Declared in Killing of Store Clerk SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Mild Sunny and mild today. Cloudy THEDAILY FINAL and cooler tonight. Partly sunny, mild tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold long Branch EDITION (8e« Detilli, Fit* S> I 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOt. 93, NO. 214 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1970 24 PAGES 10 CENTS wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMm .-.^iiLiiLii^EEsns^ss.:^^;??:^^^ KniiiiiiiL: ;in ujniiMiii iiiiiuujiiiiiiiii: i ii!i nuns i:i!:;nii:n miiiiriiii L:II ininin;;!! ii;: iii'iiiiiuiLajjiiijjjijj-uj^iiULii^jVi ni'i[iiTrrnTTni':::iiiiiiiiiL iiiii:!iiii':i:iiiitii:ri::'i;iii!ii»iN'H3Miii.;iiiiia;"iiii;:ai;iii:iiiiiii:jijiiiiai:8!iii School Busing La w Is Ruled Illegal MORRISTOWN (AP) - State and local officials today this case entered around whether the law affords equal cautiously assessed a court decision striking down a con- rights to all students. troversial expansion of New Jersey's school bus law. "The suburban communities, where public school trans-; Superior Court Judge Joseph Stamler declared the law portation is more common, may be characterized as being unconstitutional yesterday on grounds that "it discriminates above the general economic level of the urban areas," between children and uses public funds inequitably." Stamler wrote in a 21-page opinion. "It would seem apparent Stamler asserted that the law enacted in 1957 dis- that many of those who can afford to live in 'suburbia' are criminates against the "poorer, nonpublic school children" in a better economic position to finance their children's in the cities. private school transportation than are most residents of the Gov. William T. Cahill directed Atty. Gen. George cities today." _ . ' Kugler to study the court ruling and to seek a postponement Stamler added, "Since most cities do little school busing of its effect, at least until the end of the school year. because of the close proximity of 'neighborhood schools' it PLANS CONTINUE is the poorer, nonpublic school children against whom this At the same time, Cahill said he would proceed with statute serves to discriminate." his plans for state aid to parochial and private schools as Stamler handed down his ruling in a case brought by outlined in his message to the legislature on April 9. That the West Morris Regional Board of Education. The Ameri- proposal involves direct aid to parochial and private school can Civil Liberties Union sided with the plaintiffs. students for textbooks, lunches and the like. MADE OW1V DECISIONS A key feature in the expanded bus law was that it The expanded law provided that local schooL districts paved the way for transportation of parochial and private could make their own decisions on whether to bus their school students at public expense in many school districts. students or not. But if they opted for busing they were Stamler ruled that the law does not violate the separa- required to also bus private and parochial school students. tion of church and state doctrines of the first amendment to Under the law, private and parochial school students the U. S. Constitution. But he said it does violate the 14th are furnished public-financed transportation to the schools amendment which contains the so-called equal protection of their choice within 28 miles of their homes. The law clause. contains a $150 ceiling on the amount of public funds Stamler said the church and state issue has been upheld which can be expanded to transport a child to a private by two other Superior Court judges. But the challenge in or parochial school. Gross Says Hell Map Own RUNAWAY FREIGHT TRAIN — This is an aerial view of a freight train that jumped the tracks and crashed Into a warehouse in Trenton yesterday. Several children were injured who were playing in the area as the train tideswiped the rear porch of a home adjacent to the tracks before it slammed through the brick wall of the Strategy in Senate Race warehouse. (AP Wirephoto) By TOM CANNON namese to funnel U.S. arms Dimon, 53, was the person- Gross said each nation TRENTON (AP) - Nelson to those nations. al choice of Gov. William T. should be judged independent- G. Gross has served notice He also said he would urge Cahill for the post. His selec- ly, and said the United States' that the strategy for his cam- the Nixon administration to tion has been known for near- "even-handed policy in the Mistrial Declared as Jury paign for the U.S. Senate will "delay for at least a year the ly a month. Middle East may not be the be worked out in New Jer- planned deployment of Multi- On the Cambodian matter, hest -poMcy\" Supplying arms sey, not-in Washington. ple Independently Targeted Gross said in response to a to both