![The Albian Stage and Substage Boundaries by Malcolm HART [Compiler], Francis AMÉDRO and Hugh OWEN with Contributions by Emil Avram, Evgenij J](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE SCIENCES DE LA TERRE, 66-SUPP.: 45-56, 1996 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN AARDWETENSCHAPPEN, 66-SUPP.: 45-56, 1996 The Albian stage and substage boundaries by Malcolm HART [compiler], Francis AMÉDRO and Hugh OWEN with contributions by Emil Avram, Evgenij J. Baraboschkin, Peter Bengtson, Geza Czaszar, Dirnas Dias-Brito, Elisabetta Erba, Andrew S. Gale, Agnes Görög, Erle G. Kauffman, Ludmila F. Kopaevich, Elisso Kotetishvili, Han Leereveld, Ignacio Machado Brito, Ricardo Martinez, Mihaela C. Melinte, Irina A. Mikhailova, Jörg Mutterlose, John D. Obradovich, José Maria Pons, Isabella Premoli Silva, Archana Tewari, Karl.-Armin Tröger and R. Venka- tachalapathy Abstract Les bases de l'Albien Moyen et de l'Albien Supérieur ont aussi été discutées, la décision ayant été prise de garder une subdivision tripar¬ tite pour l'étage Albien. Un GSSP possible pour la base de l'Albien at on Following discussions the Second International Symposium Moyen est la section des Côtes-Noires sur la Marne, près de Saint- Cretaceous Stage Boundaries, held in Brussels, 8-16 September Dizier (Flaute-Marne, France). La limite peut-être placée à l'apparition 1995, the Working Group has identified two possible GSSP's (Global de Lyelliceras lyelli, mais des recherches supplémentaires sont néces¬ Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points) for the base of the Albian saires sur ce GSSP proposé (peut-être par le GFC). Stage. One of these, located at Vohrum (North Germany), was fully La base de l'Albien Supérieur est probablement le mieux définie par discussed at the Copenhagen Symposium in 1983 and, if selected, l'apparition de Dipoloceras cristatum. Il y a deux GSSP possibles: would use the appearance of Leymeriella schrammeni for the définition Wissant (Pas-de-Calais, France) et Folkestone (Kent, Angleterre), tous of the base of the Albian apart ammo¬ Stage. Unfortunately, from the deux mentionnés par d'ORBiGNY dans la définition de l'étage Albien. nite information, there appears to be few other biostratigraphic data L'une et l'autre de ces sections pourraient être choisies comme GSSP, available for that succession. An alternative stratotype section, in the bien qu'il soit admis que la section à Folkestone est très condensée. Vocontian Trough of S.E. France, offers a wider range of descriptors, Une localité alternative, dans la fosse vocontienne (S.-E. France) including ammonites, calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foramini- pourrait être plus indiquée. Ces trois localités seront étudiées avant fera, dinoflagellate cysts and oceanic anoxie events [e.g., the Paquier de prendre une décision finale. Event], Once data for both sections are fully compiled a boundary is clearly definable. Mots-clefs: Albien, Crétacé inférieur, biostratigraphie, ammonites, The bases of the Middle Albian and Upper Albian were also dis¬ inocérames, foraminifères, nannofossiles, stratotypes, événements cussed, the décision having been taken to retain the tripartite subdivi¬ océaniques anoxiques, "GSSP". sion of the