In Steady Battle Uation from Lhe'unlvel~Ity Ol Mjchj­ Volt Which Fmlcd Nul

In Steady Battle Uation from Lhe'unlvel~Ity Ol Mjchj­ Volt Which Fmlcd Nul

'I Small To·wn Dew Makes Go(Jd David H.· Crowley Served State Fl'om u ijt,ut In u Hlnnll I own, 1 Dllvid /1, Cl'oWI~y wr.nt on fo win fame rmd fortune lie wus hn1 n In N~nety-Sccond Ye1a1 No, 52 Loollc Soptomhor 5, 1882. In 1001 he was gmrlun tori fi'Om Leslie hiJ:h Thursday, December 27, 1951 school, and In 100/i from tho lnw Mason',k1ic~igan, school of the UnlvorHlty of Mlch igfm. Wyeth Engineer Clearing House Spreads Christmas Lalor he served tho univi'J'olly ns Cheer regent ancl fho stnfo of Mlchlgnn ns oljal'ncy gcnmnl. lie r/JCrlnl the ,1go Watches Revolt \ o£60 nl his homo In Detroit lnst Fli­ day night. Against Peron Dnnlcl E mHI Mm·gaJ'<'I CJowlcy Men and Machines hnrl six r•hildren. 'l'hc fnthc1· wns WIJJlnm Q, Moler of Mo~:,on hnrl MJChlgnn Ccnltnl nccflon foi'Oilldll dl ' il J'lngslcle sent <tt tile shrwl-ilvrrl Leslie, Tho chlldJ·cn nil :.howerl I'Ovo(l HgRimf President Peron nf promise. Ed lollowcrl his fnliJCJ' in AJ•gcnllnn, Moler C'h iof cng:nccr railrondlng, Chnrlic died ns 11 young of NutJ•Itinno~J Dl~lslon of Wyeth man, nnd then lhcJc wcJ•c Mm·y <~nd Keep Roads Open lrworpnratecl, returned Sundny Allee and Cuthcl'lno. Alice, now M1 B, niter five montlls spent supervis­ Alice Alcxnnder, 11 Lnnsing l.awyca·, ing constnwt1on of pi,JIIls In ir, the only ono of the six !JI·olhcJ s Br•nzil nnd 1\rgcntlnn, anrl sislci'S IelL 'l'hc M11son mfln w11~ In nur.nos Dnvld Crowl or, followinr: lm ill .HI­ A11 c~ ri\H'inn tile Dr•trJbcr I 4 re­ In Steady Battle uation from lhe'Unlvel~ity ol MJchJ­ volt which fmlcd nul. Thc1 WllS went to Chebrwuma Lo pt·,w!Jcc c I!an, plenty of cxcttcmcnt fm· 11 few law, From 1000 to llll2 he wa; pi'OSI'· hou1·s, though, when b1g bombs Road Officials Recommend Shovels and culing nlloi'Jlcy ut Chcboyr:nn, •rJJCn I'Ci(cnl of the Univc1sity of Michigon, went o(f, lt·om 101:J to 1016 he was nssist.lllt Tire Chains as St,lndard Equipment attol'ncy gcneJ,Ji. In lDJr. he wo~s In 10;J;, he was 11ppointed •lltm·ney 1'hc J'cvolt, Mowr cxplnlncd, goncr,al by Govcl'llor Fl'nnlc Fltr.- was schcdulcrl to come off n week nnmcd lo the 11111 mad comrrw,;ton, tcsigning In 1017 lo cntm lhe prac­ gctnlrl. Iuter. A g1oup of lll'rny nfftr•0r~ By getting all the l!rr.alm, men HllCI maclwws have Ho fat· tice of lnw 111 DoLJOil. Fo1· a numhc1 Mr, Crowley and Nmn C. Rnnclt had llw eo up well planned but of Cheboygan we1c mnJTJcd in 'Chc- one general JUmped the gun. baLUed wintm· to a :-;btndof'f. Road:; 1 and platted of ycm·o he was 11 member of Ihe l,1w .