00 LP 11.1,11 .U II Atll) 3(1 FACES AND PHASES OK PHILADELPHIA GOLK Pine "Valley Will Cjel 111 Irtf:i Tournament 7est in June Hv MAX II. ulunitv ol leslii : I'lc nl and T ml i v <->r ihr M)y li ii to be hoped, if the r.fty vm- ,\\ CIMII huil'l nr iv/o ii'-"/ courses, (hat clubhouse? will Iv V< r room fnr the members who piay rvj^rjlgrly will be played there. /ill prr ii ' I lib i"i mo^t inadequate, having only fifty Ten years ago this wonderful Pine Valley was an inilnuchcd tract ^k of thr grcat bencfit •?uch conrSP< wouM of typical Jersey woods. Today, through 'he uiUiriiiR clTorLs and Ifirki: IV 1 determined interest of George A. Crump, its founder, and sinrc his lie If i man .plr. Th^y will t*V<- th^. ihrnnarHs out in death through the club itself, which has worked to carry out In- the i fiimlr ir and ,--TTr]•-.<• ;\r< <j,"'<A for },'Aj and soul ideas, Pine Valley is so nearly perfect that it Is now second to none. alike. Although during the past five years efforts have been made to per- At Lhc ; suade the club to hold either an invitation tournament or an associa- it I'M to rn''mli^r=.hip, including Gijl f Milli, tion event, the officials have shown rare Trr-dyffrin, St^mnn Country Club, Plymouth judgment in realizing the course was not Country Club, Country Oub of N orris town, ready for tournament play. There Core Lu Lu TViTnplf Country Club and tht Brook- Pine Valley's first tournament will be ^idc Country Club of Pottstown. The ari<Ji- anticipated with great interest. Thirty-lw<"» lion of seven ntw clubs to the membership players will qualify for the championship rendered it necessary to form a new division division in a thirty-six hole medal play in the. intcr-club competition, making foar round, and I take the liberty to predict leagues in the. series. The new division will that the score of 185 will qualify in the I:*! known ai the Association Cup League, and championship division. •.'.ill \x; composed r>i six clubs—fnciaiiing At the annual meeting of the Philadel- Wilminplnn. Gu! i Milh, Phiimont (second phia Golf Association the following officer? I cam i. Tred;, ffrin. Plymouth and the Brook- were elected: President, Robert W. Lesley, iidc Country Club of Potts town. Eight 1 Merion Cricket Club; vice-president, How- team. , will romr.*':tci for the WaJluigford and ard \V. Perrin, Pine Valley Golf Club, and Si.ilnirr^n Cup and six teams lor the Phila- secretary and treasurer, Francis B. War- delphia Cup. A new system of handicap- ner, Philadelphia Cricket Club. The execu- pin g •? imiiar to die Western Gol f Asioch- tive committee consists of Garfield Scott, tinn was approved by i_he committee. Philadelphia Country Club; Edwin S. M r?. (Caleb F. Fox o f the HBHI- Parry, River ton Country Club; George P. intrlon \*alk-y Country Qub. who B Brown. Huntingdon Valley Country Club-. one of the h^est knov.Ti and one of the bet Henry Strousc, Philtuont Country Club; liked u-omen in golf today, both on accosst of L. F.' Dem ing, Whitemarsh Valley Coun- her fine golfing ability, and unfailing good try Club, and Frederick S. Sherman, Coun- sportsmanship, lost in the finals of the Wo- try Club of Atlantic City. men's tournament at Be]lair. F!a_, sitsr a The caddie and green committees have close match with Mr*. A. K. Morrow Q* been of great benefit to the clubs in the Pomonock. Mr?. Fox had previously busies Philadelphia district during the past year, Miss Glenna CoIIett, who achieved great fzsse and Harry J. Hass and George W. Elkins, by lier splendid jrolf last year and k looked chairmen of the respective committees, are vtr> m^.rh 35 ti-.'