532780.000mE 532800.000mE 532820.000mE 532620.000mE 532640.000mE 532660.000mE 532680.000mE 532700.000mE 532720.000mE 532740.000mE 532760.000mE Q M 15.78 15.94 15.80 SURVEY ASSOCIATES LTD S ISO 9001 KERB 15.72 REGISTERED FIRM 15.84 LAND AND ENGINEERING SURVEYORS Certificate Number: GB 1461 15.57 15.46 15.55 16.07 15.59 15.52 15.43 Unit F , Eden House , The Office Village , KERB 15.70 River Way , Uckfield , East Sussex , TN22 1SL . 15.85 15.75 Telephone +44 (0) 845 450 4210 - Facsimile +44 (0) 845 450 4220 15.55 15.38 15.64 15.43 15.74 E-mail: [email protected] 15.48 15.47 15.35 Visit us @ www.survey-associates.co.uk 15.44 15.99 15.49 181880.000 mN STN05 15.42 15.37 181880.000 mN 15.427 15.65 Stn.05 15.78 -10.938 u/s -7.93 15.66 -10.940 15.39 15.26 15.55 965/966 Number Ring Site Grid North Northern Line 15.65 15.29 Northbound to Old Street 15.34 15.22 F I N S B U R Y P A V E M E N T 15.91 15.40 Ring Number 147/148 -11.094 u/s -8.02 CONCRETE 15.36 15.28 -11.084 Running Rails PAVING SLABS 15.55 15.68 15.58 -10.949 u/s -7.91 15.24 -10.953 15.11 975/976 Number Ring 15.16 15.45 15.57 15.20 15.11 Running Rails 15.78 15.23 15.23 15.30 Ring Number 137/138 Chainage Plate 500m -11.095 15.28 Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments u/s -8.06 Tunnel Crown -11.081 15.20 Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments 15.47 15.59 15.50 -10.973 u/s -7.94 15.11 -10.975 14.99 15.35 15.50985/986 Number Ring 15.03 Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments 15.07 15.01 Tunnel Crown 15.58 Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments 15.73 15.10 15.13 15.29 Ring Number 127/128 15.44 15.21 -11.100 u/s -8.07 15.13 -11.088 15.40 -10.991 Notes u/s -7.95 15.00 14.86 15.22-10.993 15.41995/996 Number Ring 14.93 Change in Tunnel Diameter 14.95 14.88 14.98 15.01 u/s -8.07 15.73 15.25 Ring Number 117/118 1. The origin and orientation of the survey is to the Site Grid Coordinate and F I N S B U R Y S T R E E T Change in Tunnel Diameter 181860.000 mN 15.15 15.07 -11.092 181860.000 mN Datum System. -11.077 u/s -8.00 14.78 14.88 u/s -8.00 15.33 2. The survey is based on original Site control stations STN02, STN04, 14.77 14.78 -11.017 u/s -7.98 STN05, STN07, STN10, STN22, STN27 and STN29. DROP 15.21-11.013 15.35 14.68 u/s -7.85 1005/1006 Number Ring 14.86 KERB 14.73 14.74 14.68 -11.080 3. This is a digital survey and is only accurate at the scale which is specified. 14.82 14.78 14.67 -11.068 Please exercise extreme care if used at a larger scale. 15.13 Ring Number 107/108 15.68 Change in Tunnel Diameter 15.01 15.10 -11.076 DROP u/s -7.83 -11.071 KERB 4. This drawing shows Northern Line Southbound and Northbound tunnel KERB 15.26 CONCRETE in correlation with surface topographic survey. 14.65 PAVING 14.64 14.64 14.58 14.51 14.66 4434A/08 -11.045 SLABS 14.64 14.64 14.69 KERB -11.275 u/s -8.0315.15 -11.045 15.23 CL 14.67 u/s -7.83 14.59 14.68 5. Topographic Data in layers "Client_Supplied_Survey_80" (Topographical 14.70 GAS 1015/1016 Number Ring 15.15 14.75 14.66 15.09 14.62 Data) has been supplied by client and has not been checked or verified by 14.70 14.64 16.64 15.65 Survey Associates. This is for diagrammatic purposes only and should not be -11.070 used for any other purpose. Source drawing ref: 9027-02.dwg 16.60 u/s -7.86 UP 15.01 -11.072 Stn.27 15.04 -11.074 STN27 6. Note that no survey works has been undertaken below Platform Level. 