Stamp Insider www.nystampclubs.org January / February 2008 Lighthouses & Philately • Retaining Members • A New Harry Potter Tale • Morison Pavilion Opens • Youth Contest Winners Journal of the Federation of New York Philatelic Societies HI6C96G9 6h bVcn Vh &%% d[ ndjg hiVcYVgY"h^oZ XdkZghXVcWZY^heaVnZY^ci]^hedejaVg VaWjb#I]ZWaVX`aZVi]ZgZiiZW^cYZg]Vh \daYi^ia^c\dci]ZXdkZgVcYhe^cZ½V c^XZ [^c^h]^c\ idjX]# 6XXdbbdYViZh XdkZghid(($)m+*$-# 7aVX`YjhiXVhZÅ&'#'% (.#,% BDC6G8= 6h hiVbeh ^cXgZVhZ ^c h^oZ! hd Yd [^ghi YVn XdkZg ZckZadeZh# >c gZXZci nZVgh! i]Z ÆbdcVgX]Ç h^oZ ZckZadeZ! bZVhjg"^c\ Veegdm^bViZan ) m , &$'! ]Vh d[iZc WZZc jhZY# I]^h 6aahniZ! l^i] &%% XdkZg XVeVX^in! lVh YZh^\cZY _jhi [dgbdcVgX]h^oZXdkZgh# ))#'% !,,394% ?JB7D CdegdWaZbY^heaVn^c\ndjgZmigV"adc\ XdbbZgX^Va h^oZ &% XdkZgh! [dg "97()4%!#% ]ZgZÉhVc6aahniZXgZViZYZmegZhhan[dg i]Zb# I]ZgZÉh gddb ^c ^i [dg *% d[ i]ZhZ W^\ dcZh! 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Nunes’ President’s Viewpoint ............4 at w r Y e o Editor’s Perspective......................................6 d r e k F George Fekete’s Pondering Philately: S ta m p . P . U.S. Postage: Still a Bargain ....................8 h c i n la I George McGowan’s Collecting: t s, el ie Insider ic Societ WW II Comes to Newfoundland .............10 www.nystampclubs.org Jim Hannah the Frugal Philatelist: ‘Cold War’ Stamps .....................................12 Editor Arthur P. von Reyn: Albert W. Starkweather Retention Efforts Help Clubs Thrive ......14 5520 Gunn Hwy. Apt. 1406, Tampa, FL 33624-2847 813-962-7964; [email protected] About the Cover www.starkweatherdesign.com This mosaic created from Stony Point light- Associate Editor house in Henderson Harbor, NY, contains Heather Sweeting 4,800 stamp images. (More on page 6). 14329 Victory St., Sterling NY 13156-3172 315-947-6761; [email protected] John S. Babbitt: Lighthouses — Part I ...... 18 Florence Wright: Contributing Editor A New Harry Potter Tale .........................24 Daniel A. Piazza P. O. Box 76846, Washington DC 20013-6846 Morison Pavilion Dedicated .....................26 301-313-0287; [email protected] Texas Youth Art Contest Winners ........... 30 Advertising Manager Remembering David H. Proulx ...................32 George McGowan Stepex 2007 Award Winners .......................33 P. O. Box 482, East Schodack, NY 12063-0483 Daniel A. Piazza’s Stamp Stories 518-479-4396; [email protected] Stamps for the Olympics That Weren’t ... 34 Webmaster Robert Finnegan’s Youth & Philately: Thomas M. Fortunato The ‘Love’ in Philately ............................. 38 28 Amberwood Place, Rochester, NY 14626-4166 Glenn A. Estus’ First Day Coverage: 585-225-6822; [email protected] The Benefits of AFDCS .............................39 Financial Ruth L. Sabo’s Exploring Deltiology: John J. Nunes Leap Year Postcards ................................40 80 Fredericks Road. Scotia, NY 12302-5727 Communications: Black Baseball Pros .....41 518-399-8395; [email protected] Club Pages ............................................... 42–65 Subscriptions / Secretary Shows & Bourses....................................66–67 Ronald K. Ratchford Heather Sweeting’s The Last Words: 1105 Union St.. Schenectady, NY 12308-2805 No Stamp Left Behind? ..............................70 518-374-3776 ; [email protected] Advertiser Index ............69 Subscriptions, Copyright, Advertising Rates, Deadlines Stamp Insider™ is published six times per year by the Federation of New York Philatelic Societies for the Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies, Inc., a non-profit organization, at 1105 Union St., Schenectady, NY 12308-2805. Subscriptions: $7.50 per year; inquire of Subscriptions. Stamp Insider is sent free to members of participating