~treats fi11n of Monaghan, Crowley, Hcllly & boyg,m 111 1!JOO. She ~ncl two daugh- f'resldcnt Pcmn soon hi!CI I he rev­ thJ'OIIghout tho •cotJJity were open Werlne:;clay. But with Kellogg From 1918 to l!J:J:l he Wtas ler.' lllii'Vivc Mt, CJowlcy. The elution put down <rncl the lenders moJ·e snow before a thaw ot· with stt·ong winds, the mads special counsel fot• the c1ly of Det1o1t rlnu~-:hteJ'S me lV!Js. Jol~n. Crowley offthmwn into j,rJI. Muskegon ancl Mrs W1lham Clouser Industry Expanding may be choked again. on u!Jlity m,;ltels, of DctroJ t. ' In Ap11l of 10:lii the fo;nwr Jnw AII·eady aH much snow hatJ fallen as comcH all F J I 01 M C I Three W,vcth pl11nls arc bcmg usuall~· student l1om Leslie WH8 clcclcd a 'llllCI ol s.CI'VIces , ' r. row ey put Up in South Amel·icn lo tnkc wintct·. It has come, though, in Hllch quantiti~s thai men wm e I~ rid 111 Dc,troJl Monday wrth cme of the nccrls of pcorlc who hutml 111 While Clwpcl. , , m c mai<Jng J'Dplcl slndcs toward and machines ha1•e been able to keep it pushed back. '!'he 'l'hctc were 1:1 mcmilcJs ~~ Lcsl1cs 1nclustualrzatwn, 'J'hc progr;l.m Js temperature J'ange, too, has --·- ----- --- State Reiterates 1')01 ~Hrduatmg class. '<cn ily being spunccl by the blocking of helped. Thaws, and oven l'ain, (I . 1 H dco~th IVCJ'C MJs Nord Roc, ClaJ'ICC dollars. Amcwicnn olnd other for­ Bc.wh, Alcxanclnr MJtchell, D. Clyde g compnnJcs which have car­ ilHVC solidified the banks, eanng ouse 01 11 Promise to Build l'nttrl, Mrs, Alvm Dowling <md MJ·. ricd on export busmcss w1th South When there haH been powder d Crowlcv, .JCcorclmg to the rccoJds of Atncl'ican counfrJcs C<tn not tai<r> the alumna sccret,u·y, Mrs Wayne lhcu· profils out in dollars. So snow the winds ha\'C eeased Sen s Baskets By-Pass in 1952 ll,amplon ThcJ·c m.ay ho anol,jtel, they arc mvcstmg In new plants so. ~~e1·e has been 110 SCI'ious T f .; ' Motr y LmnpoJ t, Mt·s II.ampton s~kl. thc~c drifting. 0 ami les ,On the JO:i2 oldie hi~hway JIIOf~ro~rn II Jo nul know11 whether she ~~ .d1ve South AmcJ ic<111s actu,J!I,Y buJicl From now on, thotJ~h. roHd of- 61 1 al·e,. the Mason hy-po1ss .mel the oa· clco~d. The IDOl f:(radudtcs who the plants and buy lhc equipment divided four•-lanc pavement lrctwl'ell su1 vrve ·~t;c Mts1. Il01 bc1 l OsboJ'JAl f.nd thmugh illcir r;w companies. ficials warn, clt·iveJs ~houlrl <~dell Cht'lslrnns was lll.Jde mc1 rv fm· Ma60il and Holt. IIo~JJ,Y Kll1g 0 Leslie, MJ·s Icc Wyeth fwnJsiJCs lcchntcdl11 <~clvJCe tire c'-.ains <~nd snow shovels to 61 famlllcH through ll1c Conrmu- ' According fo "" Wlrwunccmcnl ,]c,nlCttr·Mor·le.v of Douglas WmrlcmcJ·e~florJd,,, o[ Roynl Oak, M1s.Mas. and cnlcro IIllo conttact to market lhcir nwn cqurpment, and ,1 might lllly CleaJ'JIIg House. made by slate highway of'fic1.d•, Wcri­ Bllcna /\bel of Mush[(on, and Arthur the pmducts, Gift baskets were r!Jsttllrutorl be a good uJca for folk:, who live