Home of the News All th~ News of All the POintes Every Thursday Morning Grosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 3,-No. 5 Entered as Second Class-"Ialler at $5.00Per Year the Post OUlceat Detroit, Michigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 29, 1970 IOc Per COpy 28 Pages - Two Sections Section On. IIEADLINES .Home a Heap of Rubble Residence Leveled Voters Again ".. ~.':''''l:,-:":... of the 't ..' Turn Backs "rEEK By Gas Explosion; On Proposal As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News System Faced with Dilemma i Firemen Injured of-No Voted Millage; Thursday, January 22 ! Third Election Will Be Scheduled SUPREME COURTNOMINEE Succeeding Detonations Damage Neighborinn Home, G. Harold Carswell, during a i ';lJ 1948 campaign for the Georgia. Rip Up Pavement and Lift 23-Ton Pointe voters on Monday, legislature, made a speech to Snorkel 10 Inches Off Ground January 26, at a Speciai an American Legion chapter in --'-'- - -- S c h 0 0 I Election turned Gordon. Ga. in which he indi- A tremendous gas explosion ~ompletely leveled the down the 25.45 mih opera- cated that he would always be $100,0.00 home of Mr. and Mrs, Sidney S, Hall, 34 Hal"\ tional millage, which was to governed by the "principles of I bor HIP, on Satur~ay, January 24. Two more shat.tering have financed the operation white supremacy." Carswell, explOSions extensively damaged a neighbor's house, of the schools from July 1 SO, was nominated Monday by damaged the Woods' fire Snorkel truck, and injured 1970 t h r 0 ugh June 30' President Nixon to fill the Su- three Woods firefighters. ~>------------11972 ' preme Court vacancy left by .• Units and personn~1 were dis.: W d ' ~~~ti~:s~~:t~~rt~:. sctar~~:~1 ~~I < ; ... ~~:;h~~d b~a~;er W~~~ds,P~~~h 00 s Picks se~~ol: ~~~tha1::~0 ~~~e:~}:~ a .member of the 5t!t U:S. Cir. I •. ,~. the ShOl'es engines and person- A -Z 6 f age. 'Without sufficienl millage CUlt Court, which Sits m New' '.;:.:. ,. nel remaining at their station prt or for the syslem to levy at least Orleans. In New York, The Na. i -:':<':;;' to covel' for lhe other depart. ' 12 mills the system will 1I0t tiona I Association for the Ad- !/,:.. ments in the event of emer. El t - D qualify for stale aid. It would vaneement of Colored People: geneies. The Farms Fire De. ,ec tOn aY then leave the <iystem w i I h called on the U.S. Senate to re-I partment requested UlC help' only lhe 8,90 mills which may jel't Carswell because of his' under the :\Iutual Fire Aid Pact. i -- I be levied without approval ~f pro-segregation record." Farms Fire Chief Michael Four Council Seats, May- i the electorate, .as ,provided by .. • $ Bea~lpre sai,d lhat lhe fi:st ex.. or's OHice and Judgeship [the stat" consbhlllOn. ' DETROIT HAS had the cc,ia- . ploslOn, whIch rattled ,vlndows i M t B F'II d b V t Mondav's vote was lighter est January in SO years. The ; of homes for more than a mile II us e , e y 0 ers , than the' vote in the November mercury has risen above freez. Iaround, I~veled the Halls' two- -- ! II, election, At that time some ing on only two days and alii ' Pholo by John Duncan slory re~ldence .down to. ~he Three Council seats the 17,134 voters casl their bal. Imt three days have had read-I The picture above is mute evidence of all that to the ground and inflicting injuries to three Woods basement. He said the bUlldmg I'll 'f' '. Jots; on Monday 13,385 voted, ings of 10 degrees or less.' remains of the home o{ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Hall, firemen, operating the truck, a Snorkel: A ruptured was literally blown apart, then ayor s of Ice and a mUnl- . , . Daily temperatures have aver- I 34 Harbor Hill, which was razed when a tremendous main is believed to have filled the house basement collapsed. ; cipal judgeship will be. Here ,s ~o.w. the vo~mg went Blast illoves Snorkel In the indIVIdual precincts: aged almost 13 degretls below: gas explosion occurred at 10:58 p,m. on January 24. with gas prior to the explosion, although the actual up for grabs at the Woods normal. 'I A th bl t f d t . 1 The ",econd explosion l'ipped i . TromblY-Yes, 424; No, 374. I. no er as a ew secon s la er damaged a neigh- cause of the catastrophe is still under investigation. I a large section off the home of I Election on Mond<ty, Apnl Defer-Yes,. 