15.06 15.70 15.20 15.05 17.08 14.86 15.331 COBBLES 14.87 -11.081 Please be aware of the presence of the sub-platform infrastructure. 14.65 KERB 14.96 16.63 14.52 14.87 15.24 Change in Tunnel Diameter -11.069 u/s -8.06 15.17 u/s -7.85 14.98 -11.068 14.55 17.09 14.10 14.85 14.83 DROP 15.04 15.22 15.55 7. In all cases survey readings have been taken to the internal faces / 14.50 CONCRETE 14.48 14.54 KERB 15.19 1025/1026 Number Ring A/C 15.01 CONCRETE 14.50 finishes. Allowances must be made when determining the external position 14.59 14.58 14.10 DROP PAVING A/C 14.25 14.55 15.62 SLABS A/C CONCRETE DROP 14.48 14.19 KERB 15.28 of the tunnels. 14.51 A/C KERB -11.071 PIPE A/C CONCRETE 15.67 u/s -7.57 15.25 15.34 15.38 14.10 A/C 14.46 14.94 14.99 PIPE 14.92 15.07 15.73 LADDER A/C 14.15 15.27 8. Soffit levels which have been prefixed with u/s text represent the inner WC A/C -11.078 CONCRETE 14.10 14.90 NO ACCESS 15.02 A/C 15.15 SHOWER 15.38 15.49 levels on the soffit. The soffit within station grounds is cladded. 14.80 AT THE TIME -11.076 15.02 ASPHALT WC A/C COBBLES OF SURVEY -11.076 LIFT 15.03 15.03 UP 15.63 COBBLES LADDER A/C TACTILE 14.70 5 15.39 A/C 15.36 14.91 WC 15.76 4 15.15 NO ACCESS -11.072 14.93 3 A/C ASPHALT u/s -8.07 9. Critical clearance dimensions, levels and invert levels should be checked 14.39 AT THE TIME 15.02 -11.071 2 WHB 15.25 A/C 1 OF SURVEY 15.37 A/C PIPE NO ACCESS 15.15 1035/1036 Number Ring 14.83 14.38 UP u/s -7.57 L A C K I N G T O N S T R E E T prior to design and construction. 15.16 WHB A/C 14.68 15.04 AT THE TIME Change in Tunnel Diameter DROP 14.46 UP 14.47 SP 15.38 OF SURVEY KERB COBBLES 15.02 15.04 15.05 UP 15.14 FHR 15.04 15.02 15.03 CL 14.90 15.12 10. Line styles, line weights and colours are compliant to LUL CAD Standards. UP 15.01 15.15 15.02 15.37 -11.076 -11.074 UP -11.081 15.13 15.06 15.20 u/s -7.11 181840.000 mN 14.90 14.83 WATER BT -11.081 181840.000 mN CL 14.44 RAMP 15.12 15.26 8 15.38 7 6 5 4 15.00 11. The difference in level between LUL datum and OS datum is: 14.77 WATER 15.38 15.38 3 2 1 15.02 15.10 15.38 KERB 15.29 14.67 14.76 LUL Datum - 99.949m = Site Datum. UP 14.63 9 UP 15.39 14.88 GAS 15.39 10 15.01 14.98 14.84 CL 14.38 11 15.09 -11.069 14.54 14.39 u/s -8.05 12 -11.069 14.71 CATV CL 14.86 12. SAL Job Reference is 1578-01. 14.26 15.38 CL 15.39 13.26 1045/1046 Number Ring 14.46 u/s -7.09 14.35 14.32 14.44 UP 14.82 CONCRETE 14.39 TCSUChange in Tunnel Diameter u/s -6.63 KERB 15.41 14.75 IC 131415 VOID 15.01 PAVING 14.38 CL 14.39 15.37 16171819 14.62 15.38 15.38 -11.078 SLABS LIFT -11.082 15.15 -11.082 15.37 15.37 -11.084 14.76 14.38 ICCL 14.38 u/s -6.60 15.06 CONCRETE LIFT 14.86 14.75 15.37 PAVING 14.75 14.68 14.51 LIFT C. 990 LIFT 15.19 SLABS 14.56 14.45 15.38 H. 750 TACTILE 14.85 14.63 DROP 14.89 15.01 15.38 Change in Tunnel Diameter 14.45 15.37 u/s -6.02 KERB 1169/06 -11.075 -11.265 15.15 u/s -8.05 -11.080 R O P E M A K 14.68 E R S T R E E T 14.51 UP 14.88 14.99-11.075 14.72 14.45 14.13 15.01 Change in Tunnel Diameter 15.04u/s -6.04 14.82 15.39 Ring Number 