Assessment, tutorial structures & initial teacher education of trainee students in the subjects Political/Civic Education, Social/Cultural Studies & History in Europe–a comparative study– ITTP, 2009-12025 Training Institutions in the CHE-Network Universities, Pedagogical Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Teacher Training Colleges at Tertiary Level, represented in the CHE- Research-Network (not including the partnership schools at Secondary Education Level) Albania University of Shkodra „Luigj Gurakuqi“ Sheshi 2 prilli, Shkoder University of Tirana Tel: +355 222 2235 Faculty of History and Philology www.unishk.edu.al Rr. e Elbasanit, Tirana, Albania Tel: +355 42 369987 University of Durrës "Aleksandër Moisiu" www.unitir.edu.al Faculty of Education Gentiana Kera [email protected] L. 16, Rr. Koço Kazanxhi (Pranë Shkollës “Hysen Çela”) University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Durrës Sciences Phone: 00355 (0) 52 237 794 Rr. Dora D'Istria www.uamd.edu.al Tel: +355 42 230369 www.unitir.edu.al University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” Faculty of Humanities University of Korca „Fan S. Noli“ Department of education Rr. Gjergj Kastrioti, Korce Vlorë Tel: +355 822 48944 www.univlora.edu.al www.unkorce.edu.al Austria University of Elbasan „Aleksander Xhuvani“ University of Vienna Faculty of Educational Sciences Department for Didactics of History, Social Elbasan Studies and Civic Education Tel: +355 54 52782 www.uniel.edu.al Berggasse 7 A-1090 Vienna University of Gjirokastra „Eqrem Cabej“ T: 43 1 4277 23100 Faculty of Education and Social Sciences F: 43 1 4277 40014 Gjirokaster Tel: +355 72 63776 http://www.geschichtsdidaktik.eu/ www.uogj.edu.al http://www.didactics.eu/ With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1) of the European Union. Assessment, tutorial structures & initial teacher education of trainee students in the subjects Political/Civic Education, Social/Cultural Studies & History in Europe–a comparative study– ITTP, 2009-12025 Alois Ecker [email protected] Viktor Frankl Hochschule Hubertusstraße 1 University of Graz A-9020 Klagenfurt Department of History/Fachdidaktik Tel.: +43 463 508508 Geschichte Fax.: +43 463 508508-829 Heinrichstrasse 26 http://www.ph-kaernten.ac.at/ A-8010 Graz [email protected] Austria Tel: +43 (0)316 380 Pädagogische Hochschule www.fachdidaktik-geschichte.at Niederösterreich Mühlgasse 67 Bernhard Weninger A-2500 Baden [email protected] +43/(0)2252 88570 +43/(0)2252 88570-180 University of Salzburg www.ph-noe.ac.at Fachbereich Geschichte office(at)ph-noe.ac.at Rudolfskai 42 A-5020 Salzburg Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Tel: +43 (0) 662-8044-4751 Diözese Linz Fax: +43 (0) 662-8044-413 Salesianumweg 3 www.uni-salzburg.at A-4020 Linz Thomas Hellmuth Tel: +43 732/77 26 66 – 4312, [email protected] Fax: +43 732/77 26 66 - 1010 http://www.phdl.at/en.html University of Innsbruck officeph-linz.at Department for History and Cultural Anthropology Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg Innrain 52d Akademiestraße 23 A-6020 Innsbruck A-5020 Salzburg T +43 512 507-37659 http://www.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten/philosoph Tel: +43 662 / 6388-0 isch_historische/fachdidaktik-gsp/ Fax: + 43 662 / 6388-1010 Irmgard Plattner http://www.phsalzburg.at [email protected] office(at)phsalzburg(dot)at University of Klagenfurt Universitätsstraße 65 Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark A-9020 Klagenfurt Department: Schulpraktische Studien Tel.+ 43 463 2700/2271 (APS) und Praxishauptschule Fax: + 43 463 2700/2299 A-8010 Graz, Hasnerplatz 12 http://www.uni- Tel:+43 0316 / 8067 1223 klu.ac.at/english/inhalt/1.htm Fax: +43 316 8067 1299 Eduard Polte eduard. polte @uni-klu.ac.at http://phs.phst.at/, [email protected] Ernestine Schmidt [email protected] Pädagogische Hochschule With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1) of the European Union. Assessment, tutorial structures & initial teacher education of trainee students in the subjects Political/Civic Education, Social/Cultural Studies & History in Europe–a comparative study– ITTP, 2009-12025 http://www.arteveldehs.be Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol Pastorstraße 7 Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen A-6010 Innsbruck Verschansingstraat 29 Tel.:+43-512-59923 2000 Antwerpen www.ph-tirol.ac.at +32 03 259 01 20 [email protected] +32 03 259 0122 [email protected] Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg Joëlle Pletinckx Liechtensteinerstraße 33 - 37 A-6800 Feldkirch Erasmus Hogeschool Tel +43 5522 / 31199 Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Brussel Fax +43 5522 / 31199 – 550 Tel: 32-2-4791890 http://www.ph-vorarlberg.ac.at/ http://www.erasmushogeschool.be Pieter Vielfont Kirchlich Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein Groep T-Internationale Hogeschool Stifthof 1 Leuven A-6422 Stams Tiensevest 60 Tel. +43 5263 5252 or 5263 5252-31 3000 Leuven Fax: +43 5263 5252 or 5263 5252 15 +32 016 30 11 72 http://www.kph-es.at/ +32 016 30 11 70 [email protected] [email protected] Stijn Dhert Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems