NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION TI^B WEATHER for the month of January 1029 V^neaat hr O. •. WeaUiar Bureau, 5,241 New ilavea Uember of the Audit Bureau ot Clrcnlatioua jg g U i Snow tonl^it; Friday Fair. ■H- VOL. XLIII., NO-109. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2U 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS «»- TO ENFORCE! Consolidation Here PANIC FOLLOWS TRAIN FIRE IN HUDSON TUBE 6- SEN. GUSS CALLS DRY LAW IS Cood Business Move HOUSE CONFEREES A RIG ISSUE ^^“*®S Indicate That Expenses n U l U ILFUVU Can Be Greatly Decreased-Man- chester Needs More Unity. ‘MORAL COWARDS’ ?residenl-Elect to Make It --------- A f II* r* A/r* ^ ® series of articles to be pub-® to complete its report of all sales. SHOOTS OUT FIRE UD6 01 HlS F irst U n l“ Ushed at intervals daring the next Much of this financing was the re- WITH A SHOTGUN Openly Threatens a Filibus­ few weeks Mie Herald will discuss pools, ’ either of • 1 ■ 1 ^ ^ , big individual owners, or of groups Newark, N. J., Feb. 21.__ C12l A c ts , P*’oposed changes in blanches- ■ gf brokers pooled to make a “ kill- Deputy Fire Chief James Lynch ter Against Second Defi­ ter’s charter and the amendments | ing.” Brokers and financiers, not today had proved his theory that the revision committee sug-! wealthy enough themselves to buy that the prdp.er way to put out ciency Appropriation Bill; fires is to .shoot them out with Washington, Feb. 21— Reactions gests. This series wlU treat the ' , _ ,, , .1 lions, pooled or merged with one a shotgun. of the “ Hoover Curb Market” in­ charter question from every angle, j another so that their combined re- When soot caught fire in the Growing Enmity Between dicated today that the President- All of the Important changes in sources compared favorably with 150-foot chimney at St. Mi­ Elect is devoting considerable the proposed revision will be clear- ^ the wealthiest. They could do chael’s hospital Chief Lynch House and Senate Portend thought to the trying problem of ly and carefully reviewed in such | through consolidation what they put on his gas mask, aimed his prohibition— the expression “ Curb a way, it is hoped, that every voter j could never hope to do as individ- gun up the smokestack and let Market” being used advisedly in will know the question thoroughly uals. go both barrels."^ Tumultuous Death for view of the fact the reporters as­ before he passes his opinion at the < Some of Manchester’s leading The burning soot tumbled signed to Mr. Hoover are covering special election that will soon be i stores belong to big “ buying pools,” down and was smothered in it­ his activities from the chill of the called to act upon* the charter revi- j syndicates, most of them are called, self. No water or chemicals were Seventieth Congress. curbstone that fronts his Washing­ sion committee’s suggestions. The A group of 100 or more stores nsed. There was no damage to ton residence. Herald h.vites questions that the spread throughout the United the chimney. Senator Walter Edge (R) of New discussion may bring forth in any j States consolidate their purchasing “ Yes, sir,” said Chief Lynch Washington, Feb. 21.— Threats Jersey, outstanding “ Wet” leader readerls mind, and will open its power and enter the buying mar- proudly, “ in Newark we just of filibusters against the adminis­ of the Senate, had breakfast at colunms to letters of reasonable kets in New York, Chicago, or even shoot the fires out.” 2300 S street ths morning, and tration’s legislative program, stiff length dealing with all sides of the Paris with as much strength as the opposition to the confirmatirn oi there was reason to believe the question. President-Elect discussed with him biggest individual stores in the biggest cities of the world. As a presidential appointments and the matter of assembling a non­ growing enmity between the House partisan fact-finding commission This seems to be the day of result some Manchester stores, immediately after March 4 to look merging, pooling, or consolidating members of such merged syndi­ STEWART HITS and Senate today portended a tu­ into the causes back of the break­ of interests.. News columns are re­ cates, can offer staple articles to multuous death for the Seventieth down in prohibition enforcBment. plete with stories of industrial firm their customers just as reasonably Congress, with but nine legislative Favors Such Action mergers, bank mergers and busi­ as the biggest Nev York stores. ness consolidations of all kinds. BACK AT FOES days remaining before adjourn­ Mr. Hoover has committed him­ Syndicates self to the creation of such a body. These mergers have been accom-1 Manufacturing concerns, per­ ment. Edge, in conjunction with Senator plished not because the