-'Ugh she would U zn ssj to be highly congratulated on the way winner. b"t coif. a« everyone know*. 3 3 they have handled the situation. So great nckie game. has become the interest in the annual In 1 n51 rri.-'iUh'? issue I made measion K Philadelphia Junior Championship that a ihe Racquet Club Golf School and. due ;o plan was instituted to form a separate an error in printing, it was ststed thi* juvenile association, consisting of two ^ illiam Posts was in charge oc \i. itaance iuniors from each member club-—with the Tallman has been in charge ever since tfc responsibility, under guidance n f a com- started. Recently I visited the school asd mittee ol adults, of arranging the- juninr lound it lo be the finest m the coantrr- events and stimulating interest amnng the A racquet court, tlie dmienstoas oi wnim youngsters of the community, ft wi( nNn are 4-ti x 6^ ieet. has been turned over Eo decided in change the name of (he An,-icnl the school, which enables one to ?-" r and Honorable Tournament l<"> Hie Seninr'x Tournament. excellent idea oi his shot? before the "?r. •teenth I" the net—over huy feet away. A ?"" There was keen cunipelition among rep- inp green \>.ith undutation^ has also ^--' resentatives of the v:irirnn dubs fnr (he p laid down, making ii ssmiJar to a difficult outdoor grcen. Philadelphia district. vJiich were award.-. Philadelphia has suffered .i sad los* in the death of \V3!u^' Amateur Champimuhip, Pine Valley Golf Club; Philadelphia Open Cham- Houston on February 6th. Lovingly known as '"Cncie BHr '*•? pionship. Mcrion Cricket Cub; Philadelphia Junior Championship, Tor- hn!n of iriends. he was one of the pnmdest 5fV*rtsTncn wfeo ^ resdale Golf Club; PaHerjnn Menmri.d Tournament. Philadelphia Cricket walked on the (ace of the earth. Ahhoistjh he vrai= seventy-one 5^' Qub Quali fyiii? Run ml lnt <:r-I Inli T. :nn M, iti-lu nlilnd.dpi i in -icket ol npc, and had been out of loumnment play for sonte r-N"'^ ^- —' T O rk i 1 : Club Scninr's otirn;inicnl. hi V.i U..:i.l Ton nt n Ollll : I hi m"t his kt in interest and was always able to grive the > ' •-" - • h (", Snn T mirnnnn' nt. Wlv itrmars Y; ill. \ • unIrv nn li. an i r>in it.,r T .i run I>M" ihcir money, \\ ell do X remember playiag1 •••' '•- '.~'-'~* in.-lit riiilni ml 1 •1.11 "I'm R • •.nl I",. nut t-llll \Mlll 111 n l,i>i suninuT. when lie made the Country Oub co-ar^ •" • A r<•snliili• ,n w a< n; th. • 11 1 i c i."..l a nl.i.l.:l, ihi; .11 \^^..ria ti. n His kn .!!>• pro^i-iu-e ^ ill be sadly mi?>ed by young au>i •• d '' ' • in (a y. a I • nun ii.-M.nl ilf r...i rsc ,r ,,( ^' Tin- 11,-, .1 ..[ a n. ill 1 1 ,v pnl ih soK match, i in llw iuuirc. He r-: t. in n1 ( il the Ian toIMVC v K0.no r ns pl.-i i rd ..n tl,, •l.'s .k 1;i^t \ ...lr. i< (he lance of hishomp. only ulilic rs.- tin- re. .111.1 i ila (:..- i ll at p Oil h v k n ProKihly ihe hi^est "HtUe" golf ctuh in the wimtn b :^ rtinr- .. lmlinn' :•i|f • Us (rair. 11, Hi al •• Hi ilr «li al ..th.i- nuller Country CUiK h i\a.s a mcuiN?r<hsp of S22, and a w-ihiRg !:.st cs c th.ni I'h.hul, Ipl h.-i\ . Iw'n \l til ,,, ih. ..up -1( 1 i.ni C I.I.' to a lumvircd Up u> last JOJSOU UW club only hJiJ nin* hol« * last y. •ar w,.IS s.i pn-;it that it 1•».k (r, .in f^ •c 1. ^i\ hi.n 1- rr (he lay out. bis! now th? links has Kx-n extended to th-e n^r^3' ill n play.-rs • :il tn ^.tart (r•nt the firs1 l< Tv i <it.
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