720; No, 529. • • • bor's residence, and a third detonation lifted a 23.ton The Halls are vacationing in Europe. th Ch'lt D d I 38 H ' 6 . III' Y Fr',day, January 23 'f' t k b 10' h e I on rys a es. ar-.. alre- es 643; No, 656, Ire ruc a out mc es in the air, slamming jt back b H'U h'l f . t I R' h d Y' 'n hl'S _ or I, W I I'! Ire eqmpmen I The terms of !\layor Ken Ie ar - es. 802; No. 714. PRESIDENT ,NIXON l ------------------- ---,-----------------------------,-~ and men were at the scene, This,' . KerbY-Yes, 735; No, 882, first State of the Union address. DIE I detonatiun was followed onlv neth L. ~eLeod, who has, been Ferr - Y 710' N 103 ?n 'rhursday o~f~red the ArneI", rug Abuse llenhul'g. Coehill 'R,esign Woods Cats, seconds later by anothel' which' i May~r 'smce ~962; MarVin R. Mas~n_;s, 46i.~' 724 lCan people a VISionof a "gene- I I i it e d the Snorkel' which I Boutin, c.o~ncll member since l\ionte'lh~i s 5il' ~ 1050 ration of uninterrupted peace" p Z Sla d P - P - A .Road Pla,,,S 'weighs more lhan 23 tons, ap. 1959;, Wilham, F: Huetleman, Poupalrd-v.:s: 348'; ;~, 741: abroad and a "great age of re- ane te 08tSm Olllle: ccept .. proximately 10 i.nches off the counCIl membCl smce 1~65 and Barn Y 465' N 860 I . Donald D Cook counctl memo cs- es, , 0, . form" at horne. He a1so said ' ground: and sel It at an angle b . 1966' 11 ' I The vote totals were 5819 that the prospects for peace ' For Feb 18 Police Jobs in Cleveland I Under Fire' ~few mch~ away fl'<)(nwhere er since , ,a expire, Yes and 7,566 No. No datc 'has are far greater today than th~y - II ~v!i~slan~mg. , The, term of Judge Donald .been sel for another election. were a year ago. He pledged __ --- --- - Three Woods firemen, Pub. J. Goodrow, who has bee n rbut one will undoubledly be tile biggest and costliest cam- Junior League War Mem Both Quit As DirEletors of Public Safety in Park and, New Ordinance GoveMing lie Safety Cpl.' Thomas Kerv- Woods ~lunicipal Judge since. Scheduled. paign .in the nation's, history i " ' - Sh R I h l f W hi' P bl' S f t Off' J 1954 I' I to clean up the polluted envir. 'orlal and FlEC Co-Spon- ores, espective y: Bot e + it out 'Felines, Vernier Widening ~g'w:yn~ a~: ~UXil~~~'~;:~:~ .psotltelxPlreRs, . d ------ on,men"t and". wm thelVar on sorIM9• p'rogram in Fries G,'v,'n".,. Adv anc e Not,' ce p'rOject Sub jects 0 f" man George, Kopke. who were eons. .,equlre COt,. Y FUUIllce0 crime A d' A operaling lhe Snorkel, were the ~otentJa,1 c~ndlOal~s. may get I 0 • , ••• u ,torium Park Director of Public Safety William P. Ellen-. ,rguments I persons injured. t~elr nomlnatmg pe~tions from Dlrector NU11led Saturday, Jauuary u! -.-- burg,. and S,hores Director of Publ,ic Safety .Thomas R. I I Kervin" and Wavne were in ! CIty Clerk Leona LIddle at the THE SENATE PASSED one Th~ JUJ1lor League of COChlll, reSIgned as heads of their respective depart. Telep~one calls and let- I the Sno;kel bask-et, Kerving M,unicipal ,Officers. Petitions of the major crime bills urged DetrOit, the. Grosse ~oi!1te I ments, and are now wor.king wit~ the. Clev.eland Police ters, .spllt equally ~etween operating the water monilor, With the SIgnatures ,of at least Dennis C. Foran, 29, has by President Nixon Friday, a I War Memorl~l As~oclatlOn Department. They submitted their resignatIons on Sun- favormg or opposmg the and Wayne, the mercury vapor ~OO,and no more tnan 1~ reg- ~~:~o/~~~n~~pu\~ea~rl~el.,clear~ measure to arm the government an~ the Fam,lly Life Edu- I day. January 25, and began on their new jobs the follow- Wo 0 d s recently. passed light and Kopke was standing lstered voters, must be filed by for the City of Grosse Pointe with new legal weapons to fight cabon C0';lncll (FLEe) are. ing day. $------------ "cat" ordinance, this week at the rear of the vehicle when 5 o'clock on Monday, Fcbruary effective next Monday. ,the ~rafla and ot~er underworld co-sponsormg a panel on I Shores Village Superintendent' fire personnel, announcing the continued to pour into the the third explosion occurred. ,16. MI'. Foran replaces John lIf. syn~leates .. Known as the 01'- drug abuse on Thursday, 'rho mas Jefferis, who, since resignation. "He served our city Woods city offices and the Kerving was struck in th.e: To date one person has filed.
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