NEWTOWNABBEYNEWTOWNABBEY BOROUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL COUNCIL CONTACTCONTACT DETAILS DETAILS NEWTOWNABBEYNEWTOWNABBEY BOROUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL COUNCIL AntrimCONTACTCONTACT Borough DETAILS DETAILSCouncil Bap (Business Advancement Programme) - AntrimAntrim Borough Borough Council Council Bap (BusinessNEWTOWNABBEY Advancement Programme) BOROUGH - COUNCIL AlastairCONTACT Law/Paul KellyDETAILS AreNEWTOWNABBEY You AnBap Innovative (Business Advancement Thinker?BOROUGH Programme) COUNCIL - AlastairAntrimAlastairCONTACT Law/PaulAntrim Law/PaulBorough KellyBorough DETAILS Kelly Council Council Are You AnBap Innovative (Business Thinker?AdvancementContact Programme) - T: 028Alastair 9446 Law/Paul3113 Kelly Aim: StimulateAre companiesYou An Innovative to incorporate Thinker? innovative thinking T:AntrimCONTACT 028 9446 Borough 3113 DETAILS Council AreBapNEWTOWNABBEY You (Business An Innovative Advancement Thinker?BOROUGH Programme) COUNCIL - T: 028E:Alastair 9446CONTACT [email protected] 3113Law/Paul DETAILS Kelly ... in the Aim: Stimulateinto companies the development to incorporate of their products, innovative processes thinking and services AntrimE:Alastair [email protected]: 028 BoroughLaw/Paul 9446 3113 Kelly Council Boosting BapAre (Business You Aim:An Innovative StimulateAdvancement companies Thinker? Programme) to incorporate innovative - thinkingE: [email protected]: 028 9446 3113 into the developmentthatAim: will Stimulate help of their them companies products, create new to processesincorporate market opportunities. and innovative services thinking E: [email protected] BapAre You(Business Aninto Innovative the Advancement development Thinker? of their Programme) products, processes - and services E:AntrimAlastairT: [email protected] 028 Law/Paul9446 Borough 3113 Kelly Council intoBapAim: the (Business Stimulate development companiesAdvancement of their to products, Detailsincorporate Programme) processes innovative and- thinkingservices Ballymena Borough Council that will help Eligibilitythem create Criteria:that new will help marketSMEs them to opportunities. becreate trading new marketfor more opportunities. than AlastairT:E: 028 [email protected] 9446 Law/Paul 3113 Kelly thatAreAim:into willYou Stimulatethe help developmentAn them Innovative companies create of newtheir to Thinker? incorporate marketproducts, opportunities. processesinnovative and thinking services Ballymena Borough Council one year andEligibility have not Criteria: engaged SMEs on toprevious be trading innovation for more than BallymenaT:E:JacquelineBallymena [email protected] 9446 Borough Reid/Denise 3113Borough Council Mayo Council Eligibility Criteria:intothat the will SMEs development help to them be tradingcreate of their new forproducts, market more thanprocessesopportunities. and services BallymenaT: 028Jacqueline 9446 3113Borough Reid/Denise Council Mayo EligibilityAim: Stimulate Criteria:one yearcompanies andSMEs have to to notbe incorporate tradingengaged for on innovative moreprevious than innovationthinking JacquelineT:Jacqueline 028 Reid/Denise 2563 Reid/Denise 3930 Mayo Mayo one year and thatprogrammeshave will not help engaged orthem engaged create on previouswith new Invest market innovation NI. opportunities. E:Ballymena [email protected] Borough Council North East oneintoEligibility yearthe development andprogrammes Criteria: have not SMEsof engagedor their engaged to products,be on trading with previous Invest processes for innovationmoreNI. andthan services E:Jacqueline [email protected]: 028 Reid/Denise2563 3930 Mayo Business T: 028 T:2563 028 25633930 3930 programmes orthat engaged will help withthem Investcreate NI.new Formarket further opportunities. information on T:BallymenaJacqueline 028E: [email protected] Reid/Denise 3930Borough MayoCouncil North East SalesprogrammesthatEligibilityone will year Growth help andCriteria: orthem have engaged Programme create SMEsnot engaged with newto be Invest market 2trading on- NI.previous opportunities. for more innovation than E: [email protected] North East oneprogrammes year andSales have or engagedGrowth not engaged withProgramme Investon previous NI. 2 - innovation E: [email protected]:BallymenaJacquelineT: [email protected] 028 2563 Reid/Denise Borough 3930 Mayo Council EligibilityMaximise Criteria: Your Sales SMEs Potentialto beany trading of the for programmesmore than Ballymoney Borough Council NorthNorth East East Sales Growthprogrammes ProgrammeMaximise or engaged 2 Your- with Sales Invest Potential NI. JacquelineT:E: 028 [email protected] 2563 Reid/Denise 3930 Borough Mayo