Monday 111 Mason and lhc town- '1C8day, IJolh toils nwy he let '"' one w1J1 Icy of M,lJ'YVIIlc c.dif. In Brazil the c•ompfJny opc1atcs with a completiOn rl.atc nuw sclaccl­ off the n1aln 10dds to lay m a sh1ps of Vevay, Alaicdon, Auml­ ' as Wyeth Fnnluro. '!'here ,dr cady ldcd in the fall of supply of fuel and gt•ocencs. Be- JUs, Lcs!Jc, Bunker• Ifill anrl Stock­ 1D.'i2. rs a plant af Sao 1'aulo, and ell , Thct·c nl'c 51,';1 miles 1n lho onlun Cruzeiro, in the heart or 11 rJCh cause the br·cnks may go the bridge, 1cporled the PI o;ccl cluur- 1 stretch from Holt suuth lo Mo~son dairy co u n l r y, the Brazilian othcr w, y. man, !lev, Paul L. Arnold. ancj to connect with the present US- State Asks Bids Wyeth company 1:1 complel111g In a(lciltion to the baskcfo whreiJ a 1 • _ hy Bnh Arnrrlcl "The slora11c space 1llongsJdc contarncd fruit, food and toys, the 127 route about a half-mile south of fdcloJy for the manufaclm·c of Christmas· was· made mel·~-y: by the Com- lhc south city lunrts 1 gift packages Monday mornmg. Doing the the highways Js about flllcd up, Clcaung House hds also been On lansing Jobs SMA baby food. Cruzeiro is about munity Clearing House for 61 ·families in and there's no place to store the fuumhing cJothmg to lho~c in The stale hns ncquued the old 150 miles fmm Sao Pauln, <~bout delivering are Knnneth IJateman, in ft•ont intel'llrban right-of-wny fm the lwo On J,tnuary 0, the Ma~o1;, Vevay, Alaiedon, Ingham, Bunker snow whtcll may fall," o<lld need. There 1s nlso o1 suppll' of Wcrlnc~rlay, halfway between Sao Paulo and with a mob, and Gene Wo1 thington, bringing lanes lor noath-boun<l !Jailic•, South- slcttc luglnvay department 'Will Rw de Jancrro, Hill anc[ Stockbridge. Here are two .voung­ County Hrghway Engineer Fmnk needs.clollung on hand to mccl. fuiUJc 1\fr•Rrldr I~ it1 up the real'. Tirey arc BDJ' Scouts doing hound traffic Will follow the pJcscnl !alec hlrls on fotiJ' a·oarl JObs 111 stcJ's eagerly a waiting the arrival of their K. Evans. "There's another fac- Boy Scouts, undCJ' the ion pavement '!'here will be a davJsron Lansing ,1J1rf Eo~st Lansing d111~r·l Russell K. McJ:ll'J(Ic of Mnmn the1r good tu!'ns thP tlay lJefoJ·c ChriMtmas. lor, too. Some of our cqu1pmcnt or Scoutmaster Donnld Scofwld, stt•ip he tween the north-bouml ,all( I Baris d 1e bcmg usltcri on 0 2:17 ho1s been al lhc CJUWJJo plan! Tax Fixers Look This Way IS g1v1ng out under conslar1t usc, drslnbutcd the baskets.' O;n·f & the south-hound lm1cfi of h.lllic little 11! I'OJH'J'Olc ha~c wulcmng, since October, lie is supcrvisrng Men, too, can't keep on gorng the Cady, Abc Cowdry, AI nice Chev- At Pryor I'Oad the hy-pa:;s will 'o ~21 nul<• of r oncrcle ba"c l'nrlcn­ lhc instalhalwn of cqurpmenl.

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