
Meeting No. 1,209 THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM Pages 1 - 234 August 19-20, 2020 Austin, Texas August 19, 2020 Meeting of the U. T. System Board of Regents – Meeting of the Board MEETING NO. 1,209 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020.--The members of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System convened in Open Session on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 8:31 a.m. via Zoom conference, with the below meeting participation. This regular meeting of the Board was held via Zoom conference call as authorized by Governor Abbott’s Executive Order temporarily suspending certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, effective March 16 2020, to address and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. ATTENDANCE.-- Present Chairman Eltife Vice Chairman Longoria Vice Chairman Weaver Regent Beck Regent Crain Regent Hicks Regent Jiles Regent Perez Regent Warren Regent Ojeaga, Student Regent, nonvoting CONVENE THE BOARD IN OPEN SESSION TO RECESS TO COMMITTEE MEETINGS.--At 8:31 a.m., in accordance with a notice being duly posted with the Secretary of State and there being a quorum present, Chairman Eltife called the meeting to order in Open Session then recessed the Board to Committee Meetings. At the beginning of the Audit, Compliance, and Risk Management Committee meeting and at the end of the Finance and Planning Committee meeting, Committee Chairman Beck announced a change to the next day’s schedule. The change being consistent with the posting, he noted that Meeting of the Board Item 7 concerning Fall 2020 plans would be taken up first. The Board received several requests from individuals seeking to speak on the item and rather than keep them waiting throughout the morning, Chairman Eltife asked that the item be set first in respect of their time and to provide certainty about when the speakers would address the Board. ADJOURNMENT.--There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned following the Committee Meetings at 11:05 a.m. to reconvene on August 20, 2020. Minutes - 1 August 20, 2020 Meeting of the U. T. System Board of Regents – Meeting of the Board THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020.--The members of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System convened in Open Session on Thursday, August 20, 2020, at 8:34 a.m. via Zoom conference, with the below meeting participation. This regular meeting of the Board was held via Zoom conference call as authorized by Governor Abbott’s Executive Order temporarily suspending certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, effective March 16 2020, to address and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. ATTENDANCE.-- Present Chairman Eltife Vice Chairman Longoria Vice Chairman Weaver Regent Beck Regent Crain Regent Hicks Regent Jiles Regent Perez Regent Warren Regent Ojeaga, Student Regent, nonvoting CONVENE THE BOARD IN OPEN SESSION.--At 8:34 a.m., in accordance with a notice being duly posted with the Secretary of State and there being a quorum present, Chairman Eltife called the meeting to order in Open Session. STANDING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS.--At 8:35 a.m., Chairman Eltife announced the Board would hear the reports and recommendations of the Standing Committees, which are set forth on Pages 3 - 113. Minutes - 2 August 20, 2020 Meeting of the U. T. System Board of Regents – Audit, Compliance, and Risk Management Committee REPORT OF THE AUDIT, COMPLIANCE, AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Pages 3 - 8).--Unless otherwise indicated, the actions set forth in the Minute Orders that follow were recommended and approved by the Board in Open Session. 1. U. T. System Board of Regents: Discussion and appropriate action regarding Consent Agenda items, if any, assigned for Committee consideration There were no items assigned for review by this Committee. 2. U. T. System: Discussion of Systemwide internal audit activities, including update on results of the Systemwide Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) grants assurance work and status of Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Audit Plan This item was for consideration only by the Committee. 