------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------- - 'Earth' is heavenly 'Corky' realizes dreams Scene reviews the latest teen romance Chris Burke, "Life Goes On" actor, tells Thursday flick "Here on Earth." about life with Down syndrome . Scene • page 16 News+ page 3 MARCH 30, 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLXXXIII N0.112 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Welcome Center begins Master Plan construction to get information. Thnre just C.OLLf6E L060 C.USTOH By MOLLY McVOY OAK INLAY - APPfiltJX wasn't a place for a friendly DIMEN510N5· "''-Q"x4'-o" Construction on Saint Mary's (STAI ~ITE) Saint Maris Editor welcome." Colleen Hyan is a member of This aftPrnoon tlw imple­ the Board of Trustees. Two of Welcome Center and nwntation of' tlw Saini Mary's the Hyans' daughters graduat­ Collf1gn MastPr Plan begins nd l'rom Saint Mary's in 1995 Dalloway's Coffeehouse begins with tlw groundbnmking cf1re­ and 1997 and one will gradu­ mony for tlw WPlcomn Center atn in 2000. - R.f:C.ESSED and Dalloway's Coffef1house. The Tudor-style Wnlcome today. Plans (right and below) ENTRY HAT (GIS PEDI~ID "I think it's significant that Center will provide informa­ SERIES OR EGUAL 'N STANDARD wp'rp beginning with tlwse tion on the history of Saint for the Welcome Center have CARPET IN5ER.T5) projncts." said Marilou Eldmd. Mary's and current campus the prnsidl'nt of' thn College. events. I "Thn Wnlconw Cnntf!r will be "The Welcomn Center will been finalized, but College o.f]i­ I RAI'IDOH LEN6TH OAK HEAAIN680NE I OAK 5TP.IP a signal to both thl' in tf!rnal be an extension of campus ~~AIW ~ ~OO~(~TAIH) and Pxlnrnal community that hospitality," Hussnll said. "Its cials are still finalizing plans WP arP a thriving community." basically a placP for people to ThesP two buildings rnprn­ get directions for plaees on snnl thP lirst stPp in tlw 10- the campus and in the congre­ for Dalloway's. FL.OOflitiN~ DE:TAIL. yPar Master Plan and will be gation. Ther!' will br an area SC.ALE, 1/4" • 1'-o" iocatPd n1)ar the corner of to display info about the col­ ~1adPIPva DrivP and The lege. the history and current i\vnnul'. evnn ts." "Tiwy arn both going to be Eldrod agreed that hospital­ l'abulous additions to tlw cam­ ity is the main focus of the pus in tPrms of hospitality f'or Wnlcome Center. visitors and a social space l'or "]The Welcome Ccntnrl will not only Saint Mary's stu­ represent thf! hospitality that dents. but also for Notre charatterizi'S the Sisters of Damn," said Hick HussPII. vice the Holy Cross and thn pn)sident of' College rf!lations. College." she said. "It provides a unique place for Dalloway's Coffeehouse will students and faculty to contin­ bn serving the same function tw interacting." thn old clubhouse near Holy Th1) Welconw Center's blue­ Cross Hall now serves. It will prints have bi'Pn finalized and serve as a host for student tlw money for thf! projnct has performers and speakers and bnPn sncurnd. Jim and Colleen offer food and coffee. Students Byan. nwmbers of the Saint will handle the management Marv's Pan"'nl Council, donat­ and programming of the cof­ f!d tiw $750.000 necessary for fenhouse. thP building. "We want it to continue to "]Jim and II both think it's a bn the same kind of social !>T.::Ne AGG!!M wondnrl'ul time at Saint gathering for students [that ;:;;;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;;:~ ~~ SIU. Mary's to enhance thn cam­ the clubhouse was)." Eldred pus." Col111£\n Ryan said. said. "When you drive onto the The building will have the campus. you get this beautiful. NO~ TH f:L.eVATI ON tnw-linPd drivP. but no place see CENTER/ page 11 Hundreds join marrow registry Prejean: Death penalty Zahm sophomore Conor equipment. • 610 register, Murphy, who was recently "It's a good problem." said opposes human dignity greatly surpassing diagnosed with leukemia, 610 volunteer Kate Voelker of the peoplf\ joined the registry, Junior League of South Bend. death penalty as the answer. expectations By KATE STEER Prejean, a native of Louisiana, is exceeding even the highest Combined efforts of the Associate News Editor expm:tations for the event. Notre Dame and South Bend a self-described "Southern story­ By ERIN PIROUTEK Bone marrow transplants community made the drive teller" who began counseling A standing room only crowd death row inmates in her home A«ociate News Ediwr can be lifesaving to patients possible. Student volunteers gathered in 101 Debartolo with leukemia and other joined community organiza­ state in 1981. Out of this experi­ Wednesday to experience the ence came the story Dead Man G11n n rail y. when Notre blood diseases. Exact match­ tions including Ancilla Health dynamic speaking abilities and es are rare; Murphy was Care, the Red Cross and the Walking that was published in Dame students spend hours powerful message of Sister Helen 1993. It was subsequently made waiting in line, football tickets lucky to find a match though South Bend Medical Prejean. the NMDP. Organizers hope Foundation. into a movie, which Prejean calls an1 involved. Rut yestnrday, Prejean, who authored the a "miracle film" for bringing the the La registering more people will At one point the line of Pulitzer Prize-nominated Dead help those like Murphy potential donors stretched subject to the American public. Fortune Man Walking, spoke about her "The film exists because Susan Ballroom receive much-needed treat­ from the second floor of La experience with the death penalty ment. Fortune, down the stairs and Sarandon is the midwife of bead o v n r - and death row and offered ways Man Walking," Prejean said. I'! owed "We are stunned by just the back to the Huddle. Many stu­ to work to make change in this incredible outpouring of sup­ dents waited for over two Sarandon read the book and pur­ with stu­ realm. The death penalty, Prejean sued its production as a movie d e n t s port for Con or." said Zahm hours. said, is a highly volatile issue; it "I wish Con or could see it," with the help of director Tim waiting to rector Father .Jim Lies. "We often becomes an issue of justice had more people in the room said sophomore Annie Sutera. Robbins. Prejean praised the pair join the for the victims' families opposing for their work for human rights. National the first hour than we expect­ Volunteers worked quickly human dignity and rights. Murphy ed all day." to direct students through the "If Tim Robbins is going to Marrow "What are we going to do with direct it, Susan Sarandon is going D o n o r The unexpected numbers maze of lines and ensure the the outrage we feel?'' she asked of required organizers to scurry to have the leading role, and Sean Program (NMDP) registry. the response to heinous crimes, for more volunteers and Hesponding to the rf\qLwst of see MARROW/page 4 though she does not point to the see PREJEAN/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Thursday, March 30, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK AT NOTRE DAME/SAINT MARY'S Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday COPS: Live at +Health Fair: 3 to 7 p.m.; • lecture: "Averting • Event: "E-Commr,rce • Event: "Misa en LeMans Lobby; Saint Nuclear Anarchy: The Conference," 1 p.m .. Bond Espanol;" 1:30 p.m.: Notre Dallle Mary's Current Crisis in Arms llall Auditorium Keenan-Stanford Hall • Acoustic Cafe: Studr,nt Control." 1995 Nobr,l • lecture: "A Comment on • Event: Lenten Vr,spers; Say what you will about the sheltered nature of college students, but one thing they have in musicians perform: 9 Peace Prize winner Genesis: Plato's 'Timaeua' 4:30 p.m.; Church of Our common with "the real world" is their distrust of Joseph Hotblat; 7 p.m.; and Kepler's Astronomy," the law. Cops serve in a thankless profession. p.m.; the Huddle. Lady of Loretto. Saint much like the military, IRS LaFortune Jordan Auditorium Hhonda Martens; 3:45 Mary's auditors and septic tank repairmen. And although p.m.; McKenna Hall their validity as "real" police oflkers has been challenged lately, they are no less praiseworthy for their efforts. Even if they do write OUTSIDE THE DOME me a lot of parking viola­ tions. Most of you have your own Purdue students continue hunger strike hometown anecdotes about Dustin Ferrell people who have had less BLOOMINGTON. Ind. Since October, PSJ\S has been in than happy run-ins with the Six students at Purdue University discussions with the administration law. and you realize that our entered day thme of a hunger strike and a committee was formed to Notre Dame experiences in protest of sweatshop labor within assess the issue~. according to pale in comparison. Wr have the collegiate licensing industry. The Purdue's newspaper. The Purdue it made considering how students have rnsigned themselves to Exponent. South Bend's finest feel not eating and living in tents on "We have negotiated with them in about us. (So NDSP. could you, uh, take care of Memorial Mall. an open park area in good faith but we won't allow them those tickets for me? No? Well. it was worth a the center of the Purdue University P U R D U E to pressure us into joining the WHC." trv.) campus. BOILERMAKERS said Joe Brnnett. vice president of \Vhen the privileged life of a college student Ben Partridge, a junior participant. Purdur, Univc~rsitv relations.
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