144 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Dierk. 1983, 18(2) duct but is absent from the epithelium of the main venom A.M. & VALERI, V. 1974. Protein synthesis and morphological gland. The large number of capillaries associated with the changes in the secretory epithelium of the venom gland of Crotalus durissus terrificus at different times after manual underlying supporting tissue of the fang sheath epithelium, extraction of venom. Toxicon 12: 361- 368. suggests that there is some mechanism for the reabsorption GANS, C. & KOCHVA, E. 1965. The accessory gland in the venom of fluid, thereby concentrating the venom before it is ejected apparatus of viperid snakes. Toxicon 3: 61-63. by the fang. The fang sheath probably functions as a cuff GENNARO, J.F. Jr., CALLAHAN, W.P. III & LORING, A.F. 1963. The anatomy and biochemistry of the pit viper surrounding the base of the fang thus allowing for a closed Ancistrodon piscivorus piscivorus. Ann. N. Y. A cad. Sci. 106: pressure system for the ejection of the venom by means of 463-471. the fang. This pressure is developed by the crotaphyte mus­ KING, R.E. & HATTINGH, J. 1979. The histology of the main cle which is continuous with the venom apparatus connec­ venom gland of the puff-adder Bitis arietans. S. Afr. J. Zool. 14: 216-219. tive tissue sheath. The connective tissue sheath in the neck KOCHVA, E., SHAYER-WOLLBERG, M. & SOBOL, R. 1967. region and the supporting septa have smooth muscle slips The special pattern of the venom gland in Atractaspis and its which could act in conjunction with the crotaphyte mus­ bearing on the taxonomic status of the genus. Copeia 10: 763-772. cle. These findings agree with those of Gans & Kochva KOCHVA, E. & GANS, C. 1970. Salivary glands of snakes. Clin. (1965), Rosenberg (1967) and De Lucca et al. (1974). Toxicol. 3: 368-387. Kochva & Gans (1970) showed a uniformity in glandular ODOR, D.L. 1%5. The poison gland of the cottonmouth moccasin structure in the venom apparatus of more than 20 viperid Ancistrodon p. piscivorus as observed with the electron species, except for the mole vipers which do not have a dif­ microscope. J. Morph. 117: 115 - 134. ROSENBERG, H.1. 1967. Histology, histochemistry and emptying ferentiated accessory gland. The venom glands have four mechanisms of the venom glands of some elapid snakes. J. distinct regions, the main gland which occupies the posterior Morph. 123: 133 -156. two-thirds of the gland, the primary duct, the accessory gland and the terminal duct that leads to the fang sheath. These findings are similar to those found in Bitis arietans except that the accessory gland is separated from the main gland by a distance of approximately one centimetre. Similarly, the accessory glands show two distinct regions, Range extensions of the anterior part lined with a typical mucous epithelium con­ taining goblet cells, and the posterior part lined with a flat blennioid fIShes on the . ) to cuboidal epithelium, the shape of which appears to cor­ 0 1 relate with the secretory activity (Gennaro, Callahan & Lor­ southern African west coast 0 2 ing 1963; Gans & Kochva 1965; Odor 1965). Rosenberg d e (1967) showed that elapid snakes also have an accessory t a gland. These accessory glands, however, did not have an M.J. Penrith* and Mary-Louise Penrith d ( State Museum, Windhoek, South West Africa/Namibia anterior and posterior region since the morphology of the r e Present address: National Zoological Gardens of S.A., P.O. Box 754, h gland showed no variation. Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa s i l The function of the accessory glands remains to be fully *To shorn correspondence should be addressed b u investigated. Gennaro et al. (1963) have shown that an ex­ P Received 5 October 1982; accepted 18 October 1982 e tract of the accessory gland enhances the toxicity of the main h t venom gland, but subsequent mixing experiments of the y b main venom gland product and the accessory gland secre­ The intertidal zone of the south and west coasts of southern d Africa is notable for the complete dominance of blennioid e tion failed to show any inhibition or activation of enzymes t n in the venom of viperid snakes (BDolah 1979). In addition, fishes. Clinids of the subfamily Clininae are the most a r the rods and cocci chains seen by us (King & Hattingh 1979) numerous fishes in the south and south-west, and blennies g e in the venom by aseptically culturing this product indicate of the subfamily Blenniinae dominate in the northern por­ c n tion of the west coast. e that the venom produced by the main gland is not cytotoxic c i l to all