STATE OF OHIO LITHOLOGIC UNIT DESCRIPTIONS Ted Strickland, Governor Unit descriptions represent an amalgamation of those for the Toledo, Lorain/Put-in-Bay, Cleveland South, Cleveland North, Ashtabula, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES and Youngstown 100,000-scale surfi cial geology maps. Map-specifi c units noted in the individual descriptions. Sean D. Logan, Director OHIO DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SURFICIAL UNITS Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Chief Map(s) SG-2 Ashtabula, Cleveland North, Lo- w Water; large lakes and reservoirs only. Circular feature in northwest Huron County is the Bellevue, Ohio upland reservoir. rain/Put-in-Bay, Toledo and Youngstown. Surfi cial geology of the Lake Erie region m Made land. Large areas of cut and fi ll such as dams, landfi lls, and urban areas; may include reclaimed strip mine areas. Underlain Prepared in cooperation with the United States by bedrock or other lithologic units. Geological Survey, National Cooperative Geologic o Organic deposits, Holocene age. Muck and peat, may contain clay at depth. Generally less than 20 feet thick. Formed in und- rained depressions. Organic deposits too small to map at 100K-scale indicated by an asterisk [*] and underlain by material shown Mapping Program (STATEMAP). Grant numbers Douglas L. Shrake, Glenn E. Larsen, E. Mac Swinford, Richard R. Pavey, in surrounding map-unit area. Occurs on the landward margin of the Lake Erie coast and associated estuaries. Present also on 05HQAG0017, 04HQAG0047, 98HQAG2054, outwash trains, ice-contact areas, and hummocky moraines. 04HQAG0047, and 99HQAG0165. Kim E. Vorbau, C. Scott Brockman, Gregory A. Schumacher, and Erik R. Venteris om Organic and marl deposits, Holocene-age. Found only in the area north and west of Castalia, where groundwater rich in calcium carbonate discharges from springs at the base of the Columbus Limestone escarpment. Precipitation of carbonate [marl] around plants on poorly drained Lake Plain sediments has constructed these “upland bogs”. a Alluvium, Holocene age. Includes a wide variety of textures from silt and clay to boulders; commonly includes organic material; GIS and cartography by Donovan M. Powers and Kelli L. Vogt generally not compact; rarely greater than 20 feet thick. Found in fl oodplains of modern streams throughout entire map area. Mapped only where areal extent and thickness are signifi cant. Database administration by Joseph G. Wells Ac Alluvium and alluvial terraces, combined. Shown in areas where insuffi cient space is available to delineate separate units. At Alluvial terraces, Wisconsinan age. Old fl oodplain remnants along streams that fl owed into high, proglacial lake predecessors of Lake Erie. Highly variable textures; commonly found tens of feet above modern fl oodplains. C Clay, Wisconsinan age. Massive to laminated; may contain interbedded silt, and fi ne sand; clay content can exceed 80%. Laminat- ed clay commonly contains thin silt or sand partings. Carbonate-cemented concretions occur in some areas. Commonly contains fractures 6 to 12 inches apart. Distributed throughout the Toledo and Lorain/Put-in-Bay map area as lowland surface deposits, terraces, and as deep-water deposits of high, proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie. Distributed in southern portion of Cleveland South, Ashtabula, and Youngstown map area as terrace and lowland surface deposits. Present as surface and subsurface progla- cial-lake deposits in Ashtabula and Youngstown map areas. LC Silt and clay, Wisconsinan age. Laminated to interbedded, may contain thin fi ne sand or gravel layers. Occurs as thick lacustrine valley fi ll deposits of high, proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie in the Cleveland South and Cleveland North map areas. Found as 116th Annual Meeting of the terraces along the Chagrin River in the northern portion of the Cleveland North and along the Grand and Mahoning Rivers in the Ashtabula and Youngstown map areas. Present as thick, deltaic deposits of proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie and as thick, del- OHIO ACADEMY of SCIENCE taic deposits, outwash deposits in upland depressions and proglacial lake deposits in the Ashtabula, and Youngstown map areas. Can be up to 340 feet thick in the Cleveland South and Cleveland North map areas southeast of the Burke Lakefront Airport. Hosted by L Silt, Wisconsinan age. Massive or laminated, commonly contains thin sand partings. Carbonate-cemented concretions occur in some areas. May contain localized clay, sand, or gravel layers. Clay content commonly increases with depth. Found throughout CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE the map area as lowland surface deposits, terraces, and thick, deltaic deposits of proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie. It is also present as thick proglacial lake deposits in the Ashtabula and Youngstown map areas. EASTERN CAMPUS S Sand, Wisconsinan age. Contains minor amounts of disseminated gravel or thin lenses of silt or gravel; grains well to moderately sorted, moderately to well rounded; fi nely stratifi ed to massive, may be cross bedded; locally may contain organics. In deep buried Highland