gg DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 46 – Year XVI – No. 1, 2001 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE Proceedings of the XV International Conference Organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care Health Care and Society November 16-17-18, 2000 New Synod Hall Vatican City gg ARCHBISHOP JAVIER LOZANO, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS MOST. REV.JOSÉ L. REDRADO, O.H., Executive Edi- tor REV. MATEO BAUTISTA, Argentina REV.FELICE RUFFINI, M.I., Associate Editor MONSIGNOR JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV.RUDE DELGADO, Spain REV.RAMON FERRERO, Mozambique REV.BENOIT GOUDOTE, Ivory Coast PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, Italy REV.JORGE PALENCIA, Mexico EDITORIAL BOARD REV. GEORGE PEREIRA, India MRS.AN VERLINDE, Belgium PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, Canada REV. CIRO BENEDETTINI DR. LILIANA BOLIS SR.AURELIA CUADRON REV. GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P. DR. MAYA EL-HACHEM REV. GIANFRANCO GRIECO REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS, O.C.D. EDITORIAL STAFF MONSIGNOR JESÚS IRIGOYEN REV.JOSEPH JOBLIN DR. COLETTE CHALON REV.VITO MAGNO, R.C.I. DR. ANTONELLA FARINA DR. DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE DR MATTHEW FFORDE DR. FRANCO PLACIDI REV.BERNARD GRASSER, M.I. REV.LUCIANO SANDRIN DR.GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE VATICAN CITY; Tel. 06-6988-3138, 06-6988-4720, 06-6988-4799, Fax: 06-6988-3139 - www.healthpastoral.org - E-MAIL: [email protected] Published three times a year. Subscription rate: Lire 60.000 (or the equivalent in local currency), postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR S.p.A., Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Spedizione in a.p. - art. 2, comma 20/c, legge 662/96 - Roma gg Contents 6 Address of Homage to the Holy Father 29 IV: New Emerging Infectious Dis- H.E. Javier Lozano Barragán eases: The Globalized Public Health Crisis of the New Millennium 7 Address by the Holy Father Dr. Mary Healey-Sedutto HEALTH CARE AND SOCIETY SECTION II THE ILLUMINATION OF THIS REALITY 34 thursday I: Theology and Medicine 16 november Rev. Dr. Angelo Brusco 42 II: Contemporary Questions 10 Introduction of Moral Theology H.E. Mons. Javier Lozano Barragán H.E. Willem J. Eijk 11 Medicine and Society H.Em. Card. Fiorenzo Angelini friday 17 november 13 Medicine Today in the Light of the Word of God H.Em. Card. Darío Castrillón Hoyos 51 III: Medicine and Cultural Change Prof. Diego Gracia Guillén SECTION I ACONFLICTING REALITY 58 IV: Light in Inter-Religious Dialogue 58 18 I: The Limits of Technology IV.1 Judaism and Health Care Prof. Alfons Hofstetter H.E. Mr. Yosef Lamdan 61 IV.2 A Light in the Inter-Religious 21 II: Dehumanization in Intramural Christian-Islam Dialogue: and Extramural Health Care, the Virtue of Compassion its Underlying Causes, Rev. Maurice Borrmans and Expectations for the Future 65 Prof. Joannes P.M. Lelkens IV.3 Hinduism Prof. Elena De Rossi Filibeck 69 24 III: The New Health Care Workers IV.4 Light in the Inter-Religious Dr. Orville B.R. Adams Dialogue: Buddhism gg H.E. Ronarong Nopakun 95 Rev. Prof. Anthony Fisher SECTION III IV: The Teaching of the Future ACTION TO BE TAKEN Professionals of the World of Health and Health Care 73 Dr. Tomás Barrientos Fortes I: Pastoral Care in Medicine Today Rev. Mario Bizzotto saturday 18 80 november II: The Hospitals of the 20th Century: Ancient Charity and Modern Technology Rev. Michael D. Place 99 V: The Training of Chaplains 85 Rev. Rudesindo Delgado Pérez III: The New Frontiers The illustrations in this edition are taken from the book: “Le copie dei mosaici antichi di Ravenna” published by Promo, Promozione Mosaico and the Municipality of Ravenna, Italy gg 6 HEALTH CARE AND SOCIETY ADDRESS OF HOMAGE TO THE HOLY FATHER Most Holy Father, Over recent days some of these new needs and requirements have been the subject of study: we in the context of the Great Jubilee we have gath- have considered the frontiers of medical technolo- ered together to celebrate our fifteenth internation- gy, the new places of care and treatment, the local al conference, which this year is held on the sub- areas, the new health care workers, the new sick, ject ‘health care and society’. In this Jubilee year the new emerging illnesses, the new meanings of we are experiencing the newness of Christ in our pastoral care in health, the new moral questions, lives so that the contemporary relevance of his inter-religious dialogue in these areas, and the message becomes the motor and the reason for be- training of health care workers, chaplains and vol- ing of our existence. This alive presence of Christ untary workers. has led us in this conference to address ourselves Most Holy Father: it is specifically in relation to to the pressing and topical subjects connected with these complex questions that we most have need of medicine and health in our society. your thought, so that you can enlighten us and Holy Father: in the constitution ‘Pastor Bonus’ guide us with the example of Christ, the divine you entrusted to this Pontifical Council for Health physician of bodies and souls. Pastoral Care all those who engage in service for We humbly ask Your Holiness for your authorita- the infirm so that the apostolate of compassion the tive words and we beseech the Apostolic Blessing. infirm await corresponds in ever an more effective H.E. JAVIER LOZANO BARRAGÁN, fashion to new needs and requirements (Apostolic President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, Constitution ‘Pastor Bonus’, 11. 