clubs. Content ©2007 Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies Inc.; Design ©2007 Albert W. Starkweather / Design on Demand. Stamp Insider and the magnifying glass logo are trademarks of the Federation. Any portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent, provided credit is given. Written expression or opinions of the writers are their own and not necessarily those of the Stamp Insider or Federation. Some product names and images may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation, without intent to infringe. Every effort is taken to ensure accuracy, but validity is not guaranteed. Articles by readers are encouraged. Manuscripts cannot be returned without a large SASE. Electronic submissions are preferred. Dimensions (In inches) Per Insertion Contract Per Year Save Small Business Card (2 1/5 × 1) One-Year Contract Only $ 70.00 — Super Business Card (3 × 2 1/4) One-Year Contract Only $140.00 — 1⁄2 Page (4 1⁄2 × 3 7⁄16) $ 55.00 $270.00 $60.00 Full Page (4 1⁄2 × 7 1⁄2) $ 75.00 $400.00 $50.00 Full Page Inside Front or Back Cover $ 85.00 $450.00 $60.00 Full Page Outside Back (4 1⁄2 × 7 1⁄2) $150.00 $800.00 $100.00 Centerfold (two full pages) $160.00 $810.00 $150.00 Editorial & ad deadlines for the two months following are Feb. 1, April 1, June 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1 President’s Viewpoint John J. Nunes 80 Fredericks Road, Scotia, NY 12302-5727 518-399-8395; [email protected] Stamp Insider Finances have completed the year-end accounting and projection for the Stamp Insider’s 2007 in- I come and disbursements. An accurate accounting of the journal and the Federation’s fi- nances is necessary to maintain our nonprofit status. The Insider’s income exceeded expenses by $620.71, or a little more than five cents per copy; 11,850 copies were distributed. We did not require support from our remaining Federation funds of $1,150 nor did we receive any assistance from the Northeast Association of Stamp Dealers (NEASDA), as we did in 2006. Norman Cohen, our publisher and benefactor, continued his contribution to the Fed- eration through in-kind services of $7,804.17. This is the difference it costs us to print in color and to mail some issues in bulk shipments to show promoters. Otherwise the cost of the publication would go from its current $1.11 per issue to $1.83 per issue. The Stamp Insider’s officers, editor, and staff contribute their time and talent pro bono. 2005 Summary: The Insider realized a profit of $504 or seven cents per copy was realized. We distributed 7,200 copies. 2006 Summary: The Insider had a $1,901 deficit or 17 cents per copy. The shortfall was met from the Federation’s treasury and by a NEASDA donation. We distributed 11,100 copies. 2007 Summary: We raised the rates for advertisers and subscribers for the first time in 12 years with the January–February issue. A profit of $620.71 or a little more than five cents per copy is expected. We distributed 11,850 copies. We will maintain our present fee structure through 2008. Our advertisers helped support maintaining the cost to member clubs. Income and expenditures, which include the Federation Web site that is not part of the Stamp Insider, were: 2007 Income 2007 Expenditures Advertising $10,800.00 Printing $7200.00 Club Subscriptions s2,799.50 Lettershop 480.00 Subscribers/Advertising 156.00 Envelopes 924.00 Postage 4166.43 Web Site 60.00 Editor’s Expenses 176.03 Secretary’s Expenses 120.05 President’s Expenses 8.28 Total $13,755.50 Total $13,134.79 Thanks to the advertisers, clubs, subscribers, our editor, publisher, editorial staff, and reporters for supporting this beneficial aspect of philately in the Empire State.
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