1055/1056 Number Ring Key & Abbreviations 14.72 14.18 14.16 14.87 14.88 15.32 14.40 14.39 14.24 Ring Number 59/60 14.72 14.70 15.38 -11.083 u/s Inner Crown of Tunnel - Soffit Levels 14.69 14.42 14.13 SMOKE -11.079 15.04 DROP Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments 16.68 14.70 14.59 14.34 15.01 15.01 OUTLETS -11.067 14.66 14.37 15.38 Running Rails KERB Change in Tunnel Diameter 14.79 CL 14.25 14.13 14.75 CONCRETE IC IC 14.54 15.37 15.13 18.43 14.39 PAVING COBBLES CL 14.78 BTCL 14.77 16.03 u/s -6.02 14.51 14.43 CPS 14.16 u/s -8.06 14.84 25.47 SLABS 14.52 15.00 15.00 14.56 14.28 KERB SUBSTATION A/C UP IC 14.39 PLANT 15.38 NO ACCESS AT 14.88 -11.080 14.96 14.31 14.17 -11.086 14.67 UP 14.76 KERB TIME OF THE SURVEY 15.03 1011 14.26 121314 -11.081 15 -11.082 17/02/2017 COBBLES UP 161718 u/s -6.00 14.27 14.02 15.33 10 1920 15.23 16.24 14.02 16 9 14.42 14.11 15141312 14.16 15.38 14.28 14.29 11 UP 8 14.86 LPRing Number 49/50 u/s -6.59 Change in Tunnel Diameter 14.47 UP 7 14.53 14.53 13.98 15.38 6 14.59 14.17 5 -11.085 14.88 4 u/s -8.05 UP 1578/06 14.30 -11.281 14.67 14.24 B -11.067 14.53 14.52 B 14.88 B 14.34 COBBLES B UP 14.85 14.39 14.13 Stn.06 DUCT B 14.88 UP B 13.97 14.91 14.51 14.54 B 14.75 SMOKE u/s -6.60 14.60 SP 14.16 NO ACCESS OUTLETS 14.08 B AT TIME OF SURVEY 14.89 13.96 14.16 08/02/2017 CONCRETE 14.24 CL 14.12 CPS 14.78 14.99 14.30 13.96 13.95 13.98 Inner Extent of Tunnel - Cast Iron Segments PAVING 14.15 14.52 -11.083 14.59 14.51 -11.089 15.14 14.52 -11.084 SLABS 14.45 14.54 ASPHALT -11.088 u/s -7.09 Change in Tunnel Diameter 14.03 DROP 13.94 BT 14.53 PLANT 14.01 14.54 13.94 14.88 Ring Number 39/40 14.55 KERB UP 14.16 KERB 14.12 LIGHTWELL -11.088 14.25 13.99 14.53 CL 14.66 14.51 GULLY 13.97 14.88 u/s -8.05 14.01 BT -11.061 14.37 LIFT 14.87 181820.000 mN 3 14.69 181820.000 mN 2 14.82 14.46 14.11 1 14.15 1 UP UP 14.52 14.52 2 14.73 14.88 14.79 14.44 DROP TACTILE 3 14.53 SMOKE NO ACCESS 14.29 14.14 4 14.51 OUTLET AT TIME OF SURVEY 14.88 KERB u/s -7.06 KERB 5 20 14.73 14.93 08/02/2017 -11.085 6 19 14.87 14.88 ASPHALT 7 18 DUCT FALL 14.53 8 17 14.87 -11.086 14.04 14.04 9 PLANT -11.089 14.05 16 LIFT 13.97 10 15 14.74 14 14.42 Ring Number 29/30 15.19 14.20 IC 13 14.30 12 -11.087 CL 14.03 UP 11 14.75 SMOKE Change in Tunnel Diameter 12.91 14.53 14.74 -11.104 14.34 OUTLETS u/s -8.07 14.53 -11.066 13.98 RAMP 14.12 CATVCL 14.00 14.75 15.13 u/s -7.53 15.18 13.97 CABLE GULLY KERB CONCRETE CL 13.98 TFL 14.52 13.94 14.73 CL 13.99 14.52 13.97 LIGHTWELL SMOKE 14.63 13.90 OUTLET 14.75 14.88 14.30 14.76 CL 14.57 14.03 13.97 13.97 14.52 14.51 PO 15.13 15.18 -11.082 Ring Number 19/20 -11.086 14.53 -11.081 CL 13.87 -11.086 IC 14.75 13.83 13.88 14.52 14.75 -11.097 14.74 u/s -8.07 DROP u/s -7.54 13.95 IC CL 13.98 13.94 LP -11.064 14.26 KERB Change in Tunnel Diameter LP 13.96 CL 14.53 14.68 Change in Tunnel Diameter LIFT 13.80 14.53 UP 13.88 14.75 14.66 14.23 14.51 14.51 FH 14.54 GULLY u/s -8.04 13.94 LIFT 14.84u/s -7.80 KERB 14.52 14.75 SMOKE ROLLER SHUTTER OUTLETS 15.11 15.17 BT 13.96 14.75 CL 14.01 LIFT 14.28 Ring Number 9/10 UP 13.88 -11.084 13.82 -11.088 14.52 14.52 -11.082 u/s -8.00 13.96 CONCRETE -11.086 14.21 -11.082 13.97 PAVING
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