cell types and that it may subsequently be activated The distribution and ranges of clinids have been recorded r e by additional secretion which is added to the venom or by by Penrith (1969, 1970) and those of blennies by Penrith d n some other mechanism not yet understood. The mechanisms & Penrith (1972). Subsequently Winterbottom (1976) u involved in the production of venom in these snakes are recorded a number of clinid range extensions from the Cape y a clearly not yet fully understood. Peninsula eastwards, but no additional information on blen­ w e t nioid fish distribution on the coast west of the Cape Penin­ a sula has been published. G Acknowledgements t e The authors wish to thank the C.S.I.R. of South Africa for During December 1981 a number of localities were sam­ n i pled in the company of Dr P.J. Miller (Bristol University) b financial support. a during an unsuccessful search for gobioid fishes. Some S y unexpected new records of clinid fishes were obtained, and b References d in view of these results it was decided to rework some of e BDOLAH, A. 1979. The venom glands of snakes and venom c the localities to the north of Toscanini (Figure 1). u secretion. In: Handb. Exp. Pharm. ed. Lee, C., Vol. 52, Snake d Localities where collections were made, and where blen­ o Venoms, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. r p DE LUCCA, F.L., HUDDAD, A., KOCHVA, E., ROTHSCHILD, nioid fishes were collected outside their recorded range were: e R S. Afr. J. Zoo!. 1983, 18(2) 145 Blenniidae Chalaroderma capito (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valencien­ nes), 1836 Angola Localities collected: Palgrave Point, 1 example, Ls 158 mm .. M6we Bay, 1 example, Ls 184 mm Meristic and morphometric data were within the range for the species as given by Penrith & Penrith (1972), with the 20 exception of the eye of the M6we Bay example (5,6 in head; previous range 3,0- 5,1). This specimen is the largest yet S.W.A/N. recorded, and eye size shows negative allometric growth relative to the head in the species (Penrith & Penrith 1972). 22 The range is extended from Saldanha Bay (33 °oo/SI 17 ° 56/E) to M6we Bay, a distance of approx­ imately 1 600 km. 24 Clinidae Clinus (Blennophis) anguillaris Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836 26 Localities collected: Swakopmund. Five fish collected, size range 30,5 - 149,5 mm standard length. Three of the present specimens are considerably smaller than I ------- --,' any available to M.-L. Penrith for her (1969) revision of the southern African Clinidae. At a standard length of less R.S.A. than 60 mm, the scales on the head, clearly visible in larger . fish, are not visible under normal magnification. Small ) 0 1 juvenile C. anguillaris will therefore not 'key out' to the 0 2 subgenus Blennophis using the key to subgenera of Penrith d e (1969: 20). Small fish can, however, be identified by the t a following unique combination of characters: A slender d ( body, depth more than 6 in standard length; a tentacle over r e the eye; no barbels on chin or snout; and more than one h s i l soft dorsal ray. The living colour of these small juveniles b u is markedly different from the adult and subadult fish, be­ P 10 12 16 18 20 ing a plain dark purple-black with a white caudal fin. e h t The range is extended from Liideritz (26°38/SI15° to/E) Figure 1 West coast of southern Africa. Localities shown are previous y to Swakopmund, a distance of about 450 km. b northern-most west coast records and the new localities recorded in the d text. A = Chalaroderma capito, B = Clinus angui/laris, C = Clinus e t agi/is, D = Clinus superciliosus, E = Clinus taurus. Suffix 0 = old Clinus (Clinus) agilis Smith, 1931 n a locality, suffix N = new locality record. r Localities collected: Swakopmund 15 examples g e Toscanini 1 example c n Size range: 22,1 - 70,9 mm standard length e Swakopmund: Badewanne Dec. 1981 22°42,I/SII4°31 YEo c 0 i 20 49,2/S/13°23,7/E. Although the sample is small, there is a suggestion that the l Toscanini Dec. 1981 0 r Palgrave Point March 1982 20 26/S113° 13,5/E. Swakopmund fish have a lower modal dorsal spine count e d Rocks north of Mowe Point March 1982 19°2<YS/12°42/E. than samples from other west coast localities (Figure 2). The n Rocks 5 km south of u mode is, however, still higher than in the Knysna popula­ y Kunene R. mouth Jan. 1982 a tion. It is possible that this is related to water temperature; w e These last rocks are the group described by Kensley & the average inshore temperature in the Swakopmund area t a Penrith (1980).
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