1941 -coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 305 H. R. 2734. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Harris 116. By Mr. BOLLES: Petition of citizens ards required for military traffic in the vicin­ A. Roberts; to the Committee on Claims. of Beloit, Wis., opposing the passage of H. R . ity of Moffett Field, in Santa Clara County; H. R. 2735. A bill for the relief of the Gran­ 1776; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Camp McQuaide, in Santa Cruz County; Camp ite Mutual Insurance Co.; to the Committee 117. By Mr. CONNERY: Resolutions adopt­ Ord, Camp Clayton, Hearst Ranch Reserva­ on Claims. ed by the Central Committee of Social Justice tion, and Camp Nacimiento, in Monterey H. R. 2736. A bill for the relief of widows of Platoons, of Lawrence, Mass., opposing the County; and the National Guard Camp in certain Reserve officers of the Army who died shipping of munitions or implements of war San Luis Obispo County, all of which camps while serving with the Civilian Conservation to England on merchant ships or naval units; are located in counties within the California Corps; to the Committee on Claims. opposing any meddling with the Neutrality or Mission Trails Association; to the Commit­ By Mr. RAMSPECK: Johnson Acts; opposing . any subtle or open tee on Military Affairs. H. R. 2737. A bill for the relief of certain manipulation of the Reconstruction Finance 129. By Mr. VINCENT of Kentucky: Peti­ United States commissioners; to the Com­ Corporation or the Export-Import Bank for tion of Judge J. T. Slaughter and other public mittee on Claims. the purpose of financially aiding any country officials, of Todd County, Ky., unanimously By Mr. RANDOLPH: in the conduct of war; opposing the Federal endorsing the immediate passage of H. R. H. R. 2738. A bill granting a pension to Reserve Board greater control over our mone­ 1776; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Emma C. Senseny; to the Committee on tary system; to the Committee on Foreign 130. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Texas Invalid Pensions. Affairs. Sheep and Goat Raisers' Association, Inc., By Mr. SA'ITERFIELD: 118. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Petition of San Angelo, Tex., urging consideration o~ H. R. 2739. A bill for the relief of Jack Y. Irish-American Unified Society, Inc., of resolution with reference to agricultural Upham; to the Committee on Claims. Ycnkers, N. Y., favoring the continuance of products; to the Committee on Agriculture. H. R. 2740. A bill for the relief of Frank the Dies committee; to the Committee on 131. Also, petition of the International Hod Kelley; to the Committee on Claims. Rules. Carriers BuiH:ling and Common Laborers' H. R. 2741. A bill for the relief of Roscoe 119. By Mr. FULMER: Reso!ution sub­ Union of America, Washington, D. C., urg­ McKinley Meadows; to the Committee on mitted by J. E. Hunter, Jr., clerk, house of ing consideration of their resolution with Naval Affairs. representatives, Columbia, S. C., memorializ­ reference to the national-defense program; By Mr. SMITH of Virginia: ing the Congress of the United States to in­ to the Committee on Mqitary Affairs. H. R. 2742. A bill for the relief of Phillip crease the contribution of the Federal Gov­ 132 . Also, petition of Court Francaise 97, Christian Holt; to the Committee on Claims. ernment for public welfare and relieve to a Forresters of America, Andre Rousevrol, sec­ By Mr. SPRINGER: greater extent the overburdened States; to retary, Los Angeles, Calif., urging considera­ H. R. 2743. A bill granting a pension to Clara the Committee on Ways and Means. tion of their resolution with reference to sub­ B. Mathews; to the Committee on Invalid 120. Also, concurrent resolution submitted versive activities; to the Committee on the Pensions. by J. E. Hunter, Jr., clerk, house of repre­ Judiciary. H. R. 2744. A bill for the relief of James A. sentatives, Columbia, S. C., memorializing the 133. Also, petition of the city of Youngs­ Harris; to the Committee on Nav'al Affairs. Congress of the United States to pass legisla­ town, Ohio, urging consideration of their reso­ . By Mr. SUT;I?HIN: tion deemed necessary in its judgment to lution with reference· to the Federal Works H. R. 2745. A bill granting a pension to curb the activities of the so-called "fifth Ag~ncy; to the Committee on Appropriations. Harriet B. Skene; to the Committee on Pen­ columnists" in. the United States; to the sions. Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 2746. A bill granting a pension to Ruth 121. Also, concurrent resolution submitted L. McMeans; to the . Committee on Invalid by J. E. Hunter, Jr., clerk, house of repre­ SENATE Pensions. -sentatives, Columbia, S.C., endorsing and ap­ H. R. 2747. A bill for the relief of 8. H. proving the defense program and foreign poli­ MoNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1941 Brown and M. Brown, also known as the Uni­ cies of the President of the United States of versal Steam~hip Co., a Georgia corporation, America; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. to cover the loss of their bark, Brown Broth­ . The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ ers, destroyed by a German raider during the 122. My Mr. HAINES: Petit ion of Mrs. lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: George I. Spangler, York, Pa., and other mem­ World War; to the Committee on War Claims. bers of the Zion Evangelical and Reformed 0 Thou whose universe is ordered in H. R. 2748 . .A bill for the relief of George T. Church, urging proper protection of the an infinite profusion of great and beauti­ Eayres; to the Committee on Military Affairs. men in the various training camps through­ H. R. 2749. A ·bill to correct the discharge of ful things, and crowded with countless out the Nation; j;o the Committee on Mili­ races of wondrous living creatures: May Conrad P. Heidt; to the Committee on Naval tary Affairs. Affairs. we learn anew the story of this house H. R. 2750. A bill to correct the discharge of 123. Also, petition of Harry McCurdy, Dills­ whose Maker and Builder is God, unfold­ Kenneth A. Cranmer; to the Committee on burg, Pa., and other members of Baron's Salem Union Church, urging proper protec­ ing as it does the lesson that only by man Naval Affairs. to man can the heart of the Eternal be H. R. 2751. A bill for the relief of Fred - tion of the men in various training camps throughout the Nation; to the Committee on revealed. Help these Thy servants, as Cranmer; to the Committee on the Merchant leaders of the Nation, to realize that only Marine and Fisheries. Military Affairs. H. R. 2752. A bill for the relief of Dr. Philip 124. Also, petition of Rev. George N. Young, men who live in the thought v:L God, who L. Schwartz; to the Committee on Claims. Dillsburg, Pa., and members of his church, behold His integrity, who bask in the sun­ By Mr. TERRY: urging proper protection of the men in the shine of Hi~ loving kindness, who are H. R. 2753. A bill for the relief of Lewis . training camps throughout the Nation; to the strengthened with might by His Spirit in Jones; to the Committee on Claims. Committee on Military Affairs. the inner man-only they can reflect the By Mr. TINKHAM: 125. Also, petition of Rev. H. A. Snook, intellect, the heart, the soul, the eternal H. R. 2754. A bill for the relief of Bessie Windsor, Pa., and members of his church, urging proper protection of the men in the humanity of our God. Myers; to the Committee on Claims. · In all the deliberations of the Congress H. R. 2755. A bill authorizing the President various training camps throughout the Na­ of the United States to reinstate Wallace F. tion; to the Committee on Military Affairs. teach us how to deal justly, love mercy, Safford to the position and rank of captain 126. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Peti­ and walk humbly with our God. Give, in the Army of the United States; to the tion of Raphael Levine and J. R. Donnell, first, the sense of justice, which opens the Committee on Military Affairs. Corsicana, Tex., favoring H. R. 1776; to the door of Thy temple, that it may be trans­ By Mr. VANZANDT: Committee on Foreign Affairs. figured. Breathe then the spirit of kind­ H. R. 2756. A bill to restore the rank of 127. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition adopt ed by ness, because, being nearer to Thee, it brigadier general to William Mitchell, de­ the Los Angeles Cour.ty Board of Supervisors, makes human rectitude a finer thing and ceased; to the Committee on Military Affairs. suggesting that Congress authorize a Fed­ fits it for the utterance of God, made pos­ By Mr. GEYER of California: eral subsidy to States, for repayment to H. Res. 83. Resolution requesting the Com­ counties, on the basis of tuberculosis patients sible by a closer, humbler walk with Thee. mittee on Immigration and Naturalization to hospitalized by them. Because of the migrat­ Help us all, we beseech Thee, so to live investigat e the facts and circumstances con­ ing of tuberculosis patients to the State of that we may be interpreters of Thine. nected with the granting of United States California, the hospital facilities have been Through Him who is the true and living citizenship to W. J. Cameron, of Dearborn, strained to the point where improvements are way unto the Father, Jesus Christ, Thy Mich.; to the Committee on Immigration and needed, finances not being available except Son, our Lord.
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