Council Local Economic oneSales year Growth and have Programme not engageddescribed 2on - previous in innovation this leaflet Margaret Doole LocalNorth Economic East programmesAim:Sales Designed GrowthAim: or toengaged Designed assistProgramme SMEs withto assist toInvest grow2SMEs - NI. theirto grow business their business by by T:E: [email protected] 2563 3930 Doole Maximise YourprogrammesMaximise Sales Your orPotential engaged Sales withPotential Invest NI. BallymoneyT:BallymoneyBallymoney 028 2766 Borough 0253 BoroughBorough Council Council Council North East SalesfocusingMaximise Growth onfocusing sales Your Programme opportunities onSales sales Potentialopportunitiesplease through2 - contact throughsourcing sourcingthe new new E:Ballymoney [email protected]: 028 2766 Borough0253 Council LocalLocal Economic Economic Together... E: [email protected] Aim: Designedcustomers,Aim: to assistDesigned utilisingSMEs to assistto sales grow SMEs tools their toand grow business meeting their potentialbusinessby bybuyers. MargaretE:MargaretMargaret [email protected] Doole Doole Doole NorthDevelopment East SalesMaximise Growthcustomers, Your Programme Sales utilising Potential salesrepresentative 2 -tools and meeting in potentialyour own buyers. BallymoneyE: [email protected] Borough Council DevelopmentLocal Economic focusingSalesAim: GrowthDesigned on sales Programme toopportunities assist SMEs throughto2 -grow theirsourcing business new by T: 028T: T:2766Margaret 028 27660253 Doole 0253 focusing on salesEligibility opportunities Criteria:Eligibility SMEsthrough Criteria: to be SMEssourcing trading to be fornew trading more for than more one than one Local Economic customers,MaximiseAim:focusing Designed on utilising Your sales to assist Sales opportunitiessales SMEs toolsPotential toandCouncil growthrough meeting their area sourcing potentialbusiness first. new bybuyers. E:BallymoneyMargaretT: [email protected] 028 2766 Doole 0253 Borough Council Development customers, utilisingyear, with sales anyear, toolsannual with and turnoveran annualmeeting notturnover potentialexceeding not exceeding buyers.£100,000 £100,000 and and E: [email protected]: [email protected] Borough Borough Council Councilk SupportLocalSupportDevelopment Economic Programmes Programmes Aim:focusingcustomers, Designed on salesutilising to opportunitiesassist sales SMEs tools to throughand grow meeting their sourcing business potential new by buyers. MargaretT:E: 028 [email protected] 2766 Doole 0253 Development lessEligibilityAim: than Designed 20 Criteria:less employees. thanto assist 20SMEs employees. SMEs to be to trading grow their for morebusiness than by one Gail KellyGail Kelly Development Eligibility Criteria:focusingcustomers,Eligibility SMEs on utilising salesCriteria: to beopportunities sales trading SMEs tools to for beand through moretrading meeting thansourcing for potential more one new than buyers. one T:E: [email protected] 2766 0253 year,focusing with on an sales annual opportunities turnover not through exceeding sourcing £100,000 new and T:Carrickfergus 028T: 9335028 9335 8051 8051Borough Council DevelopmentSupport Programmes year, with an lesscustomers,Eligibilityannualyear, than with turnover 20 Criteria: utilisingFitan employees. Programmeannual not salesSMEs turnover exceeding tools to– Tobe and Fitnot trading Your £100,000meetingexceeding Needsfor morepotential £100,000and than buyers. one and CarrickfergusE:CarrickfergusCarrickfergus [email protected] Borough Borough Borough Council Council Council DevelopmentSupport Programmes Programmes Fit Programme – To Fit Your Needs E:Gail [email protected] KellyE: [email protected] less than 20 employees.Eligibilityyear,less withthan an20Criteria:Aim: annualemployees. A flexible SMEsturnover tobusiness be not trading exceedingdevelopment for more £100,000 programme than oneand designed Gail KellyCarrickfergusGailGail Kelly Kelly Borough Council Support Programmes Aim:Eligibility A flexible Criteria: business SMEs developmentto be trading programmefor more than designed one T: 028 9335 8051 year,Fitless Programme than with 20 anto employees. annual“fit” – To around turnover Fit Your the not specificNeeds exceeding needs of£100,000 SMEs, identifying and CarrickfergusGail Kelly Borough Council toyear, “fit” with around an annual the specificturnover notneeds exceeding of SMEs, £100,000identifying and T: 028E:Carrickfergus T:9335T: [email protected] 028Coleraine 93358051 9335 8051 8051 Borough Borough Council Council Support Programmes Fit ProgrammelessFit –than Programme To Fit20gaps employees.Your which – NeedsTo
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