; B •Jspst:^ iWjg |^pK7|[S5y^ *-"-.=-•-™--->r— . ^i?„ - COMBINING The Summit Herald, Summit Record, Summit' Press and Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL; Olfieial Newspaper of City and Subscription $2.00 a Year County. Published Thursday A. M. Telephone Summit 6-6300 by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Springfield Avenue. Entered at the Mailed in conformity with P. 0. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., as 2n# Order No. 19687. HERALD Class Matter. 54th Year. No. 50 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS SUMMIT'S FAME EXTENDS 12,000 MILES TO NEW GUINEA Find Todd Body NEW LION HEAD A. W.V.S. Volunteers Young People Vote fieorgeC. Warren, Jrn In New York Bay; Begin Fingerprinting In Youth Program fiov. Edison Write Missing Two Months Of School Children At Rally Held Friday On Shrimp Case Funeral services wero held Tues- Fingerprinting of Summit school Providing service and recreation Common Council's action last day at Van Tassel's Funeral Par- children, began this week. A group will be the function of a new or- week'in writing a letter to the State lors, ^Bloomfield, for William Ms- of A W. V. S. volunteers started the ganization voted into being Friday Department of Weights and Meas- Craven Todd, 70, retired business- work on Monday at Brayton School evening by over 300 of Summit's ures making inquiry about a "com- plaint" that "has to do with the man, who had been missing from and will continue both mornings youijg ..people at a rally at Masonic question of cooked shrimp pur- Hotel Suburban since March 16. and afternoons of ail school day3 Hall. The idea for the organization His body was washed ashore until all the eleven schools and chased by Mrs. James R. Boyle, i for the youth of Summit was pre- Ashland road" in "a matter, in- Saturday in New York Bay, Bay- 3,000 children in the town have 1 sented by Miss Jessie Dotterel , di- onne. The body was discovered by been reached. If the job is not volving the Fulton Pish Market of John J. Gaydos, Standard Oil .Com- finished when school closes next rector of Hobby Hall. Springfield avenue, Summit," has pany employee. month it-will be completed next When the rooms adjoining her drawn the fire of George C. War- In the pockets of the clothing fall. headquarters at Beechwood road ren, Jr., 290 Summit avenue, presi- were an expensive watch, $5.00, a were vacated by Bedrosian she dent of the State Fish and Game The fingerprinting is being done bunch of keys, Including a. room thought it would be a fine location \ writing as an Indi- key fbr Hotel- Suburban and a tie in response to a plea from national authorities in Washington. It has for such a project. In speaking |" ln a ,eUer t(j Commm ^ clasp. Lieut. "Henry Lanktree of casually of her idea to several young j dated May 24, Mr. Warren ex- Bayonne police, ordered the body long been urged as a war measure removed to O'Brien's morgue, Bay- and also a peacetime safeguard. In people, th,e news {'ravelled fast and I presses himself as follows: onne, where an autopsy was per- any" emergency or accident., the Miss Dotterer found that applied-1 "According to an article in The fingerprints are most useful for tions for membership were coming! Summit Herald, the Summit Com- formed by flr. Thomas Bradley, an- OSGOOtt elstant Hudson County-physician.- prompt identification. in -before any-further plans had mon Council lias written a letter J. M. P. McCraven of Chicago, a The nominating; committee of The A. W, V. S. workers, know- even been -formulated. It . was to the State Department of Weights cousin of Mr. Todd, recently had Summit Lions Club has slated ing that some critical youthful therefore decided to tabulate pub- and Measures regarding an alleged announced a reward of $250* for Hairy Owjood manager of Sears- owners of fingerprinting outfits lie opinion and enthusiasm at a) violation of the law by the Fulton information leading to his where- Itoebiick's'Summit store, as pres- would be watching the process, felt rally. Over 300 boys and girls of Sea Food Market. It seems in- abouts. ident for the ensuing year to suc- the need of expert instruction. De- high school ago signed up as being- credible that the Council would be Mr. Todd, a native o£ Staten ceed Postmaster Daniel J. Flte- tective Nick Grasso and Officer interested in actively taking part a party to besmirching the char- Island, moved to Montclalr in 1007 patrlck. * Frank Van Trunk conducted the in the project. acter and integrity of a Summit Where he operated a hay, feed and classes. Pour large