consolidat­ haps making different kinds of Although Congress overwhelm­ Welsey Jones (R> of Washngton, ing firms have tired of competition, products, but nevertheless purchas­ IN OIL HGHT ingly authorized an increase of fif­ the “ Dry” leader, orginally had in­ but rather to strengthen their own ing certain raw materials that are teen fast cruisers and a giant air­ tended to compel its appointment forces and make competition keen­ alike regardless of the ultimate ---------- ./ craft carrier to the American Navy, by Act of Congress, but withdrew er. It is nothing more than apply- i finished goods, pool their interests a battle loomed in the Senate the bill when the coming chief exe­ ing the story of the “ bundle of^ in purchasing these raw materials. against the Navy appropriation bill, cutive announced his decision. Says He Never Had Anything sticks” to business, big and small. As an example the Associated Ap­ carrying funds for the construction Prohibition needs probing in the program. Consideration of th^ bill worst way in Mr. Hoover’s opinion, Every schoolboy is sooner or later parel Manufacturers, Inc., is a syn­ told the fable of the father, who dicate of ■ manufacturers of every­ to Do With Teapot Dome has been blocked on two occasions and he is reported to be casting and administration leaders may be about for a competent body of asked his sons to take a single stick thing a person wears, from hosiery and break it. Each of them broke to corsets, to hats to fur coats. The A seven-car train, Jawmed with commuters homeward bound for Jersey City, N. J sped through a forced to abandon temporarily their probers with the same care he is tube under the Hudson Rfrer. Suddenly the tunnel was filled with sickening smoke. The train stopped Leases— His Answer to preferential program in order to exercising in the selection of his a stick with ease. Then the father small member of this syndicate is bundled some sticks together, and flameA crackled. One of the seven cars had caught on fire.' • Fifty were injured and enact the naval money bill. Cabinet. Nine men— or m.en and able to buy much of the materials hundreds overeome m a scene of panic in the darkness underground. Above you see one of the victims An effort to limit debate on the women— will make up the person- not one of his sons could break the that enter into the manufacture of Charge. bundle. The “ consolidated sticks” ambulance at an entrance to''the tube. Below are firemen, gas-masked and begrimed, Edge resolution, providing a survey ^nel of the Hoover fact-finding com- his goods as cheaply as the Dig as they emerged from the smoke-filled tunnel after their rescue work. of the proposed Nicaraguan canal, defied the strength that overcame 'mission. representing between them members simply because his pur­ also was • blocked. The resolution all section of the country. their Individual weaknesses. chasing power, consolidated witn Chicago, Feb. 21.— “ I never had was before the Senate again today May Ask Coolldge Brokers’ Mergers that of hunareds-of others, as­ anything to do with Teapot Dome but there appeared little likelihood Mr. Hoover would like to get Newspaper readers have just sumes great and influential propor­ somebody like Calvin Coolidge, the I leases.” of a vote, even though an over­ been learning of the “ big markets” tions. SNOWSTORMS COOLIDGE NOMINATIONS retiring president to head this whelmingly majority favors its en­ •Wall street’s high financing has All this indicates that the suc­ Badgered at last into a formal actment. body. He would be eminently produced. Deals on the stock ex­ denial ot the charges brought satisfactory to Wets and Drys alike. cessful business man is thoroughly r,eaders Alarmed. change multiplied so rapidly that “ sold” on this idea of consolida­ o ra against him by John D. Rockefeller, The status of the appropriation Always acceptable to the Anti- HELD UP BY CONGRESS when the day closed, the “ ticker” .Saloon League, President coolidge^ tion. He has learned his lesson o ' Jr., who is seeking to oust him as bills also alarmed -administration or telegraph machine reporting the nevertheless is not regarded as a chairman uf the Board of directors leaders. The first deficiency and sales had to work an hour overtime (Continued on Page 3) the Interior Department supply fanatical Dry, and both sides give A l i j F EAST of the Standard Oil Co.', of Indiana, h’’m credit for , having the type of Administratioii Alarmed BOY 3, GIRL 4, bills have been in conference be­ impartial, judicious mind that is that was Col. Robert W. Stewart’s tween the House and Senate for capable of getting at the facts of 0.«M b.n,0p,«ili»,! Foraro DRUNK reply to Rockefeller today.
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