Protecting Your Boat Against Severe Weather Texas Sea Grant College Program Protecting Your Boat Against Severe Weather by Dewayne Hollin Texas Marine Advisory Service oatowners along the Texas coast at the same time, higher tides and winds are B should consider hurricane prepara‑ pushing water shoreward and rain is adding tion part of normal boat maintenance. even more water to already rising bay waters The entire coast is vulnerable to extended and seas. Rising water and high winds severe weather and, in many cases, extreme can batter, heavily damage, sink or devastation caused by hurricane‑related even destroy boats. tidal surges, winds, waves and rain during The position of your boat and property hurricane season, June through Novem‑ relative to the center of the hurricane will ber. The best protection for you and your determine the degree of force and damage boat is advance planning. Deciding what you experience. You can rely on National to do before severe weather strikes gives Weather Service reports to determine your boatowners a chance to test and evaluate position. their plans before an emergencv. Plus, a If, as the storm approaches you head hurricane or severe storm can develop and on, you see a clockwise shift of motion in change direction quickly. When a weather the storm, you are about to encounter the warning is issued, there is little time to pro‑ “right” or most critical quarter of the circular tect your boat from the approaching storm motion of the hurricane (See Fig. 1). For if you haven’t already planned what to do example, if you are facing east, the storm and gathered and practiced with the neces‑ motion veers southeast. This “right” quarter sary equipment. Remember, a hurricane produces three critical forces: greater wind or severe storm can develop and change velocity, tidal surge and the most intense direction quickly. rainfall. Depending on the storm’s intensity, This publication outlines procedures maximum tidal surge is normally about 15 that can help protect boats during severe to 20 miles to the right of the hurricane weather. Following these procedures will eye (the relative calm area in the center of not exempt a boatowner from legal respon‑ a storm). sibility if his boat causes damage to other The “left” quarter of the storm has less property, nor will it ensure that a boat or its force than the right quarter, but is still dan‑ occupants will escape damage and injury. gerous. Since the “left” quarter is the back However, knowing what to expect from HURRICANES AND side of the hurricane, winds will blow from a hurricane, what storm warnings mean, the coast to the sea, changing the direction and how to best prepare your boat, can ACCOMPANYING of wave action against boats and reducing help increase chances that your boat can water depth. Your moorings should be set withstand or avoid possible damage. WEAT H ER to handle this change. This publication includes a brief diction‑ Hurricane winds may reach up to 200 When a hurricane threatens, monitor ary of hurricane and severe weather terms; rnph and tornadoes often accompany storm reports and keep a log and display of a description of hurricanes and accompany‑ hurricanes, carrying their own wind and the hurricane’s position using a hurricane ing weather; a general checklist of prepara‑ rain threats and causing severe damage tracking chart. Hurricane eye positions are tions for severe weather; lists to evaluate a and casualties. Unfortunately, a variety of given by latitude and longitude to the near‑ variety of places to moor or store boats and other weather hazards usually accompany est one‑tenth of a degree, but since the eye steps to follow for each alternative; a list of hurricanes. Ten‑ to 20‑foot storm surges, position does not indicate the true possible ground tackle; descriptions of safe dry and which generally cause the most property impact of the hurricane, you should plot an wet storage areas; a list to analyze the risks loss during a hurricane, can rip boats from area 100 to 200 miles wide or 50 to 100 to your boat at its current location; and their moorings. Lowering barometric pres‑ miles on either side of the eye, to reflect the advice on what to do after the storm and if sure causes sea level to rise drastically and, potential danger zone. a boat is damaged. GENERAL STEPS FOR ALL BOATO W NERS 1. STEPS TO REMAIN IN The key to protecting your boat from winter storms, hurricanes or any severe threaten‑ PLACE —WET STORAGE ing weather is planning, preparation and timely action. The following checklists are meant as guides only. Each boatowner needs a plan unique to his type of boat, the local boating 1. Top fuel tanks and change filters prior to environment, the severe weather conditions likely to occur in that region and the charac‑ storm season to ensure that engines can be easily started and will run to accommodate teristics of safe havens and/or plans for protection. any measures needed to protect the craft. 