rooms and a long hall- merchant without giving that mer- grain business until 1913. A bach- The following women" make up way are now in the process of be- chant and a 'prominent politician', elor, he made his home at the the teams which are going to the ing painted, decorated and furnish- an opportunity to present the facts' Montclair Hotel until moving to Pleasure Driving Ban various schools: Mrs. M. Bovlt, ed to serve as headquarters, and in the case. Summit. Mrs. G. F. Low, Mrs. Alfred P. After much coaxing und bribing Sgt. Joseph V, Dunne, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dunne of Shady- Monday found some 50 school "It is a very serious matter to Frederick C. Hall of 495 Main Must Be Enforced Jahn, Mrs. W. J. Sharp, Mrs. side avenue, at left, persuaded three native New Guiiieans to pose wltli a Summit lliinmr he has taken agesters scrubbing and painting the attempt to ruin the business of a street, Orange, owner of the Mont- Joachim Schwarz, Mrs. J. D. Zen- with him In his Army travels. The picture was taken on Christmas Bay. Sgt. iMiimo says that the na- rooms which are being loaned for man withoilt just cause and the clair Hotel, said he and his wife ker, Mrs. J. S. Edwards, Mrs. P. C. tives are very kind If they are treated In a friendly manner suul will do most anything' for a cigarette. the project by the Strand Theatre.' Council should immediately do dined with Mr. Todd at the Hotel Says OPA Chairman Ford, Mrs. .L.W. Skinkle, and Mrs. They spend a good deal of time teaching tho soldiers how to open coconuts. Sg't. Dunne, who has been ill, Although the organization has everything possible to right tho was hospitalized in Australia until recently. wrong that has been done. Suburban three weeks before his "I was in the District Office the C. D. Kreps. Several of them will not as yet been named there are many ideas in the air for a varied "The matter is particularly per- disappearance. He was cheerful first of this week," declares Oliver be on duty each day. Mrs. jScsob and contented at the time, Hall program of activities, all to be co- nicious because it is earmarked B. Merrill, chairman of the War R. Mantel, chariman of field work ~\ said. for the A. W. V. S,, is in charge of ordinated in time. For one, the with religious persecution; bigotry Price and Rationing Board, 311 Mr. Todd, described as 5 feet, 11 the project. •' Mrs. Raymond Parrot headquarters will serve as an af- is a despicable thing and is some- inches tall and weighing ISO lbs., Springfield avenue, "and was toid ter school meeting place. Week- thing that will,not be tolerated.by was devoted to walking and was most emphatically that the pleasure OUR TOWN Red Cross Leader ends and certain evenings of the the fair-minded people of Summit. widely travelled. On other occa- driving ban must be enforced even Over $8,000 Raised week it will be open for recrea- Is the Council trying to ape Hitler? sions when he left his room he kept more Btrictly than before for the (Conlliiui'il on I'ugc H) ''The Councilman responsible for the unusual action has, shown his the hotel and friends informed by reason that the need for the gas THE SHORT WEIGHT CASE Dies At Home post card and letter 'almost dally," ia greater than it was then." By Summit Students Funeral" services .were, conducted utter unfltness for the position he Hall said. 'Chairman Merrill adds: holds; he has also shown his cow- As you will see in this issue there is considerably more Tuesday for Mm. Raymond T. Par- Play For Benefit ardice in falling to publicly identify The • last known person to have discussion of the short weight complaint brought against the rot at her home, 50 Ox Bow lane,- by Been the missing man was theinight "Mtost people do not realize the During Bond Week the 'prominent politician.' clerk at the hotel. His room had seriousness of the present gasoline During the jweek, May;.,lOjto:-,17, ?,ultan.,I?}!3h-Mariet.oi> Summit, her pa's tor,'"the Rev. Dr. Leonard V. Of Overlook Hospital "The statement made by Council- been occupied, indicating he letl situation, especlallyas'lta-pplles-"to the" Hjeh Schools in New Jersey set We think this discussion is a good thing for several reasons. Busehman. Mrs. Parrot, vice-chair- man Betts to the Herald is con- . the pleasure driving ban. A num- temptlble In its concept, expres- the hotel early in the morning on as their goal lor sate ot war If the market is innocent it should certainly want the whole man of Summit R,ed Cross and ac- the day of his disappearance.
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