3. U. T. System: Approval of the U. T. Systemwide Annual Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2021 The Board approved the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION Chief Audit Executive Peppers recommends approval of the proposed Fiscal Year 2021 U. T. Systemwide Annual Audit Plan (Audit Plan). Development of the Audit Plan is based on risk assessments performed at each institution. Implementation of the Audit Plan will be coordinated with the institutional auditors. The Audit Plan executive summary is set forth on the following pages. Additionally, the institutional annual audit plans were provided to the Audit, Compliance, and Risk Management Committee members prior to the meeting. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Institutional audit plans, compiled by the internal audit departments after input and guidance from the U. T. System Audit Office, the Offices of Academic or Health Affairs, and the institution's management and institutional internal audit committee, were submitted to the respective institutional internal audit committee and institutional president for review and comments. Also, the U. T. System Chief Audit Executive provided feedback by conducting audit plan presentations with each institution. After the review process, each institutional internal audit committee formally approved its institution's audit plan. Minutes - 3 August 20, 2020 Meeting of the U. T. System Board of Regents – Audit, Compliance, and Risk Management Committee 7KH8QLYHUVLW\RI7H[DV6\VWHP 6\VWHPZLGH,QWHUQDO$XGLW3URJUDP )LVFDO<HDU$QQXDO$XGLW3ODQ([HFXWLYH6XPPDU\ SystemwideAnnual Audit Plan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¶PDQDJHPHQWDQGLQWHUQDODXGLWFRPPLWWHHVDVZHOODVWKH876\VWHP$XGLW2IILFH DQGWKH2IILFHVRI$FDGHPLFDQG+HDOWK$IIDLUVSURYLGHGGLUHFWLRQLQSXWDQGIHHGEDFNRQWKHDXGLW SODQV$IWHUWKHUHYLHZSURFHVVHDFKLQVWLWXWLRQDOLQWHUQDODXGLWFRPPLWWHHIRUPDOO\DSSURYHGLWVDXGLW SODQ7KH)<$XGLW3ODQDVVXPPDUL]HGLQWKHWDEOHVDQGJUDSKVWKDWIROORZLVIRUPDOO\SUHVHQWHG WRWKH876\VWHP%RDUGRI5HJHQWVIRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUDSSURYDODWWKH$XJXVWPHHWLQJ 7KHPHWKRGRORJ\IRUDXGLWSODQGHYHORSPHQWLV /ŵƉĂĐƚ GHVLJQHGWRIRFXVRQWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶VVWUDWHJLF ZŝƐŬ^ĐŽƌŝŶŐ SULRULWLHVDQGLPSRUWDQWREMHFWLYHVLGHQWLI\UHODWHG DĂƚƌŝdž ,ŝŐŚ DĞĚŝƵŵ >Žǁ ULVNVWKDWFRXOGLPSHGHUHDFKLQJWKHPVXFFHVVIXOO\ DQGGHYHORSHQJDJHPHQWVWKDWSURYLGHYDOLGDWLRQWKDW ,ŝŐŚ , D WKHUHDUHDFWLYLWLHVLQSODFHWRPLWLJDWHWKHKLJKHVWULVNV ,QWHUQDODXGLWDWHDFKLQVWLWXWLRQDQG6\VWHP DĞĚŝƵŵ , D > $GPLQLVWUDWLRQFRQGXFWDULVNDVVHVVPHQWLQZKLFK ULVNV UHODWHGWRLQVWLWXWLRQDOSULRULWLHVDQGREMHFWLYHV WƌŽďĂďŝůŝƚLJ >Žǁ D > > ZHUHLGHQWLILHGDQGVFRUHG DV &ULWLFDO+LJK0HGLXP RU/RZ7KH5LVN6FRULQJ0DWUL[WDEOH ULJKW LOOXVWUDWHVKRZWKHULVNVIRUHDFKREMHFWLYHDUHVFRUHG EDVHGRQWKH3UREDELOLW\UDWLQJRIWKHULVNRFFXUULQJLQWKHFXUUHQWHQYLURQPHQWDQGWKH,PSDFW UDWLQJWR WKHLQVWLWXWLRQLIWKHULVNLVUHDOL]HG$V,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\ ,7 ULVNVDUHWKHPRVWSUHYDOHQWDFURVV WKH6\VWHPDGGLWLRQDOIRFXVLVSODFHGRQ,7ULVNVWKURXJKFROODERUDWLRQZLWK,7DQG,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HFXULW\ ,6 OHDGHUVKLSWRLGHQWLI\DQGDJUHHXSRQFULWLFDOVHUYLFHVDQGIXQFWLRQVWKDWFRXOGKDYHD VLJQLILFDQWLPSDFWRQEXVLQHVVREMHFWLYHV,QDGGLWLRQLQWHUQDODXGLWSXUSRVHIXOO\FRQVLGHUHGWKHLPSDFW RIULVNV LQWKHFRQWH[WRIRSHUDWLRQDOFKDQJHVGXHWR&29,' 7KHHQJDJHPHQWVVHOHFWHGWREHRQWKH)<$XGLW3ODQDUHGHULYHGGLUHFWO\IURPWKHULVNDVVHVVPHQW UHVXOWVSULPDULO\DGGUHVVLQJ&ULWLFDODQG+LJKULVNVDQGDOVRLQFOXGHRWKHUUHTXLUHGDQGUHFXUULQJZRUN DVUHTXLUHGE\SROLF\VWDWXWHFRQWUDFWRUDQH[WHUQDOHQWLW\)RUWKH&ULWLFDODQG+LJKULVNVWKDWDUHQRW DGGUHVVHGE\WKHHQJDJHPHQWVULVNPLWLJDWLRQDFWLYLWLHVDUHLGHQWLILHGDQGSUHVHQWHGDVSDUWRIWKHDXGLW SODQ7KHVHPD\LQFOXGHDFWLYHPRQLWRULQJZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RWKHUULVNIXQFWLRQVH[HFXWLYHVXSSRUWLQ WKHDUHD SDVW\HDUDXGLWFRYHUDJHRUUHYLHZE\DQH[WHUQDOSDUW\ 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHOLVWVWKH)< $XGLW3ODQWRWDOEXGJHWHGDXGLWKRXUVE\LQVWLWXWLRQ7KHVHKRXUV LQFOXGHHQJDJHPHQWVFRQGXFWHGE\DSSUR[LPDWHO\LQWHUQDODXGLWSURIHVVLRQDO)7(VDQGFRVRXUFH UHVRXUFHVZKRDUHH[SHUWVLQVHOHFWHGDXGLWDUHDVWKDWZRUNZLWKLQWHUQDODXGLWRQHQJDJHPHQWV +RZHYHUZLWKSRWHQWLDOFKDQJHVLQSULRULWLHVDQGVWDIILQJUHVRXUFHVWKDWPD\RFFXUGXULQJWKHILVFDO \HDULQVWLWXWLRQVPD\UHTXHVWDSSURYDOIURPWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHSUHVLGHQWVDQGRULQWHUQDODXGLWFRPPLWWHHV WRFKDQJHWKHLUEXGJHWHGKRXUVRUUHDOORFDWHEXGJHWHGKRXUVDPRQJHQJDJHPHQWV DQGSURMHFWV &RQVROLGDWLRQ3UHSDUHGE\876\VWHP$XGLW2IILFH 'DWH -XO\ Minutes - 4 August 20, 2020 Meeting of the U. 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