154 The New York Me^ga-zine of Mysteries The New York God of G ladness. God of G lee T he Spirit of Life itself that throbs our readers that M agazine of M ysteries through the world, normally met by man, is ing f r o m sicKness of any Kind“ " ' « North W illiam Street. New Y ork C ity a spirit of light and sweetness and good; a spirit in perfect sympathy with joy and CH A R.LES E. ELLIS. Proprietor gladness and laughter and song. Flowers F0BLI8HED MONTHLY BY bloom, birds sing, children laugh and romp Healer. Tell e.a'fi,,5»“ »-' THOMPSON <S. CO. — all the expression of the mysterious IUn­ tnre of your disease, and he win . known— really “ The God of Gladness, God m e d i a t e l y give vou S P F r r SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 PER YEAR of Glee.” TREATMENT, surrounding E C1A L To all »arts of the United Slates. Canada. Mexico Professor Blackie voices this thought and Cuba. Subscribers in the Coy of New York and when he sings: MYSTIC HEALING VIBRATIONS Foreign Countries please add oti ceuts for extra post- age. Thou art each, and Thou art all, civi-.i i: rnDlPç • a rrvTç In Creation's living hall. Every breathing shape of beauty. SalMtcrlber«' names are entered in our books as of P E R F E C T h £ H ? \g£ 3SS snou as received, and papers prompt ly rurwurded. Every solemn voice of duty. Subscriptions always commence with the current Every high and holy mood, Issue. All that’s great, all that’s good— There is absolutely no excuse WHEN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES All is echo sent from Thee, anyone to be sicK or suffering if tf i It is of the utmost lm|K>riance that it should be God of Gladness, God of Glee. renewed early Id order that there may bo no Heaui °d G°d‘S W s •* delay In receiving the next issue of TUB NB» The hour is coming when men’s holy church York Mag azin e of Mystbkik s. as we aregen- etally unable to furnish back numbers. Shall melt away in ever-widening walls. And lie for all mankind ; and in its place Address all letters to cents. IF YOU ARE SICK YOTT A mightier church shall come whose cove­ WANT OUR HELP, AND WE I re Til k NBSW YOUK MAGAZINE OK MYSTEKIES nant word Shall be deeds of love. Not credo then— E Q U A L L Y A N X IO U S TO HELP “ Environm ent ” , 1 iho shall be the password through its YOU, UNTRAMMELED BY TB DOLLAR MARK. HE W ithin the love of Hod 1 safely rest gates; As rests the babe upon the mother’s arm : Man shall not ask his brother any more W e w a n t e v e ry one of our reader« My only consciousness, that 1 am blest “ Believest thou?" but “ lovest thou?” to be HEALTHY, STRONG AND Beyond all possibility of harm. VIGOROUS. If you are sick or From Thee, great God, we spring, to Thee f e r i n g , le t o u r M Y STIC ADEPT It lies about me like the atmosphere. we tend, SPIRITUAL HEALER RESTORE Y.cwless, intangible, a thing ot' naught Path, Motive, Guide, Original and End. Then, go nor thou in search of Him, YOUR HEALTH. Yon know, dew To human reason, yet how close, how near friend, everything involves an ex- To imrartl vision and to silent thought! But to thyself repair; Wait thou within the silence dim penditure of money, and no matter It lies about me like the warm embrace And thou shalr find Ilim there. bow good onr intentions are, we Of mother tenderness and mother care. From God derived, to God by nature joined, m ust have money to pay the nece»- Still touching life with sweet, benignant We act the dictates of Ilis mighty mind : sary expenses of our Spiritual grace, Though priests are mure, and temples still. H e a le r , a n d w e n o w find th a t we can And tilling it with gifts divinely fair. God never wants a voice to speak His will. carry on this great work for the sm all sum of $1.00 a month for each The babe looks up, but cannot understand Suggestive C lassification person. Many of onr friends that The brooding love that every want sup­ have so kindly sent large sums of plies ; I. Relation is that which is. money to help establish this grand It only feels the soft, caressing hand. Its God is I A m. And sees the love-light in maternal eyes. II. Action is that which does. w ork are hereby notified that $1.00 Its God is I Make. from each person will now pay all So I, who can but dimly comprehend III. Volition is that which wills. the necessary expenses. We are The fulness of the love that blesses me. Its God is I L ove. pleased to make this announcement, May deem that sweetest influences blend These three are the primal triad of prin­ as it shows how little money is re­ In more than human tenderness can be. ciple ; self-existing, without creator or de­ quired to do good and help each stroyer. without father or mother, or begin­ other when the right spirit is mani­ And as the baby feels responsive glow ning of days or end of life. Within its frame, for her who draws it IV. And these three are one. for this f e s t. near. trinity of principle is essential to unity of In writing enclose a two-cent And nestles closer, though it cannot know being. s t a m p f o r re p ly . A ddress Mystic The mother love that soothes its every V. This Being is spirit, and this spirit is Adept No. 12. fear— God. So I, who can but understand in part W e print a few of the many let­ The love that keeps, whatever may befall. Love is the ethereal medium pervading ters received from grateful hearts Will nestle closer to the tender heart God’s moral universe, by means of which w h o h a v e b e e n b lessed by the work Of God— that heart which is the heart are propagated the motions of His impulses, of M ystic No. 12. Should you wish of all. the heat of His grace, the light of His truth, to a id i n t h i s g r e a t w o rk -an d help — Eclen Chauncey. the electricity of Ilis activities, the mag­ t h e s ic k p le a s e se n d in a few words netism of His nature, the affinities of His that we may publish. The life force of Thought Is beyond all character, the gravitation of Ilis will. In calculation. brief, love-is the very definition of Deity Enclosed, please find one dollar. I am Himself: “ God is love; and he that alnd- feeling so much better, I think I can gel The inward mau is renewed dav bv dav. eth in love abideth in God and God in him.” along without further treatment after the — II Cor., iv, 10. month Is up. I am so grateful to the Clrer of all gifts to have been restored to health Self-culture means soul-culture— the cul­ I’m apt to think the man so speedily, and to you, for your share In ture of the real man— the inner man. That could surround the sum of things, and the work. Mrs. Mary A. Clinton. Roches­ “py ter, N. Y. Annihilate not the mercies of God by the 1 lie heart of God. and secrets of Ilis empire. oblivion of Ingratitude. Let thy diaries Would speak bill love. With him the T am so delighted with the progress I stand thick with dutiful mementoes and a s ­ bright result am making that I scarcely know how to terisks of acknowledgment.— Sir Thomas Would change the hue of intermediate express myself. I feel so full of life ana Uroicnc. scenes. strength, joy and hope. Your vibrations And make one thing of all theology. are a constant source of wonder and aston- He who has attained to the Most High is Ishment to me. I feel so changed. M. “• a universalist— a universal lover. The uni­ Never the Spirit was born ; the Spirit shall Monroe. 231 Fifteenth Street, Buffalo, J>. »• versal lover has no quarrel with any re­ cease to be never. ligion. philosophy, belief or unbelief; all he Never was time it was not: end and be­ My health Is very much Improved and can say is that he 1ms reached bliss by see­ ginning are dreams. he Spirit is still leading me. I thank th ing only good— all good in the All. Birthless and deathless and changeless re- )oar Father every day that lie has¡ led m maineth the Spirit, forever. o the knowledge of His mystic healing, i Life is only orderly and progressive Death hath not touched it at all, dead ra very much. Improved. Sincerely, . we live in the Spirit; as we evolve fre though the house of It seems. 1. L. Nelson, Pleasantville, Pa. the brute and animal plane to the ange or conscious state— realizing that Spirit R.
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