1. Prior to the storm season, develop a These may be needed when you return Also top off freshwater tanks aboard the detailed plan of action to remove your to check on your boat. boat, because fresh water may not be avail‑ boat from the storm area to a previously 5. Maintain an inventory of items removed able after the storm. identified safe haven to secure your ves‑ and left on board. Items of value should 2. Prior to the severe weather season, obtain sel in the marina, or to take your boat be marked with social security num‑ necessary lines, chafing gear, fenders or to a previously identified hurricane bers. ground tackle. Don’t wait until the storm hole. Specifically identify and assemble 6. Before a storm threatens, analyze how is at hand to test your plan. Try it out be‑ forehand. Stripping and securing a boat is needed equipment and supplies. Keep you will strip the boat and how long it a difficult, time‑consuming task and often them together and test your plan to see will take so you will have an accurate a boatowner is simultaneously concerned if it works before storm season. estimate of the time and work involved. with securing a house and protecting family 2. Arrange for a friend to carry out your When a storm is pending, and after members. plans if you are out of town during the you have made anchoring or mooring For boats remaining in the harbor: storm season. provisions, strip the boat of all mov‑ • Double all lines. 3. Check your lease or storage rental able equipment such as canvas, sails, • Rig crossing spring lines fore and aft. agreement with the marina or storage dinghies, radios, cushions, biminis • Attach lines high on pilings to allow for area. Know your responsibilities and li‑ and roller furling sails and lash down tidal rise or surge. abilities as well as those of the marina. everything you cannot remove such as • Make sure lines will not slip off pilings. 4. Consolidate all records including insur‑ tillers, wheels, booms, etc. Make sure • Inspect pilings and choose those that ance policies, vessel registration, equip‑ the electrical system is cut off unless you seem strongest and tallest and are prop‑ ment inventory, lease agreement with plan to leave the boat in the water, and erly installed. marina or storage area, and telephone remove the battery to eliminate the risk • Cover all lines at rough points to prevent numbers of appropriate authorities, i.e. of fire or other damage. chafing. Wrap with tape, rags and rubber harbor master, Coast Guard, insurance 7. Close and seal openings and tape any hoses, etc. agent, National Weather Service, etc., windows that may break from the wind • Install fenders to protect the boat from and keep them in your possession. force. rubbing against the pier, pilings and other boats. In addition to these general steps, which should be considered no matter where you plan • Monitor the tide and storm, if possible, to leave your boat during a hurricane or other severe weather, the following specific steps and adjust lines as circumstances change. should be taken depending on the option you select. Make allowances for rising and falling tides. 3. Some fixed pier marinas provide “tide ris‑ Trailerable Boats Non‑trailerable Boats ers” or self‑adjusting mooring guides that allow lines to move up or down the piling 1. Determine the requirements to load and in Dry Storage during tidal changes. These “tide risers” are haul your boat to a safe area. Be sure Determine the safest realistically ob‑ for the convenience of the boater and will your tow vehicle is capable of properly tainable haven for your boat and make hold the boat under most storm conditions, and adequately moving the boat. Check arrangements to move your boat there. but most harbor masters prefer that boaters your trailer—tires, bearings and axles When selecting a “safe” location, be sure use double lines during storm conditions should be in good condition. Too often to consider whether tides could rise or with lines also attached directly to the pil‑ a flat tire, frozen bearings or a broken surge into the area. Wherever you choose ings. Some marine hurricane protection axle prevents an owner from moving a to locate your boat for the duration of the programs suggest that “tide risers” not be boat. storm, lash the boat to its cradle with heavy used for hurricane mooring and that dock 2. Once at a “safe” place, lash your boat to lines be secured directly to pilings.
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