151). the Holy See. gg DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 46/1-2001 7 ADDRESS BY THE HOLY FATHER Medicine Must Serve Man’s Total Wellbeing Venerable brothers in the Episcopate and the known because of social pressure and the power- Priesthood, ful impact of technology on individuals. There- Distinguished Ladies and Gentleman, fore, it is necessary to recover certain criteria of ethical and anthropological discernment, which 1. I am pleased with this meeting which allows make it possible to judge whether the decisions me to bring you my greetings on the occasion of taken by medicine and health care are really suit- the 15th international congress organized by the ed to the human being they must serve. Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care. I ex- tend a particular greeting to the President of the 3. But prior to that, medicine must answer the Pontifical Council, Archbishop Javier Lozano question about the very essence of its mission. Barragán, whom I thank for the sentiments he has One wonders whether medical care finds its rai- expressed on behalf of everyone present. I ex- son d’être in preventing illness and, when possi- press my deep satisfaction to the organizers, as ble, in overcoming it, or whether one must accept well as to the distinguished scholars, scientists, every request for physical intervention because it researchers and experts who have wished to hon- is technically possible. The question becomes our this conference with their presence and pro- even broader if one considers the concept of fessional contribution. health itself. Today an idea of health restricted The days of the congress, which this year is dis- solely to physiological well-being and the absence cussing the important and complex theme of suffering is commonly recognized as insuffi- “Health Care and Society”, will help you to ex- cient. As I wrote in my Message for the World Day amine the new biomedical technologies and the of the Sick in this Jubilee Year, “health, based on difficult questions posed to the world of health an anthropology that respects the whole person, care by the profound social changes now taking far from being identified with the mere absence of place. Your meeting has encouraged a fruitful di- illness, strives to achieve a fuller harmony and alogue and a cultural and religious exchange be- healthy balance on the physical, psychological, tween qualified workers in the health society. spiritual and social level. In this perspective, the person himself is called to mobilize all his avail- able energies to fulfil his own vocation and the Health cannot be limited good of others” (n. 13). This is a complex concept to physical well-being of health, which is more consonant with today’s sensibilities and is aware of the balance and har- 2. The theme of the congress highlights a reali- mony of the person as a whole: you do well to fo- ty of great importance and one in continual transi- cus your attention on this issue. tion, which should be carefully analyzed. In par- The question I asked above is important be- ticular, you have raised the problem of the rela- cause the profile of future health-care workers de- tionship between society and institutions on the pends on it, as does the style of the health centres one hand and those who manage the means of which one intends to establish and the very mod- health care, on the other. Profound changes are af- el of medicine which we want to guide us: medi- fecting the traditional structures of a society that cine at the service of the individual’s total well- is increasingly globalized and has difficulty in re- being, or, on the contrary, medicine marked by lating to the individual, while medicine is in- technical and organizational efficiency. You know volved in developing diagnostic and therapeutic that a medical science on the wrong track would methods which are ever more complex and effec- soon endanger not only the life of the individual, tive, but often available only to limited groups of but society itself. Medicine that aimed primarily people. Today the role of environmental causality at increasing its knowledge for the sake of its own in the genesis of certain diseases is also well technological efficiency would betray its original gg 8 HEALTH CARE AND SOCIETY ethos, opening the door to harmful developments.
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