Hogeschool Gent Mayerweckstraße 1 K.L. Ledeganckstraat 8 A-1210 Wien 9000 Gent Tel.: 01 291 08 - 106 +32 09 243 93 54 http://www.kphvie.at/ +32 09 220 50 68 Christian Matzka Gilbert Van den Abbeele [email protected] gilbert. [email protected] Pädagogische Hochschule Wien Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen Grenzackerstraße 18, Sint-Jorisstraat 71 A-1100 Wien 8000 Brugge Tel.: +43 1 60118-3903 +32 050 33 32 68 http://www.phwien.ac.at/ +32 050 34 62 54 Sabine Hofmann sabine- [email protected] [email protected] Lieven Desmet Belgium Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Pothoekstraat 125 Arteveldehogeschool 2060 Antwerpen Kattenberg 9, 9000 Gent +32 03 613 14 00 Tel: 32-9-2699800 +32 03 613 14 01 Dirk Bogaerts Lieve Desplenter [email protected] With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1) of the European Union. Assessment, tutorial structures & initial teacher education of trainee students in the subjects Political/Civic Education, Social/Cultural Studies & History in Europe–a comparative study– ITTP, 2009-12025 Dirk Devriendt Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende Campus Brugge KULeuven Xaverianenstraat 10 Charles Deberiotstraat 36 bus 5205, 3000 8200 Brugge Leuven +32 050 30 51 00 Tel: 32-16-329400 +32 050 30 51 01 http://www.kuleuven.be Johan L. Vanderhoeven Kaat Wils, Hans Cools [email protected] Lessius Mechelen Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen Zandpoortvest 60 bus 2 Lepelstraat 2 2800 Mechelen 2290 Vorselaar +32 015 36 92 50 +32 014 50 81 60 +32 015 36 92 69 +32 014 50 81 61 [email protected] John Maes [email protected] Piet Bloemen Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Hertogstraat 178 Elfde-Liniestraat 26 3001 Heverlee 3500 Hasselt +32 016 37 56 00 +32 011 23 88 15 +32 016 37 56 99 +32 011 23 88 20 [email protected] [email protected] Wim Bergen Marc Hermans Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven UGent Hospitaalstraat 23 Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent 9100 Sint-Niklaas Tel: 32-9-2646266 +32 03 776 43 48 http://www.opleidingen.ugent.be +32 03 776 34 62 Bruno De Wever, Pieter De Meyere Dirk Lips [email protected] Universiteit Antwerpen Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg Venusstraat 35, Agoralaan gebouw B, bus 4 2000 Antwerpen 3590 Diepenbeek Tel: 32-3-2654486 +32 011 56 15 70 http://www.ua.ac.be +32 011 56 15 79 Helma De Smet [email protected] Odette Vanlaer Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West 1050 Brussel Vlaanderen Tel: 32-2-6292432 Sint Jozefstraat 1 http://www.vub.ac.be 8820 Torhout Karin Nys, Luc Vernaillen +32 050 23 10 30 +32 050 23 10 40 Xios Hogeschool [email protected] Vildersstraat 5, 3500 Hasselt With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1) of the European Union. Assessment, tutorial structures & initial teacher education of trainee students in the subjects Political/Civic Education, Social/Cultural Studies & History in Europe–a comparative study– ITTP, 2009-12025 Tel: 32-11-370777 www.ffbl.edu.rs http://www.xios.be Els Vinckx University of Eastern Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy, History department Bosnia and Herzegovina Alekse Šant 1 71420 Pale University of Sarajevo Tel: 057/227-410, 223-479 Faculty of Philosophy, History department Fax: 057/227-410, 223-479 Franje Rackog 1 [email protected], www.ffuis.edu.ba 71000 Sarajevo www.ff.unsa.ba Bulgaria University of Tuzla St Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University: Faculty of Philosophy, , History department www.uni-sofia.bg Muharema Fizovi Fiska 6, Faculty of History: 75 000 Tuzla 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Blv. Tel: 00387 (0)35 306 330, 306 331 1504 Sofia Fax: 306 332 Bulgaria www.ff.untz.ba www. clio.uni-sofia.bg Tel: +359 (0)2 9876292 University of Mostar Fax:+359 (0)2 9463022 Faculty of Philosophy, History department Ms Elka Drosneva (Historian, University Matice hrvatske bb teacher and Researcher, Subject – Source 88000 Mostar, researching and History of History) Tel: 355-408; 355-420 [email protected] [email protected] www.ffmo.ba Mr Georgy Yakomov (Historian, University teacher and Researcher, Subject – History University Dzemal didactics) Faculty of Humanities, Bijedic Mostar, Tel: +359 (0) 2 9308 279 History department [email protected] Fakultet humanisti #269; kih nauka Univerzitetski Kampus Ms Krasimira Tabakova (Vice-dean; 88104, Mostar Historian, University teacher and Bosna i Hercegovina Researcher, Subject: History Didactics) Tel: +387 36 571 359 +359 (0) 2 9308 279 Fax: +387 36 571 559 [email protected] Ms Marijka Radeva (Historian, University www.fhn.unmo.ba teacher and Researcher, Subject: History Didactics (on pension) University of Banja Luka Tel: +359 (0) 2 9308 279; private: +359 Faculty of Philosophy, History department (0)2 8703740 Univerzitetski grad, Bulevar Vojvode Petra [email protected] Bojovica 1a 78 000 Banja Luka Ms Rumyana Kusheva (President of Tel: + 387 (0) 51 32 27 80 History Teacher Association, Historian, Fax: + 387 (0) 51 32 27 90 With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1) of the European Union.
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