TH.B PUBLISHERS' ADDRESS. fN issuing the 24th Edition of the Bromley Di'fectory .i... we (to :10 with confidence derived from past oXFClriehco,hupeful that our labours will again be appl'ecin.teu. The a(1vm,tage of having a ready reference to 1:[n.me3 of n:~siden{smeacn-of the Sixteen Parishes of the Bromley Union cannot but be acceptable to nIL \Ve t:tl·,·,~ this opportunity of thanking those who ha';tl so Li'1dly favoured us with information, and sll,l11 ir future be greatly assisted if any person would poirLtout any inaccuracies they may detect in this clhtion. 1:t is our intention with the next edition, to give an rutilel/ new Map, shewing ea~h parish in different colours, '"ithout any extra charge. We therefore anticipat~ a large incr(>asein the sale which cannot fail to br beneficial to Advertisers. The ta-;k of compiling this Directory is no easy one, uld having spared neither time nor expense to make it iI,S perfect as possible, we trust it will be found s2::viceable to everyone. E. STRONG &: SONS. Dec. 21st, 1886. IVIESSRS, BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER (Established upwards of a Oentury) AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS, VALUERS, Estate, Land, Timber, House, '&. Agricultural Agent:;; BROMLEY & BECKENHAM, KENT, AND 69, K[NG WILLIAM STREET, E.C, .:. Auction Sales and Valuations of Free/wld and Le~tseliOldPrQpel'tz,',-', FUl'niture, Fanning Stock, <rc., Collrction oj Rents and Tithes,: ({;!~ the entiremaliagementojEstatesundel.talcenonmoderatetc.t.li ..~;. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE AND LEGACY DUTY~ ·t- PROPERTY PUBLISHED THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY MO~TfI. BROMLEY, BICKLEY, BECKEN HAM. CHISLEHUE$T, and surrounding neighbourhood. ESSRS. BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER having thrcPJ!,h M. their Agency disposed of most of the R.esidences'E:llt Estates that have changed ownership, are paeticularly d~sil'Ou;~ of drawing the attention of Owners, Trustees, and Reside~~~; to this important fact. MESSRS. BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPI:I(:'3 widely known Ageneyand extensive connection enables th'':l,l to let or sell property of e'-ery description, most advantageow;l_,.'. either by public auction or private contract. Scales of Commission on Sales Valuations, Letting of Landed Estato~, House Property, Farms, &0., to be had on appiication ~orfgltges arrangeh on cfreebolh anh ~ease~oIb ~roperths AGENTS TO THE SUN FffiE AND J.J'?E· OFFICY-':. , STRONG S BROM LEV 0IRE CTO HV, REVISED AND ENLARGED FOR 1887, INCLUDES Bromley........................... 11 Keston ..........•...............• 11:54 Beekenham ... ...............•. 79 Knoekholt 185 Chelsfield ........•.••.......••..• 146 North Cray ....................• , 186 Chislehurst .......••.....•...... 14:8 Orpington '" ..........•..•...... 187 Cudham .••....••..•.....•..•..•.• 174 Shortlands .....•.• ; .....•. ~.;.; ..• 113 Down .•..•..•.....•.•...•.....•• 175 Farnborough ..•.•............•.•• 176 Sidcup ........•...........•...... 191 l'oots Cray .........••........•..• 179 St. Mary Cray ......••....••..• 199 Grove Park .••...•••.....•.•...• 180 St. Paul's Cray ....•........ ~.• ;.~02 Hayes ..•.......................... 181 Weit Wickham .....•..•..•..•... 