Albian Stage. A possible GSSP for the base of the Middle Albian is the Côtes Noires succession on the River Marne near St- Dizier [Flaute-Marne, France]. While the boundary may be identified by the appearance of Lyelliceras lyelli further work on the proposed Ajib6cKMü stpyc m rpaHMUbi noflbstpycoB: npefljtoxeHMst GSSP needs to be done [possibly by the GFC], The base of the Upper PaöoHeü Tpynnbi Ajtbôcxoro flpyca CyôxoMMCCMM MeaoBOüt Albian is probably best defined by the appearance of Dipoloceras cristatum. There are two potential GSSP's; Wissant [Pas-de-Calais, CipaTurpacbnn. France] and Folkestone [Kent, England] — both listed by d'ORBiGNY in Pe3tOMe. the initial définition of the Stage. Either of these sections could act as the GSSP. although it is recognised that the succession at Folkestone is B pe3yiibTaTe o6cyxAeHMfi, npoiuefluinx b TeteHue «Broporo very condensed. An alternative locality, in the Vocontian Trough MexflyHapoflHoro CnMno3nyMa no BonpocaM Tpam/iu, [S.E.France] may prove more suitable and information on ail three MenoBoro Flpyca» b Bpioccene (8-16 ceHTStöpst 1995 rofla), locations will be gathered before a final décision is taken. Paóotast Tpynna onpeflennna ABa B03M0>«Hhix gssp «Global boundary Stratotype Sections and Points» flitst Key words: Albian, Lower Cretaceous, biostratigraphy, ammonites, ocHOBaHHtt AjibôcKoro stpyca. OflMH H3 hmx, pacnonoxeHHbiM b inoceramids. foraminiferids, nannofossils, stratotypes, oceanic anoxie vohrum, (ceBepHast TepMatiMst), CTan oótexTOM ropstHstx events, GSSP. oôcyxcfleHun Ha xoneHrarcxoM CMMno3uyMe 1983 rofla; b cnytae ero Bbiôopa b xanecree cTpaTOTuna, ocHoaaHue ArtbôcKoro stpyca öyfleT onpeflenstTbCst no nostBJieHwo Résumé Leymeriella schrammeni. K coxcaneHHto, 3a HCKlttoneHiteM aMMOHMTOBblX flaHHblX, CylfleCTByeT JlMUJb He3HaHMTeitbHOe KoitMHecTBO MHcJjopMauMM 6nocTpaTurpact>Hecxoro xapaterepa, A la suite des discussions du "Second International Symposium on HeoôxoflMMOM anst TaKoro Bbiöopa. AnbTepHaTUBHbin pa3pe3 Cretaceous Stage Boundaries" tenu à Bruxelles (8-16 Septembre flnst CTpaTOTnna, pacnonoxeHHbiü b Bokohtckom snaflUHe, Ha 1995), le Groupe de Travail a identifié deux GSSP (Global Boundary toro-BOCTOKe <t>paHflMM, npeflnaraeT 6onee uinpoKMÜ Bbtöop Stratotype Sections and Points) possibles. L'une des deux sections, M3yHeHHbtx MCKonaeMbix, Taxfix xax aMMonntbi, n3BecTKOBbte située à Vohrum (Allemagne du Nord) a été discutée en détail au symposium de Copenhague (1983); si elle était choisie, l'apparition HaHO(t>OCCW1HM, njiaHICTOHMHeCKHe cbopaMHHMtbepbl, UHCTbl de Leymeriella schrammeni définirait la base de l'Albien. Malheureu¬ flUHOcjmarennaT, a Taxxe oxeaHMHecxtie 6e3xncnopoflHbie sement, peu de données biostratigraphiques, à part celles fournies des ypoBHH (xax HanpMMep ypoBeHb Paquier). flocite toto xax ammonites, existent pour cette section. L'autre section considérée se HHcftopMaiiMSt no xaxflOM H3 flByx cexflHÜ 6y.neT coöpana trouve dans la fosse vocontienne (S.