Israel and the Arabs, After a Republican State Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs)." question, "I am not judging he said, "may be giving some Committee meeting yester- Gross made his comments the worthiness of the Cambo- encouragement to Arab na- Is Hung in Murder Case day, Gross told newsmen he after the state committee dian administration," but said tions that they can drive .opposed United States:mili- picked John E. Dimon as his •3ie was against -further U.S. Israel into ttie sea." He said tary aid to Laos or Cambodia successor as state GOP chair- involvement there or in Laos, we should make definite our . By WILLIAM 3. ZAORSKI robbery, was severed from the trial last week because he and using the South Viet- man. even it those nations fell to commitment to the survival FREEHOLD - After a jury deliberated close to nine was to testify for the state. _...,. the Communists. of Israel as a nation. Hughes and Wright took the witness stand in their own hours and was "hopelessly deadlocked," Superior Court The candidate said, howev- • Urges Delay Judge Clarkson S, Fisher ordered a mistrial in the trial of defenses and. denied holding up the store and shooting the clerk. They maintained they did not see Dean that evening er, that the U.S. should con- On another matter, Gross two men charged with armed robbery of a Shrewsbury-liquor Job Cut Session tinue to bomb supply routes said he would urge the Nix- and they did not know each other until they were in the 1 store and with the murder of a store clerk. un in the two countries if neces- on-administration to "delay A new trial will be fixed for Barry Hughes, 21, of 213 » ty ft". sary to protect the American for at least a year the de- Pearl St., Red Bank, and for Edward Wright, 29, of Craw- Three* other state witnesses, however, testified they forces in South Vietnam. ployment of Multiple Inde- lord St., Shrewsbury Township. Both were remanded to the heard Hughes talking about the robbery: Robert H. Neil, Sought With Cahill Concedes Position pendently Targeted Be-entry county jail to await a new trial. 19. of 5 Steven Ave., New Shrewsbury, testified he heard Hughes discussing "taking off" (robbing) a store that He conceded his position Vehicles (MIBVs)." RECORD SET By DORIS KULMAN Command, here, where 561 against involvement in Laos Citing "the Soviet Union's evening. Joseph S. Robinson, now at the Drug Abuse FT. MONMOUTH - The jobs are to be eliminated by The jury's deliberation sets what is believed to be a rwB f n h i and Cambodia did not apply cooperative, business-like at-. T New Jersey Federation of June 29 and 2,458 civilian in South Vietnam where the titude toward further sub- Federal Employes is seeking employes have been warned United States has men and stantive negotiations," he said- a meeting with Gov. William they might be among those equipment. He said he favored such a move by the United S3 <* 121 West Bergen Place, Red Bank, testified she heard T. Cahill "to discuss the fed- fired. ( continuing "Vietnamization" .States would "allay Soviet ap- eraJ labor situation through- The command has told of the conflict there. (See Gross, Pg. 2) ^ L^ TH i^ iSl and that he shot a man out this state." managerial personnel wtiich charged with perjury and false swearing. AUMiniwrrTP"ilTn In a telegram to the gov- 561 jobs are to toe abolished, The state had called nine witnesses in the seventy „ ^ ,. .. jT . ernor, Inez F. Howard, Or- but neither the employes nor trial (three days were occupied by jury selection) and the Robinson had admitted under cross examination that he ange, secretary of the state the employes' unions have two defense attorneys called five witnesses. was Plann'n£ t0 rot) the same store and had approached organization said, "The im- been able to learn which jobs The state was seeking the death penalty for Hughes Hughes the night before the robbery to go along with him pact of major outbacks in are to go. Final notices aren't and Wright • • • ^ but that Hughes would not. numerous federal agencies out. TOLD OF INCIDENT • The jury of 10 men and two women began its delitoera- and installations demands It has been learned that The state's key witness, James Dean, 22, of New Shrews- tions at 1:54 p.m.; at 6:30 p.m. complained about the ventila- priority attention to protect Maintenance Engineering bury, had testified Friday that he was with Hughes and ' tion in the jury room and was taken to another courtroom; the entire New Jersey econ- and Procurement and Pro- Wright when they robbed the liquor store on Shrewsbury at 10:40 p.m. announced it Was deadlocked' and at 10:49 omy and interests of our• duetion wii suffer the largest Avenue and that Hughes had admitted shooting store clerk p.m.
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