202 TOGETHER WITH OFFICIAL ESTABLISHUENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS POSTAL AR.RANGEMENTS, DIARY, &c., &c•. REGISTERED AT STATIONERS' HALt.£- t1: J~; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY E. STR.ONG & SONS;"; ! BROMLEY, KENT. q 14-, 1. :_:.l-tre-f.IJ.·l~ - ".~" - - _. C' -~~­ I -b1/1!liJ. ! +: -I ,, ,~ j. ': Lt" ~ t~ R. TAY"LOR, ( From Oxford Street, London) GOLDSMITH, JEWELLER, ~atrg & Qtlatk Ulaktr, Q9pti,ian, &,., 115, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT. J§E ~ TAYLOR respectfully invites an inspection of his extensive and JEWELLERY, WATCHES, ~t· well selected Stock of New anc Fashionable CLOCKS, &r., of guaranteed quality, and best London manufacture. OHEAPER THAN LONDON HOUSES. CHOICE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS IN 15 AND 18 CARAT GOLD JEWELLERY. All the Newest Designs and Novelties in Silver Jewellery. JET AND MOURNING JEWELLERY IN GREAT VARmTY. A VERY LARGE AND SUPEIUOR SELECTION OF LADIES' AND GENT'S GOLD AND SILVER WATOHES. WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, & OTHER PRESENTS IN SILVER & ELECTRO PLATE. An efficient staff 01 London experienced teorkmen emJ?loyed on the premises lor the Repairing, Cleaning, &:c.,01 eVery description of Watches. Clocks, Jewellery, &:c.,in a thorough practical manner, much belOlD the 'USualprices. Diamond and other Ornaments Remounted in all the Modern Fashions. Family Jewels reset-Designs and Estimates furnished. ORDERS ,BY POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED T~ ESTABLISHED 18l?4. INDEX TO BROMLEY Ackermann H .• baker and confectioner 48 Arnaud, J. C. & Son, builders 10 Ayling, T. S., boot and shoe manufacturer 16 Ayling, 'William T., oil and' colorman 58 Balding H., builder, dec<irator, and contractor 16 Ballll, H. B., tailor and habit maker 21 Baxter, W ..W. & Son, family chemists 6 Baxter Payne & Lepper, auctioneers and estate agents before title Baxter Payne & Lepper, auctioneers and estate agents 78, 198 Bon Marche CW. H. Roser, proprietor) 8 Brown, Mrs. J., tobacconist ... 41 Browne W. J., tailor 61 Browning & Son, fruiterers and greengrocers 13 Bunce Mrs., laundress 20 Burgess, J., boot and shoe maker 65 Capon J., butcher 20 Champ J., zinc worker and plumber 19 Collins, S., bookseller,~ tationer, &c.... 29 Cooper, H. G., butcher 22 Cooper Brothers, cern dealers, &c. .•. 68 and 69 Cowell, W., grocer and provision merchant 23 Cowell W., photographer ... 23 Cox T., job and post master 36 Cross, Frederick, ironmongery and tool stores ... 30 Crossley, T., builder and contractor ..• 15 Darby, W. H., mason, &c. 47 Davis and Attwood, road and sewer contractors ... 15 Davis, Miss, drawing, painting, and sketching from nature 4 Dell W., naturalist 76 Denham, J., builder and contractor ... 45 "District Times" 57 Dotter K., watchmaker and jeweller 53 Doyle, J., Bromley hair cutting saluons 35 Driscoll Mfs., laundress 23 Dunn, E., upholsterer and nndertaker 38 Earle, A. & M., milliners, &c. 32 Edwards, R., builder and carpenter ... 43 Evans Walter, fishmonger and poulterer 3t Ferris & Sons., saddle and harness makers 74: Fowle, Rev. E., Amesbury house school ~ Fry J. T., sanitary plumber 30 Gibson John, Quernmore House school 3 INDEX '1'0 ADVERTISEMENTS. Gore, Robert L., ironmonger, bellhanger, locksmith, &c. 60 Grinsted, Daniel, coal & seed merchant, flour factor, &c.... 14 Grisbrook S., chemist and dentist 23 Grubb, W. A., builder, &c. ..