- E. de la France); elle offre une nojiHocTbto, bo3moxho SyfleT HëTxo onpeaenuTb rpaHuuy. série plus étendue de fossiles étudiés tels que les ammonites, les OôcyxfleHMSt xocHynstcb taxxe CpeflHero m BepxHero Aitbôa; nannofossiles calcaires, les foraminifères planctoniques, les cystes de 6btno npiiHsiTO peiiieHHe coxpaHHTb pa3fleneHne Anböcxoro dinoflagellés, et des niveaux anoxiques océaniques (comme par ex¬ stpyca Ha 3 tacm Bo3MOXHbtM gssp flitst CpeflHero Anböa emple le niveau Paquier). Après compilation des données pour les deux npeflCTaBltsteTCSt pa3pe3 Les Côtes-Noires, Ha pexe Marne sections, une limite sera clairement définissable. Heflaitexo ot Saint-Dizier (Haute Marne, cppaHflMSl). 46 Malcolm HART [compiler], Francis AMÉDRO and Hugh OWEN TpaHMiry MOXHO onpefle/inTb npu noRBJieHMM Lyelliceras base of the Stage would be better drawn at the base of the lyelli; TeM He MeHee, HeoôxoflnMO npoBecïn flonoBHMTe/ibHbie Hcc/iefloBaHuq no flaHHOMy gssp (Bepotrmo Leymeriella schrammeni Zone (Birkelund et al., 1984). GFC, Groupe Français du Crétacé). OcHOBaHne Unfortunately this nominate species is restricted to the BepxHero Anb6a BepoRTHO onpeaejieHO HamiyniriuM oôpa30M N. W. European faunal province ("Boréal") and is not npn noBB/ieHUM Dipoloceras cristatum. 3aecb Taioxe known from the classic areas of the Paris Basin. B03M0XHW 2 gssp, wissant (ria-fle-Ka/ie, cppaHunq) m Folkestone (KeHT, Ahmmr); 06a yka3aHbi d'ORBlGNY npn onpeaeneHMM Anbócxoro apyca. B KanecTBe gssp Moxeï 6biTb The internai subdivisions of the Albian Stage are equally BbiôpaH moöoh H3 3thx pa3pe30B, xotr flonyckaeTca, hto problematical, with the base of the Middle Albian and the pa3pe3 b Folkestone OMeHb CMilbHO CKOHfleHCHpOBaH. base of the BokOHTCKaq BnaflUHa aenaeTcq TpeTbeü, Hauôonee Upper Albian yet to be agreed. At the present noflxoaPLueti ajibtephatmboü. time Lyelliceras lyelli can be used to define the base of the Middle Albian and Dipoloceras cristatum to define knkihebbie cboba: AnbôcKuPt ttpyc, huxhmm men, the base of the Upper Albian. öMocTpaTnrpactinq, aMMOHHTbi, UHopepaMbi, 4>opaMMHMct>epbi, HaHocJ)occn/iMM, CTpaTOTunbi, 6e3KMcjiopoflHbie okeaHMHeckne coôbiTnq, gssp. Stratigraphie terms such as the Selbornian (Jukes- Browne, 1900) and Vraconian (Renevier, 1867) have gained little général acceptance, although the latter is Introduction often used in the French literature. The Albian Stage was proposed by d'ORBlGNY (1842- Traditionally the Albian Stage has been subdivided on 1843) for the interval between the Aptian and what is ammonites and there is established a well-known zonal now called the Cenomanian. The name was originally and subzonal scheme for the European area, although it derived from the Roman name for the Aube (Alba). The does have wider application. More recently a number of localities (Figure 1) initially cited by d'ORBlGNY include workers have described the foraminifera, ostracoda, dino- Wissant (Pas-de-Calais), Côtes-Noires (Haute-Marne), flagellate cysts and calcareous nannofossils (s.l.). In Gaty, Maurepaire, Dienville, Ervy (Aube), Saint-Floren¬ many of the areas described as being "typical" of the tin (Yonne), Perte-du-Rhône (Ain), Machéroménil (Ar- Stage the lithology is predominantly a dark blue-grey dennes) and Varennes (Meuse) in France and Folkestone clay, deposited in mid-palaeolatitudes. This rather re¬ (Kent) in England. stricts the faunas and floras and has somewhat limited Following the work of Breistroffer (1947) the Albian
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