Hills, Ohio valleys, may be older than Wisconsinan age. Found in terraces and buried valleys throughout the map area, as nearshore dune and beach ridge deposits of proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie, and in association with deltaic deposits or outwash throughout April 20-21, 2007 map area. SG Sand and gravel, generally Wisconsinan age. Intermixed and interbedded sand and gravel commonly containing thin, discontinu- ous layers of silt and clay; grains well to moderately sorted, moderately to well rounded; fi nely stratifi ed to massive, may be cross bedded; locally may contain organics. In deep buried valleys, may be older than Wisconsinan age. Found as valley wall terraces and in buried valleys throughout the map area, and as beach ridge deposits of proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie. Present in the Ashtabula and Youngstown map areas as widespread fl uvial deposits. G Gravel, Wisconsinan age. Contains intergranular sand, some sand and silt beds or lenses; unit well to moderately sorted, subangu- COMPLETE 1:100,000-SCALE lar to well rounded; may be massive, cross-bedded, or horizontally bedded. Larger clasts and majority of gravel of variable lithol- ogy but are commonly derived from bedrock within the immediate area. In deep buried valleys, may be older than Wisconsinan age. Mapped only in the Lorain/Put-in-Bay map area. COVERAGE OF THE GA Basal gravel. Highly variable, poorly sorted gravel and sand, with signifi cant amounts silt and clay. Found in the southwest part of the Lorain/Put-in-Bay map area; deposited at or near the front of the ice sheet directly on bedrock. Presumably of Wisconsinan SURFICIAL GEOLOGY OF age, but may be older. IC Ice-contact deposits, Wisconsinan age. Highly variable deposits of poorly sorted gravel and sand; silt, clay, and till lenses com- mon; may be partially covered or surrounded by till. Deposited directly from stagnant ice as kame or esker landforms. Commonly OHIO’S LAKE ERIE COAST associated with deep buried valleys in the southern Cleveland South and throughout Cleveland North, Ashtabula and Youngstown map areas; can be up to 260 feet thick. 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE T Unsorted mix of silt, clay, sand, gravel, and boulders, fractures common, Wisconsinan age. May contain silt, sand, and gravel lenses. Deposited directly from several separate ice advances. Undifferentiated and non-specifi ed age in buried valleys or where Douglas L. Shrake, [email protected], LOCATION MAP separated by intervening non-till units from an overlying designated till. Most common surfi cial unit in the map area. TE Clay loamy till, low-carbonate content, Wisconsinan age. Till contains unsorted mix of silt, clay, sand, gravel, and boulders, frac- E. Mac Swinford, Gregory A. Schumacher, tures common; may contain silt, sand, and gravel lenses. Older low-carbonate till units may also be present at surface and at Glenn E. Larsen, Erik R. Venteris, and Richard depth. Common unit in Glaciated Appalachian Plateau. Mapped in the Cleveland North, Ashtabula, and Youngstown map areas. TF Silty clay till, high-carbonate content, Wisconsinan age. May contain silt, sand and gravel lenses; very sparsely pebbly. Fractures common. At depth includes unspecifi ed till units of various lithologies and may include clay and silt beds. High clay content from R. Pavey ice overriding lacustrine clay of proglacial predecessors of Lake Erie. Mapped only in the Toledo map area. TG Clayey to silty till, low-carbonate content, Wisconsinan age. May contain silt, sand and gravel lenses. Fractures common. At depth includes a pebbly basal unit as well as unspecifi ed till units of various lithologies. Common surface till on lake plain in northern ODNR, Division of Geological Survey map area; bounded to south by Lake Escarpment Moraine. Mapped only in the Cleveland North and Ashtabula map areas. 2045 Morse Road C-1 KEY TO MAP-UNIT COLORS CG Complexly interbedded deposits of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and till in deeper parts of buried valleys, unspecifi ed age. Unit identifi ed from well logs; data insuffi cient for more detailed differentiation or age assignment. Up to 300 feet thick in the Lorain/Put-in- Columbus OH 43229-6693 Bay and Ashtabula map areas. Present in deeper buried valleys in southern portion of the Cleveland South and throughout the The colors depict the uppermost continuous map unit for a defi ned Youngstown map areas. polygon. Discontinuous units (in parentheses) and subsurface-only units BEDROCK UNITS are excluded in colors assignments. The Ohio Department of Natural Resourc- P Vertically and horizontally variable sequences and of sandstone, shale, siltstone, claystone, limestone, and coal bedrock of the Pennsylvanian age Pottsville and Allegheny Groups. Includes associated colluvium. Sandstone nonbedded to massive; may be es, Division of Geological Survey has com- Surfi cial units conglomeratic in basal portion and interbeds of shale, sandstone, siltstone, clay, coal, and limestone common in upper portion of unit. Mapped as surface unit throughout Ashtabula, Youngstown, and in the southeastern portion of Cleveland North map w area.
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