2 0 0 8 Holy Cross Jubilarians sixty – FiFty – twenty-Five years 2008 HOLY CROSS JUBILARIANS SIXTY – FI F TY – TWENTY -FIVE YEARS CONGREGATION OF HOLY CROSS 2008 SIXTIET H ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION REV . THOMAS L. CAMPBE ll , C.S.C. REV . CO R NE L IUS J. KINGS T ON , C.S.C. REV . EDWA R D D. O’CONNO R , C.S.C. SIXTIET H ANNIVERSARY OF RELIGIOUS PROFESSION BR O . FR AN C IS J. GO rc H , C.S.C. FIFTIET H ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION REV . JAMES E. KE ll Y , C.S.C. REV . JAMES F. MU R PHY , C.S.C. REV . GEO R GE F. POPE , C.S.C.. REV . G. MI C HAE L SC U ll Y , C.S.C. REV . FR AN C IS D. ZAGO rc , C.S.C. TWENTY -FIFT H ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION REV . JOSÉ E. AHUMADA , C.S.C. REV . GENA R O P. AGUI L A R , C.S.C. REV . RI C HA R D S. BU ll ENE , C.S.C. REV . MA rk T. CR EGAN , C.S.C. REV . JOHN I. JEN K INS , C.S.C. REV . AT U L MI C HAE L PA L MA , C.S.C. REV . RONA L D P. RAAB , C.S.C. SIX T IE T H ANNIVE R SA R Y REV . TH OMAS L. CAM P BELL , C.S.C. he Rev. Thomas L. Camp- the drivers they would be paid Tbell, C.S.C., was born at Moreau Seminary or Dujarie. in Salem, MA in 1921. First Our first day on the campus of schooled at old St. Mary’s Par- Notre Dame was spent picking ish School, he went from there potatoes on its farm. Classes by inter-city trolley to St. Mary’s soon began for us all, and last- Boys High School in Lynn, MA. ed for two years without any The tuition was $30.00 a year, interruption. No holidays or no need to pay it all at once. He vacations. It was wartime. We took the classical course, which got our degrees in philosophy meant years of English, Latin, in June of 1944. Then, before Greek, and French. Graduation leaving for Washington, we as valedictorian took place in were to take our first home 1939. vacation for two weeks – the Our Lady of Holy Cross first in three years. Seminary in North Easton, MA The study of theology next opened its doors to me the next fall. Two years to Catholic University then engrossed our minds, of intense study, with 19 other youths on the 540 as did the many cultural and civic advantages in acre estate with two ponds, an indoor tennis court the nation’s capital. Final profession came for us, and pool, an airfield, a huge greenhouse, etc., as as well as all the minor and major Orders, with well as books consumed all our time. their evaluations and examinations. Priesthood Approved for the Novitiate in August 1941, was conferred on 13 of us in our own Holy Cross I went 45 miles south to North Dartmouth. We College Chapel by the new local Archbishop twenty-three novice seminarians and Brothers O’Boyle, on June 2, 1948. were not only instructed in the elements of the After a short visit with my family, I was religious and spiritual life but the basics of farm- assigned to the Eastern Mission Band in North ing as well. Most of the year and a day I worked Easton. From there I went each weekend to a outside as a swineherd. In December of 1941, we parish on Cape Cod. That summer I also helped were permitted to hear F.D. Roosevelt declare found Stonehill College with Frs. G. Benaglia and war over the radio. Except for air-raid drills and J. Moran; tuition for the students $225 for the full black-outs, little was allowed to disturb the seren- year. Intending to become a patrologist, (after six ity of that holy year. years of Greek) I applied and was accepted for We received first profession in August 1942 study at the Institut Catholique in Paris, France. and soon left for Boston for the overnight train to A classmate, Fr. Ed O’Connor, was to study South Bend, IN. Besides our packed lunches we there also. We sailed from New York with two were each given 25¢ to spend on the train. Arriv- Canadian CSC’s in early September. Since Holy ing during an afternoon thunderstorm a black- Cross International House of Studies was not suited seminarian greeted us. Since we were all ready for us, we lived in a typical Parisian pension. penniless, we had to hire a few cabs, promising Here I began to perfect my high-school French. At the beginning of October, classes began. From followed by four more years at St. Ann’s in the notes on the doors of the classrooms assigned, I North Bronx. found that the authorities on the Church Fathers Besides my teaching doctrine and Scripture with whom