement shall be deemed to be 97 percent of the amount of sugar I nterstate C om m erce C o m m is s io n : issued March 26, 1943, as amended by Louisiana, weighing of gravel Executive Order No. 9334, issued April lfl, calculated by applying to the net weight of the sugar beets, at the time of de­ destined to Fosters or 1943, the following determination is Shreveport________________ 10994 hereby issued: livery to a processor, the average per­ centage of sugar content in the cossettes Mexican border points, demur­ § 802.31 Sugar commercially recover­ of all of the sugar beets included in a rage charges------------------ 10994 able from sugarcane in the Territory of common marketing agreement: Pro­ Virginian Railway Co., reicing Hawaii. The amount of sugar, raw vided, however, That in all cases the of potatoes--------------------- 10999 value, commercially recoverable from the tests used to determine the sugar con­ O f f ic e o f D efense T ransportation : sugarcane grown on any farm in the tent are those tests customarily usèd Akron Transportation Co.; cer­ Territory of Hawaii and marketed (or for such purpose by sugar beet process­ tain operations suspended ■ and adjusted--------------------11000 processed by the producer) for the ex­ ors. traction of sugar shall be the amount This determination supersedes, with All American Bus Lines, Inc. of sugar, raw value, recovered from respect to the 1943 and subsequent crops, and Northern Trails, Inc.; such sugarcane. the determination entitled “Determina-* coordinated operations be­ tween Chicago and New This determination supersedes the tion of Sugar Commercially Recoverable Y o rk _______________________ 11000 “Determination of Sugar Commercially from Sugar Beets,” issued June 21, 1940. Recoverable from Sugarcane in the Ter­ Florists of Philadelphia; joint ritory of Hawaii, Pursuant to the Sugar (Sec. 302, 50 Stat. 910; 7 U.S.C. 1940 ed. action plan--------------------- 11001 Act of 1937,” issued July 2, 1938. 1132; E.O. 9322, as amended by E.O. O f f ic e of E c o n o m ic S tabilization : 9334) Meats, grading and grade la­ (Sec. 302, 50 Stat. 910; 7 UJ3D. 1940 ed. beling _____________________ 10988 1132; E.0.9322, as amended by E.0.9334) Issued this 5th day of August 1943. O f f ic e of P rice A dministration : M arvin Jo n e s, Adjustment orders filed, list—- 11001 Issued this 5th day of August 1943. War Food Administrator. M a r v in Jo n e s , Grade labeling: War Food Administrator. [F. R. Doc. 43-12794; Piled, August 6, 1943; Beans, dry edible (RMPR 270, 11:87 a. m.l Am. 7 )_________— -------- 10986 [F. R. Doc. 43-12744; Piled, August 5, 1943; Burley tobacco (MPR 283, 4;41 p. m.] Am. 4 )______________-— 10988 Chapter XI—War Food Administration Food products, certain packed {FDO 73] (M PR 306, Am. 13)______ 10986 Peanuts and peanut butter P art 802—S ugar D eterminations P art 1405— F r u its and V egetables (RMPR 335, Am. 2 )------- 10987 FREESTONE PEACHES GROWN IN THE STATE OF SUGAR COMMERCIALLY RECOVERABLE FROM Hawaii: CALIFORNIA SUGAR BEETS Beverage coasters and sea The fulfillment of requirements for shells (Supp. Order 45, ''' Pursuant to the provisions of section the defense of the United States will re- Am. 2 )___________________ 10980 302 (a) of the Sugar Act of 1937, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9322, (Oontinued on next page) (Continued on next page) 10967 10968 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, August 7, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued necessary and appropriate in the public interest and to promote the national de­ S ecurities and E xch ange C o m m is ­ fense: s io n : Page Hearings, etc.: § 1405.20 Restrictions relative to thb, Puget Sound Power & Light shipment of freestone peaches— (a) Def­ Co---------------------------- 11014 initions. When used in this order, un­ Scranton-Spring Brook Water less otherwise distinctly expressed or Service Co. (2 docu­ manifestly incompatible with the intent Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following legal holidays, by the ments)_________________ 11014 hereof: Division of the Federal Register, The National West* Texas Utilities Co______11014 (1) The term “freestone peaches” Archives, pursuant to the authority contained S ocial S e c u r it y B oard: means all fresh freestone peaches grown in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Old-age and survivors insur­ in the State of California, except the 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ance; evidence as to death. 10973 Elberta, J. H. Hale, and Rio Oso Gem ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the S o lid F u els A dministration for varieties. Administrative Committee, approved by the W ar: * (2) The term “person” means any in­ President. Distribution is made only by the Bituminous coal producers; es­ Superintendent of Documents, Government dividual, partnership, corporation, asso­ Printing Office, Washington, D. C. tablishment of advisory ciation, business trust, or any organized The regulatory material appearing herein is boards_____________________ 10974 group of persons whether incorporated keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, W age and H our D i v is io n : or not. which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Learner employment certifi­ (3) The term “ship” means to convey to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as cates; issuance to various fresh freestone peaches, or cause fresh amended June 19, 1937. industries (2 documents)_ 10995 freestone peaches to be conveyed, by The Federal R egister will be furnished by Minimum wage recommenda­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 railroad, truck, boat, or any other means per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ tions: whatsoever. vance. The charge f6r individual copies Fruit and vegetable packing (4) The term “Director” means the (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the and farm products assem­ Director of Food Distribution, War Food size of the issue. Remit check or money bling industry_______ 10996 Administration. order, made payable to the Superintendent Meat, poultry and dairy prod­ (b) Restrictions. (1) No person (other of Documents, directly to the Government ucts industry____________ 10998 than a carrier of peaches for another Printing Office, Washington, D. C. W ar D e p a r t m e n t : person) may ship any freestone peaches There are no restrictions on the republica­ Procurement and disposal of tion of material appearing in the Federal from a point within the State of Cali­ R egister. equipment of and supplies; fornia to a point without the State of fixed price contracts, sub­ California. contracting, etc____________ 10972 (2) The restrictions hereof shall be CONTENTS—Continued W ar F ood A dministration : observed by each person affected by this Cottonseed, peanut, etc. oil order without regard to the rights of O f fic e of P rice A dministration — (FDO 29, Am. 3 )__________ 10970 creditors, existing contracts, or payments Continued. Fish, imported salted (FDO made. Hawaii—Continued. Page 72)__----- 10970 (c) Audits and inspections. The DS Pish and seafood, etc. (MPR Peaches: rector shall be entitled to make suCn 373, Am. 9 )_____________ 10984 California freestone (FDO audit or inspection of the books, rec­ Jewelry (MPR 374, Am. 2 )____ 10984 73)—_____________ 10967 ords and other writings, premises, or Machines, parts and machinery Washington and Oregon El- stocks of fresh freestone peaches of any services (MPR 136, Am. 97) _ 10988 berta (FDO 74)__________ 10969 person, and to make such investigations, Malted milk: " Sugar commercially recoverable as may be necessary or appropriate, in Retail prices: from: his discretion, to the enforcement or ad­ Group 1 and 2 stores (MPR Sugar beets________ 10967 ministration of the provisions of this 423, Am. 2).___________ 10988 Sugar cane, Hawaii_________._ 10967 order. Group 3 and 4 stores (MPR W ar P r o d uctio n B oard: (d) Records und reports. (1) The 422, Am. 2 )____________ 10987 Broom materials and brooms Director shall be entitled to obtain such Wholesale prices (MPR 421, • L-283)--------------- 10977 information from, and require such re­ Am.
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