• 54 Hall Alfred J., tailor 65 Hambleton Mr. & Mrs., wardrobe purchasers 77 & 112 Hammond G., plumber, etc. 27- Harbar S., wheelwright 25 Harman's pianoforte and music warehouse 11 Harris T F., high school for boys 2 Harris S. J!'., upholsteler and undertaker 52 Haynes, Thomas, grocer 40 Hills, Charles H., hosier, glover, and shirtmaker 77 Hogg H. Browning, photographer lend of Bromley private residents) 76 Holloway A. C., baker and confectioner 28 Hopgood Mrs., laundress ... 37 Hopton, .J., fruiterer and greengrocer, coal merchant, &c. 54 How, James, watch and clock maker, jeweller and silversmith 71 Howard John, pork butcher 50 Hunt, T. & Son, builders & decorators, plumbers, painters, & glaziers 25 Hunt, T. and Son, oilmen and ironmongers 39 Hyde, 1'., cook and confectioner 67 lnge 1'., builder and contractor 45 Isard, E. & Son, tallow chandlers, and uil merchants 31 Janes, W., gas and hot water fitter 39 Jones, E., fruiterer and"greengrocer ... 22 Jones, T. B., ironmonger, gasfitter, &c. 56 Jones, G.• draper, silk mercer, &c. inside cover at end Lansbury 1'., contractor 62 Lansbury Henry J., auctioneclr, etc. 71 Lavender, E. Davey, photographer after index Lawrence, Thomas, road and sewer contractor, &c. 47 Lenton Bros., photographers 41 Literary Institute... 49 L"wnds W .. job and post master, White Hart Hotel 3S Lowrence, John, genernl furnisher 31 Lynes, Mrs., milliner~ dressmaker, &c. 53 Martin, E., grocer, provision, wine, spirit, and bottled beer merchant. 58 Martin, T. & Sons, book.,,;ellers and stationtlrs ... 18 Maunder, W., fancy bread and biscuit baker .. 24 Mcdhurst F., draper inside of front cover Mersh, W., carman. contractor, and coal and coke merchant 43 Milstead, Walter, carman and contractor 36 Minton & Haward, drapers (facing Bromley private residents) 64 Mitchener, J. E., ladies' and children's outfitter 59 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Mussell, G., grocer and provision merchant 27 NeLtlefold, Mr., auctioneer, appraiser, uph::>lsterer, and undertaker 13 Nutsey, I., hatter, hosier, glover, &c.... 40 Oliver, P., boot and shoe maker 35 OxIad, Miss A. E., young ladies' school 3 Pamphilon, George, wine and spirit merchant ... 7 Payne D., builder and contractor 34 Payne C. & Son, fruiterers 76 Pears, Hugh Vllughan, Hornbrook house school 5 Peill & Sons, contractors, carmen, &c. 33 Perry, T., carp en ter, house decorator, &c. 26 Pfeil, C. F .• watchmaker, jeweller, clothier and pawnbrOker 28 Phillips, Miss C., milliner and fancy draper 29 Phipps, M. A., stationery, Berlin and art depot 44 Plowman, F., fishmonger ... 9 Podger, 11. & Sons, dyers and cleaners 64 Podger, James, builder and contractor 34 Prangle, W., chimney cleaner 26 Pretty Messrs., dentists 73 Pyrke, George, upholsterer. &c. 66 Quick H. B., tailor and habit maker facing diary Royal Exchange Assurance 72 Russell & Co., carriers 55 Sanders, Mrs. J. H., dress and mantle maker 42 Sargeant, H., grocer and provision merchant 204 Satchell C., sanitary engineer 62 Search, Henry, butcher 63 Sendall Bros., bu tchers 63 Shallard & Fendt, dyers and cleaners ... 32 Shepherd, Neame, & Co., brewers 70 Sheppard, G., picture frame maker and tobacconist 52 Shillcock & Son, rharmaceutical chemists, &c...
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