I was to study had left for a year in at King’s, I did some writing for religious and Canada or the United States. None of them had theological publications, as well as numerous let me know they were leaving the privations book-reviews, I finally refined and had printed of post-war France for America. The new U.S. the whole of my doctoral thesis. It is a translation Eastern provincial let me stay in Parish for the from the Greek of The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy year to earn a Certificate in Christian Origins and of Dionysius, the Areopagite. It has a liturgical develop expertise in the French language. and theological commentary, and went into three Summer of 1949 found me back at Stonehill printings. College, helping the registrar/dean and going to I had been college-teaching for 31 years, and Cape parishes on weekends. In the Fall I returned thought it a good time for a change, a second to Holy Cross College and began studies at the career. Soon I became a full-time parish priest in Catholic University of America under the famous the diocese of Fall River, MA. My first place was patrologist, Dr. J. Quastens, majoring in the early on Cape Cod, then I was sent to St. Anthony’s in Greek Fathers of the Church. There I earned a New Bedford, MA. This was the largest and most S.T.L. and S.T.D. degree, finishing up in 1955. beautiful French parish Church in New England, Meanwhile, since 1950, I was an instructor in with three priests. Twenty years later it had but philosophy and theology at the infant Stonehill one priest and was 95% Portuguese. I assisted College. while living at Stonehill College from 2000 on. In 1956, assigned to teach at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, PA, I rose from instructor, assis- In early June 2005, I had a “near death” expe- tant professor, to associate and to full professor rience. I lost about 50 pounds, and even had my and head of the theology department. grave dug by Brother Jim Madigan. Recovering For my sixteen years of teaching, in 1968, health and less occupied, I find time to check the I was granted a year’s sabbatical at the Univer- Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, French, Eng- sity of Southern California. I was a Fellow by lish footnotes for new C.S.C. authors. I am also Courtesy, and studied Asian Religions. I lived superintendent of the mails for over 30 fellow at the old cathedral rectory in the slums of Los religious. Angeles. At King’s, a few years later, I was invited to be a Visiting Scholar at Union Theological Seminary in New York City for two semesters. I grew to love Manhattan, and instead of teaching summer-school, I spent two months in a Manhat- tan parish. For fifteen years I assisted in a parish on Park Avenue, or at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, REV . CORNELIUS J. KINGSTON , C.S.C. his is a very quick review I then spent a couple of Tof my work as a Holy Cross years living in Holy Cross Priest during the last sixty years. Parish in Montreal, Quebec It has been quiet a varied and and teaching at James Lyng most interesting trip. Secondary School. I was ordained by Bishop My next assignment was LeBlanc of the then Bathurst to be chaplain at Mount Saint diocese in my home parish of Vincent University in Halifax, St. Thomas in Red Bank, New Nova Scotia and from there I Brunswick, Canada on June 20th did pastoral work in St. Mary’s 1948. Parish, Red Deer, Alberta. My first obedience was to Another short sabbatical teach at the new Notre Dame was spent in New York in the Secondary School in Welland, Wall Street area where I did Ontario and later, while still some work during weekdays teaching at this school, I was but weekends were free since asked to teach at another new Secondary Catho- the financial district was closed during this time. lic school in St. Catherine’s, Ontario, about During this sabbatical, I also visited Trini- twelve miles from Welland. So I taught at Notre dad and Tobago living at the Cathedral parish in Dame in the morning and in Denis Morris in the Trinidad. Several weeks were spent doing some afternoon. I also helped out with masses and parish work in two parishes in Tobago. confessions every weekend in parishes through My next assignment was to be chaplain to the out the Niagara Peninsula.
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